Editor popup will now reflect the direction of the opened code block.
This also updates in-editor codemirror instances to correcly reflect/use
the direction if set on the inner code elem.
This also defaults new code blocks, when in RTL languages, to be started
in LTR, which can then be changed via in-editor direction controls if
needed. This is on the assumption that most code will be LTR (could not
find much examples of RTL code use).
- Updated event naming to be "cm6" when codemirror-specific.
- Removed cm block border in md editor to prevent double bordering.
- Updated copy handling to fallback to execCommand.
- Fixed some keybindings not running as expected, due to some editor
defaults overriding or further actions taking place since the action
would not indicate it's been dealt with (by returning boolean).
- Fixed spacing/border-radius being used on codeblocks on non-intended
areas like the MD editor.
- Fixed lack of BG on default light theme, visible on full screen md
- Fixed error thrown when the user does not have access to change the
current editor (Likely non-cm related existing issue)
- Updated clipboard handling
- Removed old clipboard package for browser-native API.
- Updated codemirror editor events to use new props for new data types.