'ldap_email_hint'=>'Please enter an email to use for this account.',
'create_account'=>'Create Account',
'already_have_account'=>'Already have an account?',
'dont_have_account'=>'Don\'t have an account?',
'social_login'=>'Social Login',
'social_registration'=>'Social Registration',
'social_registration_text'=>'Register and sign in using another service.',
'register_thanks'=>'Thanks for registering!',
'register_confirm'=>'Please check your email and click the confirmation button to access :appName.',
'registrations_disabled'=>'Registrations are currently disabled',
'registration_email_domain_invalid'=>'That email domain does not have access to this application',
'register_success'=>'Thanks for signing up! You are now registered and signed in.',
// Login auto-initiation
'auto_init_starting'=>'Attempting Login',
'auto_init_starting_desc'=>'We\'re contacting your authentication system to start the login process. If there\'s no progress after 5 seconds you can try clicking the link below.',
'auto_init_start_link'=>'Proceed with authentication',
// Password Reset
'reset_password'=>'Reset Password',
'reset_password_send_instructions'=>'Enter your email below and you will be sent an email with a password reset link.',
'reset_password_send_button'=>'Send Reset Link',
'reset_password_sent'=>'A password reset link will be sent to :email if that email address is found in the system.',
'reset_password_success'=>'Your password has been successfully reset.',
'email_reset_subject'=>'Reset your :appName password',
'email_reset_text'=>'You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.',
'email_reset_not_requested'=>'If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.',
// Email Confirmation
'email_confirm_subject'=>'Confirm your email on :appName',
'email_confirm_greeting'=>'Thanks for joining :appName!',
'email_confirm_text'=>'Please confirm your email address by clicking the button below:',
'email_confirm_action'=>'Confirm Email',
'email_confirm_send_error'=>'Email confirmation required but the system could not send the email. Contact the admin to ensure email is set up correctly.',
'email_confirm_success'=>'Your email has been confirmed! You should now be able to login using this email address.',
'email_confirm_resent'=>'Confirmation email resent, Please check your inbox.',
'email_confirm_thanks'=>'Thanks for confirming!',
'email_confirm_thanks_desc'=>'Please wait a moment while your confirmation is handled. If you are not redirected after 3 seconds press the "Continue" link below to proceed.',
'email_not_confirmed'=>'Email Address Not Confirmed',
'email_not_confirmed_text'=>'Your email address has not yet been confirmed.',
'email_not_confirmed_click_link'=>'Please click the link in the email that was sent shortly after you registered.',
'email_not_confirmed_resend'=>'If you cannot find the email you can re-send the confirmation email by submitting the form below.',
'user_invite_page_welcome'=>'Welcome to :appName!',
'user_invite_page_text'=>'To finalise your account and gain access you need to set a password which will be used to log-in to :appName on future visits.',
'user_invite_success_login'=>'Password set, you should now be able to login using your set password to access :appName!',
// Multi-factor Authentication
'mfa_setup'=>'Setup Multi-Factor Authentication',
'mfa_setup_desc'=>'Setup multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for your user account.',
'mfa_setup_configured'=>'Already configured',
'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation'=>'Are you sure you want to remove this multi-factor authentication method?',
'mfa_backup_codes_usage_limit_warning'=>'You have less than 5 backup codes remaining, Please generate and store a new set before you run out of codes to prevent being locked out of your account.',
'mfa_option_totp_title'=>'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc'=>'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title'=>'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc'=>'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable'=>'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc'=>'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_usage_warning'=>'Each code can only be used once',
'mfa_gen_totp_title'=>'Mobile App Setup',
'mfa_gen_totp_desc'=>'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_gen_totp_scan'=>'Scan the QR code below using your preferred authentication app to get started.',
'mfa_gen_totp_verify_setup'=>'Verify Setup',
'mfa_gen_totp_verify_setup_desc'=>'Verify that all is working by entering a code, generated within your authentication app, in the input box below:',
'mfa_gen_totp_provide_code_here'=>'Provide your app generated code here',
'mfa_verify_access'=>'Verify Access',
'mfa_verify_access_desc'=>'Your user account requires you to confirm your identity via an additional level of verification before you\'re granted access. Verify using one of your configured methods to continue.',
'mfa_verify_no_methods'=>'No Methods Configured',
'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc'=>'No multi-factor authentication methods could be found for your account. You\'ll need to set up at least one method before you gain access.',
'mfa_verify_use_totp'=>'Verify using a mobile app',
'mfa_verify_use_backup_codes'=>'Verify using a backup code',
'mfa_verify_backup_code'=>'Backup Code',
'mfa_verify_backup_code_desc'=>'Enter one of your remaining backup codes below:',