Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes (#5370)
Some checks failed
analyse-php / build (push) Has been cancelled
lint-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
lint-php / build (push) Has been cancelled
test-js / build (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test-migrations / build (8.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test-php / build (8.4) (push) Has been cancelled

This commit is contained in:
Dan Brown 2025-01-04 21:46:35 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9a5c287470
commit 33b46882f3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
52 changed files with 374 additions and 374 deletions

View File

@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook byl úspěšně odstraněn',
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_create' => 'vytvořil/a import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import byl úspěšně nahrán',
'import_run' => 'aktualizoval/a import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Obsah byl úspěšně importován',
'import_delete' => 'odstranil/a import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import byl úspěšně odstraněn',
// Users
'user_create' => 'vytvořil uživatele',

View File

@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ return [
'toggle_details' => 'Přepnout podrobnosti',
'toggle_thumbnails' => 'Přepnout náhledy',
'details' => 'Podrobnosti',
'grid_view' => 'Zobrazení mřížky',
'list_view' => 'Zobrazení seznamu',
'grid_view' => 'Zobrazit mřížku',
'list_view' => 'Zobrazit seznam',
'default' => 'Výchozí',
'breadcrumb' => 'Drobečková navigace',
'status' => 'Stav',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'O editoru',
'about_title' => 'O WYSIWYG editoru',
'editor_license' => 'Editor licence a autorská práva',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Tento editor je vytvořen jako fork :lexicalLink, který je distribuován pod licencí MIT.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Kompletní údaje o licenci naleznete zde.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Tento editor je vytvořen pomocí :tinyLink, který je poskytován pod licencí MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Podrobnosti o autorských právech a licenci TinyMCE naleznete zde.',
'save_continue' => 'Uložit stránku a pokračovat',

View File

@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'PDF dokument',
'export_text' => 'Textový soubor',
'export_md' => 'Markdown',
'export_zip' => 'Portable ZIP',
'export_zip' => 'Přenosný archiv ZIP',
'default_template' => 'Výchozí šablona stránky',
'default_template_explain' => 'Přiřadit šablonu stránky, která bude použita jako výchozí obsah pro všechny nové stránky v této knize. Mějte na paměti, že šablona bude použita pouze v případě, že tvůrce stránek bude mít přístup k těmto vybraným stránkám šablony.',
'default_template_select' => 'Vyberte šablonu stránky',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import_desc' => 'Import books, chapters & pages using a portable zip export from the same, or a different, instance. Select a ZIP file to proceed. After the file has been uploaded and validated you\'ll be able to configure & confirm the import in the next view.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import' => 'Importovat',
'import_validate' => 'Ověřit import',
'import_desc' => 'Import knih, kapitol a stránek pomocí přenosného archivu ZIP z tohoto nebo jiného webu. Pro pokračování vyberte ZIP soubor. Po nahrání a ověření souboru budete moci v dalším kroku nastavit a potvrdit import.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Vybrat ZIP soubor k nahrání',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Při ověřování vybraného souboru ZIP byly zjištěny chyby:',
'import_pending' => 'Čekající importy',
'import_pending_none' => 'Žádné importy nebyly spuštěny.',
'import_continue' => 'Pokračovat v importu',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Zkontrolujte obsah, který má být importován z nahraného souboru. Pokud je vše v pořádku, spusťte import pro přidání obsahu ZIP archivu na tento web. Nahraný soubor ZIP bude automaticky odstraněn po úspěšném importu.',
'import_details' => 'Obsah importu',
'import_run' => 'Spustit import',
'import_size' => 'Velikost archivu ZIP: :size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Nahráno :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Nahrál/a',
'import_location' => 'Cílové umístění',
'import_location_desc' => 'Vyberte cílové umístění pro importovaný obsah. K vytvoření potřebujete příslušná oprávnění.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Opravdu chcete tento import odstranit?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'Potvrzením odstraníte nahraný ZIP soubor. Tento krok nelze vrátit zpět.',
'import_errors' => 'Chyby importu',
'import_errors_desc' => 'Při pokusu o import došlo k následujícím chybám:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Oprávnění',

View File

@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ return [
'back_soon' => 'Brzy bude opět v provozu.',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Nelze načíst ZIP soubor.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Nelze najít a dekódovat data.json v archivu ZIP.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP archiv neobsahuje knihy, kapitoly nebo stránky.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Importování ZIP selhalo s chybami:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Nepodařilo se naimportovat ZIP soubor.',
'import_perms_books' => 'Chybí vám požadovaná oprávnění k vytvoření knih.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'Chybí vám požadovaná oprávnění k vytvoření kapitol.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'Chybí vám požadovaná oprávnění k vytvoření stránek.',
'import_perms_images' => 'Chybí vám požadovaná oprávnění k vytvoření obrázků.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'Chybí vám požadovaná oprávnění k vytvoření příloh.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'V požadavku nebyl nalezen žádný autorizační token',

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return [
'role_access_api' => 'Přístup k systémovému API',
'role_manage_settings' => 'Správa nastavení aplikace',
'role_export_content' => 'Exportovat obsah',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => 'Importovat obsah',
'role_editor_change' => 'Změnit editor stránek',
'role_notifications' => 'Přijímat a spravovat oznámení',
'role_asset' => 'Obsahová oprávnění',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => 'Formát :attribute je neplatný.',
'uploaded' => 'Nahrávání :attribute se nezdařilo.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => ':attribute musí odkazovat na soubor v archivu ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => ':attribute musí odkazovat na soubor typu :validTypes, nalezen :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Očekáván datový objekt, ale nalezen „:type“.',
'zip_unique' => ':attribute musí být jedinečný pro typ objektu v archivu ZIP.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook erfolgreich gelöscht',
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_create' => 'Import erstellt',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import erfolgreich hochgeladen',
'import_run' => 'Import aktualisiert',
'import_run_notification' => 'Inhalt erfolgreich importiert',
'import_delete' => 'Import gelöscht',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import erfolgreich gelöscht',
// Users
'user_create' => 'hat Benutzer erzeugt:',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Über den Editor',
'about_title' => 'Über den WYSIWYG-Editor',
'editor_license' => 'Editorlizenz & Copyright',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Dieser Editor wurde mithilfe von :lexicalLink erstellt, der unter der MIT-Lizenz bereitgestellt wird.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Vollständige Lizenzdetails finden Sie hier.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Dieser Editor wurde mithilfe von :tinyLink erstellt, der unter der MIT-Lizenz bereitgestellt wird.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Die Copyright- und Lizenzdetails von TinyMCE finden Sie hier.',
'save_continue' => 'Speichern & Fortfahren',

View File

@ -44,25 +44,25 @@ return [
'default_template_explain' => 'Zuweisen einer Seitenvorlage, die als Standardinhalt für alle Seiten verwendet wird, die innerhalb dieses Elements erstellt wurden. Beachten Sie, dass dies nur dann verwendet wird, wenn der Ersteller der Seite Zugriff auf die ausgewählte Vorlagen-Seite hat.',
'default_template_select' => 'Wählen Sie eine Seitenvorlage',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import_desc' => 'Import books, chapters & pages using a portable zip export from the same, or a different, instance. Select a ZIP file to proceed. After the file has been uploaded and validated you\'ll be able to configure & confirm the import in the next view.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import_validate' => 'Import validieren',
'import_desc' => 'Importieren Sie Bücher, Kapitel & Seiten mit einem "Portable Zip-Export" von der gleichen oder einer anderen Instanz. Wählen Sie eine ZIP-Datei, um fortzufahren. Nachdem die Datei hochgeladen und bestätigt wurde, können Sie den Import in der nächsten Ansicht konfigurieren und bestätigen.',
'import_zip_select' => 'ZIP-Datei zum Hochladen auswählen',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Fehler bei der Validierung der angegebenen ZIP-Datei:',
'import_pending' => 'Ausstehende Importe',
'import_pending_none' => 'Es wurden keine Importe gestartet.',
'import_continue' => 'Import fortsetzen',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Überprüfen Sie den Inhalt, der aus der hochgeladenen ZIP-Datei importiert werden soll. Führen Sie den Import aus, um dessen Inhalt zu diesem System hinzuzufügen. Die hochgeladene ZIP-Importdatei wird bei erfolgreichem Import automatisch entfernt.',
'import_details' => 'Einzelheiten zum Import',
'import_run' => 'Import starten',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Größe',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Hochgeladen :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Hochgeladen von',
'import_location' => 'Import Ort',
'import_location_desc' => 'Wählen Sie einen Zielort für Ihren importierten Inhalt. Sie benötigen die entsprechenden Berechtigungen, um innerhalb des gewünschten Standortes zu erstellen.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Import löschen möchten?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'Dies löscht die hochgeladene ZIP-Datei und kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.',
'import_errors' => 'Importfehler',
'import_errors_desc' => 'Die folgenden Fehler sind während des Importversuchs aufgetreten:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Berechtigungen',
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ return [
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_clean' => '(gesäuberter Output)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(html beibehalten)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'Wechseln Sie zum WYSIWYG-Editor',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg' => 'Switch to new WYSIWYG',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg' => 'Zu neuem WYSIWYG wechseln',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg_desc' => '(In Alpha Testing)',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Änderungsprotokoll hinzufügen',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Bitte geben Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung Ihrer Änderungen ein',

