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synced 2025-03-24 06:57:26 +08:00
Updated translations with latest Crowdin changes (#5022)
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'تطبيق الجوال',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Мобилно приложение',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'За да използваш многофакторно удостоверяване, ще ти трябва мобилно приложение, което поддържа временни еднократни пароли (TOTP), като например Google Authenticator, Authy или Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Резервни кодове',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Запази на сигурно място набор от еднократни резервни кодове, с които можеш да устовериш идентичността си.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Потвърди и включи',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Настройка на резервни кодове',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Запази този лист с кодове на сигурно място. Когато достъпваш системата, ще можеш да използваш един от тези кодове като вторичен механизъм за удостоверяване.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicació mòbil',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Per a fer servir l’autenticació de múltiple factor us caldrà una aplicació mòbil que suporti TOTP, com ara Google Authenticador, Authy o Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Codis de seguretat',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Deseu de manera segura codis de seguretat d’un sol ús que podeu introduir per a verificar la vostra identitat.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirma i activa',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuració de codis de seguretat',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Deseu la següent llista de codis en un lloc segur. Quan accediu al sistema, podeu fer servir un dels codis com a segon mètode d’autenticació.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilní aplikace',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Pro použití vícefaktorového ověření budete potřebovat mobilní aplikaci, která podporuje TOTP jako např. Google Authenticator, Authy nebo Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Záložní kódy',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bezpečně si uložte sadu jednorázových záložních kódů, které můžete použít pro ověření vaší identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Vygeneruje sadu jednorázových záložních kódů, které zadáte při přihlášení k ověření své identity. Ujistěte se, že jsou uloženy na bezpečném místě.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Potvrdit a povolit',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Nastavení záložních kódů',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Uložte níže uvedený seznam kódů na bezpečné místo. Při přístupu k systému budete moci použít jeden z kódů jako druhou metodu ověření.',
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ return [
'permissionJson' => 'Nemáte povolení k provedení požadované akce.',
// Auth
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => 'Uživatel s emailem :email již existuje ale s jinými přihlašovacími údaji.',
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => 'Uživatel s emailem :email již existuje, ale s jinými přihlašovacími údaji.',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'Zadané údaje nedovolují zaregistrovat uživatelský účet',
'email_already_confirmed' => 'Emailová adresa již byla potvrzena. Zkuste se přihlásit.',
'email_confirmation_invalid' => 'Tento potvrzovací odkaz již neplatí nebo už byl použit. Zkuste prosím registraci znovu.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Doplněk pro tohoto správce identity nebyl nalezen.',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Nastavení vašeho účtu na :socialAccount není správné. :socialAccount musí mít vaše svolení pro naší aplikaci vás přihlásit.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Odkaz v pozvánce již bohužel vypršel. Namísto toho ale můžete zkusit resetovat heslo do Vašeho účtu.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Uživatele pro tuto akci se nepodařilo najít.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Nelze zapisovat na cestu k souboru :filePath. Zajistěte aby se dalo nahrávat na server.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Ap Ffôn Symudol',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobil app',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'For at bruge multi-faktor godkendelse, skal du bruge en mobil app, der understøtter TOTP såsom Google Authenticator, Authy eller Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup koder',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Gem sikkert et sæt af engangs backup koder, som du kan indtaste for at bekræfte din identitet.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bekræft og aktivér',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup koder opsætning',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Handy-App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Um Mehrfach-Faktor-Authentifizierung nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie eine Handy-Anwendung, die TOTP unterstützt, wie Google Authenticator, Authy oder Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup-Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Speichern Sie sicher eine Reihe von einmaligen Backup-Codes, die Sie eingeben können, um Ihre Identität zu überprüfen.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Erzeugt eine Reihe von einmalig nutzbaren Backup-Codes, welche Sie bei der Anmeldung eingeben, um Ihre Identität zu bestätigen. Achten Sie darauf diese an einem sicheren Ort aufzubewahren.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bestätigen und aktivieren',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup-Codes einrichten',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Speichern Sie die folgende Liste von Codes an einem sicheren Ort. Wenn Sie auf das System zugreifen, können Sie einen der Codes als zweiten Authentifizierungsmechanismus verwenden.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Treiber für Social-Media-Konten nicht gefunden',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Ihr :socialAccount-Konto ist nicht korrekt konfiguriert.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Dieser Einladungslink ist abgelaufen. Sie können stattdessen versuchen Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Ein Benutzer für diese Aktion konnte nicht gefunden werden.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Die Datei kann nicht in den angegebenen Pfad :filePath hochgeladen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass dieser Ordner auf dem Server beschreibbar ist.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Um Mehrfach-Faktor-Authentifizierung nutzen zu können, benötigst du eine mobile Anwendung, die TOTP unterstützt, wie Google Authenticator, Authy oder Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Code',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Speichere eine Reihe von einmaligen Backup-Codes an einem sicheren Ort. Du kannst damit deine identität bestätigen.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Erzeugt eine Reihe von einmalig nutzbaren Backup-Codes, welche Sie bei der Anmeldung eingeben, um Ihre Identität zu bestätigen. Achten Sie darauf diese an einem sicheren Ort aufzubewahren.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bestätigen und aktivieren',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup-Codes einrichten',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Speichere die folgende Liste der Codes an einem sicheren Ort. Wenn du auf das System zugreifst, kannst du einen der Codes als zweiten Authentifizierungsmechanismus verwenden.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Treiber für Social-Media-Konten nicht gefunden',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Dein :socialAccount-Konto ist nicht korrekt konfiguriert.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Dieser Einladungslink ist abgelaufen. Du kannst stattdessen versuchen, dein Passwort zurückzusetzen.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Ein Benutzer für diese Aktion konnte nicht gefunden werden.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Die Datei kann nicht in den angegebenen Pfad :filePath hochgeladen werden. Stelle sicher, dass dieser Ordner auf dem Server beschreibbar ist.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Εφαρμογή για κινητό',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε τον έλεγχο ταυτότητας πολλαπλών παραγόντων, θα χρειαστείτε μια εφαρμογή για κινητά που υποστηρίζει TOTP, όπως το Google Authenticator, το Authy ή το Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Εφεδρικοί κωδικοί',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Αποθηκεύστε με ασφάλεια ένα σύνολο εφεδρικών κωδικών μίας χρήσης τους οποίους μπορείτε να εισαγάγετε για να επαληθεύσετε την ταυτότητά σας.