mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 20:21:55 +08:00
Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes (#3925)
This commit is contained in:
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'البحث في هذا الكتاب',
'books_navigation' => 'تصفح الكتاب',
'books_sort' => 'فرز محتويات الكتاب',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'فرز كتاب :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'ترتيب حسب الإسم',
'books_sort_created' => 'ترتيب حسب تاريخ الإنشاء',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'الفصول الأخيرة',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'عرض كتب أخرى',
'books_sort_save' => 'حفظ الترتيب الجديد',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'لا يمكن للخادم إنشاء صور مصغرة. الرجاء التأكد من تثبيت إضافة GD PHP.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'الخادم لا يسمح برفع ملفات بهذا الحجم. الرجاء محاولة الرفع بحجم أصغر.',
'uploaded' => 'الخادم لا يسمح برفع ملفات بهذا الحجم. الرجاء محاولة الرفع بحجم أصغر.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'انتهت عملية تحميل الملف.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'حدث خطأ خلال رفع الصورة',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'صيغة الصورة المرفوعة غير صالحة',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'انتهت عملية تحميل الملف.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على المرفق',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'سيتم إدراج أي محتوى مضاف هنا في الجزء السفلي من قسم <head> من كل صفحة. هذا أمر مفيد لتجاوز الأنماط أو إضافة رمز التحليل.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'تم تعطيل محتوى HTML الرئيسي المخصص في صفحة الإعدادات هذه لضمان عكس أي تغييرات متتالية.',
'app_logo' => 'شعار التطبيق',
'app_logo_desc' => 'يجب أن تكون الصورة بارتفاع 43 بكسل. <br>سيتم تصغير الصور الأكبر من ذلك.',
'app_primary_color' => 'اللون الأساسي للتطبيق',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'يجب أن تكون القيمة من نوع hex. <br>اترك الخانة فارغة للرجوع للون الافتراضي.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'الصفحة الرئيسية للتطبيق',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'الرجاء اختيار صفحة لتصبح الصفحة الرئيسية بدل من الافتراضية. سيتم تجاهل جميع الأذونات الخاصة بالصفحة المختارة.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'اختر صفحة',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'تعطيل التعليقات على جميع الصفحات داخل التطبيق. التعليقات الموجودة من الأصل لن تكون ظاهرة.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'ألوان المحتوى',
'content_colors_desc' => 'تعيين الألوان لجميع العناصر في التسلسل الهرمي لتنظيم الصفحات. يوصى باختيار الألوان ذات السطوع المماثل للألوان الافتراضية للقراءة.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'لون الرف',
'book_color' => 'لون الكتاب',
'chapter_color' => 'لون الفصل',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Търси в книгата',
'books_navigation' => 'Навигация на книгата',
'books_sort' => 'Сортирай съдържанието на книгата',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Сортирай книга :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Сортиране по име',
'books_sort_created' => 'Сортирай по дата на създаване',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Последна глава',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Покажи други книги',
'books_sort_save' => 'Запази новата подредба',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Копирай книгата',
'books_copy_success' => 'Книгата е копирана успешно',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Сървърът не може да създаде малки изображения. Моля, увери се, че разширението GD PHP е инсталирано.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Сървърът не позволява качвания с такъв размер. Моля, пробвайте файл с по-малък размер.',
'uploaded' => 'Сървърът не позволява качвания с такъв размер. Моля, пробвайте файл с по-малък размер.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Качването на файла изтече.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Възникна грешка при качването на изображението',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Типът на качваното изображение е невалиден',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Качването на файла изтече.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Прикачения файл не е намерен',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Всяко съдържание, добавено тук, ще бъде поставено в долната част на секцията <head> на всяка страница. Това е удобно за преобладаващи стилове или добавяне на код за анализ.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Съдържанието на персонализираната HTML шапка е деактивирано на страницата с настройки, за да се гарантира, че евентуални лоши промени могат да бъдат върнати.',
'app_logo' => 'Лого на приложението',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Това изображение трябва да е с 43px височина. <br> Големите изображения ще бъдат намалени.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Основен цвят на приложението',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Изберете основния цвят на приложението, включително на банера, бутоните и линковете.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Начлна страница на приложението',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Изберете начална страница, която ще замени изгледа по подразбиране. Дефинираните права на страницата, която е избрана ще бъдат игнорирани.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Избери страница',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Изключва коментарите във всички на страници на приложението. <br> Съществуващите коментари няма да се показват.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Цвят на съдържанието',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Настройва цветовете за всички елементи на йерархията за организацията на страницата. Избор на цвят с яркост, близка до цветовете по подразбиране, се препоръчва за четимостта.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Цвят на рафта',
'book_color' => 'Цвят на книгата',
'chapter_color' => 'Цвят на главата',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Pretraži ovu knjigu',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigacija knjige',
'books_sort' => 'Sortiraj sadržaj knjige',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sortiraj knjigu :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortiraj po imenu',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortiraj po datumu kreiranja',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Poglavlja zadnja',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Prikaži druge knjige',
'books_sort_save' => 'Spremi trenutni poredak',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server ne može kreirati sličice. Provjerite da imate instaliranu GD PHP ekstenziju.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Server ne dopušta učitavanja ove veličine. Pokušajte sa manjom veličinom fajla.',
'uploaded' => 'Server ne dopušta učitavanja ove veličine. Pokušajte sa manjom veličinom fajla.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Vrijeme učitavanja fajla je isteklo.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Desila se greška prilikom učitavanja slike',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Vrsta slike koja se učitava je neispravna',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Vrijeme učitavanja fajla je isteklo.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Prilog nije pronađen',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Any content added here will be inserted into the bottom of the <head> section of every page. This is handy for overriding styles or adding analytics code.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Custom HTML head content is disabled on this settings page to ensure any breaking changes can be reverted.',
'app_logo' => 'Application Logo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This image should be 43px in height. <br>Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Application Primary Color',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Sets the primary color for the application including the banner, buttons, and links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Application Homepage',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Select a view to show on the homepage instead of the default view. Page permissions are ignored for selected pages.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Select a page',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Disables comments across all pages in the application. <br> Existing comments are not shown.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Content Colors',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Sets colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Shelf Color',
'book_color' => 'Book Color',
'chapter_color' => 'Chapter Color',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Cerca en aquest llibre',
'books_navigation' => 'Navegació pel llibre',
'books_sort' => 'Ordena el contingut del llibre',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ordena el llibre :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordena per nom',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordena per data de creació',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Els capítols al final',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostra altres llibres',
'books_sort_save' => 'Desa l\'ordre nou',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no pot crear miniatures. Reviseu que tingueu instal·lada l\'extensió GD del PHP.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permet pujades d\'aquesta mida. Proveu-ho amb una mida de fitxer més petita.',
'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permet pujades d\'aquesta mida. Proveu-ho amb una mida de fitxer més petita.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La pujada del fitxer ha superat el temps màxim d\'espera.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'S\'ha produït un error en pujar la imatge',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'El tipus d\'imatge que heu pujat no és vàlid',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La pujada del fitxer ha superat el temps màxim d\'espera.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'No s\'ha trobat l\'adjunció',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Aquí podeu afegir contingut que s\'inserirà a la part final de la secció <head> de cada pàgina. És útil per a sobreescriure estils o afegir-hi codi d\'analítiques.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'El contingut personalitzat a la capçalera HTML es desactiva en aquesta pàgina de la configuració per a assegurar que qualsevol canvi que trenqui el web es pugui desfer.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo de l\'aplicació',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Aquesta imatge hauria de tenir 43 px d\'alçada. <br>Les imatges grosses es reduiran.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Color primari de l\'aplicació',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Defineix el color primari de l\'aplicació, incloent-hi la part superior, els botons i els enllaços.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Pàgina d\'inici de l\'aplicació',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Seleccioneu la visualització que es mostrarà a la pàgina d\'inici en lloc de la visualització per defecte. Els permisos de pàgines s\'ignoraran per a les pàgines seleccionades.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Selecciona una pàgina',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Desactiva els comentaris a totes les pàgines de l\'aplicació. <br> Els comentaris existents no es mostraran.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Colors del contingut',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Defineix els colors de tots els elements de la jerarquia d\'organització de pàgines. És recomanable triar colors amb una brillantor semblant als colors per defecte per a mantenir-ne la llegibilitat.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Color dels prestatges',
'book_color' => 'Color dels llibres',
'chapter_color' => 'Color dels capítols',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Prohledat tuto knihu',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigace knihy',
'books_sort' => 'Seřadit obsah knihy',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Seřadit knihu :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Seřadit podle názvu',
'books_sort_created' => 'Seřadit podle data vytvoření',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitoly jako poslední',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Zobrazit ostatní knihy',
'books_sort_save' => 'Uložit nové pořadí',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopírovat knihu',
'books_copy_success' => 'Kniha byla úspěšně zkopírována',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server nedokáže udělat náhledy. Zkontrolujte, že rozšíření GD pro PHP je nainstalováno.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Server nepovoluje nahrávat tak veliké soubory. Zkuste prosím menší soubor.',
'uploaded' => 'Server nepovoluje nahrávat tak veliké soubory. Zkuste prosím menší soubor.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Nahrávání souboru trvalo příliš dlouho a tak bylo ukončeno.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Nastala chyba během nahrávání souboru',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Typ nahrávaného obrázku je neplatný.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Nahrávání souboru trvalo příliš dlouho a tak bylo ukončeno.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Příloha nenalezena',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Cokoliv sem napíšete bude přidáno na konec sekce <head> v každém místě této aplikace. To se hodí pro přidávání nebo změnu CSS stylů nebo přidání kódu pro analýzu používání (např.: google analytics.).',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Na této stránce nastavení je zakázán vlastní obsah HTML hlavičky, aby bylo zajištěno, že bude možné vrátit případnou problematickou úpravu.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo aplikace',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Tento obrázek by měl mít výšku 43px. <br>Větší obrázky zmenšíme na tuto velikost.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Hlavní barva aplikace',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Nastaví hlavní barvu aplikace včetně panelů, tlačítek a odkazů.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Používá se v záhlaví aplikace, a v jiných oblastech. Tento obrázek by měl být velký 86px. Větší obrázky budou zmenšeny.',
'app_icon' => 'Ikona aplikace',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Tato ikona se používá pro záložky prohlížeče a ikony zástupců. Obrazek by měl být čtverec o velikosti 256px a formátu PNG.',
'app_homepage' => 'Úvodní stránka aplikace',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Zvolte si zobrazení, které se použije jako úvodní stránka. U zvolených stránek bude ignorováno jejich oprávnění.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Zvolte stránku',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Vypne komentáře napříč všemi stránkami. <br> Existující komentáře se přestanou zobrazovat.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Barvy obsahu',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Nastaví barvy pro všechny prvky v organizační struktuře stránky. Pro lepší čitelnost doporučujeme zvolit barvy s podobným jasem, jakou mají výchozí barvy.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Barva knihovny',
'book_color' => 'Barva knihy',
