mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 20:34:26 +08:00
Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes (#4462)
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'حدث خطأ عند إرسال بريد إلكتروني تجريبي:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Беше върната грешка, когато се изпрати тестовият емейл:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Došlo je do greške prilikom slanja testnog e-maila:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'S\'ha produït un error en enviar un correu electrònic de prova:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Při posílání testovacího e-mailu nastala chyba:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Gwall a daflwyd wrth anfon e-bost prawf:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Følgende fejl opstod under afsendelse af testemail:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Fehler beim Versenden einer Test E-Mail:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return [
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" wurde aus deinen Favoriten entfernt',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Beobachtungseinstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'hat sich eingeloggt',
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ return [
'remove' => 'Entfernen',
'add' => 'Hinzufügen',
'configure' => 'Konfigurieren',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'manage' => 'Verwalten',
'fullscreen' => 'Vollbild',
'favourite' => 'Favoriten',
'unfavourite' => 'Kein Favorit',
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Zeichnung einfügen',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Vorschau anzeigen',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Vorschau synchronisieren',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Unsaved Drawing Found',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Unsaved drawing data was found from a previous failed drawing save attempt. Would you like to restore and continue editing this unsaved drawing?',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Ungespeicherte Zeichnung gefunden',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Es wurden ungespeicherte Zeichnungsdaten von einem früheren, fehlgeschlagenen Versuch, die Zeichnung zu speichern, gefunden. Möchten Sie diese ungespeicherte Zeichnung wiederherstellen und weiter bearbeiten?',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Seite ist in keinem Kapitel',
'pages_move' => 'Seite verschieben',
'pages_copy' => 'Seite kopieren',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Fehler beim Senden einer Test E-Mail:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
return [
'new_comment_subject' => 'New comment on page: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'A user has commented on a page in :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'New page: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'A new page has been created in :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Updated page: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'A page has been updated in :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'To prevent a mass of notifications, for a while you won\'t be sent notifications for further edits to this page by the same editor.',
'new_comment_subject' => 'Neuer Kommentar auf Seite: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'Ein Benutzer hat eine Seite in :appName kommentiert:',
'new_page_subject' => 'Neue Seite: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'Es wurde eine neue Seite in :appName erstellt:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Aktualisierte Seite: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'Eine Seite wurde in :appName aktualisiert:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'Um eine Flut von Benachrichtigungen zu vermeiden, werden Sie für eine gewisse Zeit keine Benachrichtigungen für weitere Bearbeitungen dieser Seite durch denselben Bearbeiter erhalten.',
'detail_page_name' => 'Page Name:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Commenter:',
'detail_comment' => 'Comment:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Created By:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Updated By:',
'detail_page_name' => 'Name der Seite:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Kommentator:',
'detail_comment' => 'Kommentar:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Erstellt von:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Aktualisiert von:',
'action_view_comment' => 'View Comment',
'action_view_page' => 'View Page',
'action_view_comment' => 'Kommentar anzeigen',
'action_view_page' => 'Seite anzeigen',
'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'your notification preferences',
'footer_reason' => 'Diese Benachrichtigung wurde an Sie gesendet, weil :link diese Art von Aktivität für dieses Element abdeckt.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'ihre Benachrichtigungseinstellungen',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
return [
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'preferences' => 'Einstellungen',
'shortcuts' => 'Kürzel',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'Oberflächen-Tastaturkürzel',
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ return [
