adds page up and page down keys to main.go to scroll page up and scroll page down similar to behavior found in htop, and slightly more intuitive
191 lines
6.4 KiB
191 lines
6.4 KiB
configfile="CFG FLE"
usage="egasU: {0} [snoitpo]\n\nsnoitpO:\n"
paths="redro ni ,rof dehcraes era ,elif gifnoc eht dna ,stuoyal & semehcsroloc elbadaoL:"
log="ni si elif gol ehT {0}"
written="ot nettirw gifnoC {0}"
>c-C< ro q :tiuQ
:noitagivan ssecorP
pu :>pU< dna k -
nwod :>nwoD< dna j -
pu egap flah :>u-C< -
nwod egap flah :>d-C< -
pu egap lluf :>pUegaP< dna >b-C< -
nwod egap lluf :>nwoDegaP< dna >f-C< -
pot ot pmuj :>emoH< dna gg -
mottob ot pmuj :>dnE< dna G -
:snoitca ssecorP
gnipuorg ssecorp elggot :>baT< -
)51( MRETGIS htiw sessecorp fo puorg ro ssecorp detceles llik :dd -
)3( TIUQGIS htiw sessecorp fo puorg ro ssecorp detceles llik :3d -
)9( LLIKGIS htiw sessecorp fo puorg ro ssecorp detceles llik :9d -
:gnitros ssecorP
UPC :c -
meM :m -
DIP :p -
:gniretlif ssecorP
retlif gnitide trats :/ -
:)gnitide elihw( -
retlif tpecca :>retnE< -
retlif raelc :>epacsE< dna >c-C< -
:gnilacs hparg meM dna UPC
ni elacs :h -
tuo elacs :l -
dnoces rep setyb delacs dna spbm neewteb elggot :b -
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the layout **names**
layouts = """stuoyal ni-tliuB:
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the colorcheme **names**
colorschemes = """semehcsroloc ni-tliuB:
)dnuorgkcab etihw rof( krad-tluafed
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the widget **names**
widgets = """stuoyal ni desu eb nac taht stegdiW:
hparg daol UPC - upc
hparg esu yromem paws & lacisyhP - mem
serutarepmet rosneS - pmet
esu noititrap ksid lacisyhP - ksid
rab yrettab A - rewop
daol krowteN - ten
tsil ssecorp evitcaretnI - scorp"""
help=".neercs siht wohS"
color=".emehcsroloc a teS"
scale="0> ,rotcaf elacs hparG"
version=".tixe dna noisrev tnirP"
percpu=".tegdiw UPC eht ni UPC hcae wohS"
no-percpu=".tegdiw UPC eht ni UPC hcae wohs elbasiD"
cpuavg=".tegdiw UPC eht ni UPC egareva wohS"
no-cpuavg=".tegdiw UPC eht ni UPC egareva wohs elbasiD"
temp=".tiehnerhaf ni serutarepmet wohS.tiehnerhaf ni serutarepmet wohS"
tempc=".suislec ni serutarepmet wohS.tiehnerhaf ni serutarepmet wohS"
statusbar=".emit eht htiw rabsutats a wohS"
no-statusbar=".emit eht htiw rabsutats a wohs elbasiD"
rate=".sm001 yreve hserfer = \"sm001\" .etunim yreve hserfer = \"m1\" .detpecca stinu emit tsoM .ycneuqerf hserfeR"
layout="Name of layout spec file for the UI. Use \"-\" to pipe."
