A platform for storing and organising information and documentation. General information and documentation for BookStack can be found at https://www.bookstackapp.com/.
All development on BookStack is currently done on the master branch. When it's time for a release the master branch is merged into release with built & minified CSS & JS then tagged at it's version. Here are the current development requirements:
SASS is used to help the CSS development and the JavaScript is run through browserify/babel to allow for writing ES6 code. Both of these are done using gulp. To run the build task you can use the following commands:
``` bash
# Build and minify for production
npm run-script build
# Build for dev (With sourcemaps) and watch for changes
BookStack has many integration tests that use Laravel's built-in testing capabilities which makes use of PHPUnit. To use you will need PHPUnit installed and accessible via command line. There is a `mysql_testing` database defined within the app config which is what is used by PHPUnit. This database is set with the following database name, user name and password defined as `bookstack-test`. You will have to create that database and credentials before testing.
The testing database will also need migrating and seeding beforehand. This can be done with the following commands:
As part of BookStack v0.14 support for translations has been built in. All text strings can be found in the `resources/lang` folder where each language option has its own folder. To add a new language you should copy the `en` folder to an new folder (eg. `fr` for french) then go through and translate all text strings in those files, leaving the keys and file-names intact. If a language string is missing then the `en` translation will be used. To show the language option in the user preferences language drop-down you will need to add your language to the options found at the bottom of the `resources/lang/en/settings.php` file. A system-wide language can also be set in the `.env` file like so: `APP_LANG=en`.
Some strings have colon-prefixed variables in such as `:userName`. Leave these values as they are as they will be replaced at run-time.
## Website, Docs & Blog
The website project docs & Blog can be found in the [BookStackApp/website](https://github.com/BookStackApp/website) repo.