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Επιβεβαίωση και ενεργοποίηση',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Ρύθμιση εφεδρικών κωδικών',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Αποθηκεύστε την παρακάτω λίστα κωδικών σε ασφαλές μέρος. Κατά την πρόσβαση στο σύστημα, θα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε έναν από τους κωδικούς ως δεύτερο μηχανισμό ελέγχου ταυτότητας.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicación para móviles',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Para utilizar la autenticación en dos pasos necesitarás una aplicación móvil que soporte TOTP como Google Authenticator, Authy o Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Códigos de Respaldo',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Almacena de forma segura un conjunto de códigos de respaldo de un solo uso que puedes introducir para verificar tu identidad.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Genera un conjunto de códigos de seguridad de un solo uso que ingresará al iniciar sesión para verificar su identidad. Asegúrese de guardarlos en un lugar seguro.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmar y Activar',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuración de Códigos de Respaldo',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Guarda la siguiente lista de códigos en un lugar seguro. Al acceder al sistema podrás usar uno de los códigos como un segundo mecanismo de autenticación.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Driver social no encontrado',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Su configuración :socialAccount no es correcta.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Este enlace de invitación ha expirado. Puede resetear la contraseña de su cuenta como alternativa.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'No se pudo encontrar un usuario para esta acción.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'El fichero no pudo ser subido a la ruta :filePath . Asegúrese de que es escribible por el servidor.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicación móvil',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Para utilizar la autenticación en dos pasos necesitará una aplicación móvil que soporte TOTP como Google Authenticator, Authy o Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Códigos de Respaldo',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Almacene de forma segura un conjunto de códigos de respaldo de un solo uso que pueda introducir para verificar su identidad.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Genera un conjunto de códigos de seguridad de un solo uso que ingresará al iniciar sesión para verificar su identidad. Asegúrese de guardarlos en un lugar seguro.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmar y Activar',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuración de Códigos de Respaldo',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Guarde la siguiente lista de códigos en un lugar seguro. Al acceder al sistema podrá usar uno de los códigos como un segundo mecanismo de autenticación.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Driver social no encontrado',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Su configuración :socialAccount no es correcta.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'El enace de la esta invitación expiró. Puede intentar restablecer la contraseña de su cuenta',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'No se pudo encontrar un usuario para esta acción.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'La ruta :filePath no pudo ser cargada. Asegurese de que es escribible por el servidor.',
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ return [
'user_delete_notification' => 'Kasutaja on kustutatud',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => 'created API token',
'api_token_create' => 'lisas API tunnuse',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'API tunnus on lisatud',
'api_token_update' => 'updated API token',
'api_token_update' => 'muutis API tunnust',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'API tunnus on muudetud',
'api_token_delete' => 'deleted API token',
'api_token_delete' => 'kustutas API tunnuse',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'API tunnus on kustutatud',
// Roles
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobiilirakendus',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Mitmeastmelise autentimise kasutamiseks on sul vaja TOTP-toega mobiilirakendust, nagu Google Authenticator, Authy või Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Varukoodid',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Hoiusta kindlas kohas komplekt ühekordseid varukoode, millega saad oma isikut tuvastada.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Kinnita ja lülita sisse',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Varukoodide seadistamine',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Hoiusta allolevad koodid turvalises kohas. Saad neid kasutada sisselogimisel sekundaarse autentimismeetodina.',
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ return [
'description' => 'Kirjeldus',
'role' => 'Roll',
'cover_image' => 'Kaanepilt',
'cover_image_description' => 'This image should be approximately 440x250px although it will be flexibly scaled & cropped to fit the user interface in different scenarios as required, so actual dimensions for display will differ.',
'cover_image_description' => 'See pildifail peaks olema umbes 440x250px, ehkki seda skaleeritakse ja lõigatakse vastavalt vajadusele, et see mahuks erinevatesse kasutajaliidestesse, seega tegelikud kuvamõõdud võivad erineda.',
// Actions
'actions' => 'Tegevused',
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ return [
'table_properties' => 'Tabeli omadused',
'table_properties_title' => 'Tabeli omadused',
'delete_table' => 'Kustuta tabel',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Clear table formatting',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Resize to contents',
'row_header' => 'Row header',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Eemalda tabeli vormindus',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Muuda suurus sisule vastavaks',
'row_header' => 'Päiserida',
'insert_row_before' => 'Sisesta rida enne',
'insert_row_after' => 'Sisesta rida pärast',
'delete_row' => 'Kustuta rida',
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ return [
'meta_updated' => 'Muudetud :timeLength',
'meta_updated_name' => 'Muudetud :timeLength kasutaja :user poolt',
'meta_owned_name' => 'Kuulub kasutajale :user',
'meta_reference_count' => 'Referenced by :count item|Referenced by :count items',
'meta_reference_count' => 'Viidatud :count objekti poolt|Viidatud :count objekti poolt',
'entity_select' => 'Objekti valik',
'entity_select_lack_permission' => 'Sul pole õiguseid selle objekti valimiseks',
'images' => 'Pildid',
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'PDF fail',
'export_text' => 'Tekstifail',
'export_md' => 'Markdown fail',
'default_template' => 'Default Page Template',
'default_template_explain' => 'Assign a page template that will be used as the default content for all pages created within this item. Keep in mind this will only be used if the page creator has view access to the chosen template page.',
'default_template_select' => 'Select a template page',
'default_template' => 'Vaikimisi lehe mall',
'default_template_explain' => 'Vali lehe mall, mida kasutatakse kõigi selle objekti sees loodud lehtede vaikimisi sisuna. Pea meeles, et seda kasutatakse ainult siis, kui lehe loojal on valitud malli vaatamise õigus.',
'default_template_select' => 'Vali mall',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Õigused',
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ return [
'pages_delete_draft' => 'Kustuta mustand',
'pages_delete_success' => 'Leht kustutatud',
'pages_delete_draft_success' => 'Mustand kustutatud',
'pages_delete_warning_template' => 'This page is in active use as a book or chapter default page template. These books or chapters will no longer have a default page template assigned after this page is deleted.',
'pages_delete_warning_template' => 'See leht on valitud raamatu või peatüki lehe malliks. Pärast selle lehe kustutamist ei ole vastavatel raamatutel või peatükkidel enam vaikimisi lehe malli.',
'pages_delete_confirm' => 'Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle lehe kustutada?',
