mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 23:22:48 +08:00
New Crowdin updates (#3358)
This commit is contained in:
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Hinweis: Benutzer können ihre E-Mail Adresse nach erfolgreicher Registrierung
'users_social_accounts' => 'Social-Media Konten',
'users_social_accounts_info' => 'Hier können Sie andere Social-Media-Konten für eine schnellere und einfachere Anmeldung verknüpfen. Wenn Sie ein Social-Media Konto lösen, bleibt der Zugriff erhalten. Entfernen Sie in diesem Falle die Berechtigung in Ihren Profil-Einstellungen des verknüpften Social-Media-Kontos.',
'users_social_connect' => 'Social-Media-Konto verknüpfen',
'users_social_disconnect' => 'Social-Media-Konto lösen',
'users_social_disconnect' => 'Social-Media-Konto löschen',
'users_social_connected' => ':socialAccount-Konto wurde erfolgreich mit dem Profil verknüpft.',
'users_social_disconnected' => ':socialAccount-Konto wurde erfolgreich vom Profil gelöst.',
'users_api_tokens' => 'API-Token',
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ return [
'width' => 'Zabalera',
'height' => 'Altuera',
'More' => 'Gehiago',
'select' => 'Select...',
'select' => 'Aukeratu...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => 'Formatuak',
@ -53,33 +53,33 @@ return [
'align_left' => 'Lerrokatu ezkerrean',
'align_center' => 'Lerrokatu erdian',
'align_right' => 'Lerrokatu eskuinean',
'align_justify' => 'Justify',
'align_justify' => 'Justifikatuta',
'list_bullet' => 'Buletdun zerrenda',
'list_numbered' => 'Zenbakitutako zerrenda',
'list_task' => 'Task list',
'list_task' => 'Zereginen zerrenda',
'indent_increase' => 'Handitu koska',
'indent_decrease' => 'Txikitu koska',
'table' => 'Taula',
'insert_image' => 'Irudia txertatu',
'insert_image_title' => 'Insert/Edit Image',
'insert_link' => 'Insert/edit link',
'insert_link_title' => 'Insert/Edit Link',
'insert_horizontal_line' => 'Insert horizontal line',
'insert_code_block' => 'Insert code block',
'insert_drawing' => 'Insert/edit drawing',
'drawing_manager' => 'Drawing manager',
'insert_media' => 'Insert/edit media',
'insert_media_title' => 'Insert/Edit Media',
'clear_formatting' => 'Clear formatting',
'source_code' => 'Source code',
'source_code_title' => 'Source Code',
'fullscreen' => 'Fullscreen',
'image_options' => 'Image options',
'insert_image_title' => 'Aldatu/Txertatu irudia',
'insert_link' => 'Txertatu/aldatu esteka',
'insert_link_title' => 'Txertatu/Aldatu esteka',
'insert_horizontal_line' => 'Txertatu linea horizontala',
'insert_code_block' => 'Txertatu kode-blokea',
'insert_drawing' => 'Txertatu marrazki berria',
'drawing_manager' => 'Marrazki kudeaketa',
'insert_media' => 'Txertatu/aldatu media',
'insert_media_title' => 'Aldatu/Txertatu irudia',
'clear_formatting' => 'Garbitu formatua',
'source_code' => 'Iturburu kodea',
'source_code_title' => 'Iturburu kodea',
'fullscreen' => 'Pantaila osoa',
'image_options' => 'Irudiaren aukerak',
// Tables
'table_properties' => 'Table properties',
'table_properties_title' => 'Table Properties',
'delete_table' => 'Delete table',
'table_properties' => 'Taularen propietateak',
'table_properties_title' => 'Taularen propietateak',
'delete_table' => 'Ezabatu taula',
'insert_row_before' => 'Insert row before',
'insert_row_after' => 'Insert row after',
'delete_row' => 'Delete row',
@ -29,73 +29,73 @@ return [
'my_recently_viewed' => 'Nik Ikusitako azkenak',
'my_most_viewed_favourites' => 'Nire gehien ikusitako gogokoak',
'my_favourites' => 'Nire Gogokoenak',
'no_pages_viewed' => 'You have not viewed any pages',
'no_pages_viewed' => 'Ez daukazu ikusiriko orririk',
'no_pages_recently_created' => 'Ez da orrialderik sortu azkenaldian',
'no_pages_recently_updated' => 'Ez da orrialderik aldatu azkenaldian',
'export' => 'Esportatu',
'export_html' => 'Contained Web File',
'export_html' => 'Daukan web artxiboa',
'export_pdf' => 'PDF fitxategia',
'export_text' => 'Testu lauko fitxategiak',
'export_md' => 'Markdown File',
'export_md' => 'Markdown fitxategia',
// Permissions and restrictions
'permissions' => 'Baimenak',
'permissions_intro' => 'Once enabled, These permissions will take priority over any set role permissions.',
'permissions_intro' => 'Behin hau aktibatuta, baimen hauek lehentasuna izango dute beste edozein rol-engainetik.',
'permissions_enable' => 'Baimena pertsonalizatuak Gaitu',
'permissions_save' => 'Gorde baimenak',
'permissions_owner' => 'Jabea',
// Search
'search_results' => 'Bilaketaren emaitzak',
'search_total_results_found' => ':count result found|:count total results found',
'search_total_results_found' => ':count emaitza aurkitu dira|:count emaitza aurkitu dira guztira',
'search_clear' => 'Bilaketa testua garbitu',
'search_no_pages' => 'Ez da orririk aurkitu zure bilaketan',
'search_for_term' => 'Search for :term',
'search_for_term' => 'Bilatu honen arabera :term',
'search_more' => 'Emaitza gehiago',
'search_advanced' => 'Bilaketa aurreratua',
'search_terms' => 'Bilaketa-hitza',
'search_content_type' => 'Eduki Mota',
'search_exact_matches' => 'Bat etortze zehatza',
'search_tags' => 'Tag Searches',
'search_tags' => 'Etiketa bilaketak',
'search_options' => 'Aukerak',
'search_viewed_by_me' => 'Nik ikusiak',
'search_not_viewed_by_me' => 'Nik ikusi ez ditudanak',
'search_permissions_set' => 'Baimenak',
'search_created_by_me' => 'Created by me',
'search_updated_by_me' => 'Updated by me',
'search_owned_by_me' => 'Owned by me',
'search_date_options' => 'Date Options',
'search_updated_before' => 'Updated before',
'search_updated_after' => 'Updated after',
'search_created_before' => 'Created before',
'search_created_after' => 'Created after',
