2018-03-03 17:05:52 -08:00

99 lines
2.1 KiB

package widgets
import (
ui "github.com/cjbassi/gotop/termui"
psNet "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/net"
type Net struct {
interval time.Duration
// used to calculate recent network activity
recvTotal uint64
sentTotal uint64
func NewNet() *Net {
recv := ui.NewSparkline()
recv.Data = []int{0}
sent := ui.NewSparkline()
sent.Data = []int{0}
spark := ui.NewSparklines(recv, sent)
n := &Net{
Sparklines: spark,
interval: time.Second,
n.Label = "Network Usage"
go n.update()
ticker := time.NewTicker(n.interval)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
return n
func (n *Net) update() {
// `false` causes psutil to group all network activity
interfaces, _ := psNet.IOCounters(false)
recvTotal := interfaces[0].BytesRecv
sentTotal := interfaces[0].BytesSent
if n.recvTotal != 0 { // if this isn't the first update
recvRecent := recvTotal - n.recvTotal
sentRecent := sentTotal - n.sentTotal
n.Lines[0].Data = append(n.Lines[0].Data, int(recvRecent))
n.Lines[1].Data = append(n.Lines[1].Data, int(sentRecent))
// used in later calls to update
n.recvTotal = recvTotal
n.sentTotal = sentTotal
// renders net widget titles
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
var method string // either 'Rx' or 'Tx'
var total float64
recent := n.Lines[i].Data[len(n.Lines[i].Data)-1]
unitTotal := "B"
unitRecent := "B"
if i == 0 {
total = float64(recvTotal)
method = "Rx"
} else {
total = float64(sentTotal)
method = "Tx"
if recent >= 1000000 {
recent = int(utils.BytesToMB(uint64(recent)))
unitRecent = "MB"
} else if recent >= 1000 {
recent = int(utils.BytesToKB(uint64(recent)))
unitRecent = "kB"
if total >= 1000000000 {
total = utils.BytesToGB(uint64(total))
unitTotal = "GB"
} else if total >= 1000000 {
total = utils.BytesToMB(uint64(total))
unitTotal = "MB"
n.Lines[i].Title1 = fmt.Sprintf(" Total %s: %5.1f %s", method, total, unitTotal)
n.Lines[i].Title2 = fmt.Sprintf(" %s/s: %9d %2s/s", method, recent, unitRecent)