'pages_delete_draft_confirm' => 'Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle mustandi kustutada?',
'pages_editing_named' => 'Lehe :pageName muutmine',
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ return [
// References
'references' => 'Viited',
'references_none' => 'Sellele objektile ei ole viiteid.',
'references_to_desc' => 'Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.',
'references_to_desc' => 'Allpool on kogu teadaolev sisu süsteemis, mis sellele objektile viitab.',
// Watch Options
'watch' => 'Jälgi',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return [
// Auth
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => 'See e-posti aadress on juba seotud teise kasutajaga.',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'User account could not be registered for the provided details',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'Etteantud detailidega kasutajakontot ei saadud registreerida',
'email_already_confirmed' => 'E-posti aadress on juba kinnitatud. Proovi sisse logida.',
'email_confirmation_invalid' => 'Kinnituslink ei ole kehtiv või on seda juba kasutatud. Proovi uuesti registreeruda.',
'email_confirmation_expired' => 'Kinnituslink on aegunud. Sulle saadeti aadressi kinnitamiseks uus e-kiri.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Sotsiaalmeedia kontode draiverit ei leitud',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Sinu :socialAccount konto seaded ei ole korrektsed.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Link on aegunud. Võid selle asemel proovida oma konto parooli lähtestada.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Selle tegevuse jaoks ei leitud kasutajat.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Faili asukohaga :filePath ei õnnestunud üles laadida. Veendu, et serveril on kirjutusõigused.',
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ return [
'recycle_bin_contents_empty' => 'Prügikast on hetkel tühi',
'recycle_bin_empty' => 'Tühjenda prügikast',
'recycle_bin_empty_confirm' => 'See kustutab lõplikult kõik objektid prügikastis, kaasa arvatud nende sisu. Kas oled kindel, et soovid prügikasti tühjendada?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'This action will permanently delete this item from the system, along with any child elements listed below, and you will not be able to restore this content. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'See kustutab lõplikult süsteemist valitud objekti koos loetletud alamobjektidega, ja seda sisu ei ole enam võimalik taastada. Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle objekti kustutada?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_list' => 'Kustutatavad objektid',
'recycle_bin_restore_list' => 'Taastatavad objektid',
'recycle_bin_restore_confirm' => 'See taastab valitud objekti koos kõigi alamobjektidega nende algsesse asukohta. Kui see asukoht on ka vahepeal kustutatud ja on nüüd prügikastis, tuleb ka see taastada.',
@ -277,13 +277,13 @@ return [
'webhooks_last_error_message' => 'Viimane veateade:',
// Licensing
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'licenses_desc' => 'This page details license information for BookStack in addition to the projects & libraries that are used within BookStack. Many projects listed may only be used in a development context.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'BookStack License',
'licenses_php' => 'PHP Library Licenses',
'licenses_js' => 'JavaScript Library Licenses',
'licenses_other' => 'Other Licenses',
'license_details' => 'License Details',
'licenses' => 'Litsentsid',
'licenses_desc' => 'See leht koondab litsentsiinfot BookStack\'i ja selles kasutatud projektide ja teekide kohta. Paljusid loetletud teekidest võidakse kasutada ainult arenduse kontekstis.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'BookStack\'i litsents',
'licenses_php' => 'PHP teekide litsentsid',
'licenses_js' => 'JavaScript teekide litsentsid',
'licenses_other' => 'Muud litsentsid',
'license_details' => 'Litsentsi detailid',
//! If editing translations files directly please ignore this in all
//! languages apart from en. Content will be auto-copied from en.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplikazio mugikorra',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Baieztatu eta gaitu',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'برنامه ی موبایل',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'برای استفاده از احراز هویت چند عاملی به یک برنامه موبایلی نیاز دارید که از TOTP پشتیبانی کند، مانند Google Authenticator، Authy یا Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'کدهای پشتیبان',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'مجموعه ای از کدهای پشتیبان یکبار مصرف را ایمن ذخیره کنید که می توانید برای تأیید هویت خود وارد کنید.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'تایید و فعال کنید',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'راه اندازی کدهای پشتیبان',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'لیست کدهای زیر را در مکانی امن ذخیره کنید. هنگام دسترسی به سیستم، می توانید از یکی از کدها به عنوان مکانیزم احراز هویت دوم استفاده کنید.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobiilisovellus',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Jos haluat käyttää monivaiheista tunnistautumista, tarvitset mobiilisovelluksen, joka tukee TOTP:tä, kuten Google Authenticator, Authy tai Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Varmistuskoodit',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Tallenna turvallisesti joukko kertakäyttöisiä varmistuskoodeja, jotka voit syöttää henkilöllisyytesi varmentamiseksi.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Vahvista ja ota käyttöön',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Varmistuskoodien asetukset',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Säilytä alla oleva luettelo koodeista turvallisessa paikassa. Kun käytät järjestelmää, voit käyttää yhtä koodeista toisena tunnistautumistapana.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Application mobile',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Pour utiliser l\'authentification multi-facteurs, vous aurez besoin d\'une application mobile qui supporte TOTP comme Google Authenticator, Authy ou Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Codes de secours',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Stockez en toute sécurité un jeu de codes de secours que vous pourrez utiliser pour vérifier votre identité.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Génère un ensemble de codes de sauvegarde à usage unique que vous saisirez lors de la connexion pour vérifier votre identité. Veillez à les conserver dans un endroit sûr.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmer et activer',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuration des codes de secours',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Stockez la liste des codes ci-dessous dans un endroit sûr. Lorsque vous accédez au système, vous pourrez utiliser l\'un des codes comme un deuxième mécanisme d\'authentification.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Pilote de compte de réseaux sociaux absent',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Vos préférences pour le compte :socialAccount sont incorrectes.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Le lien de cette invitation a expiré. Vous pouvez essayer de réinitialiser votre mot de passe.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Impossible de trouver un utilisateur pour cette action.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Impossible d\'écrire dans :filePath. Assurez-vous d\'avoir les droits d\'écriture sur le serveur',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'אפליקציה לנייד',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'בכדי להשתמש באימות רב-שלבי תצטרך אפליקציית מובייל תומכת TOTP כמו Google Authenticator, Authy או Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'קודי גיבוי',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilna Aplikacija',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Da biste koristili višestruku provjeru autentičnosti, trebat će vam mobilna aplikacija koja podržava TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password) kao što su Google Authenticator, Authy ili Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Rezervni Kodovi',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Sigurno pohranite set jednokratnih rezervnih kodova koje možete unijeti kako biste potvrdili svoj identitet.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Potvrdi i Omogući',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Postavke Rezervnih Kodova',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Spremite sljedeći popis kodova na sigurno mjesto. Prilikom pristupa sustavu, moći ćete koristiti jedan od ovih kodova kao drugi mehanizam autentifikacije.',