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ return [
// Users
'users_cannot_delete_only_admin' => 'Sie können den einzigen Administrator nicht löschen',
'users_cannot_delete_guest' => 'Sie können den Gast-Benutzer nicht löschen',
'users_could_not_send_invite' => 'Could not create user since invite email failed to send',
'users_could_not_send_invite' => 'Benutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden, da die Einladungs-E-Mail nicht gesendet wurde',
// Roles
'role_cannot_be_edited' => 'Diese Rolle kann nicht bearbeitet werden',
@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ return [
'back_soon' => 'Wir werden so schnell wie möglich wieder online sein.',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'ZIP-Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'ZIP data.json konnte nicht gefunden und dekodiert werden.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP-Datei Daten haben kein erwartetes Buch, Kapitel oder Seiteninhalt.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'ZIP Import konnte mit Fehlern nicht validiert werden:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Importieren der ZIP-Datei fehlgeschlagen.',
'import_perms_books' => 'Ihnen fehlt die erforderliche Berechtigung, um Bücher zu erstellen.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'Ihnen fehlt die erforderliche Berechtigung, um Bücher zu erstellen.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'Ihnen fehlt die erforderliche Berechtigung, um Seiten zu erstellen.',
'import_perms_images' => 'Ihnen fehlt die erforderliche Berechtigung, um Bilder zu erstellen.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'Ihnen fehlt die erforderliche Berechtigung, um Anhänge zu erstellen.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'Kein Autorisierungstoken für die Anfrage gefunden',

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ Hinweis: Benutzer können ihre E-Mail-Adresse nach erfolgreicher Registrierung
'role_access_api' => 'Systemzugriffs-API',
'role_manage_settings' => 'Globaleinstellungen verwalten',
'role_export_content' => 'Inhalt exportieren',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => 'Inhalt importieren',
'role_editor_change' => 'Seiten-Editor ändern',
'role_notifications' => 'Empfangen und Verwalten von Benachrichtigungen',
'role_asset' => 'Berechtigungen',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => ':attribute ist kein valides Format.',
'uploaded' => 'Die Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden. Der Server akzeptiert möglicherweise keine Dateien dieser Größe.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => ':attribute muss eine Datei innerhalb des ZIP referenzieren.',
'zip_file_mime' => ':attribute muss eine Datei des Typs :validType referenzieren, gefunden :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Datenobjekt erwartet, aber ":type" gefunden.',
'zip_unique' => ':attribute muss für den Objekttyp innerhalb des ZIP eindeutig sein.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Über den Editor',
'about_title' => 'Über den WYSIWYG Editor',
'editor_license' => 'Editorlizenz & Copyright',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Dieser Editor wurde mithilfe von :lexicalLink erstellt, der unter der MIT-Lizenz bereitgestellt wird.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Vollständige Lizenzdetails findest du hier.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Dieser Editor wurde mit :tinyLink erstellt, das unter der MIT-Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt wird.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Die Copyright- und Lizenzdetails von TinyMCE findest du hier.',
'save_continue' => 'Seite speichern & fortfahren',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Acerca del editor',
'about_title' => 'Acerca del editor WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => 'Licencia del editor y derechos de autor',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Este editor está construido como una bifurcación de :lexicalLink que se distribuye bajo la licencia MIT.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Los detalles completos de la licencia se pueden encontrar aquí.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Este editor se construye usando :tinyLink que se proporciona bajo la licencia MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Aquí encontrará los detalles de los derechos de autor y la licencia de TinyMCE.',
'save_continue' => 'Guardar Página y Continuar',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Acerca del editor',
'about_title' => 'Acerca del editor WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => 'Licencia del editor y derechos de autor',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Este editor está construido como una bifurcación de :lexicalLink que se distribuye bajo la licencia MIT.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Los detalles completos de la licencia se pueden encontrar aquí.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Este editor se construye usando :tinyLink provisto bajo la licencia MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Aquí se muestran los detalles de los derechos de autor y la licencia de TinyMCE.',
'save_continue' => 'Guardar Página y Continuar',

View File

@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook eliminato con successo',
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_create' => 'importazione creata',
'import_create_notification' => 'Importazione caricata con successo',
'import_run' => 'importazione aggiornata',
'import_run_notification' => 'Contenuto importato con successo',
'import_delete' => 'importazione cancellata',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Importazione eliminata con successo',
// Users
'user_create' => 'ha creato un utente',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Informazioni sull\'editor',
'about_title' => 'Informazioni sull\'editor di WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => 'Licenza e copyright dell\'editor',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Questo editor è stato creato come fork di :lexicalLink ed è distribuito sotto la licenza MIT.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'I dettagli della licenza sono disponibili qui.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Questo editor è realizzato usando :tinyLink che è fornito sotto la licenza MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'I dettagli del copyright e della licenza di TinyMCE sono disponibili qui.',
'save_continue' => 'Salva pagina e continua',

View File

@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'File PDF',
'export_text' => 'File di testo',
'export_md' => 'File Markdown',
'export_zip' => 'Portable ZIP',
'export_zip' => 'ZIP Portatile',
'default_template' => 'Modello di pagina predefinito',
'default_template_explain' => 'Assegna un modello di pagina che sarà usato come contenuto predefinito per tutte le pagine create in questo elemento. Tieni presente che potrà essere utilizzato solo se il creatore della pagina ha accesso alla pagina del modello scelto.',
'default_template_select' => 'Seleziona una pagina modello',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import_desc' => 'Import books, chapters & pages using a portable zip export from the same, or a different, instance. Select a ZIP file to proceed. After the file has been uploaded and validated you\'ll be able to configure & confirm the import in the next view.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import' => 'Importa',
'import_validate' => 'Convalida Importazione',
'import_desc' => 'Importa libri, capitoli e pagine utilizzando un\'esportazione zip portatile dalla stessa istanza o da un\'istanza diversa. Selezionare un file ZIP per procedere. Dopo che il file è stato caricato e convalidato, sarà possibile configurare e confermare l\'importazione nella vista successiva.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Seleziona il file ZIP da caricare',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Sono stati rilevati errori durante la convalida del file ZIP fornito:',
'import_pending' => 'Importazioni In Attesa',
'import_pending_none' => 'Non sono state avviate importazioni.',
'import_continue' => 'Continua l\'importazione',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Esaminare il contenuto da importare dal file ZIP caricato. Quando è pronto, eseguire l\'importazione per aggiungere i contenuti al sistema. Il file di importazione ZIP caricato verrà automaticamente rimosso quando l\'importazione sarà riuscita.',
'import_details' => 'Dettagli dell\'importazione',
'import_run' => 'Esegui Importazione',
'import_size' => 'Dimensione dello ZIP importato :size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Caricato il :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Caricata da',
'import_location' => 'Posizione Di Importazione',
'import_location_desc' => 'Selezionare una posizione di destinazione per i contenuti importati. È necessario disporre delle autorizzazioni adeguate per creare all\'interno della posizione scelta.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa importazione?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'Questa operazione cancella il file ZIP di importazione caricato e non può essere annullata.',
'import_errors' => 'Errori di importazione',
'import_errors_desc' => 'Gli seguenti errori si sono verificati durante il tentativo di importazione:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Permessi',