'chapter_color' => 'Barva kapitoly',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Search this book',
'books_navigation' => 'Book Navigation',
'books_sort' => 'Sort Book Contents',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sort Book :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sort by Name',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sort by Created Date',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Chapters Last',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Show Other Books',
'books_sort_save' => 'Save New Order',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Ni all y gweinydd greu mân-luniau. Gwiriwch fod gennych yr estyniad GD PHP wedi\'i osod.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Nid yw\'r gweinydd yn caniatáu uwchlwythiadau o\'r maint hwn. Rhowch gynnig ar faint ffeil llai.',
'uploaded' => 'Nid yw\'r gweinydd yn caniatáu uwchlwythiadau o\'r maint hwn. Rhowch gynnig ar faint ffeil llai.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Mae\'r amser uwchlwytho ffeil wedi dod i ben.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Bu gwall wrth uwchlwytho\'r ddelwedd',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Mae\'r math o ddelwedd sy\'n cael ei huwchlwytho yn annilys',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Mae\'r amser uwchlwytho ffeil wedi dod i ben.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Ni chanfuwyd yr atodiad',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Any content added here will be inserted into the bottom of the <head> section of every page. This is handy for overriding styles or adding analytics code.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Custom HTML head content is disabled on this settings page to ensure any breaking changes can be reverted.',
'app_logo' => 'Application Logo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This image should be 43px in height. <br>Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Application Primary Color',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Sets the primary color for the application including the banner, buttons, and links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Application Homepage',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Select a view to show on the homepage instead of the default view. Page permissions are ignored for selected pages.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Select a page',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Disables comments across all pages in the application. <br> Existing comments are not shown.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Content Colors',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Sets colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Shelf Color',
'book_color' => 'Book Color',
'chapter_color' => 'Chapter Color',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Søg i denne bog',
'books_navigation' => 'Bognavigation',
'books_sort' => 'Sorter bogindhold',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sorter bog :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortér efter navn',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortér efter oprettelsesdato',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitler sidst',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Vis andre bøger',
'books_sort_save' => 'Gem ny ordre',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopier Bog',
'books_copy_success' => 'Bogen blev kopieret',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveren kan ikke oprette miniaturer. Kontroller, at GD PHP-udvidelsen er installeret.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveren tillader ikke uploads af denne størrelse. Prøv en mindre filstørrelse.',
'uploaded' => 'Serveren tillader ikke uploads af denne størrelse. Prøv en mindre filstørrelse.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Filuploaden udløb.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Der opstod en fejl ved upload af billedet',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Billedtypen, der uploades, er ugyldig',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Filuploaden udløb.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Vedhæftning ikke fundet',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Alt indhold tilføjet her, vil blive indsat i bunden af <head> sektionen på alle sider. Dette er brugbart til overskrivning af styles og tilføjelse af analytics kode.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Brugerdefineret HTML head indhold er deaktiveret på denne indstillingsside for at, at ændringer kan rulles tilbage.',
'app_logo' => 'Applikationslogo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Dette billede skal være 43px højt. <br>Store billeder vil blive skaleret ned.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Primær applikationsfarve',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Sætter den primære farve for applikationen herunder banneret, knapper og links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Applikationsforside',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Vælg en visning, der skal vises på forsiden i stedet for standardvisningen. Sidetilladelser ignoreres for de valgte sider.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Vælg en side',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deaktiverer kommentarer på tværs af alle sider i applikationen. <br> Eksisterende kommentarer vises ikke.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Indholdsfarver',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Sætter farver for alle elementer i sideorganisationshierarkiet. Valg af farver med en lignende lysstyrke som standardfarverne anbefales af hensyn til læsbarhed.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Bogreolfarve',
'book_color' => 'Bogfarve',
'chapter_color' => 'Kapitelfarve',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Dieses Buch durchsuchen',
'books_navigation' => 'Buchnavigation',
'books_sort' => 'Buchinhalte sortieren',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Buch ":bookName" sortieren',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortieren nach Namen',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortieren nach Erstellungsdatum',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitel zuletzt',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Andere Bücher anzeigen',
'books_sort_save' => 'Neue Reihenfolge speichern',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Buch kopieren',
'books_copy_success' => 'Das Buch wurde erfolgreich kopiert',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Der Server kann keine Vorschau-Bilder erzeugen. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die GD PHP-Erweiterung installiert ist.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer kleineren Datei.',
'uploaded' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer kleineren Datei.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Datei-Upload hat das Zeitlimit überschritten.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Beim Hochladen des Bildes trat ein Fehler auf.',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Der Bildtyp der hochgeladenen Datei ist ungültig.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Datei-Upload hat das Zeitlimit überschritten.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Anhang konnte nicht gefunden werden.',
@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Jeder Inhalt, der hier hinzugefügt wird, wird am Ende der <head> Sektion jeder Seite eingefügt. Diese kann praktisch sein, um CSS Styles anzupassen oder Analytics-Code hinzuzufügen.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Benutzerdefinierte HTML-Kopfzeileninhalte sind auf dieser Einstellungsseite deaktiviert, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Änderungen rückgängig gemacht werden können.',
'app_logo' => 'Anwendungslogo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Dieses Bild sollte 43px hoch sein.
Größere Bilder werden verkleinert.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Primäre Anwendungsfarbe',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Dies sollte ein HEX Wert sein.
Wenn Sie nichts eingeben, wird die Anwendung auf die Standardfarbe zurückgesetzt.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Startseite der Anwendung',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Wählen Sie eine Seite als Startseite aus, die statt der Standardansicht angezeigt werden soll. Seitenberechtigungen werden für die ausgewählten Seiten ignoriert.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Wählen Sie eine Seite aus',
@ -51,8 +49,12 @@ Wenn Sie nichts eingeben, wird die Anwendung auf die Standardfarbe zurückgesetz
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deaktiviert Kommentare über alle Seiten in der Anwendung. Vorhandene Kommentare werden nicht angezeigt.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Inhaltsfarben',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Legt Farben für alle Elemente in der Seitenorganisationshierarchie fest. Die Auswahl von Farben mit einer ähnlichen Helligkeit wie die Standardfarben wird zur Lesbarkeit empfohlen.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Regalfarbe',
'book_color' => 'Buchfarbe',
'chapter_color' => 'Kapitelfarbe',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Dieses Buch durchsuchen',
'books_navigation' => 'Buchnavigation',
'books_sort' => 'Buchinhalte sortieren',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Buch ":bookName" sortieren',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortieren nach Namen',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortieren nach Erstellungsdatum',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitel zuletzt',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Andere Bücher anzeigen',
'books_sort_save' => 'Neue Reihenfolge speichern',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Buch kopieren',
'books_copy_success' => 'Buch erfolgreich kopiert',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Der Server kann keine Vorschau-Bilder erzeugen. Bitte prüfe, ob die GD PHP-Erweiterung installiert ist.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuche es mit einer kleineren Datei.',
'uploaded' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuche es mit einer kleineren Datei.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Upload der Datei ist abgelaufen.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Beim Hochladen des Bildes trat ein Fehler auf.',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Der Bildtyp der hochgeladenen Datei ist ungültig.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Upload der Datei ist abgelaufen.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Anhang konnte nicht gefunden werden.',
@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Jeder Inhalt, der hier hinzugefügt wird, wird am Ende der <head> Sektion jeder Seite eingefügt. Diese kann praktisch sein, um CSS Styles anzupassen oder Analytics-Code hinzuzufügen.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Benutzerdefinierte HTML-Kopfzeileninhalte sind auf dieser Einstellungsseite deaktiviert, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Änderungen rückgängig gemacht werden können.',
'app_logo' => 'Anwendungslogo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Dieses Bild sollte 43px hoch sein.
Größere Bilder werden verkleinert.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Primäre Anwendungsfarbe',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Dies sollte ein HEX Wert sein.
Wenn du nichts eingibst, wird die Anwendung auf die Standardfarbe zurückgesetzt.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Startseite der Anwendung',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Wähle eine Seite als Startseite aus, die statt der Standardansicht angezeigt werden soll. Seitenberechtigungen werden für die ausgewählten Seiten ignoriert.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Wähle eine Seite aus',
@ -51,8 +49,12 @@ Wenn du nichts eingibst, wird die Anwendung auf die Standardfarbe zurückgesetzt
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deaktiviert Kommentare über alle Seiten in der Anwendung. Vorhandene Kommentare werden nicht angezeigt.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Inhaltsfarben',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Legt Farben für alle Elemente in der Seitenorganisationshierarchie fest. Die Auswahl von Farben mit einer ähnlichen Helligkeit wie die Standardfarben wird zur Lesbarkeit empfohlen.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Regalfarbe',
'book_color' => 'Buchfarbe',
'chapter_color' => 'Kapitelfarbe',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Αναζήτηση σε αυτό το βιβλίο',
'books_navigation' => 'Πλοήγηση Βιβλίου',
'books_sort' => 'Ταξινόμηση Περιεχομένων Βιβλίου',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ταξινόμηση Βιβλίου :bookname',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ταξινόμηση κατά όνομα',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ταξινόμηση κατά ημερομηνία δημιουργίας',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Τελευταία Κεφάλαια',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Εμφάνιση Άλλων Βιβλίων',
'books_sort_save' => 'Αποθήκευση Νέας Ταξινόμησης',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Αντιγραφή Βιβλίου',
'books_copy_success' => 'Το βιβλίο αντιγράφηκε επιτυχώς',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν μπορεί να δημιουργήσει μικρογραφίες. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε ότι έχετε την επέκταση GD PHP εγκατεστημένη.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν επιτρέπει τη μεταφόρτωση αυτού του μεγέθους. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ένα μικρότερο μέγεθος αρχείου.',
'uploaded' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν επιτρέπει τη μεταφόρτωση αυτού του μεγέθους. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ένα μικρότερο μέγεθος αρχείου.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Το χρονικό όριο μεταφόρτωσης αρχείου έληξε.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά το ανέβασμα της εικόνας.',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Ο τύπος εικόνας που μεταφορτώθηκε δεν είναι έγκυρος',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Το χρονικό όριο μεταφόρτωσης αρχείου έληξε.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Το συνημμένο δεν βρέθηκε',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο προστίθεται εδώ θα εισαχθεί στο κάτω μέρος της ενότητας <head> κάθε σελίδας. Αυτό είναι βολικό για την παράκαμψη ή προσθήκη στυλ καθώς και την προσθήκη κώδικα αναλυτικών στοιχείων.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Το προσαρμοσμένο περιεχόμενο κεφαλίδας HTML είναι απενεργοποιημένο σε αυτήν τη σελίδα ρυθμίσεων, για να διασφαλιστεί ότι τυχόν αλλαγές που θα πραγματοποιηθούν και θα προκαλέσουν δυσλειτουργία στην ιστοσελίδα σας, μπορούν να επαναφερθούν.',
'app_logo' => 'Λογότυπο εφαρμογής',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Αυτή η εικόνα πρέπει να έχει <b>μέγιστο ύψος</b> 43px. <br>Οι μεγάλες εικόνες θα μειωθούν.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Βασικό, χρώμα εφαρμογής',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Ορίζει το κύριο χρώμα για την εφαρμογή, συμπεριλαμβανομένων του banner, των κουμπιών και των συνδέσμων.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Αρχική σελίδα εφαρμογής',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Επιλέξτε μια προβολή για εμφάνιση στην αρχική σελίδα αντί για την προεπιλεγμένη προβολή. Τα δικαιώματα σελίδων αγνοούνται για επιλεγμένες σελίδες.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Επιλέξτε μια σελίδα',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Απενεργοποιεί τα σχόλια σε όλες τις σελίδες της εφαρμογής. <br> Τα υπάρχοντα σχόλια δεν εμφανίζονται.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Χρώματα εφαρμογής',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Ορίζει τα χρώματα για όλα τα στοιχεία στην ιεραρχία οργάνωσης της ιστοσελίδας. <br/><b>Συνιστάται</b> η επιλογή χρωμάτων <u>με παρόμοια φωτεινότητα</u> με τα προεπιλεγμένα χρώματα για αναγνωσιμότητα.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Χρώμα Ραφιού',
