queries->findVisibleBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); $bookChildren = (new BookContents($book))->getTree(false); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books_sort_named', ['bookName' => $book->getShortName()])); return view('books.sort', ['book' => $book, 'current' => $book, 'bookChildren' => $bookChildren]); } /** * Shows the sort box for a single book. * Used via AJAX when loading in extra books to a sort. */ public function showItem(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlug($bookSlug); $bookChildren = (new BookContents($book))->getTree(); return view('books.parts.sort-box', ['book' => $book, 'bookChildren' => $bookChildren]); } /** * Sorts a book using a given mapping array. */ public function update(Request $request, string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->queries->findVisibleBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); // Return if no map sent if (!$request->filled('sort-tree')) { return redirect($book->getUrl()); } $sortMap = BookSortMap::fromJson($request->get('sort-tree')); $bookContents = new BookContents($book); $booksInvolved = $bookContents->sortUsingMap($sortMap); // Rebuild permissions and add activity for involved books. foreach ($booksInvolved as $bookInvolved) { Activity::add(ActivityType::BOOK_SORT, $bookInvolved); } return redirect($book->getUrl()); } }