'search_set_date' => 'Set Date',
'search_update' => 'Update Search',
'search_created_by_me' => 'Nik sortuak',
'search_updated_by_me' => 'Nik eguneratuak',
'search_owned_by_me' => 'Nire jabetazkoak',
'search_date_options' => 'Data aukerak',
'search_updated_before' => 'Aurretik eguneratuak',
'search_updated_after' => 'Ondoren eguneratuak',
'search_created_before' => 'Aurretik sortuak',
'search_created_after' => 'Ondoren sortuak',
'search_set_date' => 'Data finkatu',
'search_update' => 'Eguneratu bilaketa',
// Shelves
'shelf' => 'Shelf',
'shelves' => 'Shelves',
'x_shelves' => ':count Shelf|:count Shelves',
'shelves_long' => 'Bookshelves',
'shelves_empty' => 'No shelves have been created',
'shelves_create' => 'Create New Shelf',
'shelves_popular' => 'Popular Shelves',
'shelves_new' => 'New Shelves',
'shelves_new_action' => 'New Shelf',
'shelves_popular_empty' => 'The most popular shelves will appear here.',
'shelves_new_empty' => 'The most recently created shelves will appear here.',
'shelves_save' => 'Save Shelf',
'shelves_books' => 'Books on this shelf',
'shelves_add_books' => 'Add books to this shelf',
'shelves_drag_books' => 'Drag books here to add them to this shelf',
'shelves_empty_contents' => 'This shelf has no books assigned to it',
'shelves_edit_and_assign' => 'Edit shelf to assign books',
'shelves_edit_named' => 'Edit Bookshelf :name',
'shelves_edit' => 'Edit Bookshelf',
'shelves_delete' => 'Delete Bookshelf',
'shelves_delete_named' => 'Delete Bookshelf :name',
'shelves_delete_explain' => "This will delete the bookshelf with the name ':name'. Contained books will not be deleted.",
'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this bookshelf?',
'shelf' => 'Apalategia',
'shelves' => 'Apalategiak',
'x_shelves' => ':count Apalategi|:count Apalategi',
'shelves_long' => 'Liburu-Apalategi',
'shelves_empty' => 'Ez da inolako apalategirik sortu',
'shelves_create' => 'Apalategi berria sortu',
'shelves_popular' => 'Apalategi esanguratsuak',
'shelves_new' => 'Apalategi berriak',
'shelves_new_action' => 'Apalategi berria',
'shelves_popular_empty' => 'Apalategi ikusienak hemen agertuko dira.',
'shelves_new_empty' => 'Berriki sorturiko apalategiak hemen agertuko dira.',
'shelves_save' => 'Gorde apalategia',
'shelves_books' => 'Apalategi honetako liburuak',
'shelves_add_books' => 'Gehitu liburuak apalategi honetara',
'shelves_drag_books' => 'Bota hona liburuak apalategi honetara gehitzeko',
'shelves_empty_contents' => 'Apalategi honek ez dauka libururik',
'shelves_edit_and_assign' => 'Apalategia editatu liburuak gehitzeko',
'shelves_edit_named' => ':name liburu-apalategia editatu',
'shelves_edit' => 'Liburu-apalategia editatu',
'shelves_delete' => 'Apalategia ezabatu',
'shelves_delete_named' => ':name apalategia ezabatu',
'shelves_delete_explain' => "':name' apalategia ezabatuko du ekintza honek. bertan dauden liburuak ez dira ezabatuko.",
'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Ziur zaude apalategi hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'shelves_permissions' => 'Bookshelf Permissions',
'shelves_permissions_updated' => 'Bookshelf Permissions Updated',
'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Bookshelf Permissions Active',
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ return [
'shelves_copy_permission_success' => 'Bookshelf permissions copied to :count books',
// Books
'book' => 'Book',
'books' => 'Books',
'book' => 'Liburua',
'books' => 'Liburuak',
'x_books' => ':count Book|:count Books',
'books_empty' => 'Ez da orrialderik sortu',
'books_popular' => 'Popular Books',
'books_popular' => 'Liburu ikusienak',
'books_recent' => 'Azken liburuak',
'books_new' => 'Liburu berriak',
'books_new_action' => 'Liburu berria',
@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ return [
'books_sort_name' => 'Ordenatu izenaren arabera',
'books_sort_created' => 'Ordenatu argitaratze-dataren arabera',
'books_sort_updated' => 'Sort by Updated Date',
'books_sort_chapters_first' => 'Chapters First',
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Chapters Last',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Show Other Books',
'books_sort_chapters_first' => 'Lehen kapitulua',
'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Azken kapitulua',
'books_sort_show_other' => 'Erakutsi beste liburuak',
'books_sort_save' => 'Save New Order',
'books_copy' => 'Copy Book',
'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied',
@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ return [
'chapter' => 'Kapitulua',
'chapters' => 'Kapituluak',
'x_chapters' => ':count Chapter|:count Chapters',
'chapters_popular' => 'Popular Chapters',
'chapters_new' => 'New Chapter',
'chapters_create' => 'Create New Chapter',
'chapters_popular' => 'Kapitulu ikusienak',
'chapters_new' => 'Kopiatu kapitulua',
'chapters_create' => 'Sortu kapitulu berria',
'chapters_delete' => 'Kapitulua ezabatu',
'chapters_delete_named' => 'Delete Chapter :chapterName',
'chapters_delete_explain' => 'This will delete the chapter with the name \':chapterName\'. All pages that exist within this chapter will also be deleted.',
@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ return [
'chapters_edit' => 'Kapitulua aldatu',
'chapters_edit_named' => 'Edit Chapter :chapterName',
'chapters_save' => 'Kapitulua gorde',
'chapters_move' => 'Move Chapter',
'chapters_move' => 'Kapitulua mugitu',
'chapters_move_named' => 'Move Chapter :chapterName',
'chapter_move_success' => 'Chapter moved to :bookName',
'chapters_copy' => 'Copy Chapter',
'chapters_copy_success' => 'Chapter successfully copied',
'chapters_copy' => 'Kapitulua kopiatu',
'chapters_copy_success' => 'Kapitulua egoki kopiatua',