'book_color' => 'Χρώμα Βιβλίων',
'chapter_color' => 'Χρώμα Κεφαλαίων Βιβλίων',
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ return [
'username' => 'Usuario',
'email' => 'Correo electrónico',
'password' => 'Contraseña',
'password_confirm' => 'Confirmar Contraseña',
'password_confirm' => 'Confirmar contraseña',
'password_hint' => 'Debe contener al menos 8 caracteres',
'forgot_password' => '¿Contraseña Olvidada?',
'forgot_password' => '¿Contraseña olvidada?',
'remember_me' => 'Recordarme',
'ldap_email_hint' => 'Por favor introduzca un mail para utilizar con esta cuenta.',
'create_account' => 'Crear una Cuenta',
'create_account' => 'Crear una cuenta',
'already_have_account' => '¿Ya tienes una cuenta?',
'dont_have_account' => '¿No tienes una cuenta?',
'social_login' => 'Login Social',
'social_registration' => 'Registro Social',
'social_login' => 'Login social',
'social_registration' => 'Registro social',
'social_registration_text' => 'Registrar y entrar utilizando otro servicio.',
'register_thanks' => '¡Gracias por registrarse!',
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ return [
'auto_init_start_link' => 'Continuar con la autenticación',
// Password Reset
'reset_password' => 'Resetear Contraseña',
'reset_password' => 'Resetear contraseña',
'reset_password_send_instructions' => 'Introduzca su correo electrónico a continuación y le será enviado un correo con un link para la restauración',
'reset_password_send_button' => 'Enviar Enlace de Reseteo',
'reset_password_send_button' => 'Enviar enlace de reseteo',
'reset_password_sent' => 'Un enlace para cambiar la contraseña será enviado a su dirección de correo electrónico si existe en nuestro sistema.',
'reset_password_success' => 'Su password ha sido reseteado de manera éxitosa.',
'email_reset_subject' => 'Resetee la contraseña de :appName',
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ return [
'email_confirm_subject' => 'Confirme su correo electrónico en :appName',
'email_confirm_greeting' => '¡Gracias por unirse a :appName!',
'email_confirm_text' => 'Por favor confirme su dirección de correo electrónico haciendo click en el siguiente botón:',
'email_confirm_action' => 'Confirmar Correo Electrónico',
'email_confirm_action' => 'Confirmar correo electrónico',
'email_confirm_send_error' => 'Confirmation de correo electrónico requerida pero el sistema no pudo enviar el correo. Contacte con el administrador para asegurarse de que el correo electrónico está configurado correctamente.',
'email_confirm_success' => '¡Tu correo electrónico ha sido confirmado! Ahora deberías poder iniciar sesión usando esta dirección de correo electrónico.',
'email_confirm_resent' => 'correo electrónico de confirmación reenviado, compruebe su bandeja de entrada.',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Buscar en este libro',
'books_navigation' => 'Navegación de libro',
'books_sort' => 'Organizar contenido de libro',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Mueve capítulos y páginas dentro de un libro para reorganizar su contenido. Se pueden añadir otros libros lo que permite mover fácilmente capítulos y páginas entre libros.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Organizar libro :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Organizar por Nombre',
'books_sort_created' => 'Organizar por Fecha de creación',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Capítulos al final ',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostrar otros libros',
'books_sort_save' => 'Guardar nuevo orden',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Añada otros libros aquí para incluirlos en la ordenación, y permita una fácil reorganización entre libros.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Subir',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Bajar',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Mover al libro anterior',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Mover al siguiente libro',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Mover al capítulo anterior',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Mover al siguiente capítulo',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Mover al inicio del libro',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Mover al final del libro',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Mover a antes del capítulo',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Mover a después del capítulo',
'books_copy' => 'Copiar Libro',
'books_copy_success' => 'Libro copiado correctamente',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no puede crear la miniatura de la imagen. Compruebe que tiene la extensión PHP GD instalada.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamaño. Intente subir un fichero de menor tamaño.',
'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamaño. Intente subir un fichero de menor tamaño.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir la imagen',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'El tipo de imagen que se quiere subir no es válido',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'No se han podido cargar los datos del dibujo. Puede que el archivo de dibujo ya no exista o que no tenga permiso para acceder a él.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'No se encontró el adjunto',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Cualquier contenido agregado aquí será insertado al final de la sección <head> de cada página. Esto es útil para sobreescribir estilos o agregar código para analíticas web.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'El contenido personalizado para la cabecera está deshabilitado en esta página de ajustes para permitir que cualquier cambio que rompa la funcionalidad pueda ser revertido.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo de la Aplicación',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Esta imagen debería de ser 43px de altura. <br> Las imágenes grandes serán escaladas.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Color Primario de la Aplicación',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Esto debería ser un valor hexadecimal. <br>Deje el valor vacío para restaurar al valor por defecto.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Se utiliza en la cabecera de la aplicación, entre otras áreas. Esta imagen debe ser de 86px de altura. Las imágenes grandes serán reducidas en tamaño.',
'app_icon' => 'Logo de la Aplicación',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Se utiliza para las pestañas del navegador y los accesos directos. Debería ser una imagen PNG cuadrada de 256px.',
'app_homepage' => 'Página de inicio',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Elija la vista que se mostrará en la página de inicio en lugar de la vista predeterminada. Se ignorarán los permisos de la página seleccionada.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Elija una página',
@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deshabilita los comentarios en todas las páginas de la aplicación. <br> Los comentarios existentes no se muestran.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Colores del contenido',
'color_scheme' => 'Esquema de color de la aplicación',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Establecer los colores a usar en la interfaz de BookStack. Los colores pueden configurarse por separado para que los modos oscuros y claros se ajusten mejor al tema y garanticen la legibilidad.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Establezca el color principal y el color de los enlaces para BookStack. El color principal se utiliza principalmente para la cabecera, botones y decoraciones de la interfaz. El color de los enlaces se utiliza para enlaces y acciones de texto, tanto dentro del contenido escrito como en la interfaz de Bookstack.',
'app_color' => 'Color principal',
'link_color' => 'Color de enlaces por defecto',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Establece los colores para todos los elementos en la jerarquía de la organización de la página. Se recomienda elegir colores con un brillo similar al predeterminado para mayor legibilidad.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Color del estante',
'book_color' => 'Color del libro',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Buscar en este libro',
'books_navigation' => 'Navegación de libro',
'books_sort' => 'Organizar contenido de libro',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Mueve capítulos y páginas dentro de un libro para reorganizar su contenido. Se pueden añadir otros libros lo que permite mover fácilmente capítulos y páginas entre libros.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Organizar libro :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Organizar por nombre',
'books_sort_created' => 'Organizar por fecha de creación',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Capítulos al final',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostrar otros libros',
'books_sort_save' => 'Guardar nuevo orden',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Añada otros libros aquí para incluirlos en la ordenación, y permita una fácil reorganización entre libros.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Subir',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Bajar',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Mover al libro anterior',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Mover al siguiente libro',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Mover al capítulo anterior',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Mover al siguiente capítulo',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Mover al inicio del libro',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Mover al final del libro',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Mover a antes del capítulo',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Mover a después del capítulo',
'books_copy' => 'Copiar Libro',
'books_copy_success' => 'Libro copiado correctamente',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no puede crear la imagen miniatura. Por favor chequee que tiene la extensión GD instalada.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamañ. Por favor intente con un fichero de menor tamañ.',
'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permite subir archivos de este tamaño. Por favor intente un tamaño menor.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir la imagen',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'El tipo de imagen subida es inválido.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'No se han podido cargar los datos del dibujo. Puede que el archivo de dibujo ya no exista o que no tenga permiso para acceder a él.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'No se encuentra el objeto adjunto',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Cualquier contenido agregado aquí será agregado al final de la sección <head> de cada página. Esto es útil para sobreescribir estilos o agregar código para analíticas.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'El contenido personailzado para la cabecera HTML está deshabilitado en esta configuración para garantizar que cualquier cambio importante se pueda revertir.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo de la aplicación',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Esta imagen debería ser de 43px en altura. <br>Las imágenes grandes serán achicadas.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Color primario de la aplicación',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Esto debería ser un valor hexadecimal. <br>Deje el valor vacío para reiniciar al valor por defecto.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Se utiliza en la cabecera de la aplicación, entre otras áreas. Esta imagen debe ser de 86px de altura. Las imágenes grandes serán reducidas en tamaño.',
'app_icon' => 'Logo de la Aplicación',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Se utiliza para las pestañas del navegador y los accesos directos. Debería ser una imagen PNG cuadrada de 256px.',
'app_homepage' => 'Página de inicio de la Aplicación',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Seleccione una página de inicio para mostrar en lugar de la vista por defecto. Se ignoran los permisos de página para las páginas seleccionadas.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Seleccione una página',
@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deshabilitar comentarios en todas las páginas de la aplicación. Los comentarios existentes no se muestran.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Colores del contenido',
'color_scheme' => 'Esquema de color de la aplicación',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Establecer los colores a usar en la interfaz de BookStack. Los colores pueden configurarse por separado para que los modos oscuros y claros se ajusten mejor al tema y garanticen la legibilidad.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Establezca el color principal y el color de los enlaces para BookStack. El color principal se utiliza principalmente para la cabecera, botones y decoraciones de la interfaz. El color de los enlaces se utiliza para enlaces y acciones de texto, tanto dentro del contenido escrito como en la interfaz de Bookstack.',
'app_color' => 'Color principal',
'link_color' => 'Color de enlaces por defecto',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Establece los colores para todos los elementos en la jerarquía de la organización de la página. Se recomienda elegir colores con un brillo similar al predeterminado para mayor legibilidad.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Color del estante',
'book_color' => 'Color del libro',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Otsi sellest raamatust',
'books_navigation' => 'Raamatu sisukord',
'books_sort' => 'Sorteeri raamatu sisu',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sorteeri raamat :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sorteeri nime järgi',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sorteeri loomisaja järgi',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Peatükid tagapool',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Näita teisi raamatuid',
'books_sort_save' => 'Salvesta uus järjekord',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopeeri raamat',
'books_copy_success' => 'Raamat on kopeeritud',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server ei saa piltide eelvaateid tekitada. Veendu, et PHP GD laiendus on paigaldatud.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Server ei luba nii suurte failide üleslaadimist. Proovi väiksema failiga.',
'uploaded' => 'Server ei luba nii suurte failide üleslaadimist. Proovi väiksema failiga.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faili üleslaadimine aegus.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Pildi üleslaadimisel tekkis viga',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Pildifaili tüüp ei ole korrektne',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faili üleslaadimine aegus.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Manust ei leitud',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Siia lisatud sisu lisatakse iga lehe <head> sektsiooni lõppu. See võimaldab stiile üle laadida või lisada analüütika koodi.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Kohandatud HTML päise sisu on sellel lehel välja lülitatud, et probleemseid muudatusi saaks tagasi võtta.',
