
termui is a cross-platform and fully-customizable terminal dashboard and widget library built on top of termbox-go. It is inspired by blessed-contrib and written purely in Go.
Installing from the master branch is recommended:
go get -u github.com/gizak/termui@master
Note: termui is currently undergoing API changes so make sure to check the changelog when upgrading. If you upgrade and notice something is missing or don't like a change, revert the upgrade and open an issue.
Hello World
package main
import (
ui "github.com/gizak/termui"
func main() {
if err := ui.Init(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to initialize termui: %v", err)
defer ui.Close()
p := widgets.NewParagraph()
p.Text = "Hello World!"
p.SetRect(0, 0, 25, 5)
for e := range ui.PollEvents() {
if e.Type == ui.KeyboardEvent {
Click image to see the corresponding demo codes.
Examples can be found in _examples. Run an example with go run _examples/{example}.go
or run all of them consecutively with make run-examples