getStorageDisk()->readStream($this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($path)); } public function getSize(string $path): int { return $this->getStorageDisk()->size($this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($path)); } public function delete(string $path, bool $removeEmptyDir = false): void { $storage = $this->getStorageDisk(); $adjustedPath = $this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($path); $dir = dirname($adjustedPath); $storage->delete($adjustedPath); if ($removeEmptyDir && count($storage->allFiles($dir)) === 0) { $storage->deleteDirectory($dir); } } /** * @throws FileUploadException */ public function uploadFile(UploadedFile $file, string $subDirectory, string $suffix, string $extension): string { $storage = $this->getStorageDisk(); $basePath = trim($subDirectory, '/') . '/'; $uploadFileName = Str::random(16) . ($suffix ? "-{$suffix}" : '') . ($extension ? ".{$extension}" : ''); while ($storage->exists($this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($basePath . $uploadFileName))) { $uploadFileName = Str::random(3) . $uploadFileName; } $fileStream = fopen($file->getRealPath(), 'r'); $filePath = $basePath . $uploadFileName; try { $storage->writeStream($this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($filePath), $fileStream); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error('Error when attempting file upload:' . $e->getMessage()); throw new FileUploadException(trans('errors.path_not_writable', ['filePath' => $filePath])); } return $filePath; } /** * Check whether the configured storage is remote from the host of this app. */ public function isRemote(): bool { return $this->getStorageDiskName() === 's3'; } /** * Get the actual path on system for the given relative file path. */ public function getSystemPath(string $filePath): string { if ($this->isRemote()) { return ''; } return storage_path('uploads/files/' . ltrim($this->adjustPathForStorageDisk($filePath), '/')); } /** * Get the storage that will be used for storing files. */ protected function getStorageDisk(): Storage { return $this->fileSystem->disk($this->getStorageDiskName()); } /** * Get the name of the storage disk to use. */ protected function getStorageDiskName(): string { $storageType = trim(strtolower(config('filesystems.attachments'))); // Change to our secure-attachment disk if any of the local options // are used to prevent escaping that location. if ($storageType === 'local' || $storageType === 'local_secure' || $storageType === 'local_secure_restricted') { $storageType = 'local_secure_attachments'; } return $storageType; } /** * Change the originally provided path to fit any disk-specific requirements. * This also ensures the path is kept to the expected root folders. */ protected function adjustPathForStorageDisk(string $path): string { $trimmed = str_replace('uploads/files/', '', $path); $normalized = FilePathNormalizer::normalize($trimmed); if ($this->getStorageDiskName() === 'local_secure_attachments') { return $normalized; } return 'uploads/files/' . $normalized; } }