net="gnisu derongi eb osla nac secafretnI .seulav detarapes ammoc gnisu denifed eb nac secafretni lareveS .ecafretni krowten tceleS \"!\""
export=".trop deificeps eht no tropxe rof scirtem elbanE"
mbps=".spbm sa etar krowten wohS"
bytes=".setyb sa etar krowten wohs elbasiD"
test=".edoc eruliaf/sseccus htiw stixe dna stset snuR"
no-test=".edoc eruliaf/sseccus htiw stixe dna stset snur elbasiD"
conffile=")TNEMUGRA TSRIF EB TSUM( tluafed fo daetsni esu ot elif gifnoC"
nvidia="scirtem UPG aidiVN elbanE"
no-nvidia="scirtem UPG aidiVN elbasiD"
nvidiarefresh=".detpecca stinu emit tsoM .ycneuqerf hserfeR"
>snart|syek|shtap|semehcsroloc|stuoyal|secived< tsiL
stegdiw elbaretlif rof seman ecived tuo stnirP :secived
stuoyal ni-dliub stsiL :stuoyal
semehcsroloc ni-tliub stsiL :semehcsroloc
shtap hcraes elif noitarugifnoc tuo tsiL :shtap
tuoyal a ni desu eb nac taht stegdiW :stegdiw
.sgnidnib draobyek eht wohS :syek
.snoitalsnart egaugnal detroppus wohS :sgnal"""
write=".elif gifnoc tluafed a tuo etirW"
configsyntax="0| saw ,EULAV=YEK eb dluohs ;xatnys elif gifnoc dab {0}"
deprecation="1| enil {0}: '{1}' derongI .detacerped si {1}={2}"
line="2| enil #{0}: {1}"
tempscale="3| eulav elacSpmeT dilavni {0}"
configparse="4| elif gifnoc esrap ot deliaf: {0}"
cliparse="8| sgra ILC gnisrap: {0}"
logsetup="9| elif gol putes ot deliaf: {0}"
unknownopt="10| noitpo nwonknU \"{0}\"; secived ro ,shtap ,syek ,semehcsroloc ,stuoyal yrt\n"
writefail="11| elif noitarugifnoc etirw ot deliaF: {0}"
checklog="12| morf ;deretnuocne srorre {0}:"
metricsetup="13| pu gnittes rorre {0} scirtem: {1}"
nometrics="14| rof scirtem on {0} {1}"
fatalfetch="15| gnihctef rorre lataf {0} ofni: {1}"
recovfetch="16| gnihctef rorre elbarevocer {0} gnippiks ;ofni {0}: {1}"
nodevfound="17| elbasu on {0} dnuof"
setuperr="18| pu gnittes rorre {0}: {1}"
colorschemefile="19| elif emehcsroloc dnif ot deliaf {0} ni {1}"
colorschemeread="20| elif emehcsroloc daer ot deliaf {0}: {1}"
colorschemeparse="21| elif emehcsroloc esrap ot deliaf: {0}"
findlayout="22| elif tuoyal dnif ot deliaf {0}: {1}"
logopen="22| elif gol nepo ot deliaf {0}: {1}"
table="22| woRpoT .0 naht ssel eulav woRpoT tegdiw elbat: {0}"
nohostname="22| emantsoh teg ton dluoc: {0}"
widget="23| eman tegdiw dilavnI {0}. fo eno eb tsuM {1}"
format="24| enil no rorre tuoyaL {0}: eb tsum tamrof {1}. gnisrap rorrE {2} saw droW .tni a sa {3}. 1 fo thgieh wor a gnisU."
slashes="25| enil no gninraw tuoyaL {0}: drow ni '/' ynam oot {1}; knuj artxe gnirongi."
disk=" egasU ksiD "
cpu=" egasU UPC "
gauge=" leveL rewoP "
battery=" sutatS yrettaB "
batt=" yrettaB "
temp=" serutarepmeT "
net=" egasU krowteN "
netint=" egasU krowteN: {0} "
mem=" egasU yromeM "
netactivity="26| lituspog morf ytivitca krowten teg ot deliaf: {0}"
negvalrecv="27| :vceRsetyBtnecer .lituspog morf atad krowten deviecer yltnecer rof eulav evitagen :rorre {0}"
negvalsent="28| :tneSsetyBtnecer .lituspog morf atad krowten tnes yltnecer rof eulav evitagen :rorre {0}"
filter=" :retliF "
label=" sessecorP "
count="29| :lituspog morf tnuoc UPC teg ot deliaf {0}"
retrieve="30| :sessecorp eveirter ot deliaf {0}"
ps="31| :dnammoc 'sp' etucexe ot deliaf {0}"
gopsutil="32| :lituspog morf sessecorp teg ot deliaf {0}"
pidconv="33| :tni ot DIP trevnoc ot deliaf {0}. enil: {1}"
cpuconv="34| :taolf ot egasu UPC trevnoc ot deliaf {0}. :enil {1}"
memconv="35| :taolf ot egasu meM trevnoc ot deliaf {0}. :enil {1}"
getcmd="36| :lituspog morf dnammoc ssecorp teg ot deliaf {0}. corPsp: {1}. i: {2}. dip: {3}"
cpupercent="37| lituspog morf egasu upc ssecorp teg ot deliaf: {0}. corPsp: {1}. i: {2}. dip: {3}"
mempercent="38| spog morf egasu yroemem ssecorp teg ot deliafutil: {0}. corPsp: {1}. i: {2}. dip: {3}"
parse="39| tuptuo esrap ot deliaf: {0}"