View File

@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ return [
'back_soon' => 'Tornerà presto online.',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Impossibile leggere il file ZIP.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Impossibile trovare e decodificare il contenuto ZIP data.json.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'I dati del file ZIP non hanno il contenuto previsto di libri, capitoli o pagine.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'L\'importazione ZIP non è stata convalidata con errori:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Impossibile importare il file ZIP.',
'import_perms_books' => 'Non hai i permessi necessari per creare libri.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'Non hai i permessi necessari per creare capitoli.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'Non hai i permessi necessari per creare pagine.',
'import_perms_images' => 'Non hai i permessi necessari per creare immagini.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'Non hai il permesso necessario per creare allegati.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'Nessun token di autorizzazione trovato nella richiesta',

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return [
'role_access_api' => 'Accedere alle API di sistema',
'role_manage_settings' => 'Gestire impostazioni app',
'role_export_content' => 'Esportare contenuto',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => 'Importa contenuto',
'role_editor_change' => 'Cambiare editor di pagina',
'role_notifications' => 'Ricevere e gestire le notifiche',
'role_asset' => 'Permessi entità',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => 'Il formato :attribute non è valido.',
'uploaded' => 'Il file non può essere caricato. Il server potrebbe non accettare file di questa dimensione.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => 'L\'attributo :attribute deve fare riferimento a un file all\'interno dello ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'Il campo :attribute deve fare riferimento a un file di tipo :validTypes, trovato :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Oggetto dati atteso ma ":type" trovato.',
'zip_unique' => 'L\'attributo :attribute deve essere univoco per il tipo di oggetto all\'interno dello ZIP.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ return [
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_create_notification' => 'インポートファイルが正常にアップロードされました',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_run_notification' => 'コンテンツが正常にインポートされました',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_delete_notification' => 'インポートファイルが正常に削除されました',
// Users
'user_create' => 'がユーザを作成',

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'エディタについて',
'about_title' => 'WYSIWYGエディタについて',
'editor_license' => 'エディタのライセンスと著作権',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'このエディタはMITライセンスの下で配布されている :lexicalLink のフォークとして構築されています。',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => '完全なライセンスの詳細はこちらをご覧ください。',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'このエディタはMITライセンスの下で提供される:tinyLinkを利用して構築されています。',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'TinyMCEの著作権およびライセンスの詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。',
'save_continue' => 'ページを保存して続行',

View File

@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'PDF',
'export_text' => 'テキストファイル',
'export_md' => 'Markdown',
'export_zip' => 'Portable ZIP',
'export_zip' => 'ポータブルZIP',
'default_template' => 'デフォルトページテンプレート',
'default_template_explain' => 'このアイテム内に新しいページを作成する際にデフォルトコンテンツとして使用されるページテンプレートを割り当てます。これはページ作成者が選択したテンプレートページへのアクセス権を持つ場合にのみ使用されることに注意してください。',
'default_template_select' => 'テンプレートページを選択',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import_desc' => 'Import books, chapters & pages using a portable zip export from the same, or a different, instance. Select a ZIP file to proceed. After the file has been uploaded and validated you\'ll be able to configure & confirm the import in the next view.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import' => 'インポート',
'import_validate' => 'インポートの検証',
'import_desc' => 'ポータブルzipエクスポートファイルを使用して、同一または別のインスタンスからブック、チャプタ、ページをインポートします。続行するにはZIPファイルを選択します。 ファイルをアップロードすると検証が行われ、次のビューでインポートの設定と確認ができます。',
'import_zip_select' => 'アップロードするZIPファイルの選択',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => '指定された ZIP ファイルの検証中にエラーが検出されました:',
'import_pending' => '保留中のインポート',
'import_pending_none' => 'インポートは行われていません。',
'import_continue' => 'インポートを続行',
'import_continue_desc' => 'アップロードされたZIPファイルからインポートされるコンテンツを確認してください。準備ができたらインポートを実行してこのシステムにコンテンツを追加します。 アップロードされたZIPファイルは、インポートが成功すると自動的に削除されます。',
'import_details' => 'インポートの詳細',
'import_run' => 'インポートを実行',
'import_size' => 'インポートZIPサイズ: :size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'アップロード: :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'アップロードユーザ:',
'import_location' => 'インポートの場所',
'import_location_desc' => 'コンテンツをインポートする場所を選択します。選択した場所に作成するための権限を持つ必要があります。',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'このインポートを削除してもよろしいですか?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'アップロードされたインポートZIPファイルは削除され、元に戻すことはできません。',
'import_errors' => 'インポートエラー',
'import_errors_desc' => 'インポート中に次のエラーが発生しました:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => '権限',

View File

@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ return [
'back_soon' => '回復までしばらくお待ちください。',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'ZIPファイルを読み込めません。',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'ZIPファイル内に data.json が見つからないかデコードできませんでした。',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIPファイルのデータにブック、チャプター、またはページコンテンツがありません。',
'import_validation_failed' => 'エラーによりインポートZIPの検証に失敗しました:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'ZIP ファイルのインポートに失敗しました。',
'import_perms_books' => 'ブックを作成するために必要な権限がありません。',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'チャプタを作成するために必要な権限がありません。',
'import_perms_pages' => 'ページを作成するために必要な権限がありません。',
'import_perms_images' => '画像を作成するために必要な権限がありません。',
'import_perms_attachments' => '添付ファイルを作成するために必要な権限がありません。',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'リクエストに認証トークンが見つかりません',

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return [
'role_access_api' => 'システムのAPIへのアクセス',
'role_manage_settings' => 'アプリケーション設定の管理',
'role_export_content' => 'コンテンツのエクスポート',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => 'コンテンツのインポート',
'role_editor_change' => 'ページエディタの変更',
'role_notifications' => '通知の受信と管理',
'role_asset' => 'アセット権限',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => ':attributeのフォーマットは不正です。',
'uploaded' => 'ファイルをアップロードできませんでした。サーバーがこのサイズのファイルを受け付けていない可能性があります。',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => ':attribute はZIP 内のファイルを参照する必要があります。',
'zip_file_mime' => ':attribute は種別 :validType のファイルを参照する必要がありますが、種別 :foundType となっています。',
'zip_model_expected' => 'データオブジェクトが期待されますが、":type" が見つかりました。',
'zip_unique' => 'ZIP内のオブジェクトタイプに :attribute が一意である必要があります。',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => '웹 훅 삭제함',
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_create' => '컨텐츠 ZIP 파일이 생성되었습니다.',
'import_create_notification' => '컨텐츠 ZIP 파일이 업로드 되었습니다.',
'import_run' => '컨텐츠 ZIP 파일을 업데이트하였습니다.',
'import_run_notification' => '내용을 가져왔습니다.',
'import_delete' => '임포트 파일 삭제',
'import_delete_notification' => '임포트 파일을 삭제하였습니다.',
// Users
'user_create' => '사용자 생성',

