Also added smarter above/below positioning to respond if toolbar would
be off the bottom of the editor, and added hide/show when they'd go
outside editor scroll bounds.
Added new options that sits on the context, for things needed but not
for the core editor, which are defined out of the editor (drawio URL,
error message text, pageId etc...)
Editor popup will now reflect the direction of the opened code block.
This also updates in-editor codemirror instances to correcly reflect/use
the direction if set on the inner code elem.
This also defaults new code blocks, when in RTL languages, to be started
in LTR, which can then be changed via in-editor direction controls if
needed. This is on the assumption that most code will be LTR (could not
find much examples of RTL code use).
Removes an editor-specific line-height which was overriding cell
paragraph line height, causing mis-aligned style compared to viewing.
Checked a range of styles and looked at history, could not see original
purpose of the line-height removed here.
- Prevented image toolbars showing for objects embeds due to tinymce
image placeholder, and added media toolbar.
- Fixed height of object embed placeholder being forced to auto
when in the editor, allowing height attributed to be properly
reflected as it would on normal page view.
Inline with A11y recommendations where color may not be reliable on its
Tested various content link scenarios across chrome, safari & FF.
For #4939
Rolled out HTML editor field and store logic across all target entity
types. Cleaned up WYSIWYG input logic and design.
Cleaned up some injected classes while there.
Old all-caps button design made them a bit angry, and kinda odd and
outdated. This updates them to use their original source text casing
(which may help for translation variations) while being a bit rounder
with a better defined shadow for outline buttons.
Required a lot of working around TinyMCE since it added a
preview/wrapper element in the editor which complicates things.
Added view new "fixes.js" file so large hacks to default TinyMCe
functionality are kept in one place.
Cleaned up and updated page picker a bit, allowing longer names to show,
clicking through to item without triggering popup, and updated to use
hidden attributes instead of styles.
Added phpunit tests to cover supporting entity-selector-templates