'shortcuts_save' => 'Tastenkürzel speichern',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Hinweis: Wenn Tastenkürzel aktiviert sind, ist ein Hilfefähnchen durch Drücken von "?" verfügbar, welches die verfügbaren Tastenkürzel für Aktionen hervorhebt, die aktuell auf dem Bildschirm sichtbar sind.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Tastenkürzel Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert!',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Manage keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the system user interface.',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Verwalten von Tastenkombinationen, die zur Navigation der Benutzeroberfläche verwendet werden können.',
'notifications' => 'Notification Preferences',
'notifications_desc' => 'Control the email notifications you receive when certain activity is performed within the system.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notify upon changes to pages I own',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notify upon comments on pages I own',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notify upon replies to my comments',
'notifications_save' => 'Save Preferences',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Notification preferences have been updated!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Watched & Ignored Items',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.',
'notifications' => 'Benachrichtigungseinstellungen',
'notifications_desc' => 'Legen Sie fest, welche E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen Sie erhalten, wenn bestimmte Aktivitäten im System durchgeführt werden.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Benachrichtigung bei Änderungen an eigenen Seiten',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Benachrichtigung bei Kommentaren an eigenen Seiten',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Bei Antworten auf meine Kommentare benachrichtigen',
'notifications_save' => 'Einstellungen speichern',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Benachrichtigungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Beobachtete und ignorierte Elemente',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Nachfolgend finden Sie die Elemente, für die benutzerdefinierten Überwachungspräferenzen gelten. Um Ihre Einstellungen für diese Elemente zu aktualisieren, sehen Sie sich das Element an und suchen dann die Überwachungsoptionen in der Seitenleiste.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Manage your user profile details including preferred language and authentication options.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Verwalten Sie die Details Ihres Benutzerprofils einschließlich bevorzugter Sprache und Authentifizierungsoptionen.',
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Hinweis: Benutzer können ihre E-Mail Adresse nach erfolgreicher Registrierung
'role_manage_settings' => 'Globaleinstellungen verwalten',
'role_export_content' => 'Inhalt exportieren',
'role_editor_change' => 'Seiteneditor ändern',
'role_notifications' => 'Receive & manage notifications',
'role_notifications' => 'Empfangen und Verwalten von Benachrichtigungen',
'role_asset' => 'Berechtigungen',
'roles_system_warning' => 'Beachte, dass der Zugriff auf eine der oben genannten drei Berechtigungen einem Benutzer erlauben kann, seine eigenen Berechtigungen oder die Rechte anderer im System zu ändern. Weise nur Rollen mit diesen Berechtigungen vertrauenswürdigen Benutzern zu.',
'role_asset_desc' => 'Diese Berechtigungen gelten für den Standard-Zugriff innerhalb des Systems. Berechtigungen für Bücher, Kapitel und Seiten überschreiben diese Berechtigungen.',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Σφάλμα κατά την αποστολή δοκιμαστικού email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error al enviar un email de prueba:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return [
'favourite_remove_notification' => '".name" se eliminó de sus favoritos',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Preferencias de suscripciones actualizadas correctamente',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'sesión iniciada',
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ return [
'remove' => 'Remover',
'add' => 'Agregar',
'configure' => 'Configurar',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'manage' => 'Gestionar',
'fullscreen' => 'Pantalla completa',
'favourite' => 'Favoritos',
'unfavourite' => 'Eliminar de favoritos',
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Insertar Dibujo',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Mostrar vista previa',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sincronizar desplazamiento de vista previa',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Unsaved Drawing Found',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Unsaved drawing data was found from a previous failed drawing save attempt. Would you like to restore and continue editing this unsaved drawing?',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Encontrado dibujo sin guardar',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Se encontraron datos no guardados del dibujo de un intento de guardado fallido. ¿Desea restaurar y continuar editando el dibujo no guardado?',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'La página no esá en el capítulo',
'pages_move' => 'Mover página',
'pages_copy' => 'Copiar página',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error al enviar un email de prueba:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
