2020-05-01 20:25:29 -05:00

45 lines
1.8 KiB

configfile="Config file"
usage="Usage: {0} [options]\n\nOptions:\n"
paths="Loadable colorschemes & layouts, and the config file, are searched for, in order:"
log="The log file is in {0}"
written="Config written to {0}"
help="Hilfetext anzeigen."
color="Ein Farbschema feststellen."
scale="Stellen den Skalierungsfaktor ein, >0"
version="Zeigen die Version aus und beenden."
percpu="Show each CPU in the CPU widget."
cpuavg="Show average CPU in the CPU widget."
temp="Show temperatures in fahrenheit.Show temperatures in fahrenheit."
statusbar="Show a statusbar with the time."
rate="Refresh frequency. Most time units accepted. \"1m\" = refresh every minute. \"100ms\" = refresh every 100ms."
layout="Name of layout spec file for the UI. Use \"-\" to pipe."
net="Select network interface. Several interfaces can be defined using comma separated values. Interfaces can also be ignored using \"!\""
export="Enable metrics for export on the specified port."
mbps="Show network rate as mbps."
test="Runs tests and exits with success/failure code."
conffile="Config file to use instead of default (MUST BE FIRST ARGUMENT)"
List <devices|layouts|colorschemes|paths|keys>
devices: Prints out device names for filterable widgets
layouts: Lists build-in layouts
colorschemes: Lists built-in colorschemes
paths: List out configuration file search paths
widgets: Widgets that can be used in a layout
keys: Show the keyboard bindings."""
write="Write out a default config file."
configparse="failed to parse config file: {0}"
cliparse="parsing CLI args: {0}"
logsetup="failed to setup log file: {0}"
unknownopt="Unknown option \"{0}\"; try layouts, colorschemes, keys, paths, or devices\n"
writefail="Failed to write configuration file: {0}"
checklog="errors encountered; from {0}:"