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ return [
'email_not_confirmed_text' => '전자우편 확인이 아직 완료되지 않았습니다.',
'email_not_confirmed_click_link' => '등록한 직후에 발송된 전자우편에 있는 확인 링크를 클릭하세요.',
'email_not_confirmed_resend' => '전자우편 확인을 위해 발송된 전자우편을 찾을 수 없다면 아래의 폼을 다시 발행하여 전자우편 확인을 재발송할 수 있습니다.',
'email_not_confirmed_resend_button' => '전자우편 확인 재전송',
'email_not_confirmed_resend_button' => '확인용 이메일 재전송',
// User Invite
'user_invite_email_subject' => ':appName 애플리케이션에서 초대를 받았습니다!',
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ return [
'mfa_setup' => '다중 인증 설정',
'mfa_setup_desc' => '추가 보안 계층으로 다중 인증을 설정합니다.',
'mfa_setup_configured' => '이미 설정되었습니다',
'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => '다시 설정',
'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => '설정',
'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation' => '다중 인증을 해제할까요?',
'mfa_setup_action' => '설정',
'mfa_backup_codes_usage_limit_warning' => '남은 백업 코드가 다섯 개 미만입니다. 새 백업 코드 세트를 생성하지 않아 코드가 소진되면 계정이 잠길 수 있습니다.',
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ return [
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '확인 및 활성화',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => '백업 코드 설정',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '코드 목록을 안전한 장소에 보관하세요. 코드 중 하나를 2FA에 쓸 수 있습니다.',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_download' => '코드 내려받기',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_download' => '코드 설치',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_usage_warning' => '각 코드는 한 번씩만 유효합니다.',
'mfa_gen_totp_title' => '모바일 앱 설정',
'mfa_gen_totp_desc' => '다중 인증에는 Google Authenticator, Authy나 Microsoft Authenticator와 같은 TOTP 지원 모바일 앱이 필요합니다.',
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'mfa_gen_totp_verify_setup_desc' => '인증 앱에서 생성한 코드를 입력하세요:',
'mfa_gen_totp_provide_code_here' => '백업 코드를 입력하세요.',
'mfa_verify_access' => '접근 확인',
'mfa_verify_access_desc' => '추가 인증으로 신원을 확인합니다. 설정한 방법 중 하나를 고르세요.',
'mfa_verify_access_desc' => '사용자 계정에서는 액세스 권한을 부여받기 전에 추가 검증 수준을 통해 신원을 확인해야 합니다. 계속하려면 구성된 방법 중 하나를 사용하여 확인하세요.',
'mfa_verify_no_methods' => '설정한 방법이 없습니다.',
'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc' => '다중 인증을 설정하지 않았습니다. 접근 권한을 얻기 전에 하나 이상의 다중 인증을 설정해야 합니다.',
'mfa_verify_use_totp' => '모바일 앱으로 인증하기',

View File

@ -109,5 +109,5 @@ return [
'terms_of_service' => '서비스 이용 약관',
// OpenSearch
'opensearch_description' => 'Search :appName',
'opensearch_description' => '검색 :appName',

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ return [
'image_update_success' => '이미지 정보가 수정되었습니다.',
'image_delete_success' => '이미지가 삭제되었습니다.',
'image_replace' => '이미지 교체',
'image_replace_success' => '이미지 파일 업데이트 성공',
'image_replace_success' => '이미지가 수정되었습니다.',
'image_rebuild_thumbs' => '사이즈 변경 재생성하기',
'image_rebuild_thumbs_success' => '이미지 크기 변경이 성공적으로 완료되었습니다!',

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ return [
'about' => '이 편집기에 대하여',
'about_title' => 'WYSIWYG 편집기에 대하여',
'editor_license' => '편집기 라이선스 & 저작권',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license' => '이 편집기는 MIT 라이선스에 따라 배포되는 :lexicalLink의 포크로 만들어졌습니다.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => '전체 라이센스 세부 사항은 여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다.',
'editor_tiny_license' => '이 편집기는 MIT 라이선스에 따라 제공되는 :tinyLink를 사용하여 제작되었습니다.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'TinyMCE의 저작권 및 라이선스 세부 정보는 여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다.',

View File

@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ return [
'recently_created_chapters' => '최근에 만든 챕터',
'recently_created_books' => '최근에 만든 책',
'recently_created_shelves' => '최근에 만든 책장',
'recently_update' => '최근에 수정함',
'recently_viewed' => '최근에 읽음',
'recent_activity' => '최근에 활동함',
'recently_update' => '최신 수정 목록',
'recently_viewed' => '최근에 본 목록',
'recent_activity' => '최근 활동 기록',
'create_now' => '바로 만들기',
'revisions' => '수정본',
'meta_revision' => '판본 #:revisionCount',
'meta_created' => '만듦 :timeLength',
'meta_created_name' => '만듦 :timeLength, :user',
'meta_updated' => '수정 :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => '수정 :timeLength, :user',
'meta_owned_name' => '소유함 :user',
'revisions' => '버전',
'meta_revision' => '버전 #:revisionCount',
'meta_created' => '생성 :timeLength',
'meta_created_name' => '생성 :timeLength, :user',
'meta_updated' => '수정 :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => '수정 :timeLength, :user',
'meta_owned_name' => ':user 소유',
'meta_reference_count' => '참조 대상 :count item|참조 대상 :count items',
'entity_select' => '항목 선택',
'entity_select_lack_permission' => '이 항목을 선택하기 위해 필요한 권한이 없습니다',
@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'PDF 파일',
'export_text' => '일반 텍스트 파일',
'export_md' => '마크다운 파일',
'export_zip' => 'Portable ZIP',
'export_zip' => '압축 파일',
'default_template' => '기본 페이지 템플릿',
'default_template_explain' => '이 항목 내에서 생성되는 모든 페이지의 기본 콘텐츠로 사용할 페이지 템플릿을 지정합니다. 페이지 작성자가 선택한 템플릿 페이지를 볼 수 있는 권한이 있는 경우에만 이 항목이 사용된다는 점을 유의하세요.',
'default_template_select' => '템플릿 페이지 선택',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import' => '압축 파일 가져오기',
'import_validate' => '압축 파일 검증하기',
'import_desc' => '같은 인스턴스나 다른 인스턴스에서 휴대용 zip 내보내기를 사용하여 책, 장 및 페이지를 가져옵니다. 진행하려면 ZIP 파일을 선택합니다. 파일을 업로드하고 검증한 후 다음 보기에서 가져오기를 구성하고 확인할 수 있습니다.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_zip_select' => '업로드할 휴대용 압축 파일 선택',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => '제공된 Portable ZIP 파일을 검증하는 동안 오류가 감지되었습니다.',
'import_pending' => 'Portable ZIP 파일 가져오기가 일시정지 되었습니다.',
'import_pending_none' => 'Portable ZIP 파일 가져오기가 시작되지 않았습니다.',
'import_continue' => 'Portable ZIP 가져오기 계속하기',
'import_continue_desc' => '업로드된 ZIP 파일에서 가져올 내용을 검토합니다. 준비가 되면 가져오기를 실행하여 이 시스템에 내용을 추가합니다. 업로드된 ZIP 가져오기 파일은 가져오기가 성공하면 자동으로 제거됩니다.',
'import_details' => '압축된 ZIP 파일 상세',
'import_run' => '가져오기 실행',
'import_size' => '압축된 ZIP 파일 사이즈',
'import_uploaded_at' => '업로드되었습니다. :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => '업로드되었습니다.',
'import_location' => '가져올 경로',
'import_location_desc' => '가져온 콘텐츠에 대한 대상 위치를 선택하세요. 선택한 위치 내에서 만들려면 관련 권한이 필요합니다.',
'import_delete_confirm' => '정말 삭제하시겠습니까?',
'import_delete_desc' => '업로드된 ZIP 파일이 삭제되며, 실행 취소할 수 없습니다.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import_errors' => '가져오기 오류',
'import_errors_desc' => '가져오기 중 에러가 발생했습니다.',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => '권한',
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ return [
'books_form_book_name' => '책 이름',
'books_save' => '저장',
'books_permissions' => '책 권한',
'books_permissions_updated' => '권한 저장함',
'books_permissions_updated' => '책의 권한이 수정되었습니다.',
'books_empty_contents' => '이 책에 챕터나 문서가 없습니다.',
'books_empty_create_page' => '문서 만들기',
'books_empty_sort_current_book' => '현재 책 정렬',
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ return [
'books_permissions_active' => '책 권한 허용함',
'books_search_this' => '이 책에서 검색',
'books_navigation' => '목차',
'books_sort' => '다른 책들',
'books_sort' => '책 내용 정렬',
'books_sort_desc' => '책 내에서 챕터와 페이지를 이동하여 내용을 재구성할 수 있습니다. 다른 책을 추가하여 책 간에 챕터와 페이지를 쉽게 이동할 수 있습니다.',
'books_sort_named' => ':bookName 정렬',
'books_sort_name' => '제목',
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ return [
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => '이전 챕터로 이동',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => '챕터 뒤로 이동',
'books_copy' => '책 복사하기',
'books_copy_success' => '책 복사함',
'books_copy_success' => '책을 복사하였습니다.',
// Chapters
'chapter' => '챕터',
@ -200,17 +200,17 @@ return [
'chapters_delete_named' => ':chapterName(을)를 지웁니다.',
'chapters_delete_explain' => '\':ChapterName\'에 있는 모든 페이지도 지웁니다.',
'chapters_delete_confirm' => '이 챕터를 지울 건가요?',
'chapters_edit' => '챕터 바꾸기',
'chapters_edit' => '챕터 수정하기',
'chapters_edit_named' => ':chapterName 바꾸기',
'chapters_save' => '저장',
'chapters_move' => '챕터 이동하기',
'chapters_move_named' => ':chapterName 이동하기',
'chapters_copy' => '챕터 복사하기',
'chapters_copy_success' => '챕터 복사함',
'chapters_copy_success' => '챕터를 복사하였습니다.',
'chapters_permissions' => '챕터 권한',
'chapters_empty' => '이 챕터에 문서가 없습니다.',
'chapters_permissions_active' => '문서 권한 허용함',
'chapters_permissions_success' => '권한 저장함',
'chapters_permissions_success' => '챕터의 권한을 수정하였습니다.',
'chapters_search_this' => '이 챕터에서 검색',
'chapter_sort_book' => '책 정렬하기',
@ -240,21 +240,21 @@ return [
'pages_edit_draft_save_at' => '보관함: ',
'pages_edit_delete_draft' => '초안 삭제',
'pages_edit_delete_draft_confirm' => '초안 페이지 변경 내용을 삭제하시겠습니까? 마지막 전체 저장 이후의 모든 변경 내용이 손실되고 편집기가 최신 페이지의 초안 저장 상태가 아닌 상태로 업데이트됩니다.',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => '폐기',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => '변경된 내용 삭제',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown' => '마크다운 편집기로 전환',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_clean' => '(Clean Content)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(Stable Content)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'WYSIWYG 편집기로 전환',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg' => '새 위지윅 편집기로 변경',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg_desc' => '(In Alpha Testing)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg_desc' => '알파 테스트 중',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => '수정본 설명',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => '수정본 설명',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => '설명',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => '변경 로그 입력란',
'pages_editor_switch_title' => '편집기 전환',
'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure' => '이 페이지의 편집기를 변경하시겠어요?',
'pages_editor_switch_consider_following' => '편집기를 전환할 때에 다음 사항들을 고려하세요:',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a' => '저장된 새 편집기 옵션은 편집기 유형을 직접 변경할 수 없는 편집자를 포함하여 향후 모든 편집자가 사용할 수 있습니다.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b' => '이로 인해 특정 상황에서는 디테일과 구문이 손실될 수 있습니다.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b' => '이로 인해 특정 상황에서는 상세 내용과 구문이 손실될 수 있습니다.',
'pages_editor_switch_consideration_c' => '마지막 저장 이후 변경된 태그 또는 변경 로그 변경 사항은 이 변경 사항에서 유지되지 않습니다.',
'pages_save' => '저장',
'pages_title' => '문서 제목',
@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ return [
// Revision
'revision_delete_confirm' => '이 수정본을 지울 건가요?',
'revision_restore_confirm' => '이 수정본을 되돌릴 건가요? 현재 판본을 바꿉니다.',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => '현재 본은 지울 수 없습니다.',
'revision_restore_confirm' => '이 버전을 되돌릴 건가요? 현재 페이지는 대체됩니다.',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => '현재 버전본은 지울 수 없습니다.',
// Copy view
'copy_consider' => '항목을 복사할 때 다음을 고려하세요.',
@ -435,10 +435,10 @@ return [
'references_to_desc' => '이 항목으로 연결되는 시스템에서 알려진 모든 콘텐츠가 아래에 나열되어 있습니다.',
// Watch Options
'watch' => '주시',
'watch' => '변경 알림 설정',
'watch_title_default' => '기본 설정',
'watch_desc_default' => '보기를 기본 알림 환경설정으로 되돌릴 수 있습니다.',
'watch_title_ignore' => '무시',
'watch_desc_default' => '알림 설정을 기본값으로 되돌리기',
'watch_title_ignore' => '알림 설정 끄기',
'watch_desc_ignore' => '사용자 수준 환경설정의 알림을 포함한 모든 알림을 무시합니다.',
'watch_title_new' => '새로운 페이지',
'watch_desc_new' => '이 항목에 새 페이지가 생성되면 알림을 받습니다.',

