isGif($image)) { return $this->storage->getPublicUrl($image->path); } $thumbDirName = '/' . ($keepRatio ? 'scaled-' : 'thumbs-') . $width . '-' . $height . '/'; $imagePath = $image->path; $thumbFilePath = dirname($imagePath) . $thumbDirName . basename($imagePath); $thumbCacheKey = 'images::' . $image->id . '::' . $thumbFilePath; // Return path if in cache $cachedThumbPath = Cache::get($thumbCacheKey); if ($cachedThumbPath && !$shouldCreate) { return $this->storage->getPublicUrl($cachedThumbPath); } // If thumbnail has already been generated, serve that and cache path $disk = $this->storage->getDisk($image->type); if (!$shouldCreate && $disk->exists($thumbFilePath)) { Cache::put($thumbCacheKey, $thumbFilePath, 60 * 60 * 72); return $this->storage->getPublicUrl($thumbFilePath); } $imageData = $disk->get($imagePath); // Do not resize apng images where we're not cropping if ($keepRatio && $this->isApngData($image, $imageData)) { Cache::put($thumbCacheKey, $image->path, 60 * 60 * 72); return $this->storage->getPublicUrl($image->path); } if (!$shouldCreate && !$canCreate) { return null; } // If not in cache and thumbnail does not exist, generate thumb and cache path $thumbData = $this->resizeImageData($imageData, $width, $height, $keepRatio); $disk->put($thumbFilePath, $thumbData, true); Cache::put($thumbCacheKey, $thumbFilePath, 60 * 60 * 72); return $this->storage->getPublicUrl($thumbFilePath); } /** * Resize the image of given data to the specified size, and return the new image data. * * @throws ImageUploadException */ public function resizeImageData(string $imageData, ?int $width, ?int $height, bool $keepRatio): string { try { $thumb = $this->intervention->make($imageData); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new ImageUploadException(trans('errors.cannot_create_thumbs')); } $this->orientImageToOriginalExif($thumb, $imageData); if ($keepRatio) { $thumb->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); }); } else { $thumb->fit($width, $height); } $thumbData = (string) $thumb->encode(); // Use original image data if we're keeping the ratio // and the resizing does not save any space. if ($keepRatio && strlen($thumbData) > strlen($imageData)) { return $imageData; } return $thumbData; } /** * Orientate the given intervention image based upon the given original image data. * Intervention does have an `orientate` method but the exif data it needs is lost before it * can be used (At least when created using binary string data) so we need to do some * implementation on our side to use the original image data. * Bulk of logic taken from: * Copyright (c) Oliver Vogel, MIT License. */ protected function orientImageToOriginalExif(InterventionImage $image, string $originalData): void { if (!extension_loaded('exif')) { return; } $stream = Utils::streamFor($originalData)->detach(); $exif = @exif_read_data($stream); $orientation = $exif ? ($exif['Orientation'] ?? null) : null; switch ($orientation) { case 2: $image->flip(); break; case 3: $image->rotate(180); break; case 4: $image->rotate(180)->flip(); break; case 5: $image->rotate(270)->flip(); break; case 6: $image->rotate(270); break; case 7: $image->rotate(90)->flip(); break; case 8: $image->rotate(90); break; } } /** * Checks if the image is a gif. Returns true if it is, else false. */ protected function isGif(Image $image): bool { return strtolower(pathinfo($image->path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) === 'gif'; } /** * Check if the given image and image data is apng. */ protected function isApngData(Image $image, string &$imageData): bool { $isPng = strtolower(pathinfo($image->path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) === 'png'; if (!$isPng) { return false; } $initialHeader = substr($imageData, 0, strpos($imageData, 'IDAT')); return str_contains($initialHeader, 'acTL'); } }