- Covered webhook SSR allow list useage via test.
- Updated allow list handling to use trailing slash, or hash, or end of
line as late anchor for better handling for hosts (prevent .co.uk
passing for .co domain host)
Prevention of action on certain routes for guest user when public access
is enabled. Could not see a way this could be a security issue, beyond a
mild nuisance that'd only be visible if public users can edit, which
would present larger potential nuisance anyway.
- Tweaked wording of popup title.
- Updated WYSIWYG create handling to properly remove drawing container
on failure.
Tested across FF and chrome, in both editors for create & editing.
Adds just the part to store image data, and remove on successfull save.
Alters save events to properly throw upon error.
Adds IDB-Keyval library for local large-size store.
For #4421
Review of #4313
- Made constructor changes while reviewing some classes.
- Updated API examples for consistency.
- Tweaked formatting for some array changes.
- Simplified added tests.
- Tweaked chapter/page repo priority handling to be simpler.
Performed manual API endpoint testing of page/chapter create/update.
Added test and changed logic to properly check the view permissions for
the notification receiver before sending.
Required change to permissions applicator to allow the user to be
manually determined, and a service provider update to provide the class
as a singleton without a specific user, so it checks the current logged
in user on demand.
- Ensured watch options passed in all meta template usage to fix failing
scenarios where watch options did not exist.
- Fixed testing issue caused by guest user permission caching.
- Updated mail notification design to be a bit prettier, and extracted
text to new lang file for translation.
- Added debounce logic for page update notifications.
- Fixed watch options not being filtered to current user.
- Added general user preferences view and updated link in profile menu
to suit.
- Made notification permission required for notification preferences
view, added test to cover.
- Adds option filtering and alternative text for page watch options.
- Adds "Watched & Ignored Items" list to user notification preferences
page to show existing watched items.
Kept existing "COMMENTED_ON" activity for upgrade compatibility,
specifically for existing webhook usage and for showing comment
activities in activity lists.
Precursor to content notifications.
Currently untested.
Also applied some type updates.
Reverted work in 847a57a49aef525d2f7f429a30e58a34cf69d43f.
Left test in but updated to new expectation.
Left migration in but removed content to prevent new pre-v23.06
upgraders loosing shelf create permission status.
Added note to permission to describe use-case.
For #4375