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ return [
// Users
'users_cannot_delete_only_admin' => 'Admin을 삭제할 수 없습니다.',
'users_cannot_delete_guest' => 'Guest를 삭제할 수 없습니다.',
'users_could_not_send_invite' => 'Could not create user since invite email failed to send',
'users_could_not_send_invite' => '초대 이메일을 보내는 데 실패하여 사용자를 생성할 수 없습니다.',
// Roles
'role_cannot_be_edited' => '권한을 수정할 수 없습니다.',
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ return [
'empty_comment' => '빈 댓글은 등록할 수 없습니다.',
// Error pages
'404_page_not_found' => '404 Not Found',
'404_page_not_found' => '페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다.',
'sorry_page_not_found' => '문서를 못 찾았습니다.',
'sorry_page_not_found_permission_warning' => '문서를 볼 권한이 없습니다.',
'image_not_found' => '이미지를 찾을 수 없습니다',
@ -106,16 +106,16 @@ return [
'back_soon' => '곧 돌아갑니다.',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'ZIP 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'ZIP data.json 콘텐츠를 찾아서 디코딩할 수 없습니다.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP 파일 데이터에는 예상되는 책, 장 또는 페이지 콘텐츠가 없습니다.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'ZIP 파일을 가져오려다 실패했습니다. 이유:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'ZIP 파일을 가져오지 못했습니다.',
'import_perms_books' => '책을 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 없습니다.',
'import_perms_chapters' => '챕터를 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 없습니다.',
'import_perms_pages' => '페이지를 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 없습니다.',
'import_perms_images' => '이미지를 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 없습니다.',
'import_perms_attachments' => '첨부 파일을 만드는 데 필요한 권한이 없습니다.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => '요청에서 인증 토큰을 찾을 수 없습니다.',

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
return [
'password' => '여덟 글자를 넘어야 합니다.',
'password' => '최소 8글자 이상이어야 합니다.',
'user' => "메일 주소를 가진 사용자가 없습니다.",
'token' => '유효하지 않거나 만료된 토큰입니다.',
'sent' => '메일을 보냈습니다.',
'reset' => '패스워드를 바꿨습니다.',
'reset' => '패스워드가 초기화되었습니다.',

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ return [
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => '내 댓글에 대한 답글 알림 받기',
'notifications_save' => '환경설정 저장',
'notifications_update_success' => '알림 환경설정이 업데이트되었습니다!',
'notifications_watched' => '주시 및 무시한 항목',
'notifications_watched_desc' => '아래는 사용자 지정 시계 환경설정이 적용된 항목입니다. 이러한 항목에 대한 환경설정을 업데이트하려면 해당 항목을 본 다음 사이드바에서 시계 옵션을 찾습니다.',
'notifications_watched' => '알람 설정 및 알람 무시한 항목',
'notifications_watched_desc' => '아래는 사용자 지정 알람 환경설정이 적용된 항목입니다. 이러한 항목에 대한 환경설정을 업데이트하려면 해당 항목을 본 다음 사이드바에서 알림 옵션을 찾습니다.',
'auth' => '액세스 및 보안',
'auth_change_password' => '패스워드 변경',