'chapters_permissions' => 'Chapter Permissions',
'chapters_empty' => 'No pages are currently in this chapter.',
'chapters_permissions_active' => 'Chapter Permissions Active',
@ -172,41 +172,41 @@ return [
'chapters_search_this' => 'Search this chapter',
// Pages
'page' => 'Page',
'pages' => 'Pages',
'page' => 'Orria',
'pages' => 'Orriak',
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'pages_popular' => 'Popular Pages',
'pages_new' => 'New Page',
'pages_attachments' => 'Attachments',
'pages_navigation' => 'Page Navigation',
'pages_delete' => 'Delete Page',
'pages_new' => 'Orrialde berria',
'pages_attachments' => 'Eranskinak',
'pages_navigation' => 'Nabigazio orrialdea',
'pages_delete' => 'Ezabatu orria',
'pages_delete_named' => 'Delete Page :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft_named' => 'Delete Draft Page :pageName',
'pages_delete_draft' => 'Delete Draft Page',
'pages_delete_success' => 'Page deleted',
'pages_delete_success' => 'Orria ezabatua',
'pages_delete_draft_success' => 'Draft page deleted',
'pages_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this page?',
'pages_delete_confirm' => 'Ziur al zaude orri hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'pages_delete_draft_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this draft page?',
'pages_editing_named' => 'Editing Page :pageName',
'pages_edit_draft_options' => 'Draft Options',
'pages_edit_save_draft' => 'Save Draft',
'pages_edit_save_draft' => 'Gorde zirriborroa',
'pages_edit_draft' => 'Edit Page Draft',
'pages_editing_draft' => 'Editing Draft',
'pages_editing_page' => 'Editing Page',
'pages_editing_draft' => 'Editatu zirriborroa',
'pages_editing_page' => 'Editatu orrialdea',
'pages_edit_draft_save_at' => 'Draft saved at ',
'pages_edit_delete_draft' => 'Delete Draft',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => 'Discard Draft',
'pages_edit_delete_draft' => 'Ezabatu zirriborroa',
'pages_edit_discard_draft' => 'Baztertu zirriborroa',
'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Set Changelog',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Enter a brief description of the changes you\'ve made',
'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => 'Enter Changelog',
'pages_save' => 'Save Page',
'pages_title' => 'Page Title',
'pages_name' => 'Page Name',
'pages_md_editor' => 'Editor',
'pages_md_preview' => 'Preview',
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Insert Image',
'pages_save' => 'Gorde orrialdea',
'pages_title' => 'Orrialdearen titulua',
'pages_name' => 'Orrialdearen izena',
'pages_md_editor' => 'Editorea',
'pages_md_preview' => 'Aurrebista',
'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Txertatu irudia',
'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Insert Entity Link',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Insert Drawing',
'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Txertatu marrazki berria',
'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Page is not in a chapter',
'pages_move' => 'Move Page',
'pages_move_success' => 'Page moved to ":parentName"',
@ -220,22 +220,22 @@ return [
'pages_revisions_named' => 'Page Revisions for :pageName',
'pages_revision_named' => 'Page Revision for :pageName',
'pages_revision_restored_from' => 'Restored from #:id; :summary',
'pages_revisions_created_by' => 'Created By',
'pages_revisions_date' => 'Revision Date',
'pages_revisions_created_by' => 'Sortzailea',
'pages_revisions_date' => 'Berrikuspen data',
'pages_revisions_number' => '#',
'pages_revisions_numbered' => 'Revision #:id',
'pages_revisions_numbered_changes' => 'Revision #:id Changes',
'pages_revisions_changelog' => 'Changelog',
'pages_revisions_changes' => 'Changes',
'pages_revisions_changes' => 'Aldaketak',
'pages_revisions_current' => 'Current Version',
'pages_revisions_preview' => 'Preview',
'pages_revisions_restore' => 'Restore',
'pages_revisions_preview' => 'Aurrebista',
'pages_revisions_restore' => 'Berreskuratu',
'pages_revisions_none' => 'This page has no revisions',
'pages_copy_link' => 'Copy Link',
'pages_edit_content_link' => 'Edit Content',
'pages_edit_content_link' => 'Editatu edukia',
'pages_permissions_active' => 'Page Permissions Active',
'pages_initial_revision' => 'Initial publish',
'pages_initial_name' => 'New Page',
'pages_initial_name' => 'Orrialde berria',
'pages_editing_draft_notification' => 'You are currently editing a draft that was last saved :timeDiff.',
'pages_draft_edited_notification' => 'This page has been updated by since that time. It is recommended that you discard this draft.',
'pages_draft_page_changed_since_creation' => 'This page has been updated since this draft was created. It is recommended that you discard this draft or take care not to overwrite any page changes.',
@ -248,19 +248,19 @@ return [
'pages_draft_discarded' => 'Draft discarded, The editor has been updated with the current page content',
'pages_specific' => 'Specific Page',
'pages_is_template' => 'Page Template',
'pages_is_template' => 'Orrialde txantiloia',
// Editor Sidebar
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'book_tags' => 'Book Tags',
'shelf_tags' => 'Shelf Tags',
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'tags' => 'Tags',
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'page_tags' => 'Orrialde etiketak',
'chapter_tags' => 'Kapitulu etiketak',
'book_tags' => 'Liburu etiketak',
'shelf_tags' => 'Apalategi etiketak',
'tag' => 'Etiketa',
'tags' => 'Etiketak',
'tag_name' => 'Etiketa izena',
'tag_value' => 'Tag Value (Optional)',
'tags_explain' => "Add some tags to better categorise your content. \n You can assign a value to a tag for more in-depth organisation.",
