adds page up and page down keys to main.go to scroll page up and scroll page down similar to behavior found in htop, and slightly more intuitive
193 lines
6.5 KiB
193 lines
6.5 KiB
configfile="Config file"
usage="Usage: {0} [options]\n\nOptions:\n"
paths="Loadable colorschemes & layouts, and the config file, are searched for, in order:"
log="The log file is in {0}"
written="Config written to {0}"
Quit: q or <C-c>
Process navigation:
- k and <Up>: up
- j and <Down>: down
- <C-u>: half page up
- <C-d>: half page down
- <C-b> and <PageUp>: full page up
- <C-f> and <PageDown> : full page down
- gg and <Home>: jump to top
- G and <End>: jump to bottom
Process actions:
- <Tab>: toggle process grouping
- dd: kill selected process or group of processes with SIGTERM (15)
- d3: kill selected process or group of processes with SIGQUIT (3)
- d9: kill selected process or group of processes with SIGKILL (9)
Process sorting:
- c: CPU
- m: Mem
- p: PID
Process filtering:
- /: start editing filter
- (while editing):
- <Enter>: accept filter
- <C-c> and <Escape>: clear filter
CPU and Mem graph scaling:
- h: scale in
- l: scale out
- b: toggle between mbps and scaled bytes per second
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the layout **names**
layouts = """Built-in layouts:
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the colorcheme **names**
colorschemes = """Built-in colorschemes:
default-dark (for white background)
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the widget **names**
widgets = """Widgets that can be used in layouts:
cpu - CPU load graph
mem - Physical & swap memory use graph
temp - Sensor temperatures
disk - Physical disk partition use
power - A battery bar
net - Network load
procs - Interactive process list"""
help="Show this screen."
color="Set a colorscheme."
scale="Graph scale factor, >0"
version="Print version and exit."
percpu="Show each CPU in the CPU widget."
no-percpu="Show aggregate CPU in the CPU widget."
cpuavg="Show average CPU in the CPU widget."
no-cpuavg="Disable show average CPU in the CPU widget."
temp="Show temperatures in fahrenheit."
tempc="Show temperatures in celsius."
statusbar="Show a statusbar with the time."
no-statusbar="Disable statusbar."
rate="Refresh frequency. Most time units accepted. \"1m\" = refresh every minute. \"100ms\" = refresh every 100ms."
layout="Name of layout spec file for the UI. Use \"-\" to pipe."
net="Select network interface. Several interfaces can be defined using comma separated values. Interfaces can also be ignored using \"!\""
export="Enable metrics for export on the specified port."
mbps="Show network rate as mbps."
bytes="Show network rate as bytes."
test="Runs tests and exits with success/failure code."
no-test="Disable tests."
conffile="Config file to use instead of default (MUST BE FIRST ARGUMENT)."
nvidia="Enable NVidia GPU metrics."
no-nvidia="Disable NVidia GPU metrics."
nvidiarefresh="Refresh frequency. Most time units accepted."
# TRANSLATORS: Please don't translate the **labels** ("devices", "layouts") as they don't change in the code.
List <devices|layouts|colorschemes|paths|keys|langs>
devices: Prints out device names for filterable widgets
layouts: Lists built-in layouts
colorschemes: Lists built-in colorschemes
paths: List out configuration file search paths
widgets: Widgets that can be used in a layout
keys: Show the keyboard bindings.
langs: Show supported language translations."""
write="Write out a default config file."
configsyntax="0| bad config file syntax; should be KEY=VALUE, was {0}"
deprecation="1| line {0}: '{1}' is deprecated. Ignored {1}={2}"
line="2| line #{0}: {1}"
tempscale="3| invalid TempScale value {0}"
configparse="4| failed to parse config file: {0}"
cliparse="5| parsing CLI args: {0}"
logsetup="6| failed to setup log file: {0}"
unknownopt="7| Unknown option \"{0}\"; try layouts, colorschemes, keys, paths, or devices\n"
writefail="8| Failed to write configuration file: {0}"
checklog="9| errors encountered; from {0}:"
metricsetup="10| error setting up {0} metrics: {1}"
nometrics="11| no metrics for {0} {1}"
fatalfetch="12| fatal error fetching {0} info: {1}"
recovfetch="13| recoverable error fetching {0} info; skipping {0}: {1}"
nodevfound="14| no usable {0} found"
setuperr="15| error setting up {0}: {1}"
colorschemefile="16| failed to find colorscheme file {0} in {1}"
colorschemeread="17| failed to read colorscheme file {0}: {1}"
colorschemeparse="18| failed to parse colorscheme file: {0}"
findlayout="19| failed to find layout file {0}: {1}"
logopen="20| failed to open log file {0}: {1}"
table="21| table widget TopRow value less than 0. TopRow: {0}"
nohostname="22| could not get hostname: {0}"
widget="23| Invalid widget name {0}. Must be one of {1}"
format="24| Layout error on line {0}: format must be {1}. Error parsing {2} as a int. Word was {3}. Using a row height of 1."
slashes="25| Layout warning on line {0}: too many '/' in word {1}; ignoring extra junk."
disk=" Disk Usage "
cpu=" CPU Usage "
gauge=" Power Level "
battery=" Battery Status "
batt=" Battery "
temp=" Temperatures "
net=" Network Usage "
netint=" Network Usage: {0} "
mem=" Memory Usage "
netactivity="26| failed to get network activity from gopsutil: {0}"
negvalrecv="27| error: negative value for recently received network data from gopsutil. recentBytesRecv: {0}"
negvalsent="28| error: negative value for recently sent network data from gopsutil. recentBytesSent: {0}"
filter=" Filter: "
label=" Processes "
count="29| failed to get CPU count from gopsutil: {0}"
retrieve="30| failed to retrieve processes: {0}"
ps="31| failed to execute 'ps' command: {0}"
gopsutil="32| failed to get processes from gopsutil: {0}"
pidconv="33| failed to convert PID to int: {0}. line: {1}"
cpuconv="34| failed to convert CPU usage to float: {0}. line: {1}"
memconv="35| failed to convert Mem usage to float: {0}. line: {1}"
getcmd="36| failed to get process command from gopsutil: {0}. psProc: {1}. i: {2}. pid: {3}"
cpupercent="37| failed to get process cpu usage from gopsutil: {0}. psProc: {1}. i: {2}. pid: {3}"
mempercent="38| failed to get process memory usage from gopsutil: {0}. psProc: {1}. i: {2}. pid: {3}"
parse="39| failed to parse output: {0}"