2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00
< ? php namespace Tests ;
2020-11-07 22:37:27 +00:00
use BookStack\Actions\ActivityType ;
2020-05-01 23:41:47 +01:00
use BookStack\Actions\Comment ;
use BookStack\Actions\CommentRepo ;
2018-09-25 12:30:50 +01:00
use BookStack\Auth\Permissions\JointPermission ;
2019-12-11 21:21:19 +00:00
use BookStack\Entities\Bookshelf ;
2018-09-25 12:30:50 +01:00
use BookStack\Entities\Page ;
use BookStack\Auth\User ;
2018-10-13 11:27:55 +01:00
use BookStack\Entities\Repos\PageRepo ;
2020-04-09 16:58:40 +01:00
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\RuntimeException ;
2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00
class CommandsTest extends TestCase
public function test_clear_views_command ()
$this -> asEditor ();
$page = Page :: first ();
$this -> get ( $page -> getUrl ());
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'views' , [
'user_id' => $this -> getEditor () -> id ,
'viewable_id' => $page -> id ,
'views' => 1
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:clear-views' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'views' , [
'user_id' => $this -> getEditor () -> id
public function test_clear_activity_command ()
$this -> asEditor ();
$page = Page :: first ();
2020-11-07 22:37:27 +00:00
\Activity :: add ( $page , ActivityType :: PAGE_UPDATE , $page -> book -> id );
2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'activities' , [
'key' => 'page_update' ,
'entity_id' => $page -> id ,
'user_id' => $this -> getEditor () -> id
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:clear-activity' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'activities' , [
'key' => 'page_update'
public function test_clear_revisions_command ()
$this -> asEditor ();
2018-10-13 11:27:55 +01:00
$pageRepo = app ( PageRepo :: class );
2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00
$page = Page :: first ();
2019-10-05 12:55:01 +01:00
$pageRepo -> update ( $page , [ 'name' => 'updated page' , 'html' => '<p>new content</p>' , 'summary' => 'page revision testing' ]);
2018-10-13 11:27:55 +01:00
$pageRepo -> updatePageDraft ( $page , [ 'name' => 'updated page' , 'html' => '<p>new content in draft</p>' , 'summary' => 'page revision testing' ]);
2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'page_revisions' , [
'page_id' => $page -> id ,
'type' => 'version'
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'page_revisions' , [
'page_id' => $page -> id ,
'type' => 'update_draft'
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:clear-revisions' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'page_revisions' , [
'page_id' => $page -> id ,
'type' => 'version'
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'page_revisions' , [
'page_id' => $page -> id ,
'type' => 'update_draft'
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:clear-revisions' , [ '--all' => true ]);
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'page_revisions' , [
'page_id' => $page -> id ,
'type' => 'update_draft'
public function test_regen_permissions_command ()
JointPermission :: query () -> truncate ();
$page = Page :: first ();
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'joint_permissions' , [ 'entity_id' => $page -> id ]);
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:regenerate-permissions' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'joint_permissions' , [ 'entity_id' => $page -> id ]);
2018-01-28 18:09:26 +00:00
public function test_add_admin_command ()
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:create-admin' , [
'--email' => 'admintest@example.com' ,
'--name' => 'Admin Test' ,
'--password' => 'testing-4' ,
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'users' , [
'email' => 'admintest@example.com' ,
'name' => 'Admin Test'
$this -> assertTrue ( User :: where ( 'email' , '=' , 'admintest@example.com' ) -> first () -> hasSystemRole ( 'admin' ), 'User has admin role as expected' );
$this -> assertTrue ( \Auth :: attempt ([ 'email' => 'admintest@example.com' , 'password' => 'testing-4' ]), 'Password stored as expected' );
2019-12-11 21:21:19 +00:00
public function test_copy_shelf_permissions_command_shows_error_when_no_required_option_given ()
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:copy-shelf-permissions' )
-> expectsOutput ( 'Either a --slug or --all option must be provided.' )
-> assertExitCode ( 0 );
public function test_copy_shelf_permissions_command_using_slug ()
$shelf = Bookshelf :: first ();
$child = $shelf -> books () -> first ();
$editorRole = $this -> getEditor () -> roles () -> first ();