'tags_add' => 'Add another tag',
'tags_add' => 'Beste bat gehitu',
'tags_remove' => 'Remove this tag',
'tags_usages' => 'Total tag usages',
'tags_assigned_pages' => 'Assigned to Pages',
@ -268,29 +268,29 @@ return [
'tags_assigned_books' => 'Assigned to Books',
'tags_assigned_shelves' => 'Assigned to Shelves',
'tags_x_unique_values' => ':count unique values',
'tags_all_values' => 'All values',
'tags_all_values' => 'Balio guztiak',
'tags_view_tags' => 'View Tags',
'tags_view_existing_tags' => 'View existing tags',
'tags_list_empty_hint' => 'Tags can be assigned via the page editor sidebar or while editing the details of a book, chapter or shelf.',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'attachments' => 'Eranskinak',
'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some links to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.',
'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.',
'attachments_items' => 'Attached Items',
'attachments_upload' => 'Upload File',
'attachments_items' => 'Atxikiak',
'attachments_upload' => 'Kargatu artxiboak',
'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link',
'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link',
'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?',
'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file',
'attachments_no_files' => 'No files have been uploaded',
'attachments_no_files' => 'Ez da igo fitxategirik',
'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.',
'attachments_link_name' => 'Link Name',
'attachments_link_name' => 'Loturaren izena',
'attachment_link' => 'Attachment link',
'attachments_link_url' => 'Link to file',
'attachments_link_url' => 'Fitxategiarentzako esteka',
'attachments_link_url_hint' => 'Url of site or file',
'attach' => 'Attach',
'attachments_insert_link' => 'Add Attachment Link to Page',
'attachments_edit_file' => 'Edit File',
'attachments_edit_file_name' => 'File Name',
'attachments_edit_file_name' => 'Fitxategi izena',
'attachments_edit_drop_upload' => 'Drop files or click here to upload and overwrite',
'attachments_order_updated' => 'Attachment order updated',
'attachments_updated_success' => 'Attachment details updated',
@ -314,25 +314,25 @@ return [
'profile_not_created_shelves' => ':userName has not created any shelves',
// Comments
'comment' => 'Comment',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'comment_add' => 'Add Comment',
'comment_placeholder' => 'Leave a comment here',
'comment' => 'Iruzkina',
'comments' => 'Iruzkinak',
'comment_add' => 'Iruzkina gehitu',
'comment_placeholder' => 'Utzi iruzkin bat hemen',
'comment_count' => '{0} No Comments|{1} 1 Comment|[2,*] :count Comments',
'comment_save' => 'Save Comment',
'comment_save' => 'Iruzkina gorde',
'comment_saving' => 'Saving comment...',
'comment_deleting' => 'Deleting comment...',
'comment_new' => 'New Comment',
'comment_new' => 'Iruzkin berria',
'comment_created' => 'commented :createDiff',
'comment_updated' => 'Updated :updateDiff by :username',
'comment_deleted_success' => 'Comment deleted',
'comment_created_success' => 'Comment added',
'comment_updated_success' => 'Comment updated',
'comment_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?',
'comment_created_success' => 'Iruzkina gehituta',
'comment_updated_success' => 'Iruzkina gehituta',
'comment_delete_confirm' => 'Ziur zaude iruzkin hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'comment_in_reply_to' => 'In reply to :commentId',
// Revision
'revision_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this revision?',
'revision_delete_confirm' => 'Ziur zaude hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'revision_restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to restore this revision? The current page contents will be replaced.',
'revision_delete_success' => 'Revision deleted',
'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => 'Cannot delete the latest revision.',
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ return [
'ldap_cannot_connect' => 'Ezin izan da ldap zerbitzarira konektatu, hasierako konexioak huts egin du',
'saml_already_logged_in' => 'Saioa aurretik hasita dago',
'saml_user_not_registered' => ':name erabiltzailea ez dago erregistratua eta erregistro automatikoa ezgaituta dago',
'saml_no_email_address' => 'Could not find an email address, for this user, in the data provided by the external authentication system',
'saml_invalid_response_id' => 'The request from the external authentication system is not recognised by a process started by this application. Navigating back after a login could cause this issue.',
'saml_no_email_address' => 'Ezin izan dugu posta helbiderik aurkitu erabiltzaile honentzat, kanpoko autentifikazio zerbitzuak bidalitako datuetan',
'saml_invalid_response_id' => 'Kanpoko egiazkotasun-sistemaren eskaria ez du onartzen aplikazio honek abiarazitako prozesu batek. Loginean atzera egitea izan daiteke arrazoia.',
'saml_fail_authed' => 'Login using :system failed, system did not provide successful authorization',
'oidc_already_logged_in' => 'Already logged in',
'oidc_already_logged_in' => 'Dagoeneko saioa hasita',
'oidc_user_not_registered' => 'The user :name is not registered and automatic registration is disabled',
'oidc_no_email_address' => 'Could not find an email address, for this user, in the data provided by the external authentication system',
'oidc_fail_authed' => 'Login using :system failed, system did not provide successful authorization',
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ return [
'empty_comment' => 'Cannot add an empty comment.',
// Error pages
