Updated ajax search and entity selector usage to display and handle
items that the user does not have permission to interact with.
Started logic changes to not allow permission type to be passed around,
with views instead being the fixed sole permission.
- Also removed some old view service references.
- Updated TopFavourites query to be based on favourites table and join
in the views instead of the other way around, so that favourites still
show even if they have no views.
- Removed old view system and started use of new query classes instead.
- Finished off RelationMultiModelQuery but found it was less efficient
than x-many queries due to the amount of tables being scanned.
Adding now for history but will delete as not used.
- Updated recently viewed to use same query system as popular items
rather than running and joining x-entities queries.
- Added "Most Viewed Faviourites" listing to homepages.