return [
'new_comment_subject' => 'New comment on page: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'A user has commented on a page in :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'New page: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'A new page has been created in :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Updated page: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'A page has been updated in :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'To prevent a mass of notifications, for a while you won\'t be sent notifications for further edits to this page by the same editor.',
'new_comment_subject' => 'Nuevo comentario en la página: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'Un usuario ha comentado en una página de :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'Nueva página: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'Una nueva página ha sido creada en :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Página actualizada: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'Una página ha sido actualizada en :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'Para prevenir notificaciones en masa, durante un tiempo no se enviarán notificaciones para futuras ediciones de esta página por el mismo editor.',
'detail_page_name' => 'Page Name:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Commenter:',
'detail_comment' => 'Comment:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Created By:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Updated By:',
'detail_page_name' => 'Nombre de página:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Autor del comentario:',
'detail_comment' => 'Comentario:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Creado por:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Actualizado por:',
'action_view_comment' => 'View Comment',
'action_view_page' => 'View Page',
'action_view_comment' => 'Ver comentario',
'action_view_page' => 'Ver página',
'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'your notification preferences',
'footer_reason' => 'Esta notificación fue enviada porque :link cubre este tipo de actividad para este artículo.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'sus preferencias de notificación',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
return [
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'preferences' => 'Preferencias',
'shortcuts' => 'Atajos',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'Atajos del Teclado para la Interfaz',
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ return [
'shortcuts_save' => 'Guardar atajos',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Nota: Cuando se activan los atajos de teclado se puede visualizar la ayuda presionando la tecla "?", que resaltará los atajos disponibles para las acciones visibles actualmente en la pantalla.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => '¡Se actualizaron las preferencias de atajos de teclado!',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Manage keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the system user interface.',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Gestione los atajos de teclado que puede utilizar para navegar por la interfaz de usuario del sistema.',
'notifications' => 'Notification Preferences',
'notifications_desc' => 'Control the email notifications you receive when certain activity is performed within the system.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notify upon changes to pages I own',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notify upon comments on pages I own',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notify upon replies to my comments',
'notifications_save' => 'Save Preferences',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Notification preferences have been updated!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Watched & Ignored Items',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.',
'notifications' => 'Preferencias de notificaciones',
'notifications_desc' => 'Controle las notificaciones por correo electrónico que recibe cuando se realiza cierta actividad dentro del sistema.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notificar sobre los cambios en las páginas en las que soy propietario',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notificar sobre comentarios en las páginas en las que soy propietario',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notificar sobre respuestas a mis comentarios',
'notifications_save' => 'Guardar preferencias',
'notifications_update_success' => '¡Se han actualizado las preferencias de notificaciones!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Elementos vistos e ignorados',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' A continuación se muestran los elementos que tienen preferencias personalizadas de monitorización. Para actualizar sus preferencias, vea el artículo y las opciones se mostrarán en la barra lateral.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Manage your user profile details including preferred language and authentication options.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Gestione los detalles de su perfil de usuario, incluyendo las opciones de idioma y autenticación preferidas.',
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ return [
