mjshariati98 c691514a41 Fix #124
- Add no-x options to disable options
2022-02-04 18:16:58 +03:30

302 lines
9.1 KiB

package gotop
import (
// FIXME github action uses old(er) Go version that doesn't have embed
//go:embed "dicts/*.toml"
var Dicts embed.FS
// CONFFILE is the name of the default config file
const CONFFILE = "gotop.conf"
type Config struct {
ConfigDir configdir.ConfigDir
GraphHorizontalScale int
HelpVisible bool
Colorscheme colorschemes.Colorscheme
UpdateInterval time.Duration
AverageLoad bool
NoAverageLoad bool
PercpuLoad bool
NoPercpuLoad bool
Statusbar bool
NoStatusbar bool
TempScale widgets.TempScale
NetInterface string
Layout string
MaxLogSize int64
ExportPort string
Mbps bool
NoMbps bool
Temps []string
Test bool
NoTest bool
ExtensionVars map[string]string
ConfigFile string
Tr lingo.Translations
Nvidia bool
NoNvidia bool
NvidiaRefresh time.Duration
// FIXME parsing can't handle blank lines
func NewConfig() Config {
cd := configdir.New("", "gotop")
cd.LocalPath, _ = filepath.Abs(".")
conf := Config{
ConfigDir: cd,
GraphHorizontalScale: 7,
HelpVisible: false,
UpdateInterval: time.Second,
AverageLoad: false,
NoAverageLoad: false,
PercpuLoad: true,
NoPercpuLoad: false,
TempScale: widgets.Celsius,
Statusbar: false,
NoStatusbar: false,
NoMbps: false,
NoTest: false,
NoNvidia: false,
NetInterface: widgets.NetInterfaceAll,
MaxLogSize: 5000000,
Layout: "default",
ExtensionVars: make(map[string]string),
conf.Colorscheme, _ = colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, "default")
folder := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolderContainsFile(CONFFILE)
if folder != nil {
conf.ConfigFile = filepath.Join(folder.Path, CONFFILE)
return conf
func (conf *Config) Load() error {
var in []byte
if conf.ConfigFile == "" {
return nil
var err error
if _, err = os.Stat(conf.ConfigFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Check for the file in the usual suspects
folder := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolderContainsFile(conf.ConfigFile)
if folder == nil {
return nil
conf.ConfigFile = filepath.Join(folder.Path, conf.ConfigFile)
if in, err = ioutil.ReadFile(conf.ConfigFile); err != nil {
return err
return load(bytes.NewReader(in), conf)
func load(in io.Reader, conf *Config) error {
r := bufio.NewScanner(in)
var lineNo int
for r.Scan() {
l := strings.TrimSpace(r.Text())
if l[0] == '#' {
kv := strings.Split(l, "=")
if len(kv) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.configsyntax", l))
key := strings.ToLower(kv[0])
ln := strconv.Itoa(lineNo)
switch key {
conf.ExtensionVars[key] = kv[1]
case "configdir", "logdir", "logfile":
log.Printf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.deprecation", ln, key, kv[1]))
case graphhorizontalscale:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return err
conf.GraphHorizontalScale = iv
case helpvisible:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.HelpVisible = bv
case colorscheme:
cs, err := colorschemes.FromName(conf.ConfigDir, kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.Colorscheme = cs
case updateinterval:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.UpdateInterval = time.Duration(iv)
case averagecpu:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.AverageLoad = bv
case percpuload:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.PercpuLoad = bv
case tempscale:
switch kv[1] {
case "C":
conf.TempScale = 'C'
case "F":
conf.TempScale = 'F'
conf.TempScale = 'C'
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.tempscale", kv[1]))
case statusbar:
bv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.Statusbar = bv
case netinterface:
conf.NetInterface = kv[1]
case layout:
conf.Layout = kv[1]
case maxlogsize:
iv, err := strconv.Atoi(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.MaxLogSize = int64(iv)
case export:
conf.ExportPort = kv[1]
case mbps:
conf.Mbps = true
case temperatures:
conf.Temps = strings.Split(kv[1], ",")
case nvidia:
nv, err := strconv.ParseBool(kv[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(conf.Tr.Value("config.err.line", ln, err.Error()))
conf.Nvidia = nv
return nil
// Write serializes the configuration to a file.
// The configuration written is based on the loaded configuration, plus any
// command-line changes, so it can be used to update an existing configuration
// file. The file will be written to the specificed `--config` argument file,
// if one is set; otherwise, it'll create one in the user's config directory.
func (conf *Config) Write() (string, error) {
var dir *configdir.Config
var file string = CONFFILE
if conf.ConfigFile == "" {
ds := conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.Global)
if len(ds) == 0 {
ds = conf.ConfigDir.QueryFolders(configdir.Local)
if len(ds) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error locating config folders")
dir = ds[0]
} else {
dir = &configdir.Config{}
dir.Path = filepath.Dir(conf.ConfigFile)
file = filepath.Base(conf.ConfigFile)
marshalled := marshal(conf)
err := dir.WriteFile(file, marshalled)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(dir.Path, file), nil
func marshal(c *Config) []byte {
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# Scale graphs to this level; 7 is the default, 2 is zoomed out.")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", graphhorizontalscale, c.GraphHorizontalScale)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# If true, start the UI with the help visible")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", helpvisible, c.HelpVisible)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# The color scheme to use. See `--list colorschemes`")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", colorscheme, c.Colorscheme.Name)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# How frequently to update the UI, in nanoseconds")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", updateinterval, c.UpdateInterval)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# If true, show the average CPU load")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", averagecpu, c.AverageLoad)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# If true, show load per CPU")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", percpuload, c.PercpuLoad)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# Temperature units. C for Celcius, F for Fahrenheit")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%c\n", tempscale, c.TempScale)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# If true, display a status bar")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", statusbar, c.Statusbar)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# The network interface to monitor")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", netinterface, c.NetInterface)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# A layout name. See `--list layouts`")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", layout, c.Layout)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# The maximum log file size, in bytes")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%d\n", maxlogsize, c.MaxLogSize)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# If set, export data as Promethius metrics on the interface:port.\n# E.g., `:8080` (colon is required, interface is not)")
if c.ExportPort == "" {
fmt.Fprint(buff, "#")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", export, c.ExportPort)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# Display network IO in mpbs if true")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", mbps, c.Mbps)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# A list of enabled temp sensors. See `--list devices`")
if len(c.Temps) == 0 {
fmt.Fprint(buff, "#")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%s\n", temperatures, strings.Join(c.Temps, ","))
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# Enable NVidia GPU metrics.")
fmt.Fprintf(buff, "%s=%t\n", nvidia, c.Nvidia)
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "# To configure the NVidia refresh rate, set a duration:")
fmt.Fprintln(buff, "#nvidiarefresh=30s")
return buff.Bytes()
const (
graphhorizontalscale = "graphhorizontalscale"
helpvisible = "helpvisible"
colorscheme = "colorscheme"
updateinterval = "updateinterval"
averagecpu = "averagecpu"
percpuload = "percpuload"
tempscale = "tempscale"
statusbar = "statusbar"
netinterface = "netinterface"
layout = "layout"
maxlogsize = "maxlogsize"
export = "metricsexportport"
mbps = "mbps"
temperatures = "temperatures"
nvidia = "nvidia"