'app_logo' => 'Rakenduse logo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'See pildifail peaks olema 43 pikslit kõrge. <br>Suuremad pildifailid tehakse väiksemaks.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Rakenduse põhivärv',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Määrab rakenduse primaarse värvi, sh. päise, nuppude ja linkide jaoks.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Seda kasutatakse muuhulgas rakenduse päises. Pildifail peaks olema 86px kõrge. Suuremad pildid tehakse väiksemaks.',
'app_icon' => 'Rakenduse ikoon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Seda ikooni kasutatakse brauseri sakkidel ja järjehoidjate ikoonidena. See peaks olema 256px ruudukujuline PNG.',
'app_homepage' => 'Rakenduse avaleht',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Vali leht, mida näidata avalehel vaikimisi vaate asemel. Valitud lehele ei rakendata ligipääsuõiguseid.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Vali leht',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Keelab kommentaarid kogu rakenduses. <br>Olemasolevaid kommentaare ei näidata.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Sisuelementide värvid',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Määrab värvid erinevatele sisuelementidele. Loetavuse huvides on soovituslik valida värvid, mille heledus on sarnane vaikimisi värvidele.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Riiuli värv',
'book_color' => 'Raamatu värv',
'chapter_color' => 'Peatüki värv',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Bilatu liburu hau',
'books_navigation' => 'Liburu nabigazioa',
'books_sort' => 'Ordenatu liburu edukiak',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ordenatu :bookName liburua',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordenatu izenaren arabera',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordenatu argitaratze-dataren arabera',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Azken kapitulua',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Erakutsi beste liburuak',
'books_sort_save' => 'Gorde agindu berria',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopiatu liburua',
'books_copy_success' => 'Ondo kopiatu da',
@ -157,7 +169,7 @@ return [
'chapters' => 'Kapituluak',
'x_chapters' => ':count Kapitulu|:count Kapitulu',
'chapters_popular' => 'Kapitulu ikusienak',
'chapters_new' => 'Kopiatu kapitulua',
'chapters_new' => 'Kapitulu berria',
'chapters_create' => 'Sortu kapitulu berria',
'chapters_delete' => 'Kapitulua ezabatu',
'chapters_delete_named' => ':chapterName kapitulua ezabatu',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.',
'uploaded' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Errorea gertatu da irudia igotzerakoan',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'The image type being uploaded is invalid',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Atxikia ez da aurkitu',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Hemen sarturiko edozein eduki <head> eremuko behekaldean sartuko da orrialde guztietan. Honek estiloak gainditzeko edo analitika-kodea gehitzeko balio du.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'HTML edukiera desgaituta dago konfigurazio-orri honetan, edozein aldaketa eten daitekeela bermatzeko.',
'app_logo' => 'Aplikazioaren logoa',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Irudi honek 43px izan behar du altueran.<br>Irudi handiagoak txikitu egingo dira.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Aplikazioaren kolore lehenetsia',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Konfiguratu aplikaziorako kolore nagusia, botoi, banner eta estekak barne.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Aplikazioko hasiera orria',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Aukeratu hasierako orriko bista, defektuzkoa beharrean. Orrialde baimenak ez dira kontutan hartuko aukeratutako orrialdeentzat.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Aukeratu Orria',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Disables comments across all pages in the application. <br> Existing comments are not shown.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Eduki koloreak',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Sets colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Apal kolorea',
'book_color' => 'Liburu kolorea',
'chapter_color' => 'Kapitulu kolorea',
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
return [
// Pages
'page_create' => 'تاریخ ایجاد',
'page_create' => 'ایجاد صفحه',
'page_create_notification' => 'صفحه با موفقیت ایجاد شد',
'page_update' => 'به روزرسانی صفحه',
'page_update_notification' => 'صفحه با موفقیت به روزرسانی شد',
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ return [
'book_sort_notification' => 'کتاب با موفقیت مرتب سازی شد',
// Bookshelves
'bookshelf_create' => 'created shelf',
'bookshelf_create' => 'ایجاد قفسه',
'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'قفسه کتاب با موفقیت ایجاد شد',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'converted book to shelf',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'تبدیل کتاب به قفسه',
'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'کتاب با موفقیت به یک قفسه تبدیل شد',
'bookshelf_update' => 'به روزرسانی قفسه',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'قفسه با موفقیت به روزرسانی شد',
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ return [
'shelves_permissions_active' => 'مجوزهای قفسه فعال است',
'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning' => 'مجوزهای موجود در قفسهها به طور خودکار به کتابهای حاوی اطلاق نمیشوند. دلیل آن این است که یک کتاب می تواند در چندین قفسه وجود داشته باشد. با این حال، مجوزها را میتوان با استفاده از گزینه پایین همین صفحه در کتابهای فرزند کپی کرد.',
'shelves_copy_permissions_to_books' => 'کپی مجوزها در کتابها',
'shelves_copy_permissions' => 'مجوزهای کپی',
'shelves_copy_permissions' => 'کپی مجوزها',
'shelves_copy_permissions_explain' => 'با این کار تنظیمات مجوز فعلی این قفسه برای همه کتابهای موجود در آن اعمال میشود. قبل از فعال کردن، مطمئن شوید که هر گونه تغییر در مجوزهای این قفسه، ذخیره شده است.',
'shelves_copy_permission_success' => 'مجوزهای قفسه در :count کتاب کپی شد',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'این کتاب را جستجو کنید',
'books_navigation' => 'ناوبری کتاب',
'books_sort' => 'مرتب سازی مطالب کتاب',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'مرتبسازی کتاب:bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'مرتب سازی بر اساس نام',
'books_sort_created' => 'مرتب سازی بر اساس تاریخ ایجاد',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'فصل آخر',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'نمایش کتاب های دیگر',
'books_sort_save' => 'ذخیره سفارش جدید',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'کپی کتاب',
'books_copy_success' => 'کتاب با موفقیت کپی شد',
@ -169,7 +181,7 @@ return [
'chapters_move' => 'انتقال فصل',
'chapters_move_named' => 'انتقال فصل :chapterName',
'chapter_move_success' => 'فصل به :bookName منتقل شد',
'chapters_copy' => 'کپی کردن فصل',
'chapters_copy' => 'کپی فصل',
'chapters_copy_success' => 'فصل با موفقیت کپی شد',
'chapters_permissions' => 'مجوزهای فصل',
'chapters_empty' => 'در حال حاضر هیچ صفحه ای در این فصل وجود ندارد.',
@ -229,7 +241,7 @@ return [
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'صفحه در یک فصل نیست',
'pages_move' => 'انتقال صفحه',
'pages_move_success' => 'صفحه به ":parentName" منتقل شد',
'pages_copy' => 'صفحه را کپی کنید',
'pages_copy' => 'کپی صفحه',
'pages_copy_desination' => 'مقصد را کپی کنید',
'pages_copy_success' => 'صفحه با موفقیت کپی شد',
'pages_permissions' => 'مجوزهای صفحه',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'سرور نمی تواند تصاویر کوچک ایجاد کند. لطفاً بررسی کنید که پسوند GD PHP را نصب کرده اید.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'سرور اجازه آپلود در این اندازه را نمی دهد. لطفا اندازه فایل کوچکتر را امتحان کنید.',
'uploaded' => 'سرور اجازه آپلود در این اندازه را نمی دهد. لطفا اندازه فایل کوچکتر را امتحان کنید.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'زمان بارگذاری فایل به پایان رسیده است.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'هنگام آپلود تصویر خطایی روی داد',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'نوع تصویر در حال آپلود نامعتبر است',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'زمان بارگذاری فایل به پایان رسیده است.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'پیوست یافت نشد',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'هر محتوای اضافه شده در اینجا در پایین بخش <head> هر صفحه درج می شود. این برای تغییر سبک ها یا اضافه کردن کد تجزیه و تحلیل مفید است.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'محتوای سر HTML سفارشی در این صفحه تنظیمات غیرفعال است تا اطمینان حاصل شود که هر گونه تغییر شکسته می تواند برگردانده شود.',
'app_logo' => 'لوگوی برنامه',
'app_logo_desc' => 'این تصویر باید 43 پیکسل ارتفاع داشته باشد. <br>تصاویر بزرگ کوچک می شوند.',
'app_primary_color' => 'رنگ اصلی برنامه',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'رنگ اصلی برنامه را از جمله بنر، دکمه ها و پیوندها تنظیم می کند.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'صفحه اصلی برنامه',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'به جای نمای پیشفرض، یک نمای را برای نمایش در صفحه اصلی انتخاب کنید. مجوزهای صفحه برای صفحات انتخابی نادیده گرفته می شود.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'یک صفحه را انتخاب کنید',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'نظرات را در تمام صفحات برنامه غیرفعال می کند. <br> نظرات موجود نشان داده نمی شوند.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'رنگ های محتوا',
'content_colors_desc' => 'رنگ ها را برای همه عناصر در سلسله مراتب سازمان صفحه تنظیم می کند. برای خوانایی، انتخاب رنگ هایی با روشنایی مشابه با رنگ های پیش فرض توصیه می شود.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'رنگ قفسه',
'book_color' => 'رنگ کتاب',
'chapter_color' => 'رنگ فصل',
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ return [
'open_link_new' => 'Nouvelle fenêtre',
'remove_link' => 'Retirer le lien',
'insert_collapsible' => 'Insérer un bloc repliable',
'collapsible_unwrap' => 'Dérouler',
'collapsible_unwrap' => 'Sortir le contenu',
'edit_label' => 'Modifier le libellé',
'toggle_open_closed' => 'Basculer ouvert/fermé',
'collapsible_edit' => 'Modifier un bloc repliable',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Rechercher dans ce livre',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigation dans le livre',
'books_sort' => 'Trier les contenus du livre',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Trier le livre :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Trier par le nom',
'books_sort_created' => 'Trier par la date de création',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Les chapitres en dernier',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Afficher d\'autres livres',
'books_sort_save' => 'Enregistrer l\'ordre',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copier le livre',
'books_copy_success' => 'Livre copié avec succès',
@ -224,8 +236,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Insérer une image',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Insérer un lien',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Insérer un dessin',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Prévisualisation',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Défilement prévisualisation',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'La page n\'est pas dans un chapitre',
'pages_move' => 'Déplacer la page',
'pages_move_success' => 'Page déplacée à ":parentName"',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Le serveur ne peut pas créer de miniature, vérifier que l\'extension PHP GD est installée.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'La taille du fichier est trop grande.',
'uploaded' => 'Le serveur n\'autorise pas l\'envoi d\'un fichier de cette taille. Veuillez essayer avec une taille de fichier réduite.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Le téléchargement du fichier a expiré.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue pendant l\'envoi de l\'image',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Le format de l\'image envoyée n\'est pas valide',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Le téléchargement du fichier a expiré.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Fichier joint non trouvé',
@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Le contenu inséré ici sera ajouté en bas de la balise <head> de toutes les pages. Vous pouvez l\'utiliser pour ajouter du CSS personnalisé ou un tracker analytique.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Le contenu de l\'en-tête HTML personnalisé est désactivé sur cette page de paramètres pour garantir que les modifications les plus récentes puissent être annulées.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo de l\'application',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Cette image doit faire 43px de hauteur. <br>Les images plus larges seront réduites.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Couleur principale de l\'application',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Cela devrait être une valeur hexadécimale. <br>Laisser vide pour rétablir la couleur par défaut.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Page d\'accueil de l\'application',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Choisissez une page à afficher sur la page d\'accueil au lieu de la vue par défaut. Les permissions sont ignorées pour les pages sélectionnées.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Choisissez une page',
'app_footer_links' => 'Liens de pied de page',
'app_footer_links_desc' => 'Ajouter des liens à afficher dans le pied de page du site. Ils seront affichés en bas de la plupart des pages, y compris celles qui ne nécessitent pas de connexion. Vous pouvez utiliser une étiquette de "trans::<key>" pour utiliser les traductions définies par le système. Par exemple : utiliser "trans::common.privacy_policy" fournira le texte traduit "Privacy Policy" et "trans::common.terms_of_service" fournira le texte traduit "Terms of Service".',
'app_footer_links_desc' => 'Ajoutez des liens dans le pied de page du site. Ils seront affichés en bas de la plupart des pages, incluant celles qui ne nécesittent pas de connexion. Vous pouvez utiliser l\'étiquette "trans::<key>" pour utiliser les traductions définies par le système. Par exemple, utiliser "trans::common.privacy_policy" fournira la traduction de "Politique de Confidentalité" et "trans::common.terms_of_service" fournira la traduction de "Conditions d\'utilisation".',
'app_footer_links_label' => 'Libellé du lien',
'app_footer_links_url' => 'URL du lien',
'app_footer_links_add' => 'Ajouter un lien en pied de page',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Désactive les commentaires sur toutes les pages de l\'application. Les commentaires existants ne sont pas affichés.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Couleur du contenu',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Définit les couleurs pour tous les éléments de la hiérarchie d\'organisation des pages. Choisir les couleurs avec une luminosité similaire aux couleurs par défaut est recommandé pour la lisibilité.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Couleur des étagères',
'book_color' => 'Couleur des livres',
'chapter_color' => 'Couleur des chapitres',
@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ return [