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ return [
'user_delete_notification' => 'Felhasználó sikeresen eltávolítva',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => 'created API token',
'api_token_create' => 'létrehozott API token',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'API token sikeresen létrehozva',
'api_token_update' => 'updated API token',
'api_token_update' => 'frissített API token',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'API token sikeresen frissítve',
'api_token_delete' => 'deleted API token',
'api_token_delete' => 'törölt API token',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'API token sikeresen törölve',
// Roles
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilalkalmazás',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'A többlépcsős azonosításhoz olyan mobilalkalmazásra lesz szükséged, amely támogatja a TOTP-t, például a Google Authenticator, az Authy vagy a Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Visszaállítási kulcsok',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Biztonságosan tárolja el az egyszer használatos visszaállítási kódjait, amiket a későbbiekben fel tud majd használni bejelentkezése során.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Jóváhagyás és engedélyezés',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Visszaállítási kódok beállítása',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Tárolja el egy biztonságos helyen az alábbi kódokat. Bejelentkezés során fel tudja használni őket másodlagos bejelentkezési kódként.',
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ return [
'table_properties' => 'Táblázat tulajdonságai',
'table_properties_title' => 'Táblázat Tulajdonságai',
'delete_table' => 'Táblázat törlése',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Clear table formatting',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Resize to contents',
'row_header' => 'Row header',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Tábla formázás törlése',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Átméretezés a tartalomhoz',
'row_header' => 'Sorfejléc',
'insert_row_before' => 'Sor beszúrása elé',
'insert_row_after' => 'Sor beszúrása mögé',
'delete_row' => 'Sor törlése',
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ return [
'cell_border_groove' => 'Horony',
'cell_border_ridge' => 'Domború',
'cell_border_inset' => 'Behúzott',
'cell_border_outset' => 'Outset',
'cell_border_outset' => 'Kiemelés',
'cell_border_none' => 'Egyik sem',
'cell_border_hidden' => 'Rejtett',
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ return [
'pages_pointer_enter_mode' => 'Lépjen be a szakaszválasztó módba',
'pages_pointer_label' => 'Oldalszakasz beállításai',
'pages_pointer_permalink' => 'Oldalszakasz állandó hivatkozás',
'pages_pointer_include_tag' => 'Page Section Include Tag',
'pages_pointer_include_tag' => 'Oldalszakasz tartalmazza a címkét',
'pages_pointer_toggle_link' => 'Permalink mód, Nyomja meg az include tag megjelenítéséhez',
'pages_pointer_toggle_include' => 'Include tag mód, Nyomja meg az permalink megjelenítéséhez',
'pages_permissions_active' => 'Oldal jogosultságok aktívak',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return [
// Auth
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => ':email címmel már létezik felhasználó, de más hitelesítő adatokkal.',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'User account could not be registered for the provided details',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'A felhasználói fiók nem regisztrálható a megadott adatokkal',
'email_already_confirmed' => 'Az email cím már meg van erősítve, meg lehet próbálni a bejelentkezést.',
'email_confirmation_invalid' => 'A megerősítő vezérjel nem érvényes vagy használva volt. Meg kell próbálni újraregisztrálni.',
'email_confirmation_expired' => 'A megerősítő vezérjel lejárt. Egy új megerősítő email lett elküldve.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Közösségi meghajtó nem található',
'social_driver_not_configured' => ':socialAccount közösségi beállítások nem megfelelőek.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Ez a meghívó hivatkozás lejárt. Helyette meg lehet próbálni új jelszót megadni a fiókhoz.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A művelethez nem található felhasználó.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => ':filePath elérési út nem tölthető fel. Ellenőrizni kell, hogy az útvonal a kiszolgáló számára írható.',
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ return [
'page_restore' => 'halaman telah dipulihkan',
'page_restore_notification' => 'Halaman berhasil dipulihkan',
'page_move' => 'halaman dipindahkan',
'page_move_notification' => 'Page successfully moved',
'page_move_notification' => 'Halaman berhasil dipindahkan',
// Chapters
'chapter_create' => 'membuat bab',
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ return [
'chapter_delete' => 'hapus bab',
'chapter_delete_notification' => 'Bab berhasil dihapus',
'chapter_move' => 'bab dipindahkan',
'chapter_move_notification' => 'Chapter successfully moved',
'chapter_move_notification' => 'Bab berhasil dipindahkan',
// Books
'book_create' => 'membuat buku',
@ -50,31 +50,31 @@ return [
'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Rak berhasil dihapus',
// Revisions
'revision_restore' => 'restored revision',
'revision_delete' => 'deleted revision',
'revision_delete_notification' => 'Revision successfully deleted',
'revision_restore' => 'revisi yang dipulihkan',
'revision_delete' => 'revisi yang dihapus',
'revision_delete_notification' => 'Revisi berhasil dihapus',
// Favourites
'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" telah ditambahkan ke favorit Anda',
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" telah dihapus dari favorit Anda',
// Watching
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Watch preferences successfully updated',
'watch_update_level_notification' => 'Preferensi pantauan berhasil diperbarui',
// Auth
'auth_login' => 'logged in',
'auth_register' => 'registered as new user',
'auth_password_reset_request' => 'requested user password reset',
'auth_password_reset_update' => 'reset user password',
'mfa_setup_method' => 'configured MFA method',
'auth_login' => 'telah masuk',
'auth_register' => 'daftar sebagai user baru',
'auth_password_reset_request' => 'permintaan pengguna mengatur ulang kata sandi',
'auth_password_reset_update' => 'atur ulang kata sandi pengguna',
'mfa_setup_method' => 'metode MFA yang dikonfigurasi',
'mfa_setup_method_notification' => 'Metode multi-faktor sukses dikonfigurasi',
'mfa_remove_method' => 'removed MFA method',
'mfa_remove_method' => 'menghapus metode MFA',
'mfa_remove_method_notification' => 'Metode multi-faktor sukses dihapus',
// Settings
'settings_update' => 'updated settings',
'settings_update_notification' => 'Settings successfully updated',
'maintenance_action_run' => 'ran maintenance action',
'settings_update_notification' => 'Pengaturan berhasil diperbarui',
'maintenance_action_run' => 'menjalankan tindakan pemeliharaan',
// Webhooks
'webhook_create' => 'membuat webhook',
@ -85,20 +85,20 @@ return [
'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook berhasil dihapus',
// Users
'user_create' => 'created user',
'user_create_notification' => 'User successfully created',
'user_update' => 'updated user',
'user_create' => 'pengguna yang dibuat',
'user_create_notification' => 'Pengguna berhasil dibuat',
'user_update' => 'perbarui Pengguna',
'user_update_notification' => 'Pengguna berhasil diperbarui',
'user_delete' => 'deleted user',
'user_delete' => 'pengguna yang dihapus',
'user_delete_notification' => 'Pengguna berhasil dihapus',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => 'created API token',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'API token successfully created',
'api_token_update' => 'updated API token',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'API token successfully updated',
'api_token_delete' => 'deleted API token',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'API token successfully deleted',
'api_token_create' => 'API token yang dibuat',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'Token API berhasil dibuat',
'api_token_update' => 'token API yang diperbarui',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'token API berhasil dirubah',
'api_token_delete' => 'token API yang dihapus',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'token API berhasil dihapus ',
// Roles
