Previous implemenations were hard to read so changing to be more
logically simplistic. Still needs further coverage in tests and
review/alignment of permissions to use.
Models are now loaded into their own map to then be used for sorting and
reporting back of changed books. Prevents akward logic ordering issues
of before where some bits of code assumed/hoped for loaded models on
abstract data structures.
New levels of permissions are now checked for items within the
sort operation. Needs testing to cover.
- Primarily moved and re-organised view files.
- Included readme within views to document the convention.
- Fixed some issues with page field select list in previous commit.
- Tweaked some route names while going through.
- Split some views out further.
- Loaded book_slug as part of chapter/page queries instead of books
being loaded in afterwards.
- Removed unused page method.
- Updated some page queries to load specific attributes.
Tools seems to fit better since the classes were a bit of a mixed bunch
and did not always manage.
Also simplified the structure of the SlugGenerator class.
Also focused EntityContext on shelves and simplified to use session