'maint_regen_references' => 'Régénérer les références',
'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'Cette action reconstruira l\'index des références croisées dans la base de données. Ceci est généralement géré automatiquement, mais cette action peut être utile pour indexer les anciens contenus ou contenus ajoutés par des méthodes non officielles.',
'maint_regen_references_success' => 'L\'index de référence a été régénéré !',
'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Note : Cette action peut prendre du temps pour s\'exécuter, ce qui peut conduire à des problèmes d\'expiration dans certains environnements Web. En tant qu\'alternative, cette action est effectuée à l\'aide d\'une commande de terminal.',
'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Note : Cette action peut prendre du temps pour s\'exécuter, ce qui peut conduire à des problèmes d\'expiration dans certains environnements Web. En tant qu\'alternative, cette action peut être effectuée à l\'aide d\'une commande de terminal.',
// Recycle Bin
'recycle_bin' => 'Corbeille',
@ -105,19 +109,19 @@ return [
'recycle_bin_restore' => 'Restaurer',
'recycle_bin_contents_empty' => 'La corbeille est vide',
'recycle_bin_empty' => 'Vider la corbeille',
'recycle_bin_empty_confirm' => 'Cela détruira définitivement tous les éléments de la corbeille, y compris le contenu contenu de chaque élément. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vider la corbeille ?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'Cette action supprimera définitivement cet élément, ainsi que tous les éléments enfants listés ci-dessous du système et vous ne pourrez pas restaurer ce contenu. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement cet élément ?',
'recycle_bin_empty_confirm' => 'Cela détruira définitivement tous les éléments de la corbeille, y compris le contenu de chaque élément. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vider la corbeille ?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'Cette action supprimera définitivement cet élément du système ainsi que tous les éléments enfants listés ci-dessous et vous ne pourrez plus restaurer ce contenu. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement cet élément ?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_list' => 'Éléments à détruire',
'recycle_bin_restore_list' => 'Éléments à restaurer',
'recycle_bin_restore_confirm' => 'Cette action restaurera l\'élément supprimé, y compris tous les éléments enfants, à leur emplacement d\'origine. Si l\'emplacement d\'origine a été supprimé depuis et est maintenant dans la corbeille, l\'élément parent devra également être restauré.',
'recycle_bin_restore_deleted_parent' => 'Le parent de cet élément a également été supprimé. Ceux-ci resteront supprimés jusqu\'à ce que ce parent soit également restauré.',
'recycle_bin_restore_deleted_parent' => 'Le parent de cet élément a aussi été supprimé. Cet élément ne pourra être restauré sans que son parent le soit également.',
'recycle_bin_restore_parent' => 'Restaurer le parent',
'recycle_bin_destroy_notification' => ':count éléments totaux supprimés de la corbeille.',
'recycle_bin_restore_notification' => ':count éléments totaux restaurés de la corbeille.',
'recycle_bin_destroy_notification' => ':count éléments supprimés de la corbeille au total.',
'recycle_bin_restore_notification' => ':count éléments restaurés de la corbeille au total.',
// Audit Log
'audit' => 'Journal d\'audit',
'audit_desc' => 'Ce journal d\'audit affiche une liste des activités suivies dans le système. Cette liste n\'est pas filtrée contrairement aux listes d\'activités similaires dans le système où les filtres d\'autorisation sont appliqués.',
'audit_desc' => 'Ce journal d\'audit affiche un suivi des activités de l\'application. Cette liste n\'est pas filtrée contrairement aux suivis d\'activités similaires de l\'application où les filtres d\'autorisation sont appliqués.',
'audit_event_filter' => 'Filtres d\'événement',
'audit_event_filter_no_filter' => 'Pas de filtre',
'audit_deleted_item' => 'Élément supprimé',
@ -134,10 +138,10 @@ return [
'roles' => 'Rôles',
'role_user_roles' => 'Rôles des utilisateurs',
'roles_index_desc' => 'Les rôles sont utilisés pour regrouper les utilisateurs et fournir une autorisation système à leurs membres. Lorsqu\'un utilisateur est membre de plusieurs rôles, les privilèges accordés se cumulent et l\'utilisateur hérite de tous les droits d\'accès.',
'roles_x_users_assigned' => '1 utilisateur affecté| : nombre d\'affectés',
'roles_x_users_assigned' => '1 utilisateur affecté|:count utilisateurs affectés',
'roles_x_permissions_provided' => '1 permission|:count permissions',
'roles_assigned_users' => 'Assigned Users',
'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Provided Permissions',
'roles_assigned_users' => 'Utilisateurs assignés',
'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Permissions accordées',
'role_create' => 'Créer un nouveau rôle',
'role_create_success' => 'Rôle créé avec succès',
'role_delete' => 'Supprimer le rôle',
@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ return [
// Users
'users' => 'Utilisateurs',
'users_index_desc' => 'Create & manage individual user accounts within the system. User accounts are used for login and attribution of content & activity. Access permissions are primarily role-based but user content ownership, among other factors, may also affect permissions & access.',
'users_index_desc' => 'Créer et gérer des comptes utilisateur individuels au sein du système. Les comptes utilisateur sont employés pour la connexion et l\'attribution du contenu et le suivi d\'activité. Les permissions d\'accès sont principalement basées sur les rôles, mais la propriété du contenu de l\'utilisateur, entre autres facteurs, peut également affecter les permissions et l\'accès.',
'user_profile' => 'Profil d\'utilisateur',
'users_add_new' => 'Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur',
'users_search' => 'Rechercher les utilisateurs',
@ -247,8 +251,8 @@ return [
// Webhooks
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooks are a way to send data to external URLs when certain actions and events occur within the system which allows event-based integration with external platforms such as messaging or notification systems.',
'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => '1 trigger event|:count trigger events',
'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Les Webhooks sont un moyen d\'envoyer des données à des URL externes lorsque certaines actions et événements se produisent dans le système, ce qui permet une intégration basée sur des événements avec des plates-formes externes telles que les systèmes de messagerie ou de notification.',
'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => '1 événement déclencheur|:count événements déclencheurs',
'webhooks_create' => 'Créer un nouveau Webhook',
'webhooks_none_created' => 'Aucun webhook n\'a encore été créé.',
'webhooks_edit' => 'Éditer le Webhook',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ return [
'actions' => 'פעולות',
'view' => 'הצג',
'view_all' => 'הצג הכל',
'new' => 'New',
'new' => 'חדש',
'create' => 'צור',
'update' => 'עדכן',
'edit' => 'ערוך',
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ return [
'previous' => 'קודם',
'filter_active' => 'מסנן פעיל:',
'filter_clear' => 'נקה מסננים',
'download' => 'Download',
'open_in_tab' => 'Open in Tab',
'download' => 'הורדה',
'open_in_tab' => 'פתח בכרטיסייה חדשה',
// Sort Options
'sort_options' => 'אפשרויות מיון',
'sort_direction_toggle' => 'Sort Direction Toggle',
'sort_direction_toggle' => 'החלפת כיוון מיון',
'sort_ascending' => 'מיין בסדר עולה',
'sort_descending' => 'מיין בסדר יורד',
'sort_name' => 'שם',
@ -78,23 +78,23 @@ return [
'status_active' => 'פעיל',
'status_inactive' => 'לא פעיל',
'never' => 'אף פעם',
'none' => 'None',
'none' => 'ללא',
// Header
'homepage' => 'Homepage',
'homepage' => 'דף הבית',
'header_menu_expand' => 'הרחב תפריט',
'profile_menu' => 'Profile Menu',
'profile_menu' => 'תפריט הפרופיל',
'view_profile' => 'הצג פרופיל',
'edit_profile' => 'ערוך פרופיל',
'dark_mode' => 'מצב לילה',
'light_mode' => 'מצב יום',
'global_search' => 'Global Search',
'global_search' => 'חיפוש כללי',
// Layout tabs
'tab_info' => 'מידע',
'tab_info_label' => 'Tab: Show Secondary Information',
'tab_info_label' => 'כרטיסייה: הצג מידע משני',
'tab_content' => 'תוכן',
'tab_content_label' => 'Tab: Show Primary Content',
'tab_content_label' => 'כרטיסייה: הצג תוכן ראשי',
// Email Content
'email_action_help' => 'אם לא ניתן ללחות על כפתור ״:actionText״, יש להעתיק ולהדביק את הכתובת למטה אל דפדפן האינטרנט שלך:',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'חפש בספר זה',
'books_navigation' => 'ניווט בספר',
'books_sort' => 'מיין את תוכן הספר',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'מיין את הספר :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'מיין לפי שם',
'books_sort_created' => 'מיין לפי תאריך יצירה',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'פרקים בסוף',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'הצג ספרים אחרונים',
'books_sort_save' => 'שמור את הסדר החדש',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'העתק ספר',
'books_copy_success' => 'ספר הועתק בהצלחה',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'השרת אינו מרשה העלאת קבצים במשקל זה. אנא נסה להעלות קובץ קטן יותר.',
'uploaded' => 'השרת אינו מרשה העלאת קבצים במשקל זה. אנא נסה להעלות קובץ קטן יותר.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'התרחשה שגיאה במהלך העלאת התמונה',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'התמונה שהועלתה אינה תקינה',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'קובץ מצורף לא נמצא',
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
return [
'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'Interface Keyboard Shortcuts',
'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => 'Here you can enable or disable keyboard system interface shortcuts, used for navigation and actions.',
'shortcuts_customize_desc' => 'You can customize each of the shortcuts below. Just press your desired key combination after selecting the input for a shortcut.',
'shortcuts_toggle_label' => 'Keyboard shortcuts enabled',
'shortcuts_section_navigation' => 'Navigation',
'shortcuts_section_actions' => 'Common Actions',
'shortcuts_save' => 'Save Shortcuts',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Note: When shortcuts are enabled a helper overlay is available via pressing "?" which will highlight the available shortcuts for actions currently visible on the screen.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Shortcut preferences have been updated!',
'shortcuts' => 'קיצורי דרך',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'קיצורי מקשים של המערכת',
'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => 'כאן תוכל להפעיל או לבטל קיצורי דרך לממשק מערכת המקלדת, המשמשים לניווט ולפעולות.',
'shortcuts_customize_desc' => 'אתה יכול להתאים אישית כל אחד מקיצורי הדרך למטה. פשוט לחץ על צירוף המקשים הרצוי לאחר בחירת הקלט לקיצור דרך.',
'shortcuts_toggle_label' => 'קיצורי מקשים מופעלים',
'shortcuts_section_navigation' => 'ניווט',
'shortcuts_section_actions' => 'פעולות נפוצות',
'shortcuts_save' => 'שמור קיצורי דרך',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'הערה: כאשר קיצורי דרך מופעלים, שכבת-על מסייעת זמינה באמצעות לחיצה על "?" אשר ידגיש את קיצורי הדרך הזמינים לפעולות הנראות כעת על המסך.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'העדפותיך נשמרו!',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'כל קוד שיתווסף כאן, יופיע בתחתית תגית ה head של כל דף. חלק זה שימושי על מנת להגדיר עיצובי CSS והתקנת קוד Analytics',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'קוד HTML מותאם מבוטל בדף ההגדרות על מנת לוודא ששינויים שגורמים לבעיה יוכלו להיות מבוטלים לאחר מכן',
'app_logo' => 'לוגו היישום',
'app_logo_desc' => 'תמונה זו צריכה להיות בגובה 43 פיקסלים. תמונות גדולות יותר יוקטנו.',
'app_primary_color' => 'צבע עיקרי ליישום',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'ערך זה צריך להיות מסוג hex. <br> יש להשאיר ריק לשימוש בצבע ברירת המחדל',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'דף הבית של היישום',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'אנא בחר דף להצגה בדף הבית במקום דף ברירת המחדל. הרשאות הדף לא יחולו בדפים הנבחרים.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'בחר דף',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'מבטל את התגובות לאורך כל היישום, תגובות קיימות לא יוצגו.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'צבעי התוכן',
'content_colors_desc' => 'מגדיר צבעים לכל האלמנטים בהיררכיה הארגונית של הדף. לחווית קריאה מיטבית, מומלץ לבחור צבעים בבהירות הדומה לצבעי ברירת המחדל.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'צבע המדף',
'book_color' => 'צבע הספר',
'chapter_color' => 'צבע הפרק',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Traži knjigu',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigacija knjige',
'books_sort' => 'Razvrstaj sadržaj knjige',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Razvrstaj knjigu :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Razvrstaj po imenu',
'books_sort_created' => 'Razvrstaj po datumu nastanka',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Zadnja poglavlja',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Pokaži ostale knjige',
'books_sort_save' => 'Spremi novi poredak',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Provjerite imate li instaliranu GD PHP ekstenziju.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Prevelika količina za server. Pokušajte prenijeti manju veličinu.',
'uploaded' => 'Prevelika količina za server. Pokušajte prenijeti manju veličinu.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Isteklo vrijeme za prijenos datoteke.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Problem s prenosom slike',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Nepodržani format slike',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Isteklo vrijeme za prijenos datoteke.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Prilozi nisu pronađeni',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Sav sadržaj dodan ovdje bit će umetnut na dno <glavne> stranice. To je korisno za stiliziranje i dodavanje analitičkog koda.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Prilagođeni HTML je onemogućen kako bi se osiguralo vraćanje promjena u slučaju kvara.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo aplikacije',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Slika smije biti najviše 43px u visinu. <br>Velike slike će biti smanjene.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Primarna boja aplikacije',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Postavlja primarnu boju za aplikaciju uključujući natpis, gumbe i veze.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Glavna stranica aplikacije',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Odaberite prikaz svoje glavne stranice umjesto već zadane. Za odabrane stranice ne vrijede zadana dopuštenja.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Odaberi stranicu',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Onemogući komentare za sve stranice u aplikaciji. <br> Postojeći komentari nisu prikazani.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Boja sadržaja',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Postavljanje boja za sve elemente stranice. Preporuča se odabir boja čija je svjetlina slična zadanim bojama.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Boja police',
'book_color' => 'Boja knjige',
'chapter_color' => 'Boja poglavlja',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Keresés ebben a könyvben',
'books_navigation' => 'Könyv navigáció',
'books_sort' => 'Könyv tartalmak rendezése',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => ':bookName könyv rendezése',