'role_manage_settings' => 'Gestionar ajustes de activos',
'role_export_content' => 'Exportar contenido',
'role_editor_change' => 'Cambiar editor de página',
'role_notifications' => 'Receive & manage notifications',
'role_notifications' => 'Recibir y gestionar notificaciones',
'role_asset' => 'Permisos de activos',
'roles_system_warning' => 'Tenga en cuenta que el acceso a cualquiera de los tres permisos anteriores puede permitir a un usuario modificar sus propios privilegios o los privilegios de otros usuarios en el sistema. Asignar roles con estos permisos sólo a usuarios de comfianza.',
'role_asset_desc' => 'Estos permisos controlan el acceso por defecto a los activos del sistema. Permisos definidos en Libros, Capítulos y Páginas ignorarán estos permisos.',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Test e-kirja saatmisel tekkis viga:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error thrown when sending a test email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'خطا در هنگام ارسال ایمیل آزمایشی:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Erreur émise lors de l\'envoi d\'un e-mail de test :',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error thrown when sending a test email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Pogreška prilikom slanja testnog email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Hiba történt egy teszt email küldésekor:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Kesalahan dilempar saat mengirim email uji:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Si è verificato un errore durante l\'invio di una e-mail di prova:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'テストメール送信時にエラーが発生しました:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error thrown when sending a test email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => '메일을 발송하는 도중 문제가 생겼습니다:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Siunčiant bandymo email: įvyko klaida',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Radusies kļūda sūtot testa epastu:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ return [
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Sett inn tegning',
'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Forhåndsvisning',
'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Synkroniser forhåndsvisningsrulle',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Unsaved Drawing Found',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Unsaved drawing data was found from a previous failed drawing save attempt. Would you like to restore and continue editing this unsaved drawing?',
'pages_drawing_unsaved' => 'Ulagret tegning funnet',
'pages_drawing_unsaved_confirm' => 'Ulagret tegningsdata ble funnet fra en tidligere mislykket lagring. Vil du gjenopprette og fortsette å redigere denne ulagrede tegningen?',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Siden tilhører ingen kapittel',
'pages_move' => 'Flytt side',
'pages_copy' => 'Kopiér side',
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ return [
// Watch Options
'watch' => 'Overvåk',
'watch_title_default' => 'Standardinnstillinger',
'watch_desc_default' => 'Revert watching to just your default notification preferences.',
'watch_desc_default' => 'Bytt til dine standardinnstilleringer for varsling.',
'watch_title_ignore' => 'Ignorer',
'watch_desc_ignore' => 'Ignorer alle varslinger, inkludert de fra preferanser for brukernivå.',
'watch_title_new' => 'Nye sider',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Feil kastet når du sendte en test-e-post:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ return [
'new_page_intro' => 'En ny side er opprettet i :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Oppdatert side: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'En side er oppdatert i :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'To prevent a mass of notifications, for a while you won\'t be sent notifications for further edits to this page by the same editor.',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'For å forhindre mange varslinger, vil du ikke få nye varslinger for endringer på denne siden fra samme forfatter.',
'detail_page_name' => 'Sidenavn:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Commenter:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Kommentar fra:',
'detail_comment' => 'Kommentar:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Opprettet av:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Oppdatert av:',
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ return [
'action_view_comment' => 'Vis kommentar',
'action_view_page' => 'Se side',
'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.',
'footer_reason' => 'Denne meldingen ble sendt til deg fordi :link dekker denne typen aktivitet for dette elementet.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'dine varslingsinnstillinger',
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ return [
'shortcuts_save' => 'Lagre snarveier',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Merk: Når snarveier er aktivert er et hjelperoverlegg tilgjengelig via å trykke "?" som vil fremheve de tilgjengelige snarveiene som for øyeblikket er synlige på skjermen.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Snarvei innstillinger er oppdatert!',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Manage keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the system user interface.',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Behandle tastatursnarveier du kan bruke for å navigere i systembrukergrensesnittet.',