'role_create' => 'created role',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplikasi Seluler',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Kode Cadangan',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'App mobile',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Per utilizzare l\'autenticazione multi-fattore avrai bisogno di un\'applicazione mobile che supporti TOTP come Google Authenticator, Authy o Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Codici di backup',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Salva in modo sicuro una serie di codici di backup monouso che puoi inserire per verificare la tua identità.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Genera un insieme di codici di backup monouso che inserirai al login per verificare la tua identità. Assicurati di conservarli in un luogo sicuro e sicuro.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Conferma e abilita',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configurazione codici di backup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Conserva l\'elenco di codici qui sotto in un luogo sicuro. Quando accedi al sistema potrai utilizzare uno dei codici come meccanismo di autenticazione secondario.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Driver social non trovato',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Le impostazioni di :socialAccount non sono configurate correttamente.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Il link di invito è scaduto. Puoi provare a resettare la password del tuo account.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Impossibile trovare un utente per questa azione.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Il percorso :filePath non è scrivibile. Controlla che abbia i permessi corretti.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'モバイルアプリ',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => '多要素認証を使用するには、Google Authenticator、Authy、Microsoft AuthenticatorなどのTOTPをサポートするモバイルアプリケーションが必要です。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'バックアップコード',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '本人確認のために入力する、一度しか使えないバックアップコードを安全に保存します。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '確認して有効化',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'バックアップコードの設定',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '以下のコードのリストを安全な場所に保管してください。システムにアクセスする際、コードのいずれかを第二の認証手段として使用できます。',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ return [
'user_delete_notification' => '사용자가 삭제되었습니다',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => 'created API token',
'api_token_create' => '생성된 API 토큰',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'API 토큰이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.',
'api_token_update' => 'updated API token',
'api_token_update' => '갱신된 API 토큰',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'API 토큰이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다.',
'api_token_delete' => 'deleted API token',
'api_token_delete' => '삭제된 API 토큰',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'API 토큰이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.',
// Roles
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => '모바일 앱',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => '다중 인증에는 Google Authenticator, Authy나 Microsoft Authenticator와 같은 TOTP 지원 모바일 앱이 필요합니다.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => '백업 코드',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '일회성 백업 코드를 안전한 장소에 보관하세요.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '로그인 시 인증에 사용되는 일회용 백업 코드를 만듭니다. 이 백업 코드는 안전한 곳에 보관하세요.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '확인 및 활성화',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => '백업 코드 설정',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '코드 목록을 안전한 장소에 보관하세요. 코드 중 하나를 2FA에 쓸 수 있습니다.',
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ return [
'description' => '설명',
'role' => '권한',
'cover_image' => '대표 이미지',
'cover_image_description' => 'This image should be approximately 440x250px although it will be flexibly scaled & cropped to fit the user interface in different scenarios as required, so actual dimensions for display will differ.',
'cover_image_description' => '이 이미지는 필요에 따라 다양한 시나리오에서 사용자 인터페이스에 맞게 크기가 조정되거나 잘려질 수 있기 때문에 실제 표시되는 크기가 다를 수는 있지만 대략 440x250px 이어야 합니다.',
// Actions
'actions' => '활동',
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ return [
'table_properties' => '테이블 속성',
'table_properties_title' => '테이블 속성',
'delete_table' => '테이블 삭제',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Clear table formatting',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Resize to contents',
'row_header' => 'Row header',
'table_clear_formatting' => '테이블 형식 지우기',
'resize_to_contents' => '내용 크기 조정',
'row_header' => '행 머릿글',
'insert_row_before' => '앞에 행 추가',
'insert_row_after' => '뒤에 행 추가',
'delete_row' => '행 삭제',
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ return [
'export_pdf' => 'PDF 파일',
'export_text' => '일반 텍스트 파일',
'export_md' => '마크다운 파일',
'default_template' => 'Default Page Template',
'default_template_explain' => 'Assign a page template that will be used as the default content for all pages created within this item. Keep in mind this will only be used if the page creator has view access to the chosen template page.',
'default_template_select' => 'Select a template page',
'default_template' => '기본 페이지 템플릿',
'default_template_explain' => '이 항목 내에서 생성되는 모든 페이지의 기본 콘텐츠로 사용할 페이지 템플릿을 지정합니다. 페이지 작성자가 선택한 템플릿 페이지를 볼 수 있는 권한이 있는 경우에만 이 항목이 사용된다는 점을 유의하세요.',
'default_template_select' => '템플릿 페이지 선택',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => '권한',
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ return [
'pages_delete_draft' => '초안 문서 삭제하기',
'pages_delete_success' => '문서 지움',
'pages_delete_draft_success' => '초안 문서 지움',
'pages_delete_warning_template' => 'This page is in active use as a book or chapter default page template. These books or chapters will no longer have a default page template assigned after this page is deleted.',
'pages_delete_warning_template' => '이 페이지는 책의 기본 페이지 템플릿으로 사용 중입니다. 이 페이지가 삭제되면 해당하는 책에 더 이상 기본 페이지 템플릿이 적용되지 않습니다.',
'pages_delete_confirm' => '이 문서를 지울 건가요?',
'pages_delete_draft_confirm' => '이 초안을 지울 건가요?',
'pages_editing_named' => ':pageName 수정',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return [
// Auth
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => '이메일 :email 이 이미 존재하지만 다른 자격 증명을 가진 사용자입니다.',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'User account could not be registered for the provided details',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => '제공된 세부 정보로 사용자 계정을 등록할 수 없습니다',
'email_already_confirmed' => '이메일이 이미 확인되었으니 로그인해 보세요.',
'email_confirmation_invalid' => '이 확인 토큰이 유효하지 않거나 이미 사용되었습니다. 다시 등록해 주세요.',
'email_confirmation_expired' => '확인 토큰이 만료되었습니다. 새 확인 이메일이 전송되었습니다.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => '소셜 드라이버를 찾을 수 없습니다.',
'social_driver_not_configured' => '소셜 계정 :socialAccount 가(이) 올바르게 구성되지 않았습니다.',
'invite_token_expired' => '이 초대 링크가 만료되었습니다. 대신 계정 비밀번호 재설정을 시도해 보세요.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => '이 동작의 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => '파일 경로 :filePath 에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 서버에 저장이 가능한지 확인하세요.',
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ return [
'recycle_bin_contents_empty' => '휴지통이 비었습니다.',
'recycle_bin_empty' => '비우기',
'recycle_bin_empty_confirm' => '휴지통을 비울 건가요?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'This action will permanently delete this item from the system, along with any child elements listed below, and you will not be able to restore this content. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => '이 작업을 수행하면 이 항목이 아래에 나열된 모든 하위 요소와 함께 시스템에서 영구적으로 삭제되며, 복원할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 영구 삭제하시겠어요?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_list' => '영구 삭제함',
'recycle_bin_restore_list' => '복원함',
'recycle_bin_restore_confirm' => '원래 위치로 복원합니다. 원래 위치의 부모 항목이 지워졌을 경우 부모 항목도 복원해야 합니다.',
@ -277,13 +277,13 @@ return [
'webhooks_last_error_message' => '마지막 에러 메시지:',
// Licensing
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'licenses_desc' => 'This page details license information for BookStack in addition to the projects & libraries that are used within BookStack. Many projects listed may only be used in a development context.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'BookStack License',
'licenses_php' => 'PHP Library Licenses',
'licenses_js' => 'JavaScript Library Licenses',
'licenses_other' => 'Other Licenses',
'license_details' => 'License Details',
'licenses' => '라이선스',
'licenses_desc' => '이 페이지에서는 BookStack 내에서 사용되는 프로젝트 및 라이브러리 외에 BookStack 라이선스 정보를 자세히 설명합니다. 나열된 프로젝트는 개발 용도로만 사용할 수 있습니다.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'BookStack 라이선스',
'licenses_php' => 'PHP 라이브러리 라이선스',
'licenses_js' => 'JavaScript 라이브러리 라이선스',
'licenses_other' => '기타 라이선스',