'404_page_not_found' => 'Page Not Found',
'404_page_not_found' => 'Ez da orrialdea aurkitu',
'sorry_page_not_found' => 'Sorry, The page you were looking for could not be found.',
'sorry_page_not_found_permission_warning' => 'If you expected this page to exist, you might not have permission to view it.',
'image_not_found' => 'Image Not Found',
'image_not_found' => 'Irudia Ez da Aurkitu',
'image_not_found_subtitle' => 'Sorry, The image file you were looking for could not be found.',
'image_not_found_details' => 'If you expected this image to exist it might have been deleted.',
'return_home' => 'Return to home',
'return_home' => 'Itzuli hasierara',
'error_occurred' => 'Akats bat gertatu da',
'app_down' => ':appName is down right now',
'back_soon' => 'It will be back up soon.',
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ return [
'app_editor_desc' => 'Aukeratu zein editore erabiliko duten erabiltzaile guztiek orriak editatzeko.',
'app_custom_html' => 'HTML pertsonalizatuko goiburu edukia',
'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Hemen sarturiko edozein eduki <head> eremuko behekaldean sartuko da orrialde guztietan. Honek estiloak gainditzeko edo analitika-kodea gehitzeko balio du.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Custom HTML head content is disabled on this settings page to ensure any breaking changes can be reverted.',
'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'HTML edukiera desgaituta dago konfigurazio-orri honetan, edozein aldaketa eten daitekeela bermatzeko.',
'app_logo' => 'Aplikazioaren logoa',
'app_logo_desc' => 'This image should be 43px in height. <br>Large images will be scaled down.',
'app_logo_desc' => 'Irudi honek 43px izan behar du altueran.<br>Irudi handiagoak txikitu egingo dira.',
'app_primary_color' => 'Aplikazioaren kolore lehenetsia',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Sets the primary color for the application including the banner, buttons, and links.',
'app_primary_color_desc' => 'Konfiguratu aplikaziorako kolore nagusia, botoi, banner eta estekak barne.',
'app_homepage' => 'Aplikazioko hasiera orria',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Select a view to show on the homepage instead of the default view. Page permissions are ignored for selected pages.',
'app_homepage_desc' => 'Aukeratu hasierako orriko bista, defektuzkoa beharrean. Orrialde baimenak ez dira kontutan hartuko aukeratutako orrialdeentzat.',
'app_homepage_select' => 'Aukeratu Orria',
'app_footer_links' => 'Beheko aldeko estekak',
'app_footer_links_desc' => 'Add links to show within the site footer. These will be displayed at the bottom of most pages, including those that do not require login. You can use a label of "trans::<key>" to use system-defined translations. For example: Using "trans::common.privacy_policy" will provide the translated text "Privacy Policy" and "trans::common.terms_of_service" will provide the translated text "Terms of Service".',
@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ return [
'recycle_bin_restore_notification' => 'Restored :count total items from the recycle bin.',
// Audit Log
'audit' => 'Audit Log',
'audit' => 'Auditoretza erregistroak',
'audit_desc' => 'This audit log displays a list of activities tracked in the system. This list is unfiltered unlike similar activity lists in the system where permission filters are applied.',
'audit_event_filter' => 'Event Filter',
'audit_event_filter' => 'Gertakari filtroa',
'audit_event_filter_no_filter' => 'Filtrorik ez',
'audit_deleted_item' => 'Deleted Item',
'audit_deleted_item_name' => 'Name: :name',
'audit_deleted_item' => 'Ezabatutako edukiak',
'audit_deleted_item_name' => 'Izena :name',
'audit_table_user' => 'Erabiltzailea',
'audit_table_event' => 'Gertaera',
'audit_table_related' => 'Related Item or Detail',
'audit_table_ip' => 'IP helbidea',
'audit_table_date' => 'Azken aktibitate data',
'audit_date_from' => 'Date Range From',
'audit_date_from' => 'Data tartea',
'audit_date_to' => 'Data tartea',
// Role Settings
@ -131,20 +131,20 @@ return [
'role_user_roles' => 'Erabiltzailearen rola',
'role_create' => 'Rol berria sortu',
'role_create_success' => 'Rola ondo sortu da',
'role_delete' => 'Delete Role',
'role_delete' => 'Ezabatu Rol-a',
'role_delete_confirm' => 'This will delete the role with the name \':roleName\'.',
'role_delete_users_assigned' => 'This role has :userCount users assigned to it. If you would like to migrate the users from this role select a new role below.',
'role_delete_no_migration' => "Don't migrate users",
'role_delete_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this role?',
'role_delete_success' => 'Role successfully deleted',
'role_edit' => 'Edit Role',
'role_details' => 'Role Details',
'role_name' => 'Role Name',
'role_delete_no_migration' => "Ez migratu erabiltzaileak",
'role_delete_sure' => 'Ziur zaude rol hau ezabatu nahi duzula?',
'role_delete_success' => 'Rola ezabatua',
'role_edit' => 'Editatu rola',
'role_details' => 'Ireki xehetasunak',
'role_name' => 'Rol izena',
'role_desc' => 'Short Description of Role',
'role_mfa_enforced' => 'Requires Multi-Factor Authentication',
'role_external_auth_id' => 'External Authentication IDs',
'role_system' => 'System Permissions',
'role_manage_users' => 'Manage users',
'role_manage_users' => 'Erabiltzaileak kudeatu',
'role_manage_roles' => 'Manage roles & role permissions',
'role_manage_entity_permissions' => 'Manage all book, chapter & page permissions',
'role_manage_own_entity_permissions' => 'Manage permissions on own book, chapter & pages',
@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ return [
