Added a small block of logic to determine the correct URL to attribute to the cancel button on a given page create form.
If adding a book from a bookshelf, return to the bookshelf. If editing a book, return to the book. In all other cases, return to the full books list.
- Updated linked images to have obvious focus styles
- Added proper role to notifications
- Made dropdown list focus styles a bit nicer.
- Updated book list chapter child slide down to be keyboard activatable.
Related to #1320
- Set proper semantic tags for main parts of content.
- Removed focus-trap from tag manager/autosuggest.
- Set better accessibility labelling on tag manager.
- Updated collapsible sections to be keyboard navigatable.
- Improved input focus styling to better fit theme.
- Updated custom styled file picker to be accessible via keyboard.
Related to #1320
- Removed all existing SCSS usage of primary color.
- Cut down custom styles injection to just be css vars.
- Reduced button styles so default button is primary.
- Updated button styles to lighten/brighten on hover & active states even
when a custom color is set.
- Removed unused scss color vars.
- Updated default BookStack blue to achieve better accessibility.
- Changed default focus styles
- Updated dropdowns with keyboard navigation
- Updated modals with esc exiting
- Added accessibility attirbutes where needed
- Made many more elements focusable
- Updated hover effects of many items to also apply when focused within
Related to #1320 and #1198
Removes old awkward JS translations endpoint.
New system still a little akward in code but not now in process.
Also extracted out page editors into their own files.
* Added a link to the Github releases page when someone clicks the current release version (to look for changelog information, or to see if there are new updates)
* Removed unnecessary BR tag by fixing the CSS class for the version display so it is properly aligned with the rest of the menu
- Added a new mobile save button instead of trying to reposition the
- Also recuced the point where the editor top toolbar will collapse to
become x-scrollable.