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ return [
'categories' => '카테고리',
// App Settings
'app_customization' => '맞춤',
'app_customization' => '어플리케이션 설정',
'app_features_security' => '기능 및 보안',
'app_name' => '애플리케이션 이름 (사이트 제목)',
'app_name_desc' => '이 이름은 헤더와 시스템에서 보낸 모든 이메일에 표시됩니다.',
'app_name_header' => '헤더에 이름 표시',
'app_public_access' => '사이트 공개',
'app_public_access_desc' => '이 옵션을 활성화하면 로그인하지 않은 방문자도 북스택 인스턴스의 콘텐츠에 액세스할 수 있습니다.',
'app_public_access_desc' => '이 옵션을 활성화하면 로그인하지 않은 방문자도 이 서버의 콘텐츠에 액세스할 수 있습니다.',
'app_public_access_desc_guest' => '일반 방문자의 액세스는 "Guest" 사용자를 통해 제어할 수 있습니다.',
'app_public_access_toggle' => '공개 액세스 허용',
'app_public_viewing' => '공개 열람을 허용할까요?',
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ return [
// Registration Settings
'reg_settings' => '가입',
'reg_enable' => '가입 활성화',
'reg_enable_toggle' => '가입 받기',
'reg_enable_toggle' => '가입 허용',
'reg_enable_desc' => '가입한 사용자는 한 가지 권한을 가집니다.',
'reg_default_role' => '기본 권한',
'reg_enable_external_warning' => '외부 시스템이 LDAP나 SAML 인증이 활성화되어 있다면 설정과 관계없이 인증을 성공할 때 없는 계정을 만듭니다.',
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ return [
'reg_confirm_restrict_domain_placeholder' => '차단한 도메인 없음',
// Maintenance settings
'maint' => '데이터',
'maint' => '유지관리',
'maint_image_cleanup' => '이미지 정리',
'maint_image_cleanup_desc' => '중복 이미지를 찾습니다. 실행하기 전에 이미지를 백업하세요.',
'maint_image_cleanup_desc' => '중복 이미지를 찾습니다. 실행하기 전에 이미지를 백업하세요.',
'maint_delete_images_only_in_revisions' => '지난 버전에만 있는 이미지 지우기',
'maint_image_cleanup_run' => '실행',
'maint_image_cleanup_warning' => '이미지 :count개를 지울 건가요?',
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return [
'role_access_api' => '시스템 접근 API',
'role_manage_settings' => '사이트 설정 관리',
'role_export_content' => '항목 내보내기',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => '내용 가져오기',
'role_editor_change' => '페이지 편집기 변경',
'role_notifications' => '알림 수신 및 관리',
'role_asset' => '권한 항목',
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ return [
'users_details_desc' => '메일 주소로 로그인합니다.',
'users_details_desc_no_email' => '사용자 이름을 바꿉니다.',
'users_role' => '사용자 권한',
'users_role_desc' => '고른 권한 모두를 적용합니다.',
'users_role_desc' => '이 사용자에게 할당될 역할을 선택합니다. 사용자가 여러 역할에 할당된 경우 해당 역할의 권한이 겹쳐서 적용됩니다. 할당된 역할의 모든 기능을 받게 됩니다.',
'users_password' => '사용자 패스워드',
'users_password_desc' => '패스워드는 여덟 글자를 넘어야 합니다.',
'users_password_desc' => '패스워드는 8 글자를 넘어야 합니다.',
'users_send_invite_text' => '패스워드 설정을 권유하는 메일을 보내거나 내가 정할 수 있습니다.',
'users_send_invite_option' => '메일 보내기',
'users_external_auth_id' => '외부 인증 계정',
@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ return [
'users_social_accounts_info' => '다른 계정으로 간단하게 로그인하세요. 여기에서 계정 연결을 끊는 것과 소셜 계정에서 접근 권한을 취소하는 것은 다릅니다.',
'users_social_connect' => '계정 연결',
'users_social_disconnect' => '계정 연결 끊기',
'users_social_status_connected' => '연결',
'users_social_status_disconnected' => '연결 해제',
'users_social_status_connected' => '연결되었습니다.',
'users_social_status_disconnected' => '연결 해제되었습니다.',
'users_social_connected' => ':socialAccount(와)과 연결했습니다.',
'users_social_disconnected' => ':socialAccount(와)과의 연결을 끊었습니다.',
'users_api_tokens' => 'API 토큰',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => ':attribute(은)는 유효하지 않은 형식입니다.',
'uploaded' => '파일 크기가 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => ':attribute은(는) ZIP 파일 내의 파일을 참조해야 합니다.',
'zip_file_mime' => ':attribute은(는) :validTypes, found :foundType 유형의 파일을 참조해야 합니다.',
'zip_model_expected' => '데이터 객체가 필요하지만 ":type" 타입이 발견되었습니다.',
'zip_unique' => ':attribute은(는) ZIP 파일 내의 객체 유형에 대해 고유해야 합니다.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Over de bewerker',
'about_title' => 'Over de WYSIWYG Bewerker',
'editor_license' => 'Bewerker Licentie & Copyright',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Deze editor is gemaakt als een fork van :lexicalLink welke is verstrekt onder de MIT-licentie.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Volledige licentieinformatie kan hier gevonden worden.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Deze editor is gemaakt met behulp van :tinyLink welke is verstrekt onder de MIT-licentie.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'De copyright- en licentiegegevens van TinyMCE vindt u hier.',
'save_continue' => 'Pagina opslaan en verdergaan',

View File

@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ return [
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Geüpload :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Geüpload door',
'import_location' => 'Importlocatie',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_location_desc' => 'Selecteer een locatie voor de geïmporteerde inhoud. Je hebt de bijbehorende machtigingen nodig op de importlocatie.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Weet je zeker dat je deze import wilt verwijderen?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'Dit zal het Zip-bestand van de import permanent verwijderen.',
'import_errors' => 'Importeerfouten',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import_errors_desc' => 'De volgende fouten deden zich voor tijdens het importeren:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Machtigingen',
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ return [
'attachments_link_attached' => 'Hyperlink succesvol gekoppeld aan de pagina',
'templates' => 'Sjablonen',
'templates_set_as_template' => 'Pagina is een sjabloon',
'templates_explain_set_as_template' => 'Je kan deze pagina als sjabloon instellen zodat de inhoud gebruikt kan worden bij het maken van andere pagina\'s. Andere gebruikers kunnen dit sjabloon gebruiken als ze de machtiging hebben voor deze pagina.',
'templates_explain_set_as_template' => 'Je kan deze pagina als sjabloon instellen zodat de inhoud gebruikt kan worden bij het maken van andere pagina\'s. Andere gebruikers kunnen dit sjabloon gebruiken als ze de machtiging hebben om deze pagina te zien.',
'templates_replace_content' => 'Pagina-inhoud vervangen',
'templates_append_content' => 'Toevoegen aan pagina-inhoud',
'templates_prepend_content' => 'Voeg vooraan toe aan pagina-inhoud',

View File

@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ return [
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Kon het Zip-bestand niet lezen.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Kon de data.json Zip-inhoud niet vinden of decoderen.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'Zip-bestand bevat niet de verwachte boek, hoofdstuk of pagina-inhoud.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'De validatie van het Zip-bestand is mislukt met de volgende fouten:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Importeren van het Zip-bestand is mislukt.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_perms_books' => 'Je mist de vereiste machtigingen om boeken te maken.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'Je mist de vereiste machtigingen om hoofdstukken te maken.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'Je mist de vereiste machtigingen om pagina\'s te maken.',
'import_perms_images' => 'Je mist de vereiste machtigingen om afbeeldingen toe te voegen.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'Je mist de vereiste machtigingen om bijlagen toe te voegen.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'Geen autorisatie token gevonden',