'notifications' => 'Innstillinger for varsling',
'notifications_desc' => 'Control the email notifications you receive when certain activity is performed within the system.',
'notifications_desc' => 'Kontroller e-postvarslene du mottar når en bestemt aktivitet utføres i systemet.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Varsle ved endringer til sider jeg eier',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Varsle om kommentarer på sider jeg eier',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Varsle ved svar på mine kommentarer',
'notifications_save' => 'Lagre innstillinger',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Varslingsinnstillingene er oppdatert!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Overvåka & ignorerte elementer',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Nedenfor er elementene som har egendefinerte varslingsinnstillinger i bruk. For å oppdatere innstillingene for disse, se elementet, finn varslingsalternativene i sidepanelet.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Manage your user profile details including preferred language and authentication options.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Behandle brukerprofildetaljene dine, inkludert foretrukne språk og autentiseringsalternativer.',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Fout opgetreden bij het verzenden van een test email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Błąd podczas wysyłania testowej wiadomości e-mail:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Erro lançado ao enviar um e-mail de teste:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Erro encontrado ao enviar um e-mail de teste:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return [
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" a fost eliminat din favorite',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Preferințele de urmărire actualizate cu succes',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'autentificat',
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ return [
// Comments
'commented_on' => 'a comentat la',
'comment_create' => 'added comment',
'comment_update' => 'updated comment',
'comment_delete' => 'deleted comment',
'comment_create' => 'comentariu adăugat',
'comment_update' => 'comentariu actualizat',
'comment_delete' => 'comentariu șters',
// Other
'permissions_update' => 'a actualizat permisiunile',
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ return [
'remove' => 'Elimină',
'add' => 'Adaugă',
'configure' => 'Configurează',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'manage' => 'Gestionează',
'fullscreen' => 'Ecran complet',
'favourite' => 'Adaugă la favorite',
'unfavourite' => 'Șterge de la favorite',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return [
'image_details' => 'Detalii imagine',
'image_upload' => 'Încarcă imaginea',
'image_intro' => 'Aici puteţi selecta şi gestiona imaginile care au fost încărcate anterior în sistem.',
'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.',
'image_intro_upload' => 'Încărcați o imagine nouă trăgând o imagine în această fereastră sau utilizând butonul "Încărcați Imaginea" de mai sus.',
'image_all' => 'Tot',
'image_all_title' => 'Vezi toate imaginile',
'image_book_title' => 'Vezi imaginile încărcate în această carte',
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this shelf?',
'shelves_permissions' => 'Permisiuni raft',
'shelves_permissions_updated' => 'Permisiunile raftului au fost actualizate',
'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Shelf Permissions Active',
'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Permisiuni raft active',
'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning' => 'Permissions on shelves do not automatically cascade to contained books. This is because a book can exist on multiple shelves. Permissions can however be copied down to child books using the option found below.',
'shelves_permissions_create' => 'Shelf create permissions are only used for copying permissions to child books using the action below. They do not control the ability to create books.',
'shelves_copy_permissions_to_books' => 'Copiază permisiunile către cărți',
@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ return [
'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book',
'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book',
'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book',
'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Mergi la următorul capitol',
'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Sari la începutul cârtii',
'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Sari la sfârșitul cârtii',
'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter',
'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter',
'books_copy' => 'Copiază cartea',
@ -412,21 +412,21 @@ return [
'watch_desc_default' => 'Revert watching to just your default notification preferences.',
'watch_title_ignore' => 'Ignore',
'watch_desc_ignore' => 'Ignore all notifications, including those from user-level preferences.',
'watch_title_new' => 'New Pages',
'watch_title_new' => 'Pagina Nouă',
'watch_desc_new' => 'Notify when any new page is created within this item.',
'watch_title_updates' => 'All Page Updates',
'watch_desc_updates' => 'Notify upon all new pages and page changes.',