'users_password' => 'Erabiltzaile pasahitza',
'users_password_desc' => 'Set a password used to log-in to the application. This must be at least 8 characters long.',
'users_send_invite_text' => 'You can choose to send this user an invitation email which allows them to set their own password otherwise you can set their password yourself.',
'users_send_invite_option' => 'Send user invite email',
'users_external_auth_id' => 'External Authentication ID',
'users_send_invite_option' => 'Erabiltzailea gonbidatzeko emaila bidali',
'users_external_auth_id' => 'Kanpo autentikazioa IDa',
'users_external_auth_id_desc' => 'This is the ID used to match this user when communicating with your external authentication system.',
'users_password_warning' => 'Only fill the below if you would like to change your password.',
'users_system_public' => 'This user represents any guest users that visit your instance. It cannot be used to log in but is assigned automatically.',
'users_delete' => 'Ezabatu erabiltzailea',
'users_delete_named' => 'Delete user :userName',
'users_delete_named' => ':userName erabiltzailea ezabatu',
'users_delete_warning' => 'This will fully delete this user with the name \':userName\' from the system.',
'users_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?',
'users_migrate_ownership' => 'Migrate Ownership',
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ return [
'users_none_selected' => 'Erabiltzailerik ez duzu aukeratu',
'users_edit' => 'Erabiltzaile editatu',
'users_edit_profile' => 'Editatu profila',
'users_avatar' => 'User Avatar',
'users_avatar' => 'Erabiltzaile avatarra',
'users_avatar_desc' => 'Select an image to represent this user. This should be approx 256px square.',
'users_preferred_language' => 'Hobetsitako hizkuntza',
'users_preferred_language_desc' => 'This option will change the language used for the user-interface of the application. This will not affect any user-created content.',
@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ return [
'users_social_disconnect' => 'Deskonektatu kontua',
'users_social_connected' => ':socialAccount account was successfully attached to your profile.',
'users_social_disconnected' => ':socialAccount account was successfully disconnected from your profile.',
'users_api_tokens' => 'API Tokens',
'users_api_tokens' => 'API tokenak',
'users_api_tokens_none' => 'No API tokens have been created for this user',
'users_api_tokens_create' => 'Create Token',
'users_api_tokens_expires' => 'Expires',
'users_api_tokens_create' => 'Sortu Tokena',
'users_api_tokens_expires' => 'Iraungita',
'users_api_tokens_docs' => 'API dokumentazioa',
'users_mfa' => 'Multi-Factor Authentication',
'users_mfa_desc' => 'Setup multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for your user account.',
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ return [
'users_mfa_configure' => 'Configure Methods',
// API Tokens
'user_api_token_create' => 'Create API Token',
'user_api_token_create' => 'Sortu Tokena',
'user_api_token_name' => 'Izena',
'user_api_token_name_desc' => 'Give your token a readable name as a future reminder of its intended purpose.',
'user_api_token_expiry' => 'Iraungitze data',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ return [
'email' => 'Email',
'password' => 'Kata Sandi',
'password_confirm' => 'Konfirmasi Kata Sandi',
'password_hint' => 'Must be at least 8 characters',
'password_hint' => 'Harus minimal 8 karakter',
'forgot_password' => 'Lupa Password?',
'remember_me' => 'Ingat saya',
'ldap_email_hint' => 'Harap masukkan email yang akan digunakan untuk akun ini.',
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ return [
'mfa_setup' => 'Setup Multi-Factor Authentication',
'mfa_setup_desc' => 'Setup multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for your user account.',
'mfa_setup_configured' => 'Already configured',
'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => 'Reconfigure',
'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => 'Konfigurasi ulang',
'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus metode autentikasi multi-faktor ini?',
'mfa_setup_action' => 'Setup',
'mfa_backup_codes_usage_limit_warning' => 'You have less than 5 backup codes remaining, Please generate and store a new set before you run out of codes to prevent being locked out of your account.',
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_title' => 'Aplikasi Seluler',
'mfa_option_totp_desc' => 'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => 'Kode Cadangan',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => 'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => 'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => 'Backup Codes Setup',
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ return [
'mfa_verify_access_desc' => 'Your user account requires you to confirm your identity via an additional level of verification before you\'re granted access. Verify using one of your configured methods to continue.',
'mfa_verify_no_methods' => 'No Methods Configured',
'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc' => 'No multi-factor authentication methods could be found for your account. You\'ll need to set up at least one method before you gain access.',
'mfa_verify_use_totp' => 'Verify using a mobile app',
'mfa_verify_use_backup_codes' => 'Verify using a backup code',
'mfa_verify_backup_code' => 'Backup Code',
'mfa_verify_use_totp' => 'Verifikasi menggunakan aplikasi seluler',
'mfa_verify_use_backup_codes' => 'Verifikasi menggunakan kode cadangan',
'mfa_verify_backup_code' => 'Kode Cadangan',
'mfa_verify_backup_code_desc' => 'Enter one of your remaining backup codes below:',
