Custom homepage usage will now be checked before any actioning
of deletion rather than potentially causing an exception acting
during the deletion.
Previously a deletion could still be created, within the recycle bin,
for the parent which may lead to the page being deleted anyway.
For #3150
- Aligned permissions control with move operations to check
delete/create permissions against old/new locations.
- Added tests to cover additional permissions scenarios.
Previous implemenations were hard to read so changing to be more
logically simplistic. Still needs further coverage in tests and
review/alignment of permissions to use.
Adds apng sniffing when generating thumbnails with retained ratios to
serve the original image files, as we do for GIF images, to prevent
the image being resized to a static version.
Is more tricky than GIF since apng file mimes and extensions
are the same as png, we have to detect part of the file header
to sniff the type. Means we have to sniff at a later stage
than GIF since we have to load the image file data.
Made some changes to the image thubmnail caching while doing
this work to fit in with this handling.
Added test to cover.
For #3136.
- Added a user-configurable timeout option to webhooks.
- Added webhook fields for last-call/error datetime, in addition to last
error string, which are shown on webhook edit view.
Related to #3122
- Copies via loading in model on create view.
- Updated role views while editing to bring up to similar format as
that used for more modern app areas.
- Added tests to cover.
Related to #1123
Altered access & usage of the /search/users/select endpoint with the
following changes:
- Removed searching of email address to prevent email detail discovery
via hunting via search queries.
- Required the user to be logged in and have permission to manage users
or manage permissions on items in some way.
- Removed the user migration option on user delete unless they have
permission to manage users.
For #3108
Reported in
Reported by @haxatron
- Renamed to "ActivityLogger" to be more focused in usage.
- Extracted out query elements to seperate "ActivityQueries" class.
- Removed old 'addForEntity' activity method to limit activity record
Allows easy direct linking and usage of the HTML preview content
we show in the UI when viewing search results.
Note: preview_html content is a rough representation only, it does not
match exactly what was matched in the database-search-operation which
finds the results.
For #3096 and #3080
Page-related items added on drafts could be visible in certain scenarios
since the applied permissions query filters would not consider
page draft visibility.
This commit alters queries on related items to apply such filtering.
Included test to cover API scenario.
Thanks to @haxatron for reporting.
- Replaced iframe elements with anchor elements wrapped in a paragraph.
- Extracted PDF generation action to seperate class for easier mocking
within testing.
- Added test to cover.
For #3077
Old command registration method was interfering with default commands,
causing only a limited subset of commands to show overall.
This change follows the method the frameworks uses when loading in from a
directory to prevent issues with run/load order.
Changed how the command registration was handled due to complications of
action order found during testing. Now the theme service will resolve
and directly register the command on the Kernel instead of them being
fetched from the ThemeService from within Kernel.
More direct, Seems to work.
Updated the back button to be a proper link instead of a reference to
the last viewed URL since it could break if the last page was the
current one (On validation for example).
Includes test to cover.
Also applied some styleCI changes.
Was done for convenience but could potentially be exploited by an
attacker using signing up via one of these routes, then forwarding
an email confirmation to another user so they unknowingly utilise
an account someone else controls.
Tweaks the flow of confirming email, and the user invite flow.
For #3050
This change means that code blocks are now included still wrapped in
their pre tags, as we do for tables and lists.
Previously the <code> inner content would be included which would lead
to a generally bad/broken presentation.
Hopefully should not be a breaking change as section include tags for
code was tricky to get to, and it was in a semi-broken state.
For #2406