'license_details' => '라이선스 세부 사항',
//! If editing translations files directly please ignore this in all
//! languages apart from en. Content will be auto-copied from en.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilā aplikācija',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Lai lietotu vairākfaktoru autentifikāciju, jums būs nepieciešama mobilā aplikācija, kas atbalsta TOTP, piemēram, Google Authenticator, Authy vai Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Rezerves kodi',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Droši noglabājiet vienreizlietojamu rezerves kodu komplektu, ko varēsiet izmantot, lai verificētu savu identitāti.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Apstiprināt un ieslēgt',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Rezerves kodu iestatījumi',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Noglabājiet zemāk esošo kodu sarakstu drošā vietā. Kad piekļūsiet sistēmai, jūs varēsiet izmantot vienu no kodiem kā papildus autentifikācijas mehānismu.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilapplikasjon',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'For å bruke flerfaktorautentisering trenger du en mobilapplikasjon som støtter TOTP-teknologien, slik som Google Authenticator, Authy eller Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Sikkerhetskoder',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lagre sikkerhetskoder til engangsbruk på et trygt sted, disse kan du bruke for å verifisere identiteten din.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bekreft og aktiver',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Konfigurasjon av sikkerhetskoder',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lagre nedeforstående liste med koder på et trygt sted. Når du skal ha tilgang til systemet kan du bruke en av disse som en faktor under innlogging.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobiele app',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Om meervoudige verificatie te gebruiken heb je een mobiele applicatie nodig die TOTP ondersteunt, zoals Google Authenticator, Authy of Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Back-up Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bewaar veilig een set eenmalige back-upcodes die je kunt invoeren om je identiteit te verifiëren.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Genereert een set met eenmalige back-upcodes die je kan invoeren om je identiteit te bevestigen. Bewaar deze op een veilige plaats.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bevestigen en inschakelen',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Back-up codes instellen',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bewaar de onderstaande lijst met codes op een veilige plaats. Bij toegang tot het systeem kun je een van de codes gebruiken als tweede verificatiemechanisme.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Social driver niet gevonden',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Je :socialAccount instellingen zijn niet correct geconfigureerd.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Deze uitnodigingslink is verlopen. Je kunt in plaats daarvan proberen je wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Er is geen gebruiker gevonden voor deze actie.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'Bestandspad :filePath kon niet naar geüpload worden. Zorg dat je schrijfrechten op de server hebt.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilapplikasjon',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'For å bruka fleirfaktorautentisering treng du ein mobilapplikasjon som støttar TOTP-teknologien, slik som Google Authenticator, Authy eller Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Tryggleikskodar',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lagre tryggleiksskodar til eingongsbruk på ein trygg stad, desse kan du bruka for å verifisera identiteten din.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Stadfest og aktiver',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Konfigurasjon av tryggleikskodar',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lagre lista under med kodar på ein trygg stad. Når du skal ha tilgang til systemet kan du bruka ein av desse som ein faktor under innlogging.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplikacja mobilna',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Aby korzystać z uwierzytelniania wieloskładnikowego, potrzebujesz aplikacji mobilnej, która obsługuje TOTP, takiej jak Google Authenticator, Authy lub Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Kody zapasowe',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bezpiecznie przechowuj zestaw jednorazowych kodów zapasowych, które możesz wprowadzić, aby zweryfikować swoją tożsamość.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Potwierdź i włącz',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Ustawienia kopii zapasowych kodów',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Przechowuj poniższą listę kodów w bezpiecznym miejscu. Przy dostępie do systemu będziesz mógł użyć jednego z kodów jako drugiego mechanizmu uwierzytelniania.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicação móvel',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Para usar a autenticação multi-fator, você precisa de uma aplicação móvel que suporte TOTP como o Autenticador do Google, Authy ou o autenticador Microsoft.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Códigos de Backup',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Armazene com segurança um conjunto de códigos de backup únicos que você pode inserir para verificar sua identidade.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmar e ativar',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuração dos Códigos de Backup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Armazene a lista de códigos abaixo em um lugar seguro. Ao acessar o sistema você poderá usar um dos códigos como um segundo mecanismo de autenticação.',
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ return [
'user_delete_notification' => 'Usuário removido com sucesso',
// API Tokens
'api_token_create' => 'created API token',
'api_token_create' => 'token de API criado',
'api_token_create_notification' => 'Token de API criado com sucesso',
'api_token_update' => 'updated API token',
'api_token_update' => 'token de API atualizado',
'api_token_update_notification' => 'Token de API atualizado com sucesso',
'api_token_delete' => 'deleted API token',
'api_token_delete' => 'token de API excluído',
'api_token_delete_notification' => 'Token de API excluído com sucesso',
// Roles
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicativo Móvel',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Para usar a autenticação multi-fator, você precisará de um aplicativo móvel que suporte TOTP como o Google Authenticator, Authy ou o Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Códigos de backup',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Armazene com segurança um conjunto de códigos de backup únicos que você pode inserir para verificar sua identidade.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Gera um conjunto de códigos de backup de uso único que você inserirá no login para verificar sua identidade. Certifique-se de armazená-los em um local seguro e protegido.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmar e habilitar',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configuração dos Códigos de Backup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Armazene a lista de códigos abaixo em um lugar seguro. Ao acessar o sistema você poderá usar um dos códigos como segundo mecanismo de autenticação.',
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ return [
'description' => 'Descrição',
'role' => 'Cargo',
'cover_image' => 'Imagem de capa',
'cover_image_description' => 'This image should be approximately 440x250px although it will be flexibly scaled & cropped to fit the user interface in different scenarios as required, so actual dimensions for display will differ.',
'cover_image_description' => 'Esta imagem deve ter aproximadamente 440x250px, embora seja dimensionada e cortada de forma flexível para se ajustar à interface do usuário em diferentes cenários, conforme necessário, portanto, as dimensões reais para exibição serão diferentes.',
// Actions
'actions' => 'Ações',
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ return [
'table_properties' => 'Propriedades da tabela',
'table_properties_title' => 'Propriedades da Tabela',
'delete_table' => 'Excluir Tabela',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Clear table formatting',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Resize to contents',