$this -> assertFalse ( boolval ( $child -> restricted ), " Child book should not be restricted by default " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $child -> permissions () -> count () === 0 , " Child book should have no permissions by default " );
$this -> setEntityRestrictions ( $shelf , [ 'view' , 'update' ], [ $editorRole ]);
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:copy-shelf-permissions' , [
'--slug' => $shelf -> slug ,
$child = $shelf -> books () -> first ();
$this -> assertTrue ( boolval ( $child -> restricted ), " Child book should now be restricted " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $child -> permissions () -> count () === 2 , " Child book should have copied permissions " );
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'entity_permissions' , [ 'restrictable_id' => $child -> id , 'action' => 'view' , 'role_id' => $editorRole -> id ]);
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'entity_permissions' , [ 'restrictable_id' => $child -> id , 'action' => 'update' , 'role_id' => $editorRole -> id ]);
public function test_copy_shelf_permissions_command_using_all ()
$shelf = Bookshelf :: query () -> first ();
Bookshelf :: query () -> where ( 'id' , '!=' , $shelf -> id ) -> delete ();
$child = $shelf -> books () -> first ();
$editorRole = $this -> getEditor () -> roles () -> first ();
$this -> assertFalse ( boolval ( $child -> restricted ), " Child book should not be restricted by default " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $child -> permissions () -> count () === 0 , " Child book should have no permissions by default " );
$this -> setEntityRestrictions ( $shelf , [ 'view' , 'update' ], [ $editorRole ]);
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:copy-shelf-permissions --all' )
-> expectsQuestion ( 'Permission settings for all shelves will be cascaded. Books assigned to multiple shelves will receive only the permissions of it\'s last processed shelf. Are you sure you want to proceed?' , 'y' );
$child = $shelf -> books () -> first ();
$this -> assertTrue ( boolval ( $child -> restricted ), " Child book should now be restricted " );
$this -> assertTrue ( $child -> permissions () -> count () === 2 , " Child book should have copied permissions " );
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'entity_permissions' , [ 'restrictable_id' => $child -> id , 'action' => 'view' , 'role_id' => $editorRole -> id ]);
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'entity_permissions' , [ 'restrictable_id' => $child -> id , 'action' => 'update' , 'role_id' => $editorRole -> id ]);
2020-04-09 16:58:40 +01:00
public function test_update_url_command_updates_page_content ()
$page = Page :: query () -> first ();
$page -> html = '<a href="https://example.com/donkeys"></a>' ;
$page -> save ();
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:update-url https://example.com https://cats.example.com' )
-> expectsQuestion ( " This will search for \" https://example.com \" in your database and replace it with \" https://cats.example.com \" . \n Are you sure you want to proceed? " , 'y' )
-> expectsQuestion ( " This operation could cause issues if used incorrectly. Have you made a backup of your existing database? " , 'y' );
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'pages' , [
'id' => $page -> id ,
'html' => '<a href="https://cats.example.com/donkeys"></a>'
public function test_update_url_command_requires_valid_url ()
$badUrlMessage = " The given urls are expected to be full urls starting with http:// or https:// " ;
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:update-url //example.com https://cats.example.com' ) -> expectsOutput ( $badUrlMessage );
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:update-url https://example.com htts://cats.example.com' ) -> expectsOutput ( $badUrlMessage );
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:update-url example.com https://cats.example.com' ) -> expectsOutput ( $badUrlMessage );
$this -> expectException ( RuntimeException :: class );
$this -> artisan ( 'bookstack:update-url https://cats.example.com' );
2020-05-01 23:41:47 +01:00
public function test_regenerate_comment_content_command ()
Comment :: query () -> forceCreate ([
'html' => 'some_old_content' ,
'text' => 'some_fresh_content' ,
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'comments' , [
'html' => 'some_old_content' ,
$exitCode = \Artisan :: call ( 'bookstack:regenerate-comment-content' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $exitCode === 0 , 'Command executed successfully' );
$this -> assertDatabaseMissing ( 'comments' , [
'html' => 'some_old_content' ,
$this -> assertDatabaseHas ( 'comments' , [
'html' => " <p>some_fresh_content</p> \n " ,
2017-02-26 09:14:18 +00:00