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ return [
'role_external_auth_id' => 'Externe authenticatie ID\'s',
'role_system' => 'Systeem Machtigingen',
'role_manage_users' => 'Gebruikers beheren',
'role_manage_roles' => 'Beheer rollen & rolmachtigingen',
'role_manage_roles' => 'Beheer rollen & machtigingen',
'role_manage_entity_permissions' => 'Beheer alle machtigingen voor boeken, hoofdstukken en pagina\'s',
'role_manage_own_entity_permissions' => 'Beheer machtigingen van je eigen boek, hoofdstuk & pagina\'s',
'role_manage_page_templates' => 'Paginasjablonen beheren',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => ':attribute formaat is ongeldig.',
'uploaded' => 'Het bestand kon niet worden geüpload. De server accepteert mogelijk geen bestanden van deze grootte.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => 'Het \':attribute\' veld moet verwijzen naar een bestand in de ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'Het \':attribute\' veld moet verwijzen naar een bestand met het type :validTypes, vond :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Dataobject verwacht maar vond ":type".',
'zip_unique' => ':attribute moet uniek zijn voor het objecttype binnen de ZIP.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ return [
'book_sort_notification' => 'Livro reordenado com sucesso',
// Bookshelves
'bookshelf_create' => 'prateleira criada',
'bookshelf_create' => 'estante criada',
'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'Prateleira criada com sucesso',
'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'livro convertido em estante',
'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'Capítulo convertido com sucesso em um livro',
'bookshelf_update' => 'prateleira atualizada',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Prateleira atualizada com sucesso',
'bookshelf_delete' => 'prateleira excluída',
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Prateleira excluída com sucesso',
'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'Livro convertido com sucesso em uma estante',
'bookshelf_update' => 'estante atualizada',
'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Estante atualizada com sucesso',
'bookshelf_delete' => 'estante excluída',
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Estante excluída com sucesso',
// Revisions
'revision_restore' => 'revisão restaurada',
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook excluido com sucesso',
// Imports
'import_create' => 'created import',
'import_create_notification' => 'Import successfully uploaded',
'import_run' => 'updated import',
'import_run_notification' => 'Content successfully imported',
'import_delete' => 'deleted import',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Import successfully deleted',
'import_create' => 'importação criada',
'import_create_notification' => 'Importação carregada com sucesso',
'import_run' => 'importação atualizada',
'import_run_notification' => 'Conteúdo importado com sucesso',
'import_delete' => 'importação excluída',
'import_delete_notification' => 'Importação excluída com sucesso',
// Users
'user_create' => 'usuário criado',

View File

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
return [
// Buttons
'cancel' => 'Cancela',
'close' => 'Fecha',
'confirm' => 'Confirma',
'back' => 'Volta',
'save' => 'Salva',
'continue' => 'Continua',
'select' => 'Seleciona',
'cancel' => 'Cancelar',
'close' => 'Fechar',
'confirm' => 'Confirmar',
'back' => 'Voltar',
'save' => 'Salvar',
'continue' => 'Continuar',
'select' => 'Selecionar',
'toggle_all' => 'Alternar Tudo',
'more' => 'Mais

View File

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ return [
'callout_success' => 'Sucesso',
'callout_warning' => 'Atenção',
'callout_danger' => 'Perigo',
'bold' => 'Bold',
'bold' => 'Negrito',
'italic' => 'Itálico',
'underline' => 'Sublinhar',
'underline' => 'Sublinhado',
'strikethrough' => 'Riscado',
'superscript' => 'Superinscrição',
'subscript' => 'Subscrição',
'superscript' => 'Sobrescrito',
'subscript' => 'Subscrito',
'text_color' => 'Cor do texto',
'custom_color' => 'Cor personalizada',
'remove_color' => 'Remover cor',
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ return [
'about' => 'Sobre o editor',
'about_title' => 'Sobre o Editor WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => 'Licença do Editor e Direitos Autorais',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'This editor is built as a fork of :lexicalLink which is distributed under the MIT license.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Full license details can be found here.',
'editor_lexical_license' => 'Este editor é criado como uma bifurcação de :lexicalLink distribuído sob a licença MIT.',
'editor_lexical_license_link' => 'Aqui podem ser encontrados detalhes da licença.',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Este editor é construído usando :tinyLink que é fornecido sob a licença MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Os dados relativos aos direitos de autor e à licença do TinyMCE podem ser encontrados aqui.',
'save_continue' => 'Salvar Página e Continuar',

View File

@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ return [
'recent_activity' => 'Atividades recentes',
'create_now' => 'Criar agora',
'revisions' => 'Revisões',
'meta_revision' => 'Revisão #: contagem de revisões',
'meta_created' => 'Criado: duração de tempo',
'meta_created_name' => 'Criado: duração de tempo por usuário',
'meta_updated' => 'Atualizado: duração de tempo',
'meta_updated_name' => 'Atualizado: duração de tempo por usuário',
'meta_owned_name' => 'Propriedade de: usuário',
'meta_reference_count' => 'Referenciado por: count item|Referenciado por: count itens',
'meta_revision' => 'Revisão #:revisionCount',
'meta_created' => 'Criado :timeLength',
'meta_created_name' => 'Criado :timeLength por :user',
'meta_updated' => 'Atualizado :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => 'Atualizado: :timeLength por :user',
'meta_owned_name' => 'Propriedade de :user',
'meta_reference_count' => 'Referenciado por :count item|Referenciado por :count itens',
'entity_select' => 'Seleção de entidade',
'entity_select_lack_permission' => 'Você não tem as permissões necessárias para selecionar este ‘item’',
'images' => 'Imagens',
@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'Arquivo PDF',
'export_text' => 'Arquivo de texto simples',
'export_md' => 'Arquivo de redução',
'export_zip' => 'Portable ZIP',
'export_zip' => 'ZIP portátil',
'default_template' => 'Modelo padrão de página',
'default_template_explain' => 'Atribuir o modelo de página que será usado como padrão para todas as páginas criadas neste livro. Tenha em mente que isto será usado apenas se o criador da página tiver acesso de visualização ao modelo de página escolhido.',
'default_template_select' => 'Selecione uma página de modelo',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_validate' => 'Validate Import',
'import_desc' => 'Import books, chapters & pages using a portable zip export from the same, or a different, instance. Select a ZIP file to proceed. After the file has been uploaded and validated you\'ll be able to configure & confirm the import in the next view.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Select ZIP file to upload',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Errors were detected while validating the provided ZIP file:',
'import_pending' => 'Pending Imports',
'import_pending_none' => 'No imports have been started.',
'import_continue' => 'Continue Import',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Review the content due to be imported from the uploaded ZIP file. When ready, run the import to add its contents to this system. The uploaded ZIP import file will be automatically removed on successful import.',
'import_details' => 'Import Details',
'import_run' => 'Run Import',
'import_size' => ':size Import ZIP Size',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Uploaded :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by',
'import_location' => 'Import Location',
'import_location_desc' => 'Select a target location for your imported content. You\'ll need the relevant permissions to create within the location you choose.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this import?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'This will delete the uploaded import ZIP file, and cannot be undone.',
'import_errors' => 'Import Errors',
'import_errors_desc' => 'The follow errors occurred during the import attempt:',
'import' => 'Importação',
'import_validate' => 'Validar Importação',
'import_desc' => 'Importar livros, capítulos e páginas usando uma exportação zip portátil da mesma ou de uma instância diferente. Selecione um arquivo ZIP para prosseguir. Após a carga e validação do arquivo, você será capaz de configurar e confirmar a importação na próxima visualização.',
'import_zip_select' => 'Selecione o arquivo ZIP para carregar',
'import_zip_validation_errors' => 'Foram detectados erros ao validar o arquivo ZIP:',
'import_pending' => 'Importações pendentes',
'import_pending_none' => 'Nenhuma importação foi iniciada.',
'import_continue' => 'Continuar a importação',
'import_continue_desc' => 'Revise o conteúdo que deve ser importado do arquivo ZIP carregado. Quando estiver pronto, execute a importação para adicionar seu conteúdo a este sistema. O arquivo ZIP importado será automaticamente removido quando a importação for bem sucedida.',
'import_details' => 'Detalhes da importação',
'import_run' => 'Executar Importação',
'import_size' => ':size Tamanho do ZIP',
'import_uploaded_at' => 'Carregado :relativeTime',
'import_uploaded_by' => 'Enviado por',
'import_location' => 'Local da importação',
'import_location_desc' => 'Selecione um local para o conteúdo importado. Você precisa das permissões necessárias para criar no local escolhido.',
'import_delete_confirm' => 'Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta importação?',
'import_delete_desc' => 'Isto irá excluir o arquivo ZIP de importação carregado e não poderá ser desfeito.',
'import_errors' => 'Erros de importação',
'import_errors_desc' => 'Os seguintes erros ocorreram durante a tentativa de importação:',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Permissões',
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ return [
// Search
'search_results' => 'Resultado(s) da Pesquisa',
'search_total_results_found' => ':count resultado encontrado (contagem de resultados) :count resultados totais encontrados',
'search_total_results_found' => ':count resultado encontrado|:count resultados encontrados',
'search_clear' => 'Limpar Pesquisa',
'search_no_pages' => 'Nenhuma página corresponde a esta pesquisa',
'search_for_term' => 'Pesquisar por: termo',
'search_for_term' => 'Pesquisar por :term',
'search_more' => 'Mais resultados',
'search_advanced' => 'Pesquisa avançada',
'search_terms' => 'Termos da pesquisa',
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ return [
'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(Conteúdo Estável)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'Alternar para o Editor WYSIWYG',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg' => 'Mudar para o novo WYSIWYG',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg_desc' => '(No Teste Alfa)',
'pages_edit_switch_to_new_wysiwyg_desc' => '(Em teste alfa)',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Relatar Alterações',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Digite uma breve descrição das alterações efetuadas por você',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => 'Insira Alterações',