'watch_desc_updates_page' => 'Notify upon all page changes.',
'watch_title_comments' => 'All Page Updates & Comments',
'watch_desc_comments' => 'Notify upon all new pages, page changes and new comments.',
'watch_desc_comments_page' => 'Notify upon page changes and new comments.',
'watch_change_default' => 'Change default notification preferences',
'watch_detail_ignore' => 'Ignoring notifications',
'watch_detail_new' => 'Watching for new pages',
'watch_detail_updates' => 'Watching new pages and updates',
'watch_detail_comments' => 'Watching new pages, updates & comments',
'watch_detail_parent_book' => 'Watching via parent book',
'watch_detail_parent_book_ignore' => 'Ignoring via parent book',
'watch_detail_parent_chapter' => 'Watching via parent chapter',
'watch_detail_parent_chapter_ignore' => 'Ignoring via parent chapter',
'watch_title_updates' => 'Toate actualizările paginii',
'watch_desc_updates' => 'Notifică atunci când o pagină este editată sau creată.',
'watch_desc_updates_page' => 'Notifică la toate modificările paginii.',
'watch_title_comments' => 'Toate actualizările și comentariile paginii',
'watch_desc_comments' => 'Notifică la toate paginile noi, editările de pagină și comentariile noi.',
'watch_desc_comments_page' => 'Notifică la toate paginile noi, editările de pagină și comentariile noi.',
'watch_change_default' => 'Schimbă preferințele implicite de notificare',
'watch_detail_ignore' => 'Se ignoră notificările',
'watch_detail_new' => 'Urmărire pagini noi',
'watch_detail_updates' => 'Urmărire pagini noi şi actualizări',
'watch_detail_comments' => 'Urmărire pagini noi, actualizări și comentarii',
'watch_detail_parent_book' => 'Se uită prin cartea părinte',
'watch_detail_parent_book_ignore' => 'Ignorare prin intermediul cărţii părinte',
'watch_detail_parent_chapter' => 'Urmărire prin capitolul părinte',
'watch_detail_parent_chapter_ignore' => 'Urmărire prin capitolul părinte',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Eroare la trimiterea unui e-mail de test:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
return [
'new_comment_subject' => 'New comment on page: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'A user has commented on a page in :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'New page: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'A new page has been created in :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Updated page: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'A page has been updated in :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'To prevent a mass of notifications, for a while you won\'t be sent notifications for further edits to this page by the same editor.',
'new_comment_subject' => 'Comentariu nou pe pagina: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'Un utilizator a comentat pe o pagină în :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'Pagină nouă: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'O nouă pagină a fost creată în :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Pagina actualizată: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'O nouă pagină a fost creată în :appName:',
'updated_page_debounce' => 'Pentru a preveni notificări în masă, pentru un timp nu veți primi notificări suplimentare la această pagină de către același editor.',
'detail_page_name' => 'Page Name:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Commenter:',
'detail_comment' => 'Comment:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Created By:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Updated By:',
'detail_page_name' => 'Nume pagină:',
'detail_commenter' => 'Cine a comentat:',
'detail_comment' => 'Comentariu:',
'detail_created_by' => 'Creat de:',
'detail_updated_by' => 'Actualizat de:',
'action_view_comment' => 'View Comment',
'action_view_page' => 'View Page',
'action_view_comment' => 'Vizualizați comentariul',
'action_view_page' => 'Vezi pagina',
'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'your notification preferences',
'footer_reason' => 'Această notificare ți-a fost trimisă deoarece :link acoperă acest tip de activitate pentru acest articol.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'preferințele dvs. de notificare',
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
return [
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'preferences' => 'Preferințe',
'shortcuts' => 'Scurtături',
'shortcuts_interface' => 'Comenzi rapide interfață',
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ return [
'shortcuts_section_navigation' => 'Navigare',
'shortcuts_section_actions' => 'Acțiuni comune',
'shortcuts_save' => 'Salvează scurtăturile',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Note: When shortcuts are enabled a helper overlay is available via pressing "?" which will highlight the available shortcuts for actions currently visible on the screen.',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Notă: Când comenzile rapide sunt activate popup de ajutor este disponibilă prin apăsarea "?" care va evidenția scurtăturile disponibile pentru acțiunile vizibile în prezent pe ecran.',
'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Preferințele dumneavoastră au fost actualizate!',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Manage keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the system user interface.',
