mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 04:37:33 +08:00
Refactored the code for ExportService to use DomDocument.
Fixes #883 Also handling more scenarios.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
use BookStack\Entities\Repos\EntityRepo;
use BookStack\Uploads\ImageService;
use BookStack\Exceptions\ExportException;
class ExportService
const VIDEO_REGEX = "/\<video.*?\>\<source.*?\ src\=(\")(.*?)(\").*?><\/video>/";
const YOUTUBE_REGEX = "/\<iframe.*src\=(\'|\")(\/\/www\.youtube\.com.*?)(\'|\").*?><\/iframe>/";
const VIMEO_REGEX = "/\<iframe.*src\=(\'|\")(\/\/player\.vimeo\.com.*?)(\'|\").*?><\/iframe>/";
const GOOGLE_MAP_REGEX = "/\<iframe.*src\=(\'|\")(\/\/maps\.google\.com.*?)(\'|\").*?><\/iframe>/";
const DAILYMOTION_REGEX = "/\<iframe.*src\=(\'|\")(\/\/www\.dailymotion\.com.*?)(\'|\").*?><\/iframe>/";
protected $contentMatching = [
'video' => ["www.youtube.com", "player.vimeo.com", "www.dailymotion.com"],
'map' => ['maps.google.com']
protected $entityRepo;
protected $imageService;
@ -80,16 +79,17 @@ class ExportService
* Convert a page to a PDF file.
* @param Page $page
* @param bool $isTesting
* @return mixed|string
* @throws \Throwable
public function pageToPdf(Page $page)
public function pageToPdf(Page $page, bool $isTesting = false)
$html = view('pages/pdf', [
'page' => $page
return $this->htmlToPdf($html);
return $this->htmlToPdf($html, $isTesting);
@ -130,12 +130,16 @@ class ExportService
* Convert normal webpage HTML to a PDF.
* @param $html
* @param $isTesting
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
protected function htmlToPdf($html)
protected function htmlToPdf($html, $isTesting = false)
$containedHtml = $this->containHtml($html, true);
if ($isTesting) {
return $containedHtml;
$useWKHTML = config('snappy.pdf.binary') !== false;
if ($useWKHTML) {
$pdf = \SnappyPDF::loadHTML($containedHtml);
@ -151,56 +155,62 @@ class ExportService
* @param $htmlContent
* @param bool $isPDF
* @return mixed|string
* @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException
* @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ExportException
protected function containHtml($htmlContent, $isPDF = false)
protected function containHtml(string $htmlContent, bool $isPDF = false) : string
$imageTagsOutput = [];
preg_match_all("/\<img.*src\=(\'|\")(.*?)(\'|\").*?\>/i", $htmlContent, $imageTagsOutput);
$dom = $this->getDOM($htmlContent);
if ($dom === false) {
throw new ExportException(trans('errors.dom_parse_error'));
// Replace image src with base64 encoded image strings
if (isset($imageTagsOutput[0]) && count($imageTagsOutput[0]) > 0) {
foreach ($imageTagsOutput[0] as $index => $imgMatch) {
$oldImgTagString = $imgMatch;
$srcString = $imageTagsOutput[2][$index];
$imageEncoded = $this->imageService->imageUriToBase64($srcString);
if ($imageEncoded === null) {
$imageEncoded = $srcString;
$newImgTagString = str_replace($srcString, $imageEncoded, $oldImgTagString);
$htmlContent = str_replace($oldImgTagString, $newImgTagString, $htmlContent);
// replace image src with base64 encoded image strings
$images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($images as $img) {
$base64String = $this->imageService->imageUriToBase64($img->getAttribute('src'));
if ($base64String !== null) {
$img->setAttribute('src', $base64String);
$linksOutput = [];
preg_match_all("/\<a.*href\=(\'|\")(.*?)(\'|\").*?\>/i", $htmlContent, $linksOutput);
// Replace image src with base64 encoded image strings
if (isset($linksOutput[0]) && count($linksOutput[0]) > 0) {
foreach ($linksOutput[0] as $index => $linkMatch) {
$oldLinkString = $linkMatch;
$srcString = $linksOutput[2][$index];
if (strpos(trim($srcString), 'http') !== 0) {
$newSrcString = url($srcString);
$newLinkString = str_replace($srcString, $newSrcString, $oldLinkString);
$htmlContent = str_replace($oldLinkString, $newLinkString, $htmlContent);
// replace all relative hrefs.