'mfa_verify_backup_code_enter_here' => 'Enter backup code here',
'mfa_verify_totp_desc' => 'Enter the code, generated using your mobile app, below:',
@ -7,27 +7,27 @@
return [
// General editor terms
'general' => 'General',
'advanced' => 'Advanced',
'none' => 'None',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'save' => 'Save',
'close' => 'Close',
'general' => 'Umum',
'advanced' => 'Lanjutan',
'none' => 'Tidak Ada',
'cancel' => 'Batal',
'save' => 'Simpan',
'close' => 'Tutup',
'undo' => 'Undo',
'redo' => 'Redo',
'left' => 'Left',
'center' => 'Center',
'right' => 'Right',
'top' => 'Top',
'middle' => 'Middle',
'bottom' => 'Bottom',
'width' => 'Width',
'height' => 'Height',
'More' => 'More',
'select' => 'Select...',
'redo' => 'Ulangi',
'left' => 'Kiri',
'center' => 'Tengah',
'right' => 'Kanan',
'top' => 'Atas',
'middle' => 'Sedang',
'bottom' => 'Bawah',
'width' => 'Lebar',
'height' => 'Tinggi',
'More' => 'Lebih Banyak',
'select' => 'Pilih...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => 'Formats',
'formats' => 'Format',
'header_large' => 'Large Header',
'header_medium' => 'Medium Header',
'header_small' => 'Small Header',
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ return [
'inline_code' => 'Inline code',
'callouts' => 'Callouts',
'callout_information' => 'Information',
'callout_success' => 'Success',
'callout_warning' => 'Warning',
'callout_danger' => 'Danger',
'bold' => 'Bold',
'callout_success' => 'Sukses',
'callout_warning' => 'Peringatan',
'callout_danger' => 'Bahaya',
'bold' => 'Berani',
'italic' => 'Italic',
'underline' => 'Underline',
'underline' => 'Garis Bawah',
'strikethrough' => 'Strikethrough',
'superscript' => 'Superscript',
'subscript' => 'Subscript',
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ return [
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute hanya boleh berisi huruf, angka, tanda hubung, dan garis bawah.',
'alpha_num' => ':attribute hanya boleh berisi huruf dan angka.',
'array' => ':attribute harus berupa larik.',
'backup_codes' => 'The provided code is not valid or has already been used.',
'backup_codes' => 'Kode yang diberikan tidak valid atau telah digunakan.',
'before' => ':attribute harus tanggal sebelum :date.',
'between' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute harus di antara :min dan :max.',
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ return [
'digits_between' => ':attribute harus diantara :min dan :max digit.',
'email' => ':attrtibute Harus alamat e-mail yang valid.',
'ends_with' => ':attribute harus diakhiri dengan salah satu dari berikut ini: :values',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be provided as a valid file.',
'file' => ':attribute harus diberikan sebagai file yang valid.',
'filled' => ':attribute bidang diperlukan.',
'gt' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute harus lebih besar dari :value.',
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ return [
'string' => ':attribute harus berupa string.',
'timezone' => ':attribute harus menjadi zona yang valid.',
'totp' => 'The provided code is not valid or has expired.',
'totp' => 'Kode yang diberikan tidak valid atau telah kedaluwarsa.',
'unique' => ':attribute sudah diambil.',
'url' => ':attribute format tidak valid.',
'uploaded' => 'Berkas tidak dapat diunggah. Server mungkin tidak menerima berkas dengan ukuran ini.',
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ return [
'settings' => 'Instellingen',
'settings_save' => 'Instellingen opslaan',
'settings_save_success' => 'Instellingen Opgeslagen',
'system_version' => 'System Version',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'system_version' => 'Systeem versie',
'categories' => 'Categorieën',
// App Settings
'app_customization' => 'Aanpassingen',
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ return [
'page_delete' => 'página eliminada',
'page_delete_notification' => 'Página excluída com sucesso.',
'page_restore' => 'página restaurada',
'page_restore_notification' => 'Imagem restaurada com sucesso',
'page_restore_notification' => 'Página restaurada com sucesso',
'page_move' => 'página movida',
// Chapters
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ return [
'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" foi removido dos seus favoritos',
// MFA
'mfa_setup_method_notification' => 'Método de múltiplos-fatores configurado com sucesso',
'mfa_remove_method_notification' => 'Método de múltiplos-fatores removido com sucesso',
'mfa_setup_method_notification' => 'Método de autenticação por múltiplos-fatores configurado com sucesso',
'mfa_remove_method_notification' => 'Método de autenticação por múltiplos-fatores removido com sucesso',
// Webhooks
'webhook_create' => 'criar webhook',
'webhook_create' => 'webhook criado',
'webhook_create_notification' => 'Webhook criado com sucesso',
'webhook_update' => 'atualizar um webhook',
'webhook_update_notification' => 'Webhook criado com sucesso',
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ return [
'description' => 'Descrição',
'role' => 'Cargo',
'cover_image' => 'Imagem de capa',
'cover_image_description' => 'Esta imagem deve ser aproximadamente 440x250px.',
'cover_image_description' => 'Esta imagem deve ter aproximadamente 440x250px.',
// Actions
'actions' => 'Ações',
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'header_large' => 'Cabeçalho grande',
'header_medium' => 'Cabeçalho médio',
'header_small' => 'Cabeçalho pequeno',
'header_tiny' => 'Cabeçalho pequeno',
'header_tiny' => 'Cabeçalho minúsculo',
'paragraph' => 'Parágrafo',
'blockquote' => 'Citação',
'inline_code' => 'Código embutido',