'books_sort_name' => 'Rendezés név szerint',
'books_sort_created' => 'Rendezés létrehozás dátuma szerint',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Fejezetek hátul',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Egyéb könyvek mutatása',
'books_sort_save' => 'Új elrendezés mentése',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Könyv másolása',
'books_copy_success' => 'Könyv sikeresen lemásolva',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'A kiszolgáló nem tud létrehozni bélyegképeket. Ellenőrizni kell, hogy telepítve van-a a GD PHP kiterjesztés.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'A kiszolgáló nem engedélyez ilyen méretű feltöltéseket. Kisebb fájlmérettel kell próbálkozni.',
'uploaded' => 'A kiszolgáló nem engedélyez ilyen méretű feltöltéseket. Kisebb fájlmérettel kell próbálkozni.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'A fáj feltöltése időtúllépést okozott.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Hiba történt a kép feltöltése közben',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'A feltöltött kép típusa érvénytelen',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'A fáj feltöltése időtúllépést okozott.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Csatolmány nem található',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Az itt hozzáadott bármilyen tartalom be lesz illesztve minden oldal <head> szekciójának aljára. Ez hasznos a stílusok felülírásához van analitikai kódok hozzáadásához.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Az egyéni HTML fejléc tartalom le van tiltva ezen a beállítási oldalon, hogy az esetleg hibásan megadott módosításokat vissza lehessen állítani.',
'app_logo' => 'Alkalmazás logó',
'app_logo_desc' => 'A képnek 43px magasnak kell lennie.<br>A nagy képek át lesznek méretezve.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Alkalmazás elsődleges színe',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Hexadecimális értéknek kell lennie.<br>Az alapértelmezés szerinti szín visszaállításához üresen kell hagyni.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Alkalmazás kezdőlapja',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'A kezdőlapon az alapértelmezés szerinti nézet helyett megjelenő nézet kiválasztása. A kiválasztott oldalakon figyelmen kívül lesznek hagyva az oldal engedélyek.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Egy oldal kiválasztása',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Megjegyzések letiltása az alkalmazás összes oldalán.<br>A már létező megjegyzések el lesznek rejtve.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Tartalomszínek',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Beállítja az elemek színét az oldalszervezési hierarchiában. Az olvashatóság szempontjából javasolt az alapértelmezés szerinti színhez hasonló fényerősséget választani.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Polc színe',
'book_color' => 'Könyv színe',
'chapter_color' => 'Fejezet színe',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Cari buku ini',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigasi Buku',
'books_sort' => 'Sortir Isi Buku',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sortir Buku :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Diurutkan berdasarkan nama',
'books_sort_created' => 'Urutkan berdasarkan Tanggal Dibuat',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Bab Terakhir',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Tunjukkan Buku Lain',
'books_sort_save' => 'Simpan Pesanan Baru',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server tidak dapat membuat thumbnail. Harap periksa apakah Anda telah memasang ekstensi GD PHP.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Server tidak mengizinkan unggahan dengan ukuran ini. Harap coba ukuran berkas yang lebih kecil.',
'uploaded' => 'Server tidak mengizinkan unggahan dengan ukuran ini. Harap coba ukuran berkas yang lebih kecil.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Unggahan berkas telah habis waktu.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunggah gambar',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Jenis gambar yang diunggah tidak valid',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Unggahan berkas telah habis waktu.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Lampiran tidak ditemukan',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Konten apa pun yang ditambahkan di sini akan dimasukkan ke bagian bawah <head> bagian dari setiap halaman. Ini berguna untuk mengganti gaya atau menambahkan kode analitik.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Kustom konten HTML Head dinonaktifkan pada halaman pengaturan ini untuk memastikan setiap perubahan yang mengganggu dapat dikembalikan.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo Aplikasi',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Gambar ini seharusnya memiliki ketinggian 43px Gambar besar akan diperkecil.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Warna Utama Aplikasi',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Menyetel warna utama untuk aplikasi termasuk spanduk, tombol, dan tautan.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Beranda Aplikasi',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Pilih tampilan untuk ditampilkan di beranda alih-alih tampilan default. Izin halaman diabaikan untuk halaman yang dipilih.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Pilih halaman',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Menonaktifkan komentar di semua halaman dalam aplikasi. <br> Komentar yang ada tidak ditampilkan.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Warna Konten',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Menyetel warna untuk semua elemen dalam hierarki organisasi halaman. Disarankan memilih warna dengan kecerahan yang mirip dengan warna default agar mudah dibaca.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Warna Rak',
'book_color' => 'Warna Buku',
'chapter_color' => 'Warna Bab',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Cerca in questo libro',
'books_navigation' => 'Navigazione Libro',
'books_sort' => 'Ordina il contenuto del libro',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Spostare capitoli e pagine all\'interno di un libro per riorganizzarne il contenuto. È possibile aggiungere altri libri, per spostare facilmente capitoli e pagine da un libro all\'altro.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ordina il libro :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordina per Nome',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordina per Data di Creazione',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Capitoli Per Ultimi',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostra Altri Libri',
'books_sort_save' => 'Salva il nuovo ordine',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Aggiungere qui altri libri per includerli nell\'operazione di ordinamento e consentire una facile riorganizzazione incrociata dei libri.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Muovi su',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Muovi giù',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Passare al libro precedente',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Passare al libro successivo',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Passare al capitolo precedente',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Passare al capitolo successivo',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Spostarsi all\'inizio del libro',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Spostarsi alla fine del libro',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Passare al capitolo precedente',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Passare al capitolo successivo',
'books_copy' => 'Copia Libro',
'books_copy_success' => 'Libro copiato con successo',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Il server non può creare thumbnail. Controlla che l\'estensione GD sia installata.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Il server non permette un upload di questa grandezza. Prova con un file più piccolo.',
'uploaded' => 'Il server non consente upload di questa grandezza. Prova un file più piccolo.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Il caricamento del file è andato in timeout.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'C\'è stato un errore caricando l\'immagine',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Il tipo di immagine caricata non è valido',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Il caricamento del file è andato in timeout.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Non è stato possibile caricare i dati del disegno. È possibile che il file del disegno non esista più o che non si abbia il permesso di accedervi.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Allegato non trovato',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Qualsiasi contenuto aggiunto qui verrà inserito alla fine della sezione <head> di tutte le pagine. Questo è utile per sovrascrivere lo stile o aggiungere il codice per gli analytics.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Il contenuto HTML personalizzato è disabilitato su questa pagina impostazioni per garantire che eventuali modifiche possano essere ripristinate.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo applicazione',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Questa immagine dovrebbe essere 43px in altezza. <br>Immagini più grandi verranno scalate.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Colore primario applicazione',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Deve essere un valore hex. <br>Lascia vuoto per reimpostare il colore di default.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Viene utilizzata nella barra di intestazione dell\'applicazione, tra le altre aree. L\'immagine deve avere un\'altezza di 86px. Le immagini più grandi saranno ridimensionate.',
'app_icon' => 'Icona Applicazione',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Questa icona viene utilizzata per le schede del browser e per le icone di collegamento. Deve essere un\'immagine PNG quadrata di 256px.',
'app_homepage' => 'Homepage Applicazione',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Seleziona una pagina da mostrare nella home anzichè quella di default. I permessi della pagina sono ignorati per quella selezionata.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Seleziona una pagina',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Disabilita i commenti su tutte le pagine nell\'applicazione. I commenti esistenti non sono mostrati. ',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Colori del contenuto',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Imposta i colori per tutti gli elementi nella gerarchia della pagina. È raccomandato scegliere colori con una luminosità simile a quelli di default per una maggiore leggibilità.',
'color_scheme' => 'Schema di colore dell\'applicazione',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Imposta i colori da utilizzare nell\'interfaccia di BookStack. I colori possono essere configurati separatamente per le modalità scura e chiara per adattarsi al meglio al tema e garantire la leggibilità.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Imposta il colore primario e il colore predefinito dei collegamenti per BookStack. Il colore primario è utilizzato principalmente per il banner dell\'intestazione, i pulsanti e le decorazioni dell\'interfaccia. Il colore predefinito dei link è utilizzato per i link e le azioni basate sul testo, sia all\'interno dei contenuti scritti che nell\'interfaccia di Bookstack.',
'app_color' => 'Colore Principale',
'link_color' => 'Colore preferito del link',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Impostare i colori per tutti gli elementi nella gerarchia dell\'organizzazione della pagina. Si consiglia di scegliere colori con una luminosità simile a quella dei colori predefiniti per garantire la leggibilità.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Colore della libreria',
'book_color' => 'Colore del libro',
'chapter_color' => 'Colore del capitolo',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'このブックから検索',
'books_navigation' => '目次',
'books_sort' => '並び順を変更',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'ブック「:bookName」を並べ替え',
'books_sort_name' => '名前で並べ替え',
'books_sort_created' => '作成日で並べ替え',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'チャプターを後に',
'books_sort_show_other' => '他のブックを表示',
'books_sort_save' => '並び順を保存',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'ブックをコピー',
'books_copy_success' => 'ブックが正常にコピーされました',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'このサーバはサムネイルを作成できません。GD PHP extensionがインストールされていることを確認してください。',
'server_upload_limit' => 'このサイズの画像をアップロードすることは許可されていません。ファイルサイズを小さくし、再試行してください。',
'uploaded' => 'このサイズの画像をアップロードすることは許可されていません。ファイルサイズを小さくし、再試行してください。',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'ファイルのアップロードがタイムアウトしました。',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => '画像アップロード時にエラーが発生しました。',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'アップロード中の画像の種類が無効です',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'ファイルのアップロードがタイムアウトしました。',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => '添付ファイルが見つかりません',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'スタイルシートやアナリティクスコード追加したい場合、ここを編集します。これは<head>の最下部に挿入されます。',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => '重大な変更を元に戻せるよう、この設定ページではカスタムのHTML headコンテンツが無効になっています。',
'app_logo' => 'ロゴ',
'app_logo_desc' => '高さ43pxで表示されます。これを上回る場合、自動で縮小されます。',
'app_primary_color' => 'プライマリカラー',
'app_primary_color_desc' => '16進数カラーコードで入力します。空にした場合、デフォルトの色にリセットされます。',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'アプリケーションのホームページ',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'デフォルトのビューの代わりにホームページに表示するビューを選択します。選択したページの権限は無視されます。',
'app_homepage_select' => 'ページを選択',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'アプリケーション内のすべてのページのコメントを無効にします。既存のコメントは表示されません。',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'コンテンツの色',
'content_colors_desc' => 'ページ構成階層のすべての要素に色を設定します。読みやすさを考慮して、デフォルトの色と同じような明るさの色を選ぶことをお勧めします。',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => '本棚の色',
'book_color' => 'ブックの色',
'chapter_color' => 'チャプターの色',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Search this book',
'books_navigation' => 'Book Navigation',
'books_sort' => 'Sort Book Contents',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sort Book :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sort by Name',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sort by Created Date',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Chapters Last',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Show Other Books',
'books_sort_save' => 'Save New Order',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.',
'uploaded' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the image',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'The image type being uploaded is invalid',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Attachment not found',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Any content added here will be inserted into the bottom of the <head> section of every page. This is handy for overriding styles or adding analytics code.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Custom HTML head content is disabled on this settings page to ensure any breaking changes can be reverted.',
