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Raw Normal View History

2021-06-26 15:23:15 +00:00
namespace BookStack\Entities\Tools;
use BookStack\Auth\Permissions\PermissionService;
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use BookStack\Auth\User;
use BookStack\Entities\EntityProvider;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Entity;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
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use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class SearchRunner
* @var EntityProvider
protected $entityProvider;
* @var Connection
protected $db;
* @var PermissionService
protected $permissionService;
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* Acceptable operators to be used in a query.
* @var array
protected $queryOperators = ['<=', '>=', '=', '<', '>', 'like', '!='];
public function __construct(EntityProvider $entityProvider, Connection $db, PermissionService $permissionService)
$this->entityProvider = $entityProvider;
$this->db = $db;
$this->permissionService = $permissionService;
* Search all entities in the system.
* The provided count is for each entity to search,
* Total returned could can be larger and not guaranteed.
public function searchEntities(SearchOptions $searchOpts, string $entityType = 'all', int $page = 1, int $count = 20, string $action = 'view'): array
$entityTypes = array_keys($this->entityProvider->all());
$entityTypesToSearch = $entityTypes;
if ($entityType !== 'all') {
$entityTypesToSearch = $entityType;
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} elseif (isset($searchOpts->filters['type'])) {
$entityTypesToSearch = explode('|', $searchOpts->filters['type']);
$results = collect();
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$total = 0;
$hasMore = false;
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foreach ($entityTypesToSearch as $entityType) {
if (!in_array($entityType, $entityTypes)) {
$search = $this->searchEntityTable($searchOpts, $entityType, $page, $count, $action);
$entityTotal = $this->searchEntityTable($searchOpts, $entityType, $page, $count, $action, true);
if ($entityTotal > $page * $count) {
$hasMore = true;
$total += $entityTotal;
$results = $results->merge($search);
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return [
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'total' => $total,
'count' => count($results),
'has_more' => $hasMore,
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'results' => $results->sortByDesc('score')->values(),
2017-04-15 15:04:30 +01:00
2021-06-26 15:23:15 +00:00
* Search a book for entities.
public function searchBook(int $bookId, string $searchString): Collection
$opts = SearchOptions::fromString($searchString);
$entityTypes = ['page', 'chapter'];
$entityTypesToSearch = isset($opts->filters['type']) ? explode('|', $opts->filters['type']) : $entityTypes;
$results = collect();
foreach ($entityTypesToSearch as $entityType) {
if (!in_array($entityType, $entityTypes)) {
$search = $this->buildEntitySearchQuery($opts, $entityType)->where('book_id', '=', $bookId)->take(20)->get();
$results = $results->merge($search);
return $results->sortByDesc('score')->take(20);
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* Search a chapter for entities.
public function searchChapter(int $chapterId, string $searchString): Collection
$opts = SearchOptions::fromString($searchString);
$pages = $this->buildEntitySearchQuery($opts, 'page')->where('chapter_id', '=', $chapterId)->take(20)->get();
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return $pages->sortByDesc('score');
* Search across a particular entity type.
* Setting getCount = true will return the total
* matching instead of the items themselves.
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2017-04-15 15:04:30 +01:00
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|int|static[]
protected function searchEntityTable(SearchOptions $searchOpts, string $entityType = 'page', int $page = 1, int $count = 20, string $action = 'view', bool $getCount = false)
$query = $this->buildEntitySearchQuery($searchOpts, $entityType, $action);
if ($getCount) {
return $query->count();
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$query = $query->skip(($page - 1) * $count)->take($count);
return $query->get();
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* Create a search query for an entity.
protected function buildEntitySearchQuery(SearchOptions $searchOpts, string $entityType = 'page', string $action = 'view'): EloquentBuilder
$entity = $this->entityProvider->get($entityType);
$entitySelect = $entity->newQuery();
// Handle normal search terms
if (count($searchOpts->searches) > 0) {
$rawScoreSum = $this->db->raw('SUM(score) as score');
$subQuery = $this->db->table('search_terms')->select('entity_id', 'entity_type', $rawScoreSum);
$subQuery->where('entity_type', '=', $entity->getMorphClass());
$subQuery->where(function (Builder $query) use ($searchOpts) {
foreach ($searchOpts->searches as $inputTerm) {
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$query->orWhere('term', 'like', $inputTerm . '%');
})->groupBy('entity_type', 'entity_id');
$entitySelect->join($this->db->raw('(' . $subQuery->toSql() . ') as s'), function (JoinClause $join) {
$join->on('id', '=', 'entity_id');
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})->selectRaw($entity->getTable() . '.*, s.score')->orderBy('score', 'desc');
// Handle exact term matching
foreach ($searchOpts->exacts as $inputTerm) {
$entitySelect->where(function (EloquentBuilder $query) use ($inputTerm, $entity) {
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$query->where('name', 'like', '%' . $inputTerm . '%')
->orWhere($entity->textField, 'like', '%' . $inputTerm . '%');
// Handle tag searches
foreach ($searchOpts->tags as $inputTerm) {
$this->applyTagSearch($entitySelect, $inputTerm);
// Handle filters
foreach ($searchOpts->filters as $filterTerm => $filterValue) {
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$functionName = Str::camel('filter_' . $filterTerm);
if (method_exists($this, $functionName)) {
$this->$functionName($entitySelect, $entity, $filterValue);
return $this->permissionService->enforceEntityRestrictions($entity, $entitySelect, $action);
* Get the available query operators as a regex escaped list.
