2019-06-07 15:03:00 -07:00

121 lines
3.1 KiB

package widgets
import (
psNet "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/net"
ui "github.com/cjbassi/gotop/src/termui"
const (
type NetInterface string
type NetWidget struct {
updateInterval time.Duration
// used to calculate recent network activity
totalBytesRecv uint64
totalBytesSent uint64
NetInterface string
func NewNetWidget(netInterface string) *NetWidget {
recvSparkline := ui.NewSparkline()
recvSparkline.Data = []int{}
sentSparkline := ui.NewSparkline()
sentSparkline.Data = []int{}
spark := ui.NewSparklineGroup(recvSparkline, sentSparkline)
self := &NetWidget{
SparklineGroup: spark,
updateInterval: time.Second,
NetInterface: netInterface,
self.Title = " Network Usage "
if netInterface != "all" {
self.Title = fmt.Sprintf(" Network Usage: %s ", netInterface)
go func() {
for range time.NewTicker(self.updateInterval).C {
return self
func (self *NetWidget) update() {
interfaces, err := psNet.IOCounters(true)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get network activity from gopsutil: %v", err)
var totalBytesRecv uint64
var totalBytesSent uint64
for _, _interface := range interfaces {
// ignore VPN interface or filter interface by name
if ((self.NetInterface == NET_INTERFACE_ALL) && (_interface.Name != NET_INTERFACE_VPN)) || (_interface.Name == self.NetInterface) {
totalBytesRecv += _interface.BytesRecv
totalBytesSent += _interface.BytesSent
var recentBytesRecv uint64
var recentBytesSent uint64
if self.totalBytesRecv != 0 { // if this isn't the first update
recentBytesRecv = totalBytesRecv - self.totalBytesRecv
recentBytesSent = totalBytesSent - self.totalBytesSent
if int(recentBytesRecv) < 0 {
log.Printf("error: negative value for recently received network data from gopsutil. recentBytesRecv: %v", recentBytesRecv)
// recover from error
recentBytesRecv = 0
if int(recentBytesSent) < 0 {
log.Printf("error: negative value for recently sent network data from gopsutil. recentBytesSent: %v", recentBytesSent)
// recover from error
recentBytesSent = 0
self.Lines[0].Data = append(self.Lines[0].Data, int(recentBytesRecv))
self.Lines[1].Data = append(self.Lines[1].Data, int(recentBytesSent))
// used in later calls to update
self.totalBytesRecv = totalBytesRecv
self.totalBytesSent = totalBytesSent
// render widget titles
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
total, label, recent := func() (uint64, string, uint64) {
if i == 0 {
return totalBytesRecv, "RX", recentBytesRecv
return totalBytesSent, "TX", recentBytesSent
recentConverted, unitRecent := utils.ConvertBytes(uint64(recent))
totalConverted, unitTotal := utils.ConvertBytes(uint64(total))
self.Lines[i].Title1 = fmt.Sprintf(" Total %s: %5.1f %s", label, totalConverted, unitTotal)
self.Lines[i].Title2 = fmt.Sprintf(" %s/s: %9.1f %2s/s", label, recentConverted, unitRecent)