'app_logo' => 'Application Logo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This image should be 43px in height. <br>Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Application Primary Color',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Sets the primary color for the application including the banner, buttons, and links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Application Homepage',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Select a view to show on the homepage instead of the default view. Page permissions are ignored for selected pages.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Select a page',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Disables comments across all pages in the application. <br> Existing comments are not shown.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Content Colors',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Sets colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Shelf Color',
'book_color' => 'Book Color',
'chapter_color' => 'Chapter Color',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => '이 책에서 검색',
'books_navigation' => '목차',
'books_sort' => '다른 책들',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => ':bookName 정렬',
'books_sort_name' => '제목',
'books_sort_created' => '만든 날짜',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => '문서 우선',
'books_sort_show_other' => '다른 책들',
'books_sort_save' => '적용',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => '책 복사하기',
'books_copy_success' => '책 복사함',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => '섬네일을 못 만들었습니다. PHP에 GD 확장 도구를 설치하세요.',
'server_upload_limit' => '파일 크기가 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.',
'uploaded' => '파일 크기가 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.',
'file_upload_timeout' => '파일을 올리는 데 걸리는 시간이 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => '이미지를 올리다 문제가 생겼습니다.',
'image_upload_type_error' => '유효하지 않은 이미지 형식입니다.',
'file_upload_timeout' => '파일을 올리는 데 걸리는 시간이 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => '첨부 파일이 없습니다.',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => '설정 페이지를 제외한 모든 페이지 head 태그 끝머리에 추가합니다.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => '문제가 생겨도 설정 페이지에서 되돌릴 수 있어요.',
'app_logo' => '사이트 로고',
'app_logo_desc' => '높이를 43px로 구성하세요. 큰 이미지는 축소합니다.',
'app_primary_color' => '사이트 색채',
'app_primary_color_desc' => '16진수로 구성하세요. 비웠을 때는 기본 색상으로 설정합니다.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => '처음 페이지',
'app_homepage_desc' => '고른 페이지에 설정한 권한은 무시합니다.',
'app_homepage_select' => '문서 고르기',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => '모든 페이지에서 댓글을 숨깁니다.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => '본문 색상',
'content_colors_desc' => '기본 색상과 유사한 밝기를 가진 색상으로 가독성을 높이는 것을 추천합니다.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => '책꽂이 색상',
'book_color' => '책 색상',
'chapter_color' => '챕터 색상',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Ieškoti šioje knygoje',
'books_navigation' => 'Knygos naršymas',
'books_sort' => 'Rūšiuoti pagal knygos turinį',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Rūšiuoti knygą :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Rūšiuoti pagal vardą',
'books_sort_created' => 'Rūšiuoti pagal sukūrimo datą',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Skyriaus pabaiga',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Rodyti kitas knygas',
'books_sort_save' => 'Išsaugoti naują įsakymą',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveris negali sukurti miniatiūros. Prašome patikrinkite, ar turite įdiegtą GD PHP plėtinį.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveris neleidžia įkelti tokio dydžio failų. Prašome bandykite mažesnį failo dydį.',
'uploaded' => 'Serveris neleidžia įkelti tokio dydžio failų. Prašome bandykite mažesnį failo dydį.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Failo įkėlimo laikas baigėsi',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Įvyko klaida įkeliant vaizdą',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Vaizdo tipas, kurį norima įkelti, yra neteisingas',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Failo įkėlimo laikas baigėsi',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Priedas nerastas',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Bet koks čia pridedamas turinys bus prisegamas apačioje <antraštės> kiekvieno puslapio skyriuje. Tai yra patogu svarbesniems stiliams arba pridedant analizės kodą.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Pasirinktinis HTML antraštės turinys yra išjungtas šiame nustatymų puslapyje užtikrinti, kad bet kokie negeri pokyčiai galėtų būti anuliuojami.',
'app_logo' => 'Programos logotipas',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Šis vaizdas turėtų būti 43px aukščio. <br> Dideli vaizdai bus sumažinti.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Programos pagrindinė spalva',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Nustato pagrindinę spalvą programai, įskaitant reklamjuostę, mygtukus ir nuorodas.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Programos pagrindinis puslapis',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Pasirinkite vaizdą rodyti pagrindiniame paslapyje vietoj numatyto vaizdo. Puslapio leidimai yra ignoruojami pasirinktiems puslapiams.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Pasirinkti puslapį',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Išjungti komentarus visuose programos puslapiuose. <br> Esantys komentarai nerodomi.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Turinio spalvos',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Nustato spalvas visiems elementams puslapio organizacijos herarchijoje. Rekomenduojama pasirinkti spalvas su panačiu šviesumu kaip numatytos spalvos, kad būtų lengviau skaityti.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Lentynos spalva',
'book_color' => 'Knygos spalva',
'chapter_color' => 'Skyriaus spalva',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Meklēt šajā grāmatā',
'books_navigation' => 'Grāmatas navigācija',
'books_sort' => 'Kārtot grāmatas saturu',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Kārtot grāmatu :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Kārtot pēc nosaukuma',
'books_sort_created' => 'Kārtot pēc izveidošanas datuma',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Nodaļas pēdējās',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Rādīt citas grāmatas',
'books_sort_save' => 'Saglabāt jauno kārtību',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopēt grāmatu',
'books_copy_success' => 'Grāmata veiksmīgi nokopēta',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveris nevar izveidot samazinātus attēlus. Lūdzu pārbaudiet, vai ir uzstādīts PHP GD paplašinājums.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveris neatļauj šāda izmēra failu ielādi. Lūdzu mēģiniet mazāka izmēra failu.',
'uploaded' => 'Serveris neatļauj šāda izmēra failu ielādi. Lūdzu mēģiniet mazāka izmēra failu.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faila augšupielādē ir iestājies noilgums.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Radās kļūda augšupielādējot attēlu',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Ielādējamā attēla tips nav derīgs',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faila augšupielādē ir iestājies noilgums.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Pielikums nav atrasts',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Šis saturs tiks pievienots <head> sadaļas apakšā visām lapām. Tas ir noderīgi papildinot CSS stilus vai pievienojot analītikas kodu.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Pielāgots HTML head saturs ir izslēgts šajā uzstādījumu lapā, lai nodrošinātu, ka iespējams atcelt jebkādas kritiskas izmaiņas.',
'app_logo' => 'Lietotnes logo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Attēlam jābūt 43px augstam. <br>Lielāki attēli tiks samazināti.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Galvenā aplikācijas krāsa',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Uzstāda primāro krāsu aplikācijai, ieskaitot banneri, pogas un saites.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Aplikācijas sākumlapa',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Izvēlēties skatu, ko rādīt sākumlapā noklusētā skata vietā. Lapas piekļuves tiesības izvēlētajai lapai netiks ņemtas vērā.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Izvēlēties lapu',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Atslēdz komentārus visās aplikācijas lapās.<br> Jau eksistējoši komentāri netiks attēloti.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Satura krāsas',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Norādīt krāsas visiem lapas hierarhijas elementiem. Lasāmības labad ieteicams izvēlēties krāsas ar līdzīgu spilgtumu kā noklusētajām.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Plaukta krāsa',
'book_color' => 'Grāmatas krāsa',
'chapter_color' => 'Nodaļas krāsa',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Søk i boken',
'books_navigation' => 'Boknavigasjon',
'books_sort' => 'Sorter bokinnhold',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sorter boken :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sorter på navn',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sorter på opprettet dato',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitler sist',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Vis andre bøker',
'books_sort_save' => 'Lagre sortering',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Kan ikke opprette miniatyrbilder. GD PHP er ikke installert.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Vedlegget er for stort, forsøk med et mindre vedlegg.',
'uploaded' => 'Tjenesten aksepterer ikke vedlegg som er så stor.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Opplastingen gikk ut på tid.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Bildet kunne ikke lastes opp, forsøk igjen.',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Bildeformatet støttes ikke, forsøk med et annet format.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Opplastingen gikk ut på tid.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Vedlegget ble ikke funnet',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Alt innhold som legges til her, blir satt inn i bunnen av <head> -delen på hver side. Dette er praktisk for å overstyre stiler eller legge til analysekode.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Tilpasset HTML-hodeinnhold er deaktivert på denne innstillingssiden for å sikre at eventuelle endringer ødelegger noe, kan tilbakestilles.',
'app_logo' => 'Applikasjonslogo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Dette bildet skal være 43 px høyt. <br> Store bilder blir nedskalert.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Applikasjonens primærfarge',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Angir primærfargen for applikasjonen inkludert banner, knapper og lenker.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Applikasjonens hjemmeside',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Velg en visning som skal vises på hjemmesiden i stedet for standardvisningen. Sidetillatelser ignoreres for utvalgte sider.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Velg en side',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Deaktiver kommentarer på tvers av alle sidene i applikasjonen. <br> Eksisterende kommentarer vises ikke.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Innholdsfarger',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Angir farger for alle elementene i sideorganisasjonshierarkiet. Det anbefales å lese farger med en lignende lysstyrke som standardfargene for lesbarhet.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Hyllefarge',
'book_color' => 'Bokfarge',
'chapter_color' => 'Kapittelfarge',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Zoeken in dit boek',
'books_navigation' => 'Boek navigatie',
'books_sort' => 'Inhoud van het boek sorteren',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sorteer boek :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sorteren op naam',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sorteren op datum van aanmaken',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Hoofdstukken laatst',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Bekijk andere boeken',
'books_sort_save' => 'Nieuwe volgorde opslaan',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Kopieer Boek',
'books_copy_success' => 'Boek succesvol gekopieerd',
@ -224,8 +236,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Afbeelding invoegen',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Entity link invoegen',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Tekening invoegen',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Toon preview',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Synchroniseer preview scroll',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Deze pagina staat niet in een hoofdstuk',
'pages_move' => 'Pagina verplaatsten',
'pages_move_success' => 'Pagina verplaatst naar ":parentName"',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'De server kon geen miniaturen maken. Controleer of je de GD PHP extensie geïnstalleerd hebt.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'De server staat geen uploads van deze grootte toe. Probeer een kleinere bestandsgrootte.',
'uploaded' => 'De server staat geen uploads van deze grootte toe. Probeer een kleinere bestandsgrootte.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Het uploaden van het bestand is verlopen.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden van de afbeelding',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Het geüploade afbeeldingstype is ongeldig',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Het uploaden van het bestand is verlopen.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Bijlage niet gevonden',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Alle hieronder toegevoegde data wordt aan het einde van de <head> sectie van elke pagina toegevoegd. Gebruik dit om stijlen te overschrijven of analytische code toe te voegen.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Bovenstaande wordt niet toegevoegd aan deze pagina om ervoor te zorgen dat je foutieve code steeds ongedaan kan maken.',
'app_logo' => 'Applicatielogo',
'app_logo_desc' => 'De afbeelding moet 43px hoog zijn. <br>Grotere afbeeldingen worden geschaald.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Applicatie hoofdkleur',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Stelt de primaire kleur in voor de applicatie, inclusief de banner, knoppen en hyperlinks.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Applicatie Startpagina',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Selecteer een weergave om weer te geven op de startpagina in plaats van de standaard weergave. Paginamachtigingen worden genegeerd voor geselecteerde pagina\'s.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Selecteer een pagina',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Schakel reacties uit op alle pagina\'s in de applicatie. <br> Bestaande reacties worden niet getoond.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Kleuren van inhoud',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Stelt de kleuren in voor alle elementen van de hiërarchische pagina-indeling. Voor de leesbaarheid wordt aanbevolen kleuren te kiezen met een vergelijkbare helderheid als de standaardkleuren.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Kleur van de Boekenplank',
'book_color' => 'Kleur van het Boek',
'chapter_color' => 'Kleur van het Hoofdstuk',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Wyszukaj w tej książce',
'books_navigation' => 'Nawigacja po książce',
