<?php namespace BookStack\Api; use BookStack\Http\Controllers\Api\ApiController; use Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionException; use ReflectionMethod; class ApiDocsGenerator { protected $reflectionClasses = []; protected $controllerClasses = []; /** * Load the docs form the cache if existing * otherwise generate and store in the cache. */ public static function generateConsideringCache(): Collection { $appVersion = trim(file_get_contents(base_path('version'))); $cacheKey = 'api-docs::' . $appVersion; if (Cache::has($cacheKey) && config('app.env') === 'production') { $docs = Cache::get($cacheKey); } else { $docs = (new static())->generate(); Cache::put($cacheKey, $docs, 60 * 24); } return $docs; } /** * Generate API documentation. */ protected function generate(): Collection { $apiRoutes = $this->getFlatApiRoutes(); $apiRoutes = $this->loadDetailsFromControllers($apiRoutes); $apiRoutes = $this->loadDetailsFromFiles($apiRoutes); $apiRoutes = $apiRoutes->groupBy('base_model'); return $apiRoutes; } /** * Load any API details stored in static files. */ protected function loadDetailsFromFiles(Collection $routes): Collection { return $routes->map(function (array $route) { $exampleTypes = ['request', 'response']; foreach ($exampleTypes as $exampleType) { $exampleFile = base_path("dev/api/{$exampleType}s/{$route['name']}.json"); $exampleContent = file_exists($exampleFile) ? file_get_contents($exampleFile) : null; $route["example_{$exampleType}"] = $exampleContent; } return $route; }); } /** * Load any details we can fetch from the controller and its methods. */ protected function loadDetailsFromControllers(Collection $routes): Collection { return $routes->map(function (array $route) { $method = $this->getReflectionMethod($route['controller'], $route['controller_method']); $comment = $method->getDocComment(); $route['description'] = $comment ? $this->parseDescriptionFromMethodComment($comment) : null; $route['body_params'] = $this->getBodyParamsFromClass($route['controller'], $route['controller_method']); return $route; }); } /** * Load body params and their rules by inspecting the given class and method name. * * @throws BindingResolutionException */ protected function getBodyParamsFromClass(string $className, string $methodName): ?array { /** @var ApiController $class */ $class = $this->controllerClasses[$className] ?? null; if ($class === null) { $class = app()->make($className); $this->controllerClasses[$className] = $class; } $rules = $class->getValdationRules()[$methodName] ?? []; return empty($rules) ? null : $rules; } /** * Parse out the description text from a class method comment. */ protected function parseDescriptionFromMethodComment(string $comment): string { $matches = []; preg_match_all('/^\s*?\*\s((?![@\s]).*?)$/m', $comment, $matches); return implode(' ', $matches[1] ?? []); } /** * Get a reflection method from the given class name and method name. * * @throws ReflectionException */ protected function getReflectionMethod(string $className, string $methodName): ReflectionMethod { $class = $this->reflectionClasses[$className] ?? null; if ($class === null) { $class = new ReflectionClass($className); $this->reflectionClasses[$className] = $class; } return $class->getMethod($methodName); } /** * Get the system API routes, formatted into a flat collection. */ protected function getFlatApiRoutes(): Collection { return collect(Route::getRoutes()->getRoutes())->filter(function ($route) { return strpos($route->uri, 'api/') === 0; })->map(function ($route) { [$controller, $controllerMethod] = explode('@', $route->action['uses']); $baseModelName = explode('.', explode('/', $route->uri)[1])[0]; $shortName = $baseModelName . '-' . $controllerMethod; return [ 'name' => $shortName, 'uri' => $route->uri, 'method' => $route->methods[0], 'controller' => $controller, 'controller_method' => $controllerMethod, 'controller_method_kebab' => Str::kebab($controllerMethod), 'base_model' => $baseModelName, ]; }); } }