From 06a7f1b54ad02a9597509275f80407d667014e9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dan Brown <>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 15:30:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Added migration to drop entity restricted field

 ...08_104202_drop_entity_restricted_field.php | 93 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 database/migrations/2022_10_08_104202_drop_entity_restricted_field.php

diff --git a/database/migrations/2022_10_08_104202_drop_entity_restricted_field.php b/database/migrations/2022_10_08_104202_drop_entity_restricted_field.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..063f924f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/migrations/2022_10_08_104202_drop_entity_restricted_field.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
+use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
+use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
+use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
+use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
+use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
+class DropEntityRestrictedField extends Migration
+    /**
+     * Run the migrations.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function up()
+    {
+        // Remove entity-permissions on non-restricted entities
+        $deleteInactiveEntityPermissions = function (string $table, string $morphClass) {
+            $permissionIds = DB::table('entity_permissions')->select(' as id')
+                ->join($table, function (JoinClause $join) use ($table, $morphClass) {
+                    return $join->where($table . '.restricted', '=', 0)
+                        ->on($table . '.id', '=', 'entity_permissions.entity_id');
+                })->where('entity_type', '=', $morphClass)
+                ->pluck('id');
+            DB::table('entity_permissions')->whereIn('id', $permissionIds)->delete();
+        };
+        $deleteInactiveEntityPermissions('pages', 'page');
+        $deleteInactiveEntityPermissions('chapters', 'chapter');
+        $deleteInactiveEntityPermissions('books', 'book');
+        $deleteInactiveEntityPermissions('bookshelves', 'bookshelf');
+        // Migrate restricted=1 entries to new entity_permissions (role_id=0) entries
+        $defaultEntityPermissionGenQuery = function (Builder $query, string $table, string $morphClass) {
+            return $query->select(['id as entity_id'])
+                ->selectRaw('? as entity_type', [$morphClass])
+                ->selectRaw('? as `role_id`', [0])
+                ->selectRaw('? as `view`', [0])
+                ->selectRaw('? as `create`', [0])
+                ->selectRaw('? as `update`', [0])
+                ->selectRaw('? as `delete`', [0])
+                ->from($table)
+                ->where('restricted', '=', 1);
+        };
+        $query = $defaultEntityPermissionGenQuery(DB::query(), 'pages', 'page')
+            ->union(fn(Builder $query) => $defaultEntityPermissionGenQuery($query, 'books', 'book'))
+            ->union(fn(Builder $query) => $defaultEntityPermissionGenQuery($query, 'chapters', 'chapter'))
+            ->union(fn(Builder $query) => $defaultEntityPermissionGenQuery($query, 'bookshelves', 'bookshelf'));
+        DB::table('entity_permissions')->insertUsing(['entity_id', 'entity_type', 'role_id', 'view', 'create', 'update', 'delete'], $query);
+        // Drop restricted columns
+        $dropRestrictedColumn = fn(Blueprint $table) => $table->dropColumn('restricted');
+        Schema::table('pages', $dropRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('chapters', $dropRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('books', $dropRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('bookshelves', $dropRestrictedColumn);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reverse the migrations.
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public function down()
+    {
+        // Create restricted columns
+        $createRestrictedColumn = fn(Blueprint $table) => $table->boolean('restricted')->index()->default(0);
+        Schema::table('pages', $createRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('chapters', $createRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('books', $createRestrictedColumn);
+        Schema::table('bookshelves', $createRestrictedColumn);
+        // Set restrictions for entities that have a default entity permission assigned
+        // Note: Possible loss of data where default entity permissions have been configured
+        $restrictEntities = function (string $table, string $morphClass) {
+            $toRestrictIds = DB::table('entity_permissions')
+                ->where('role_id', '=', 0)
+                ->where('entity_type', '=', $morphClass)
+                ->pluck('entity_id');
+            DB::table($table)->whereIn('id', $toRestrictIds)->update(['restricted' => true]);
+        };
+        $restrictEntities('pages', 'page');
+        $restrictEntities('chapters', 'chapter');
+        $restrictEntities('books', 'book');
+        $restrictEntities('bookshelves', 'bookshelf');
+        // Delete default entity permissions
+        DB::table('entity_permissions')->where('role_id', '=', 0)->delete();
+    }