'books_sort' => 'Sortuj zawartość książki',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Przenieś rozdziały i strony w książce w celu reorganizacji jej treści. Można dodać inne książki, co umożliwia łatwe przenoszenie rozdziałów i stron między książkami.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Sortuj książkę :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Sortuj według nazwy',
'books_sort_created' => 'Sortuj według daty utworzenia',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Rozdziały na końcu',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Pokaż inne książki',
'books_sort_save' => 'Zapisz nową kolejność',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Dodaj tutaj inne książki, aby uwzględnić je w operacji sortowania i umożliwić łatwą wieloksiążkową reorganizację.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Przesuń w górę',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Przesuń w dół',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Przenieś do poprzedniej książki',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Przenieś do następnej książki',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Przenieś do poprzedniego rozdziału',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Przenieś do następnego rozdziału',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Przenieś na początek książki',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Przenieś na koniec książki',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Przenieś przed rozdział',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Przenieś za rozdział',
'books_copy' => 'Skopiuj Książkę',
'books_copy_success' => 'Książka skopiowana pomyślnie',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serwer nie może utworzyć miniaturek. Upewnij się że rozszerzenie GD PHP zostało zainstalowane.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'Serwer nie pozwala na przyjęcie pliku o tym rozmiarze. Spróbuj przesłać plik o mniejszym rozmiarze.',
'uploaded' => 'Serwer nie pozwala na przyjęcie pliku o tym rozmiarze. Spróbuj przesłać plik o mniejszym rozmiarze.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Przesyłanie pliku przekroczyło limit czasu.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas przesyłania obrazka',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'Typ przesłanego obrazka jest nieprwidłowy.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'Przesyłanie pliku przekroczyło limit czasu.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Nie można załadować danych rysunku. Plik rysunku może już nie istnieć lub nie masz uprawnień dostępu do niego.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Nie znaleziono załącznika',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Zawartość dodana tutaj zostanie dołączona na dole sekcji <head> każdej strony. Przydatne przy nadpisywaniu styli lub dodawaniu analityki.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Niestandardowa zawartość nagłówka HTML jest wyłączona na tej stronie ustawień aby zapewnić, że wszystkie błedne zmiany (braking change) mogą zostać cofnięte.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo aplikacji',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Ten obrazek powinien mieć nie więcej niż 43px wysokosci. <br>Większe obrazki zostaną zmniejszone.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Podstawowy kolor aplikacji',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'To powinna być wartość HEX. <br>Zostaw to pole puste, by powrócić do podstawowego koloru.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Jest używany między innymi w pasku nagłówka aplikacji. Ten obraz powinien mieć wysokość 86px. Duże obrazy zostaną przeskalowane w dół.',
'app_icon' => 'Ikona aplikacji',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Ta ikona jest używana w zakładkach przeglądarki i ikonach skrótu. Powinien to być obraz PNG o wymiarach 256px.',
'app_homepage' => 'Strona główna',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Wybierz widok, który będzie wyświetlany na stronie głównej zamiast w widoku domyślnego. Uprawnienia dostępowe są ignorowane dla wybranych stron.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Wybierz stronę',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Wyłącz komentarze na wszystkich stronach w aplikacji. Istniejące komentarze nie będą pokazywane.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Kolory zawartości',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Ustawia kolory dla wszystkich elementów w hierarchii organizacji stron. Wybór kolorów o podobnej jasności do domyślnych kolorów jest zalecany dla czytelności.',
'color_scheme' => 'Schemat kolorów aplikacji',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Ustaw kolory użyte w interfejsie BookStack\'a. Kolory można skonfigurować oddzielnie dla trybu ciemnego i jasnego, aby jak najlepiej pasowały do motywu i zapewniały czytelność.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Ustaw kolor podstawowy i domyślny kolor linku dla BookStack\'a. Podstawowy kolor jest używany głównie do głównego baneru, przycisków i dekoracji interfejsu. Domyślny kolor linku jest używany dla tekstowych linków i akcji, zarówno w napisanej treści, jak i w interfejsie Bookstack\'a.',
'app_color' => 'Kolor podstawowy',
'link_color' => 'Domyślny kolor linku',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Ustaw kolory dla wszystkich elementów w hierarchii organizacji stron. Wybór kolorów o jasności podobnej do domyślnych kolorów jest zalecany dla czytelności.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Kolor półki',
'book_color' => 'Kolor książki',
'chapter_color' => 'Kolor rozdziału',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Pesquisar neste livro',
'books_navigation' => 'Navegação do Livro',
'books_sort' => 'Ordenar Conteúdos do Livro',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ordenar Livro :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordenar por Nome',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordenar por Data de Criação',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Capítulos por Último',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostrar Outros Livros',
'books_sort_save' => 'Guardar Nova Ordenação',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copiar livro',
'books_copy_success' => 'Livro criado com sucesso',
@ -224,8 +236,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Inserir Imagem',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Inserir Link para Entidade',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Inserir Desenho',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Mostrar pré-visualização',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sincronizar pré-visualização',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'A página não está dentro de um capítulo',
'pages_move' => 'Mover Página',
'pages_move_success' => 'Pagina movida para ":parentName"',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'O servidor não pôde criar as miniaturas de imagem. Por favor, verifique se a extensão GD PHP está instalada.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'O servidor não permite o carregamento de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o carregamento de arquivos mais pequenos.',
'uploaded' => 'O servidor não permite o carregamento de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o carregamento de arquivos mais pequenos.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'O carregamento do arquivo expirou.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Ocorreu um erro no carregamento da imagem',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'O tipo de imagem enviada é inválida',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'O carregamento do arquivo expirou.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Anexo não encontrado',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Quaisquer conteúdos aqui adicionados serão inseridos no final da secção <head> de cada página. Esta é uma maneira útil de sobrescrever estilos e adicionar códigos de análise de site.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'O conteúdo personalizado do <head> HTML está desativado nesta página de configurações, para garantir que quaisquer alterações que acabem maliciosas possam ser revertidas.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo da Aplicação',
'app_logo_desc' => 'A imagem deve ter 43px de altura. <br>Imagens maiores serão reduzidas.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Cor Primária da Aplicação',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Define a cor primária para a aplicação, incluindo o banner, botões e links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Página Inicial',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Selecione uma opção para ser exibida como página inicial em vez da padrão. Permissões de página serão ignoradas para as páginas selecionadas.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Selecione uma página',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Desativar comentários em todas as páginas no aplicativo.<br> Comentários existentes não serão exibidos.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Cores do Conteúdo',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Define as cores para todos os elementos da hierarquia de organização de páginas. Escolher cores com brilho similar ao das cores padrão é aconselhável para a legibilidade.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Cor da Prateleira',
'book_color' => 'Cor do Livro',
'chapter_color' => 'Cor do Capítulo',
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ return [
'books_search_this' => 'Pesquisar neste livro',
'books_navigation' => 'Navegação do Livro',
'books_sort' => 'Ordenar Conteúdos do Livro',
'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.',
'books_sort_named' => 'Ordenar Livro :bookName',
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordernar por Nome',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordenar por Data de Criação',
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ return [
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Capítulos por Último',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Mostrar Outros Livros',
'books_sort_save' => 'Salvar Nova Ordenação',
'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.',
'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up',
'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down',
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copiar Livro',
'books_copy_success' => 'Livro criado com sucesso',
@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ return [
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'O servidor não pôde criar as miniaturas de imagem. Por favor, verifique se a extensão GD PHP está instalada.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'O servidor não permite o upload de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o upload de arquivos de menor tamanho.',
'uploaded' => 'O servidor não permite o upload de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o upload de arquivos de menor tamanho.',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'O upload do arquivo expirou.',
// Drawing & Images
'image_upload_error' => 'Um erro aconteceu enquanto o servidor tentava efetuar o upload da imagem',
'image_upload_type_error' => 'O tipo de imagem que está sendo enviada é inválido',
'file_upload_timeout' => 'O upload do arquivo expirou.',
'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.',
// Attachments
'attachment_not_found' => 'Anexo não encontrado',
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Quaisquer conteúdos aqui adicionados serão inseridos no final da seção <head> de cada página. Essa é uma maneira útil de sobrescrever estilos e adicionar códigos de análise de site.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'O conteúdo customizado do <head> HTML está desabilitado nesta página de configurações, para garantir que quaisquer alterações danosas possam ser revertidas.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo da Aplicação',
'app_logo_desc' => 'A imagem deve ter 43px de altura. <br>Imagens maiores serão reduzidas.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Cor Primária da Aplicação',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Define a cor primária para a aplicação, incluindo o banner, botões e links.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_icon' => 'Application Icon',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_homepage' => 'Página Inicial',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Selecione uma opção para ser exibida como página inicial em vez da padrão. Permissões de página serão ignoradas para as páginas selecionadas.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Selecione uma página',
@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Desativar comentários em todas as páginas no aplicativo.<br> Comentários existentes não serão exibidos.',
// Color settings
'content_colors' => 'Cores do Conteúdo',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Define as cores para todos os elementos da hierarquia de organização de páginas. Escolher cores com brilho similar ao das cores padrão é aconselhável para a legibilidade.',
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the BookStack interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the primary color and default link color for BookStack. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the Bookstack interface.',
'app_color' => 'Primary Color',
'link_color' => 'Default Link Color',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
'bookshelf_color' => 'Cor da Prateleira',
'book_color' => 'Cor do Livro',
'chapter_color' => 'Cor do Capítulo',
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ return [
'book_sort_notification' => 'Carte reordonată cu succes',
// Bookshelves
'bookshelf_create' => 'created shelf',
'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'Shelf successfully created',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'converted book to shelf',
'bookshelf_create' => 'raft creat',
'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'Raftul a fost creat cu succes',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'cartea a fost convertită in raft',
'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'Carte transformată cu succes într-un raft',
'bookshelf_update' => 'updated shelf',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Shelf successfully updated',
'bookshelf_delete' => 'deleted shelf',
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Shelf successfully deleted',
'bookshelf_update' => 'raftul actualizat',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Raftul a fost actualizat cu succes',
'bookshelf_delete' => 'raft șters',
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Raftul a fost șters cu succes',
// Favourites
'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" a fost adăugat la favorite',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ return [
'actions' => 'Acțiuni',
'view' => 'Vizualizare',
'view_all' => 'Vizualizează tot',
'new' => 'New',
'new' => 'Noutăți',
'create' => 'Crează',
'update' => 'Actualzează',
'edit' => 'Editează',
@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ return [
'none' => 'Niciunul',
// Header
'homepage' => 'Homepage',
'homepage' => 'Acasă',
'header_menu_expand' => 'Extindere meniu antet',
'profile_menu' => 'Meniu profil',
'view_profile' => 'Vezi profil',
'edit_profile' => 'Editare profil',
'dark_mode' => 'Mod întunecat',
'light_mode' => 'Mod luminos',
'global_search' => 'Global Search',
'global_search' => 'Căutare Globală',
// Layout tabs
'tab_info' => 'Informații',
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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