View File

@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ return [
'saml_already_logged_in' => '\'Login\' já efetuado',
'saml_no_email_address' => 'Não foi possível encontrar um endereço de mensagem eletrônica para este usuário nos dados providos pelo sistema de autenticação externa',
'saml_invalid_response_id' => 'A requisição do sistema de autenticação externa não foi reconhecida por um processo iniciado por esta aplicação. Após o \'login\', navegar para o caminho anterior pode causar um problema.',
'saml_fail_authed' => '\'Login\' utilizando :sistema falhou. Sistema não forneceu autorização bem sucedida',
'saml_fail_authed' => 'Login utilizando :system falhou. Sistema não forneceu autorização bem sucedida',
'oidc_already_logged_in' => '\'Login\' já efetuado',
'oidc_no_email_address' => 'Não foi possível encontrar um endereço de mensagem eletrônica para este usuário, nos dados fornecidos pelo sistema de autenticação externa',
'oidc_fail_authed' => '\'Login\' usando: sistema falhou, o sistema não forneceu autorização com sucesso',
'oidc_fail_authed' => 'Login usando :system falhou, o sistema não forneceu autorização com sucesso',
'social_no_action_defined' => 'Nenhuma ação definida',
'social_login_bad_response' => "Erro recebido durante o 'login' :socialAccount: \n: error",
'social_account_in_use' => 'Essa conta: conta social já está em uso. Por favor, tente entrar utilizando a opção :conta social.',
'social_account_email_in_use' => 'O endereço eletrônico: endereço eletrônico já está em uso. Se você já tem uma conta você poderá se conectar a conta social a partir das configurações de seu perfil.',
'social_account_existing' => 'Essa conta: conta social já está vinculada a esse perfil.',
'social_account_already_used_existing' => 'Essa conta: conta social já está sendo utilizada por outro usuário.',
'social_account_not_used' => 'Essa conta: conta social não está vinculada a nenhum usuário. Por favor, vincule a conta nas suas configurações de perfil. ',
'social_account_in_use' => 'Essa conta :socialAccount já está em uso. Por favor, tente entrar utilizando a opção :socialAccount.',
'social_account_email_in_use' => 'O e-mail :email já está em uso. Se você já tem uma conta você poderá se conectar a conta :socialAccount a partir das configurações de seu perfil.',
'social_account_existing' => 'Essa conta :socialAccount já está vinculada a esse perfil.',
'social_account_already_used_existing' => 'Essa conta :socialAccount já está sendo utilizada por outro usuário.',
'social_account_not_used' => 'Essa conta :socialAccount não está vinculada a nenhum usuário. Por favor vincule a conta nas suas configurações de perfil. ',
'social_account_register_instructions' => 'Se você não tem uma conta, você poderá se cadastrar usando a opção: conta social.',
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Social driver não encontrado',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Seus parâmetros sociais de: conta social não estão configurados corretamente.',
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ return [
'login_user_not_found' => 'Não foi possível encontrar um usuário para esta ação.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'O caminho de destino de upload de arquivo não possui permissão de escrita. Certifique-se que ele possui direitos de escrita no servidor.',
'cannot_get_image_from_url' => 'Não foi possível obter a imagem a partir de: URL',
'path_not_writable' => 'O caminho de destino (:filePath) de upload de arquivo não possui permissão de escrita. Certifique-se que ele possui direitos de escrita no servidor.',
'cannot_get_image_from_url' => 'Não foi possível obter a imagem a partir de :url',
'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'O servidor não pôde criar as miniaturas de imagem. Por favor, verifique se a extensão GD PHP está instalada.',
'server_upload_limit' => 'O servidor não permite o ‘upload’ de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente um tamanho de arquivo menor.',
'server_post_limit' => 'O servidor não pode receber a quantidade de dados fornecida. Tente novamente com menos dados ou um arquivo menor.',
@ -103,20 +103,20 @@ return [
'image_not_found_details' => 'Se você esperava que esta imagem existisse, ela pode ter sido excluída.',
'return_home' => 'Retornar à página inicial',
'error_occurred' => 'Ocorreu um Erro',
'app_down' => 'Agora está baixo',
'app_down' => ':appName está fora do ar no momento',
'back_soon' => 'Vai estar de volta em breve.',
// Import
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Could not read ZIP file.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Could not find and decode ZIP data.json content.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'ZIP file data has no expected book, chapter or page content.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Import ZIP failed to validate with errors:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Failed to import ZIP file.',
'import_perms_books' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create books.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create chapters.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create pages.',
'import_perms_images' => 'You are lacking the required permissions to create images.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'You are lacking the required permission to create attachments.',
'import_zip_cant_read' => 'Não foi possível ler o arquivo ZIP.',
'import_zip_cant_decode_data' => 'Não foi possível encontrar e decodificar o conteúdo ZIP data.json.',
'import_zip_no_data' => 'Os dados do arquivo ZIP não têm o conteúdo esperado livro, capítulo ou página.',
'import_validation_failed' => 'Falhou na validação da importação do ZIP com erros:',
'import_zip_failed_notification' => 'Falhou ao importar arquivo ZIP.',
'import_perms_books' => 'Você não tem as permissões necessárias para criar livros.',
'import_perms_chapters' => 'Você não tem as permissões necessárias para criar capítulos.',
'import_perms_pages' => 'Você não tem as permissões necessárias para criar páginas.',
'import_perms_images' => 'Está não tem permissões necessárias para criar imagens.',
'import_perms_attachments' => 'Você não tem a permissão necessária para criar anexos.',
// API errors
'api_no_authorization_found' => 'Nenhum código de autorização encontrado na requisição',

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ return [
'role_access_api' => 'Acessar API do sistema',
'role_manage_settings' => 'Gerenciar configurações da aplicação',
'role_export_content' => 'Exportar conteúdo',
'role_import_content' => 'Import content',
'role_import_content' => 'Importar conteúdo',
'role_editor_change' => 'Alterar página de edição',
'role_notifications' => 'Receber e gerenciar notificações',
'role_asset' => 'Permissões de Ativos',

View File

@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ return [
'url' => 'O formato da URL :attribute é inválido.',
'uploaded' => 'O arquivo não pôde ser carregado. O servidor pode não aceitar arquivos deste tamanho.',
'zip_file' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file within the ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'The :attribute needs to reference a file of type :validTypes, found :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Data object expected but ":type" found.',
'zip_unique' => 'The :attribute must be unique for the object type within the ZIP.',
'zip_file' => 'O :attribute precisa fazer referência a um arquivo do ZIP.',
'zip_file_mime' => 'O :attribute precisa fazer referência a um arquivo do tipo :validTypes, encontrado :foundType.',
'zip_model_expected' => 'Objeto de dados esperado, mas ":type" encontrado.',
'zip_unique' => 'O :attribute deve ser único para o tipo de objeto dentro do ZIP.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ return [
// Revisions
'revision_restore' => 'restored revision',
'revision_delete' => 'deleted revision',
'revision_delete_notification' => 'Revision successfully deleted',
'revision_delete' => 'odstránil(a) revíziu',
'revision_delete_notification' => 'Revízia úspešne odstránená',
// Favourites
'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" bol pridaný medzi obľúbené',
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ return [
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'logged in',
'auth_login' => 'sa prihlásil(a)',
'auth_register' => 'registered as new user',
'auth_password_reset_request' => 'requested user password reset',
'auth_password_reset_update' => 'reset user password',
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ return [
// Comments
'commented_on' => 'komentoval(a)',
'comment_create' => 'added comment',
'comment_update' => 'updated comment',
'comment_create' => 'pridal(a) komentár',
'comment_update' => 'aktualizoval(a) komentár',
'comment_delete' => 'odstrániť komentár',
// Other