'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Gestionați scurtăturile de tastatură pe care le puteți utiliza pentru a naviga prin interfața.',
'notifications' => 'Notification Preferences',
'notifications_desc' => 'Control the email notifications you receive when certain activity is performed within the system.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notify upon changes to pages I own',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notify upon comments on pages I own',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notify upon replies to my comments',
'notifications_save' => 'Save Preferences',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Notification preferences have been updated!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Watched & Ignored Items',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.',
'notifications' => 'Preferințe de notificare',
'notifications_desc' => 'Controlați notificările prin e-mail pe care le primiți atunci când o anumită activitate este efectuată în sistem.',
'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notifică la comentarii pe paginile pe care le dețin',
'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notifică la comentarii pe paginile pe care le dețin',
'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notifică la răspunsurile la comentariile mele',
'notifications_save' => 'Salvează Preferințe',
'notifications_update_success' => 'Preferințele de notificare au fost actualizate!',
'notifications_watched' => 'Articole urmărite și ignorate',
'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Mai jos sunt elementele care au fost aplicate preferințe personalizate. Pentru a actualiza preferințele pentru acestea, vizualizați elementul și apoi găsiți opțiunile de ceas în bara laterală.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Manage your user profile details including preferred language and authentication options.',
'profile_overview_desc' => ' Gestionează detaliile profilului tău de utilizator, inclusiv opțiunile preferate de limbă și autentificare.',
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ return [
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Orice conținut adăugat aici va fi inserat în partea de jos a secțiunii <head> a fiecărei pagini. Acest lucru este util pentru a suprascrie stilurile sau pentru a adăuga cod analitic.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Conținutul headerului HTML personalizat este dezactivat pe această pagină de setări pentru a asigura că modificările pot fi inversate.',
'app_logo' => 'Logo aplicație',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Acest lucru este folosit în bara de antet a aplicației, printre alte zone. Această imagine ar trebui să fie de 86px în înălțime. Imaginile mari vor fi scalate în jos.',
'app_icon' => 'Iconiță aplicație',
'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.',
'app_icon_desc' => 'Această pictogramă este utilizată pentru tab-urile din browser și pictogramele de comenzi rapide. Aceasta ar trebui să fie o imagine PNG pătrată de 256px.',
'app_homepage' => 'Pagina principală a aplicației',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Selectează o vizualizare pentru a afișa pe prima pagină în loc de vizualizarea implicită. Permisiunile paginii sunt ignorate pentru paginile selectate.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Selectează o pagină',
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ return [
'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Dezactivează comentariile pentru toate paginile aplicației. <br> Comentariile existente nu sunt afișate.',
// Color settings
'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the application user interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the application primary color and default link color. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the application interface.',
'color_scheme' => 'Schema de culori a aplicației',
'color_scheme_desc' => 'Setați culorile pe care să le utilizați în interfață. Culorile pot fi configurate separat pentru modurile întuneric şi lumină pentru a se potrivi cel mai bine cu tema şi a asigura lizibilitatea.',
'ui_colors_desc' => 'Setaţi culoarea primară a aplicaţiei şi culoarea implicită a link-ului. Culoarea primară este utilizată în principal pentru banner-ul antet, butoane şi decoraţiunile interfeţei. Culoarea implicită a link-ului este utilizată pentru link-uri și acțiuni bazate pe text, atât în conținutul scris, cât și în interfața aplicației.',
'app_color' => 'Culoare primară',
'link_color' => 'Culoare link implicită',
'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.',
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ return [
'roles' => 'Roluri',
'role_user_roles' => 'Roluri utilizator',
'roles_index_desc' => 'Roles are used to group users & provide system permission to their members. When a user is a member of multiple roles the privileges granted will stack and the user will inherit all abilities.',
'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count user assigned|:count users assigned',
'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count utilizator atribuibil:count utilizatori alocați',
'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':count permission|:count permissions',
'roles_assigned_users' => 'Utilizator alocat',
'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Permisiuni furnizate',
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ return [