$links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($links as $link) {
$href = $link->getAttribute('href');
if (strpos(trim($href), 'http') !== 0) {
$newHref = url($href);
$link->setAttribute('href', $newHref);
// Replace problems caused by TinyMCE removing the protocol for YouTube, Google Maps, DailyMotion and Vimeo
if ($isPDF) {
$callback = [$this, 'replaceContentPDF'];
$htmlContent = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::VIDEO_REGEX, $htmlContent, $callback, 'Video');
} else {
$callback = [$this, 'replaceContentHtml'];
$htmlContent = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::YOUTUBE_REGEX, $htmlContent, $callback, 'Video');
$htmlContent = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::GOOGLE_MAP_REGEX, $htmlContent, $callback, 'Map');
$htmlContent = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::DAILYMOTION_REGEX, $htmlContent, $callback, 'Video');
$htmlContent = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::VIMEO_REGEX, $htmlContent, $callback, 'Video');
// replace all src in video, audio and iframe tags
$xmlDoc = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$srcElements = $xmlDoc->query('//video | //audio | //iframe');
foreach ($srcElements as $element) {
$element = $this->fixRelativeSrc($element);
return $htmlContent;
if ($isPDF) {
$src = $element->getAttribute('src');
$label = $this->getContentLabel($src);
$div = $dom->createElement('div');
$textNode = $dom->createTextNode($label);
$anchor = $dom->createElement('a');
$anchor->setAttribute('href', $src);
$anchor->textContent = $src;
$element->parentNode->replaceChild($div, $element);
return $dom->saveHTML();
@ -208,21 +218,43 @@ class ExportService
* This method filters any bad looking content to provide a nice final output.
* @param Page $page
* @return mixed
* @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ExportException
public function pageToPlainText(Page $page)
$html = $this->entityRepo->renderPage($page);
$dom = $this->getDom($html);
$callback = [$this, 'replaceContentText'];
// Replace video tag in PDF
$html = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::VIDEO_REGEX, $html, $callback, 'Video');
// Replace problems caused by TinyMCE removing the protocol for YouTube, Google Maps, DailyMotion and Vimeo
$html = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::YOUTUBE_REGEX, $html, $callback, 'Video');
$html = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::GOOGLE_MAP_REGEX, $html, $callback, 'Map');
$html = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::DAILYMOTION_REGEX, $html, $callback, 'Video');
$html = $this->replaceLinkedTags(self::VIMEO_REGEX, $html, $callback, 'Video');
if ($dom === false) {
throw new ExportException(trans('errors.dom_parse_error'));
$text = strip_tags($html);
// handle anchor tags.
$links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($links as $link) {
$href = $link->getAttribute('href');
if (strpos(trim($href), 'http') !== 0) {
$newHref = url($href);
$link->setAttribute('href', $newHref);
$link->textContent = trim($link->textContent . " ($href)");
$xmlDoc = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$srcElements = $xmlDoc->query('//video | //audio | //iframe | //img');
foreach ($srcElements as $element) {
$element = $this->fixRelativeSrc($element);
$fixedSrc = $element->getAttribute('src');
$label = $this->getContentLabel($fixedSrc);
$finalLabel = "\n\n$label $fixedSrc\n\n";
$textNode = $dom->createTextNode($finalLabel);
$element->parentNode->replaceChild($textNode, $element);
$text = strip_tags($dom->saveHTML());
// Replace multiple spaces with single spaces
$text = preg_replace('/\ {2,}/', ' ', $text);
// Reduce multiple horrid whitespace characters.
@ -267,56 +299,36 @@ class ExportService
return $text;
* Can be used to replace certain tags that cause problems such as the TinyMCE video tag
* modification that have to be undone.
