2019-03-07 23:15:41 -08:00

157 lines
3.8 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Zack Guo <zack.y.guo@gmail.com>. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package termui
import (
const (
tokenFg = "fg"
tokenBg = "bg"
tokenModifier = "mod"
tokenItemSeparator = ","
tokenValueSeparator = ":"
tokenBeginStyledText = '['
tokenEndStyledText = ']'
tokenBeginStyle = '('
tokenEndStyle = ')'
type parserState uint
const (
parserStateDefault parserState = iota
// StyleParserColorMap can be modified to add custom color parsing to text
var StyleParserColorMap = map[string]Color{
"red": ColorRed,
"blue": ColorBlue,
"black": ColorBlack,
"cyan": ColorCyan,
"yellow": ColorYellow,
"white": ColorWhite,
"clear": ColorClear,
"green": ColorGreen,
"magenta": ColorMagenta,
var modifierMap = map[string]Modifier{
"bold": ModifierBold,
"underline": ModifierUnderline,
"reverse": ModifierReverse,
// readStyle translates an []rune like `fg:red,mod:bold,bg:white` to a style
func readStyle(runes []rune, defaultStyle Style) Style {
style := defaultStyle
split := strings.Split(string(runes), tokenItemSeparator)
for _, item := range split {
pair := strings.Split(item, tokenValueSeparator)
if len(pair) == 2 {
switch pair[0] {
case tokenFg:
style.Fg = StyleParserColorMap[pair[1]]
case tokenBg:
style.Bg = StyleParserColorMap[pair[1]]
case tokenModifier:
style.Modifier = modifierMap[pair[1]]
return style
// ParseStyles parses a string for embedded Styles and returns []Cell with the correct styling.
// Uses defaultStyle for any text without an embedded style.
// Syntax is of the form [text](fg:<color>,mod:<attribute>,bg:<color>).
// Ordering does not matter. All fields are optional.
func ParseStyles(s string, defaultStyle Style) []Cell {
cells := []Cell{}
runes := []rune(s)
state := parserStateDefault
styledText := []rune{}
styleItems := []rune{}
squareCount := 0
reset := func() {
styledText = []rune{}
styleItems = []rune{}
state = parserStateDefault
squareCount = 0
rollback := func() {
cells = append(cells, RunesToStyledCells(styledText, defaultStyle)...)
cells = append(cells, RunesToStyledCells(styleItems, defaultStyle)...)
// chop first and last runes
chop := func(s []rune) []rune {
return s[1 : len(s)-1]
for i, _rune := range runes {
switch state {
case parserStateDefault:
if _rune == tokenBeginStyledText {
state = parserStateStyledText
squareCount = 1
styledText = append(styledText, _rune)
} else {
cells = append(cells, Cell{_rune, defaultStyle})
case parserStateStyledText:
switch {
case squareCount == 0:
switch _rune {
case tokenBeginStyle:
state = parserStateStyleItems
styleItems = append(styleItems, _rune)
switch _rune {
case tokenBeginStyledText:
state = parserStateStyledText
squareCount = 1
styleItems = append(styleItems, _rune)
cells = append(cells, Cell{_rune, defaultStyle})
case len(runes) == i+1:
styledText = append(styledText, _rune)
case _rune == tokenBeginStyledText:
styledText = append(styledText, _rune)
case _rune == tokenEndStyledText:
styledText = append(styledText, _rune)
styledText = append(styledText, _rune)
case parserStateStyleItems:
styleItems = append(styleItems, _rune)
if _rune == tokenEndStyle {
style := readStyle(chop(styleItems), defaultStyle)
cells = append(cells, RunesToStyledCells(chop(styledText), style)...)
} else if len(runes) == i+1 {
return cells