Tested locally before & after change, and looked at code to compare.
Nothing seen or experienced that should affect things, from testing all
is working as expected with no difference from before.
- Update composer requirement of socialite to that which included slack.
- Updated PHP depds while there.
- Updated format of socialite events to align with current documentation
and to use class references instead of strings.
- Changed use of array spread since it was not supported in PHP8.0.
- Updated issue templates based to reduce less valueable fields, update
some details, and try to help bug reports be more focused on bugs.
- Updated readme with peertube link and attribution advistory for
translations PRs.
Used an "example.com" address so we're using a propoer reserved domain,
and to avoid these trying to be delivered to the main bookstackapp
- Adds filtering to the watched items list in notification preferences
so that deleted (recycle bin) items are removed via query.
- Adds relations and logic to properly remove watches upon user and
entity delete events, to old watches in database do not linger.
- Adds testing to cover the above.
Did not add migration for existing data, since patch will be close to
introduction, and lingering DB entries don't open a security concern,
just some potential confusion in specific potential scenarios.
Probably not work extra migration risk, although could add in future if
concerns/issues are found.
Related to #4499
- This ensures content notifications are not translated to receiver
- This adds actual plaintext support for content notifications (Was
previously just HTML as text view).
- Shares same base class across all mail notifications.
- Also cleaned up existing notification classes.
Future cleanup requested via #4501
- Covered webhook SSR allow list useage via test.
- Updated allow list handling to use trailing slash, or hash, or end of
line as late anchor for better handling for hosts (prevent .co.uk
passing for .co domain host)
Prevention of action on certain routes for guest user when public access
is enabled. Could not see a way this could be a security issue, beyond a
mild nuisance that'd only be visible if public users can edit, which
would present larger potential nuisance anyway.
Review of #4313
- Made constructor changes while reviewing some classes.
- Updated API examples for consistency.
- Tweaked formatting for some array changes.
- Simplified added tests.
- Tweaked chapter/page repo priority handling to be simpler.
Performed manual API endpoint testing of page/chapter create/update.
Added test and changed logic to properly check the view permissions for
the notification receiver before sending.
Required change to permissions applicator to allow the user to be
manually determined, and a service provider update to provide the class
as a singleton without a specific user, so it checks the current logged
in user on demand.
- Ensured watch options passed in all meta template usage to fix failing
scenarios where watch options did not exist.
- Fixed testing issue caused by guest user permission caching.
- Updated mail notification design to be a bit prettier, and extracted
text to new lang file for translation.
- Added debounce logic for page update notifications.
- Fixed watch options not being filtered to current user.
- Added general user preferences view and updated link in profile menu
to suit.
- Made notification permission required for notification preferences
view, added test to cover.
- Adds option filtering and alternative text for page watch options.
- Adds "Watched & Ignored Items" list to user notification preferences
page to show existing watched items.
Kept existing "COMMENTED_ON" activity for upgrade compatibility,
specifically for existing webhook usage and for showing comment
activities in activity lists.
Precursor to content notifications.
Currently untested.
Also applied some type updates.
Due to queue serialization.
Added a test to check a couple of delete events.
Added ApiTokenFactory to support.
Also made a couple of typing/doc updates while there.
Related to #4373
After full review of current MAIL_ENCRYPTION usage in laravel and
smyfony mailer, this updates the options in BookStack to be simplified
and specific in usage:
- Removed mail.mailers.smtp.encryption option since it did not actually
affect anything in the current state of dependancies.
- Updated MAIL_ENCRYPTION so values of tls OR ssl will force-enable tls
via 'scheme' option with laravel passes to the SMTP transfport, which
Smyfony uses as an indicator to force TLS.
When MAIL_ENCRYPTION is not used, STARTTLS will still be attempted by
symfony mailer.
Updated .env files to refer to BookStack docs (which was updated for
this) and to reflect correct default port.
Related to #4342
Added support for mulit-line endpoint descriptions via blank
intermediate lines in php controller method docblocks.
Also tweaks endpoint header design for better flexing and alignment.
Fixes issue where providing owner_id alongside certain
fallback_permissions would cause the owner change not to take affect,
due to bad variable shadowing.
For #4323