* See - https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/blob/0f7a0f12667bde6eae9377b50b797f4479aa1ac7/src/plugins/media/main/ts/core/UrlPatterns.ts#L22
* @param String $regex
* @param String $htmlContent
* @param array $callback
* @param String $contentLabel
* @return String $htmlContent - Modified html content
protected function replaceLinkedTags($regex, $htmlContent, $callback, $contentLabel = '') {
$iframeOutput = [];
preg_match_all($regex, $htmlContent, $iframeOutput);
if (isset($iframeOutput[0]) && count($iframeOutput[0]) > 0) {
foreach ($iframeOutput[0] as $index => $iframeMatch) {
$htmlContent = call_user_func($callback, $htmlContent, $iframeOutput, $index, $contentLabel);
protected function getDom(string $htmlContent) : \DOMDocument
// See - https://stackoverflow.com/a/17559716/903324
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
return $dom;
protected function fixRelativeSrc(\DOMElement $element): \DOMElement
$src = $element->getAttribute('src');
if (strpos(trim($src), 'http') !== 0) {
$newSrc = 'https:' . $src;
$element->setAttribute('src', $newSrc);
return $element;
protected function getContentLabel(string $src) : string
foreach ($this->contentMatching as $key => $possibleValues) {
foreach ($possibleValues as $value) {
if (strpos($src, $value)) {
return trans("entities.$key");
return $htmlContent;
protected function replaceContentHtml($htmlContent, $iframeOutput, $index, $contentLabel) {
$srcString = $iframeOutput[2][$index];
$newSrcString = $srcString;
if (strpos($srcString, 'http') !== 0) {
$newSrcString = 'https:' . $srcString;
$htmlContent = str_replace($srcString, $newSrcString, $htmlContent);
return $htmlContent;
protected function replaceContentPDF($htmlContent, $iframeOutput, $index, $contentLabel) {
$srcString = $iframeOutput[2][$index];
$newSrcString = $srcString;
if (strpos($srcString, 'http') !== 0) {
$newSrcString = 'https:' . $srcString;
$finalHtmlString = "$contentLabel: <a href='$newSrcString'>$newSrcString</a>";
$htmlContent = str_replace($iframeOutput[0][$index], $finalHtmlString, $htmlContent);
return $htmlContent;
protected function replaceContentText($htmlContent, $iframeOutput, $index, $contentLabel) {
$srcString = $iframeOutput[2][$index];
$newSrcString = $srcString;
if (strpos($srcString, 'http') !== 0) {
$newSrcString = 'https:' . $srcString;
$finalHtmlString = "$contentLabel: $newSrcString";
$htmlContent = str_replace($iframeOutput[0][$index], $finalHtmlString, $htmlContent);
return $htmlContent;
return trans('entities.embedded_content');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?php namespace BookStack\Exceptions;
class ExportException extends PrettyException
@ -495,13 +495,15 @@ class PageController extends Controller
* https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-dompdf
* @param string $bookSlug
* @param string $pageSlug
* @param Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function exportPdf($bookSlug, $pageSlug)
public function exportPdf($bookSlug, $pageSlug, Request $request)
$isTesting = $request->query('isTesting');
$page = $this->pageRepo->getPageBySlug($pageSlug, $bookSlug);
$page->html = $this->pageRepo->renderPage($page);
$pdfContent = $this->exportService->pageToPdf($page);
$pdfContent = $this->exportService->pageToPdf($page, !empty($isTesting));
return $this->downloadResponse($pdfContent, $pageSlug . '.pdf');
@ -289,5 +289,11 @@ return [
// Revision
'revision_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this revision?',
'revision_delete_success' => 'Revision deleted',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => 'Cannot delete the latest revision.'
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => 'Cannot delete the latest revision.',
// PDF / Text Embeds
'video' => 'Video: ',
'map' => 'Map: ',
'embedded_content' => 'Embedded Content: '
@ -81,4 +81,7 @@ return [
'app_down' => ':appName is down right now',
'back_soon' => 'It will be back up soon.',
// Export errors
'dom_parse_error' => 'There was an error while exporting the page. This maybe caused due to the HTML structure of the page.'
@ -157,4 +157,29 @@ class ExportTest extends TestCase
public function test_pdf_export_no_video_iframe() {
$page = Page::first();
$page->html = '<p id="bkmrk-%C2%A0-0"> </p>' .
'<p id="bkmrk-%C2%A0-1"><iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LkFt_fp7FmE" width="560" height="314" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>' .
'<p id="bkmrk-"><video src="//player.vimeo.com/video/276396369?title=0&amp;byline=0" width="425" height="350" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></video></p>' .
'<p id="bkmrk--0"><iframe style="border: 0;" src="//maps.google.com/embed?testquery=true" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>' .
'<p id="bkmrk--1"><iframe src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x2rqgfm" width="480" height="432" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>' .
'<p id="bkmrk-%C2%A0-2"> </p>';
$resp = $this->get($page->getUrl('/export/pdf?isTesting=true'));
$checks = [
foreach ($checks as $check) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user