'row_header' => 'Row header',
'table_clear_formatting' => 'Limpar formatação de tabela',
'resize_to_contents' => 'Redimensionar para o conteúdo',
'row_header' => 'Cabeçalho da linha',
'insert_row_before' => 'Inserir linha antes',
'insert_row_after' => 'Inserir linha depois',
'delete_row' => 'Excluir linha',
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ return [
'editor_license' => 'Licença do Editor e Direitos Autorais',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Este editor é construído usando :tinyLink que é fornecido sob a licença MIT.',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'Os dados relativos aos direitos de autor e à licença do TinyMCE podem ser encontrados aqui.',
'save_continue' => 'Salvar e continuar',
'save_continue' => 'Salvar Página e Continuar',
'callouts_cycle' => '(Continue pressionando para alternar através de tipos)',
'link_selector' => 'Link para conteúdo',
'shortcuts' => 'Atalhos',
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ return [
// Auth
'error_user_exists_different_creds' => 'Um usuário com o e-mail :email já existe mas com credenciais diferentes.',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'User account could not be registered for the provided details',
'auth_pre_register_theme_prevention' => 'A conta do usuário não pôde ser registrada com os detalhes fornecidos',
'email_already_confirmed' => 'E-mail já foi confirmado. Tente efetuar o login.',
'email_confirmation_invalid' => 'Esse token de confirmação não é válido ou já foi utilizado. Por favor, tente cadastrar-se novamente.',
'email_confirmation_expired' => 'O token de confirmação já expirou. Um novo e-mail foi enviado.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => 'Social driver não encontrado',
'social_driver_not_configured' => 'Seus parâmetros socials de :socialAccount não estão configurados corretamente.',
'invite_token_expired' => 'Esse link de convite expirou. Alternativamente, você pode tentar redefinir a senha da sua conta.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => 'Não foi possível encontrar um usuário para esta ação.',
// System
'path_not_writable' => 'O caminho de destino (:filePath) de upload de arquivo não possui permissão de escrita. Certifique-se que ele possui direitos de escrita no servidor.',
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ return [
'recycle_bin_contents_empty' => 'A lixeira está vazia',
'recycle_bin_empty' => 'Esvaziar Lixeira',
'recycle_bin_empty_confirm' => 'Isso irá destruir permanentemente todos os itens na lixeira inclusive o conteúdo de cada item. Tem certeza de que quer esvaziar a lixeira?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'This action will permanently delete this item from the system, along with any child elements listed below, and you will not be able to restore this content. Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_confirm' => 'Esta ação excluirá permanentemente este item do sistema, juntamente com quaisquer elementos secundários listados abaixo, e você não poderá restaurar este conteúdo. Tem certeza de que deseja excluir permanentemente este item?',
'recycle_bin_destroy_list' => 'Itens a serem Destruídos',
'recycle_bin_restore_list' => 'Itens a serem restaurados',
'recycle_bin_restore_confirm' => 'Esta ação irá restaurar o item excluído, inclusive quaisquer elementos filhos, para seu local original. Se a localização original tiver, entretanto, sido eliminada e estiver agora na lixeira, o item pai também precisará ser restaurado.',
@ -277,13 +277,13 @@ return [
'webhooks_last_error_message' => 'Última mensagem de erro:',
// Licensing
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'licenses_desc' => 'This page details license information for BookStack in addition to the projects & libraries that are used within BookStack. Many projects listed may only be used in a development context.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'BookStack License',
'licenses_php' => 'PHP Library Licenses',
'licenses_js' => 'JavaScript Library Licenses',
'licenses_other' => 'Other Licenses',
'license_details' => 'License Details',
'licenses' => 'Licenças',
'licenses_desc' => 'Esta página detalha informações da licença do BookStack, além dos projetos e bibliotecas usadas no BookStack. Muitos projectos listados só podem ser utilizados num contexto de desenvolvimento.',
'licenses_bookstack' => 'Licença do BookStack',
'licenses_php' => 'Licenças de Bibliotecas PHP',
'licenses_js' => 'Licenças de Bibliotecas JavaScript',
'licenses_other' => 'Outras licenças',
'license_details' => 'Detalhes da Licença',
//! If editing translations files directly please ignore this in all
//! languages apart from en. Content will be auto-copied from en.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplicație mobilă',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Pentru a utiliza autentificarea multifactor, vei avea nevoie de o aplicație mobilă care acceptă TOTP, cum ar fi Google Authenticator, Authy sau Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Coduri de rezervă',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Stochează în siguranță un set de coduri de rezervă de unică folosință pe care le poți introduce pentru verificarea identității.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirmă și activează',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Configurarea codurilor de rezervă',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Păstrează lista de coduri de mai jos într-un loc sigur. Când accesezi sistemul, vei putea folosi unul dintre coduri ca un al doilea mecanism de autentificare.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Мобильное приложение',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Для использования многофакторной аутентификации вам понадобится мобильное приложение, поддерживающее TOTP, например Google Authenticator, Authy или Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Резервные коды',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Безопасно хранить набор одноразовых резервных кодов, которые вы можете ввести для проверки вашей личности.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Подтвердить и включить',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Настройка резервных кодов',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Сохраните приведенный ниже список кодов в безопасном месте. При доступе к системе вы сможете использовать один из кодов в качестве второго механизма аутентификации.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilná aplikácia',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Pre používanie viacúrovňového prihlasovania budete potrebovať mobilnú aplikáciu, ktorá podporuje TOPS ako napríklad Google Authenticator, Authy alebo Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Záložné kódy',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bezpečne uložte jednorázové záložné kódy pre overenie vačej identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Potvrdiť a zapnúť',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Nastavenie záložných kódov',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Uložte si tieto kódy na bezpečné miesto. Jeden z kódov budete môcť použiť ako druhý faktor overenia identiy na prihlásenie sa.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplikacije za mobilne uređaje',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Да бисте користили вишефакторску аутентификацију, биће вам потребна мобилна апликација која подржава ТОТП, као што јеGoogle Authenticator, Authy или Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Резервни кодови',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Безбедно чувајте скуп резервних кодова за једнократну употребу које можете да унесете да бисте потврдили свој идентитет.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Потврдите и омогућите',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Подешавање резервних кодова',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Чувајте доњу листу кодова на безбедном месту. Када приступате систему, моћи ћете да користите један од кодова као други механизам за аутентификацију.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobilapp',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'För att använda multifaktorautentisering behöver du en mobil app som stöder TOTP så som Google Authenticator, Authy eller Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Reservkoder',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lagra säkert en uppsättning engångsreservkoder som du kan ange för att verifiera din identitet.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Bekräfta och aktivera',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Konfiguration av reservkoder',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Spara nedanstående koder på en säker plats. När du använder systemet kommer du att kunna använda en av koderna som en andra autentiseringsmekanism.