protected function getRegexEscapedOperators(): string
$escapedOperators = [];
foreach ($this->queryOperators as $operator) {
$escapedOperators[] = preg_quote($operator);
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return join('|', $escapedOperators);
* Apply a tag search term onto a entity query.
protected function applyTagSearch(EloquentBuilder $query, string $tagTerm): EloquentBuilder
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preg_match('/^(.*?)((' . $this->getRegexEscapedOperators() . ')(.*?))?$/', $tagTerm, $tagSplit);
$query->whereHas('tags', function (EloquentBuilder $query) use ($tagSplit) {
$tagName = $tagSplit[1];
$tagOperator = count($tagSplit) > 2 ? $tagSplit[3] : '';
$tagValue = count($tagSplit) > 3 ? $tagSplit[4] : '';
$validOperator = in_array($tagOperator, $this->queryOperators);
if (!empty($tagOperator) && !empty($tagValue) && $validOperator) {
if (!empty($tagName)) {
$query->where('name', '=', $tagName);
if (is_numeric($tagValue) && $tagOperator !== 'like') {
// We have to do a raw sql query for this since otherwise PDO will quote the value and MySQL will
// search the value as a string which prevents being able to do number-based operations
// on the tag values. We ensure it has a numeric value and then cast it just to be sure.
$tagValue = (float) trim($query->getConnection()->getPdo()->quote($tagValue), "'");
$query->whereRaw("value ${tagOperator} ${tagValue}");
} else {
$query->where('value', $tagOperator, $tagValue);
} else {
$query->where('name', '=', $tagName);
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return $query;
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* Custom entity search filters.
protected function filterUpdatedAfter(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
try {
$date = date_create($input);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$query->where('updated_at', '>=', $date);
protected function filterUpdatedBefore(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
try {
$date = date_create($input);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$query->where('updated_at', '<', $date);
protected function filterCreatedAfter(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
try {
$date = date_create($input);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$query->where('created_at', '>=', $date);
protected function filterCreatedBefore(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
try {
$date = date_create($input);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$query->where('created_at', '<', $date);
protected function filterCreatedBy(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
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$userSlug = $input === 'me' ? user()->slug : trim($input);
$user = User::query()->where('slug', '=', $userSlug)->first(['id']);
if ($user) {
$query->where('created_by', '=', $user->id);
protected function filterUpdatedBy(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
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$userSlug = $input === 'me' ? user()->slug : trim($input);
$user = User::query()->where('slug', '=', $userSlug)->first(['id']);
if ($user) {
$query->where('updated_by', '=', $user->id);
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protected function filterOwnedBy(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
$userSlug = $input === 'me' ? user()->slug : trim($input);
$user = User::query()->where('slug', '=', $userSlug)->first(['id']);
if ($user) {
$query->where('owned_by', '=', $user->id);
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protected function filterInName(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
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$query->where('name', 'like', '%' . $input . '%');
protected function filterInTitle(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
$this->filterInName($query, $model, $input);
protected function filterInBody(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
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$query->where($model->textField, 'like', '%' . $input . '%');
protected function filterIsRestricted(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
$query->where('restricted', '=', true);
protected function filterViewedByMe(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
$query->whereHas('views', function ($query) {
$query->where('user_id', '=', user()->id);
protected function filterNotViewedByMe(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
$query->whereDoesntHave('views', function ($query) {
$query->where('user_id', '=', user()->id);
protected function filterSortBy(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model, $input)
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$functionName = Str::camel('sort_by_' . $input);
if (method_exists($this, $functionName)) {
$this->$functionName($query, $model);
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* Sorting filter options.
protected function sortByLastCommented(EloquentBuilder $query, Entity $model)
$commentsTable = $this->db->getTablePrefix() . 'comments';
$morphClass = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $model->getMorphClass());
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$commentQuery = $this->db->raw('(SELECT c1.entity_id, c1.entity_type, c1.created_at as last_commented FROM ' . $commentsTable . ' c1 LEFT JOIN ' . $commentsTable . ' c2 ON (c1.entity_id = c2.entity_id AND c1.entity_type = c2.entity_type AND c1.created_at < c2.created_at) WHERE c1.entity_type = \'' . $morphClass . '\' AND c2.created_at IS NULL) as comments');
$query->join($commentQuery, $model->getTable() . '.id', '=', 'comments.entity_id')->orderBy('last_commented', 'desc');