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ return [
'width' => 'Ширина',
'height' => 'Высота',
'More' => 'Еще',
'select' => 'Select...',
'select' => 'Выбрать...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => 'Форматы',
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ return [
'cell_type_cell' => 'Ячейка',
'cell_scope' => 'Scope',
'cell_type_header' => 'Заголовок ячейки',
'merge_cells' => 'Merge cells',
'split_cell' => 'Split cell',
'merge_cells' => 'Объединить ячейки',
'split_cell' => 'Разделить ячейку',
'table_row_group' => 'Объединить строки',
'table_column_group' => 'Объединить столбцы',
'horizontal_align' => 'Выровнять по горизонтали',
@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ return [
'caption' => 'Подпись',
'show_caption' => 'Показать подпись',
'constrain' => 'Сохранять пропорции',
'cell_border_solid' => 'Solid',
'cell_border_dotted' => 'Dotted',
'cell_border_dashed' => 'Dashed',
'cell_border_double' => 'Double',
'cell_border_solid' => 'Сплошная',
'cell_border_dotted' => 'Точками',
'cell_border_dashed' => 'Пунктирная',
'cell_border_double' => 'Двойная сплошная',
'cell_border_groove' => 'Groove',
'cell_border_ridge' => 'Ridge',
'cell_border_inset' => 'Inset',
'cell_border_outset' => 'Outset',
'cell_border_none' => 'None',
'cell_border_hidden' => 'Hidden',
'cell_border_none' => 'Нет',
'cell_border_hidden' => 'Прозрачная',
// Images, links, details/summary & embed
'source' => 'Источник',
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ return [
'toggle_label' => 'Метка',
// About view
'about' => 'About the editor',
'about' => 'О редакторе',
'about_title' => 'О редакторе WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => 'Лицензия редактора и авторские права',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'Этот редактор собран с помощью :tinyLink, который предоставляется под лицензией LGPL v2.1.',
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ return [
'settings' => 'Настройки',
'settings_save' => 'Сохранить настройки',
'settings_save_success' => 'Настройки сохранены',
'system_version' => 'System Version',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'system_version' => 'Версия системы',
'categories' => 'Категории',
// App Settings
'app_customization' => 'Настройки',
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ return [
'digits_between' => ':attribute должен иметь от :min до :max цифр.',
'email' => ':attribute должен быть корректным email адресом.',
'ends_with' => ':attribute должен заканчиваться одним из следующих: :values',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be provided as a valid file.',
'file' => ':attribute должен быть указан как допустимый файл.',
'filled' => ':attribute поле необходимо.',
'gt' => [
'numeric' => 'Значение :attribute должно быть больше чем :value.',
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ return [
'width' => '宽度',
'height' => '高度',
'More' => '更多',
'select' => 'Select...',
'select' => '选择...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => '格式',
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ return [
'align_left' => '左对齐',
'align_center' => '居中',
'align_right' => '右对齐',
'align_justify' => 'Justify',
'align_justify' => '两端对齐',
'list_bullet' => '无序列表',
'list_numbered' => '有序列表',
'list_task' => 'Task list',
'list_task' => '任务列表',
'indent_increase' => '增加缩进',
'indent_decrease' => '减少缩进',
'table' => '表格',
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ return [
'cell_properties_title' => '单元格属性',
'cell_type' => '单元格类型',
'cell_type_cell' => '单元格',
'cell_scope' => 'Scope',
'cell_scope' => '范围',
'cell_type_header' => '表头',
'merge_cells' => 'Merge cells',
'split_cell' => 'Split cell',
'merge_cells' => '合并单元格',
'split_cell' => '拆分单元格',
'table_row_group' => '按行分组',
'table_column_group' => '按列分组',
'horizontal_align' => '水平对齐',
@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ return [
'caption' => '标题',
'show_caption' => '显示标题',
'constrain' => '保持宽高比',
'cell_border_solid' => 'Solid',
'cell_border_dotted' => 'Dotted',
'cell_border_dashed' => 'Dashed',
'cell_border_double' => 'Double',
'cell_border_groove' => 'Groove',
'cell_border_ridge' => 'Ridge',
'cell_border_inset' => 'Inset',
'cell_border_outset' => 'Outset',
'cell_border_none' => 'None',
'cell_border_hidden' => 'Hidden',
'cell_border_solid' => '实线',
'cell_border_dotted' => '点虚线',
'cell_border_dashed' => '短虚线',
'cell_border_double' => '双实线',
'cell_border_groove' => '浮入',
'cell_border_ridge' => '浮出',
'cell_border_inset' => '陷入',
'cell_border_outset' => '突出',
'cell_border_none' => '无边框',
'cell_border_hidden' => '隐藏边框',
// Images, links, details/summary & embed
'source' => '来源',
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ return [
'toggle_label' => '切换标签',
// About view
'about' => 'About the editor',
'about' => '关于编辑器',
'about_title' => '关于所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器',
'editor_license' => '编辑器许可证与版权信息',
'editor_tiny_license' => '此编辑器是在 LGPL v2.1 许可证下使用 :tinyLink 构建的。',
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ return [
'settings' => '设置',
'settings_save' => '保存设置',
'settings_save_success' => '设置已保存',
'system_version' => 'System Version',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'system_version' => '系统版本',
'categories' => '类别',
// App Settings
'app_customization' => '定制',
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ return [
'audit_table_user' => '用户',
'audit_table_event' => '事件',
'audit_table_related' => '相关项目或详细信息',
'audit_table_ip' => 'IP地址',
'audit_table_ip' => 'IP 地址',
'audit_table_date' => '活动日期',
'audit_date_from' => '日期范围从',
'audit_date_to' => '日期范围至',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user