'role_manage_settings' => 'Gestionează setările aplicației',
'role_export_content' => 'Exportă conținut',
'role_editor_change' => 'Schimbă editorul de pagină',
'role_notifications' => 'Receive & manage notifications',
'role_notifications' => 'Primire și gestionare notificări',
'role_asset' => 'Permisiuni active',
'roles_system_warning' => 'Fi conștient de faptul că accesul la oricare dintre cele trei permisiuni de mai sus poate permite unui utilizator să își modifice propriile privilegii sau privilegiile altor persoane din sistem. Atribuie doar roluri cu aceste permisiuni utilizatorilor de încredere.',
'role_asset_desc' => 'Aceste permisiuni controlează accesul implicit la activele din sistem. Permisiunile pe Cărți, Capitole și Pagini vor suprascrie aceste permisiuni.',
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ return [
// Webhooks
'webhooks' => 'Webhook-uri',
'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooks are a way to send data to external URLs when certain actions and events occur within the system which allows event-based integration with external platforms such as messaging or notification systems.',
'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count trigger event|:count trigger events',
'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count declanșator eveniment:count evenimente de declanșare',
'webhooks_create' => 'Creează un nou Webhook',
'webhooks_none_created' => 'Nu au fost create webhook-uri.',
'webhooks_edit' => 'Editare Webhook',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return [
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" удалено из избранного',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Настройки просмотра успешно обновлены',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'вошёл',
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ return [
'remove' => 'Удалить',
'add' => 'Добавить',
'configure' => 'Настройка',
'manage' => 'Manage',
'manage' => 'Управлять',
'fullscreen' => 'На весь экран',
'favourite' => 'Избранное',
'unfavourite' => 'Убрать из избранного',
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ return [
'watch_desc_comments' => 'Notify upon all new pages, page changes and new comments.',
'watch_desc_comments_page' => 'Notify upon page changes and new comments.',
'watch_change_default' => 'Change default notification preferences',
'watch_detail_ignore' => 'Ignoring notifications',
'watch_detail_ignore' => 'Игнорирование уведомлений',
'watch_detail_new' => 'Watching for new pages',
'watch_detail_updates' => 'Watching new pages and updates',
'watch_detail_comments' => 'Watching new pages, updates & comments',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Ошибка при отправке тестового письма:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
return [
'new_comment_subject' => 'New comment on page: :pageName',
'new_comment_subject' => 'Новый комментарий на странице: :pageName',
'new_comment_intro' => 'A user has commented on a page in :appName:',
'new_page_subject' => 'New page: :pageName',
'new_page_subject' => 'Новая страница: :pageName',
'new_page_intro' => 'A new page has been created in :appName:',
'updated_page_subject' => 'Updated page: :pageName',
'updated_page_intro' => 'A page has been updated in :appName:',
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ return [
'action_view_page' => 'Посмотреть страницу',
'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.',
'footer_reason_link' => 'your notification preferences',
'footer_reason_link' => 'ваши настройки уведомлений',
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ return [
'role_manage_settings' => 'Управление настройками приложения',
'role_export_content' => 'Экспорт контента',
'role_editor_change' => 'Изменение редактора страниц',
'role_notifications' => 'Receive & manage notifications',
'role_notifications' => 'Получение и управление уведомлениями',
'role_asset' => 'Права доступа к материалам',
'roles_system_warning' => 'Имейте в виду, что доступ к любому из указанных выше трех разрешений может позволить пользователю изменить свои собственные привилегии или привилегии других пользователей системы. Назначать роли с этими правами можно только доверенным пользователям.',
'role_asset_desc' => 'Эти разрешения контролируют доступ по умолчанию к параметрам внутри системы. Разрешения на книги, главы и страницы перезапишут эти разрешения.',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Chyba pri odosielaní testovacieho e-mailu:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Napaka se je pojavila pri pošiljanju testne e-pošte:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Ett fel uppstod när ett test mail skulle skickas:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Test e-postası gönderilirken bir hata meydana geldi:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Помилка під час надсилання тестового електронного листа:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Error thrown when sending a test email:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => 'Lỗi khi gửi email thử:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => '发送测试电子邮件时出现错误:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
@ -111,4 +111,6 @@ return [
// Settings & Maintenance
'maintenance_test_email_failure' => '寄送測試電子郵件時發生錯誤:',
// HTTP errors
'http_ssr_url_no_match' => 'The URL does not match the configured allowed SSR hosts',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user