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobil Uygulama',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Çok aşamalı kimlik doğrulamayı kullanabilmek için Google Authenticator, Authy veya Microsoft Authenticator gibi TOTP destekleyen bir mobil uygulamaya ihtiyacınız olacaktır.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Yedekleme Kodları',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Kimliğini doğrulamak için kullanabileceğin aşağıdaki tek kullanımlık yedek kodlarını güvenli bir yerde sakla.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Onayla ve aktive et',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Yedekleme Kodları Kurulumu',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Aşağıdaki kod listesini güvenli bir yerde sakla. Sisteme giriş yaparken kodlardan birini ikinci bir kimlik doğrulama mekanizması olarak kullanabileceksin.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Мобільний додаток',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Для використання багатофакторної автентифікації вам потрібен мобільний додаток, який підтримує TOTP такі як Google Authenticator, Authy або Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Резервні коди',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Безпечно зберігайте набір резервних кодів з використанням одноразового використання, які можна увійти, щоб підтвердити свою особу.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Підтвердити та увімкнути',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Налаштування резервних кодів',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Зберігайте список кодів в безпечному місці. Для доступу до системи ви зможете використовувати один з кодів як другий механізм аутентифікації.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobil ilova',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Ko‘p faktorli autentifikatsiyadan foydalanish uchun sizga Google Authenticator, Authy yoki Microsoft Authenticator kabi OTPni qo‘llab-quvvatlaydigan mobil ilova kerak bo‘ladi.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Zaxira kodlari',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Shaxsingizni tasdiqlash uchun kiritishingiz mumkin bo‘lgan bir martalik zaxira kodlari to‘plamini xavfsiz saqlang.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Tasdiqlash va yoqish',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Zaxira kodlarini sozlash',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Quyidagi kodlar ro‘yxatini xavfsiz joyda saqlang. Tizimga kirishda siz kodlardan birini ikkinchi autentifikatsiya mexanizmi sifatida ishlatishingiz mumkin.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Ứng dụng di động',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'Để sử dụng xác thực đa lớp bạn cần ưng dụng trên điện thoại có hỗ trợ TOTP như Google Authenticator, Authy hoặc Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Mã dự phòng',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Bảo mật việc lưu trữ mã dự phòng dùng một lần mà bạn có thể sử dụng để xác định danh tính của mình.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Xác nhận và Mở',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Cài đặt Mã dự phòng',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => 'Lưu trữ các mã dưới đây ở một nơi an toàn. Khi truy cập vào hệ thống bạn sẽ có thể sử dụng được một trong các đoạn mã đó như là một phương thức xác thực dự phòng.',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => '移动设备 App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => '要使用多重身份认证功能,您需要一个支持 TOTP(基于时间的一次性密码算法) 的移动设备 App,如谷歌身份验证器(Google Authenticator)、Authy 或微软身份验证器(Microsoft Authenticator)。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => '备用认证码',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '请安全地保存这些一次性使用的备用认证码,您可以输入这些认证码来验证您的身份。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '确认并启用',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => '备用认证码设置',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '将下面的认证码存放在一个安全的地方。访问系统时,您可以使用其中的一个验证码进行二次认证。',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'social_driver_not_found' => '未找到社交驱动程序',
'social_driver_not_configured' => '您的:socialAccount社交设置不正确。',
'invite_token_expired' => '此邀请链接已过期。 您可以尝试重置您的账户密码。',
'login_user_not_found' => 'A user for this action could not be found.',
'login_user_not_found' => '找不到执行此操作的用户。',
// System
'path_not_writable' => '无法上传到文件路径“:filePath”,请确保它可写入服务器。',
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
return [
'failed' => '使用者名稱或密碼錯誤。',
'throttle' => '您的登入次數過多,請在:seconds秒後重試。',
'throttle' => '您的登入次數過多,請在 :seconds 秒後重試。',
// Login & Register
'sign_up' => '註冊',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'mfa_option_totp_title' => '手機App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => '您必須在行動裝置上安裝了支援TOTP的身份驗證程式(例如Google Authenticator, Authy 或是 Microsoft Authenticator)才能使用雙重身份驗證。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => '備用驗證碼',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '妥善保存好您的一次性備用驗證碼,以便日後驗證您的身份。',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Generates a set of one-time-use backup codes which you\'ll enter on login to verify your identity. Make sure to store these in a safe & secure place.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '確認並啟用',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => '備援代碼設定',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '將以下代碼列表儲存在安全的地方。存取系統時,您可以使用其中一個代碼作為第二個身份驗證機制。',
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ return [
'image_page_title' => '檢視上傳到此頁面的圖片',
'image_search_hint' => '以圖片名稱搜尋',
'image_uploaded' => '上傳於 :uploadedDate',
'image_uploaded_by' => 'Uploaded by :userName',
'image_uploaded_to' => 'Uploaded to :pageLink',
'image_updated' => 'Updated :updateDate',
'image_uploaded_by' => '由 :username 上傳',
'image_uploaded_to' => '上傳到 :pageLink',
'image_updated' => ':updateDate 更新',
'image_load_more' => '載入更多',
'image_image_name' => '圖片名稱',
'image_delete_used' => '此圖片用於以下頁面。',
@ -146,21 +146,21 @@ return [
'paste_embed' => 'Paste your embed code below:',
'url' => '網址',
'text_to_display' => 'Text to display',
'title' => 'Title',
'title' => '標題',
'open_link' => 'Open link',
'open_link_in' => 'Open link in...',
'open_link_current' => 'Current window',
'open_link_new' => 'New window',
'remove_link' => 'Remove link',
'remove_link' => '移除連結',
'insert_collapsible' => 'Insert collapsible block',
'collapsible_unwrap' => 'Unwrap',
'edit_label' => '編輯標記',
'toggle_open_closed' => 'Toggle open/closed',
'collapsible_edit' => 'Edit collapsible block',
'toggle_label' => 'Toggle label',
'toggle_label' => '切換標籤',
// About view
'about' => 'About the editor',
'about' => '關於編輯器',
'about_title' => 'About the WYSIWYG Editor',
'editor_license' => 'Editor License & Copyright',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'This editor is built using :tinyLink which is provided under the MIT license.',
@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ return [
'save_continue' => 'Save Page & Continue',
'callouts_cycle' => '(Keep pressing to toggle through types)',
'link_selector' => 'Link to content',
'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts',
'shortcut' => 'Shortcut',
'shortcuts' => '快捷鍵',
'shortcut' => '快捷鍵',
'shortcuts_intro' => 'The following shortcuts are available in the editor:',
'windows_linux' => '(Windows/Linux)',
'mac' => '(Mac)',
'description' => 'Description',
'description' => '說明',
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ return [
// Watch Options
'watch' => '追蹤',
'watch_title_default' => '預設偏好設定',
'watch_desc_default' => 'Revert watching to just your default notification preferences.',
'watch_desc_default' => '還原成預設的通知設定',
'watch_title_ignore' => 'Ignore',
'watch_desc_ignore' => 'Ignore all notifications, including those from user-level preferences.',
'watch_title_new' => 'New Pages',
@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ return [
'watch_desc_comments_page' => 'Notify upon page changes and new comments.',
'watch_change_default' => 'Change default notification preferences',
'watch_detail_ignore' => 'Ignoring notifications',
'watch_detail_new' => 'Watching for new pages',
'watch_detail_updates' => 'Watching new pages and updates',
'watch_detail_comments' => 'Watching new pages, updates & comments',
'watch_detail_new' => '追蹤新頁面',
'watch_detail_updates' => '追蹤新頁面與異動',
'watch_detail_comments' => '追蹤新頁面、自動與評論',
'watch_detail_parent_book' => 'Watching via parent book',
'watch_detail_parent_book_ignore' => 'Ignoring via parent book',
'watch_detail_parent_chapter' => 'Watching via parent chapter',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user