bookRepo = $bookRepo; $this->userRepo = $userRepo; $this->entityContextManager = $entityContextManager; $this->imageRepo = $imageRepo; parent::__construct(); } /** * Display a listing of the book. * @return Response */ public function index() { $view = setting()->getUser($this->currentUser, 'books_view_type', config('app.views.books')); $sort = setting()->getUser($this->currentUser, 'books_sort', 'name'); $order = setting()->getUser($this->currentUser, 'books_sort_order', 'asc'); $sortOptions = [ 'name' => trans('common.sort_name'), 'created_at' => trans('common.sort_created_at'), 'updated_at' => trans('common.sort_updated_at'), ]; $books = $this->bookRepo->getAllPaginated('book', 18, $sort, $order); $recents = $this->signedIn ? $this->bookRepo->getRecentlyViewed('book', 4, 0) : false; $popular = $this->bookRepo->getPopular('book', 4, 0); $new = $this->bookRepo->getRecentlyCreated('book', 4, 0); $this->entityContextManager->clearShelfContext(); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books')); return view('books.index', [ 'books' => $books, 'recents' => $recents, 'popular' => $popular, 'new' => $new, 'view' => $view, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'sortOptions' => $sortOptions, ]); } /** * Show the form for creating a new book. * @param string $shelfSlug * @return Response * @throws NotFoundException */ public function create(string $shelfSlug = null) { $bookshelf = null; if ($shelfSlug !== null) { $bookshelf = $this->bookRepo->getEntityBySlug('bookshelf', $shelfSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-update', $bookshelf); } $this->checkPermission('book-create-all'); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books_create')); return view('books.create', [ 'bookshelf' => $bookshelf ]); } /** * Store a newly created book in storage. * * @param Request $request * @param string $shelfSlug * @return Response * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ImageUploadException * @throws ValidationException */ public function store(Request $request, string $shelfSlug = null) { $this->checkPermission('book-create-all'); $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'description' => 'string|max:1000', 'image' => $this->imageRepo->getImageValidationRules(), ]); $bookshelf = null; if ($shelfSlug !== null) { $bookshelf = $this->bookRepo->getEntityBySlug('bookshelf', $shelfSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-update', $bookshelf); } $book = $this->bookRepo->createFromInput('book', $request->all()); $this->bookUpdateActions($book, $request); Activity::add($book, 'book_create', $book->id); if ($bookshelf) { $this->bookRepo->appendBookToShelf($bookshelf, $book); Activity::add($bookshelf, 'bookshelf_update'); } return redirect($book->getUrl()); } /** * Display the specified book. * @param Request $request * @param string $slug * @return Response * @throws NotFoundException */ public function show(Request $request, string $slug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($slug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-view', $book); $bookChildren = $this->bookRepo->getBookChildren($book); Views::add($book); if ($request->has('shelf')) { $this->entityContextManager->setShelfContext(intval($request->get('shelf'))); } $this->setPageTitle($book->getShortName()); return view('', [ 'book' => $book, 'current' => $book, 'bookChildren' => $bookChildren, 'activity' => Activity::entityActivity($book, 20, 1) ]); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified book. * @param string $slug * @return Response * @throws NotFoundException */ public function edit(string $slug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($slug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books_edit_named', ['bookName'=>$book->getShortName()])); return view('books.edit', ['book' => $book, 'current' => $book]); } /** * Update the specified book in storage. * @param Request $request * @param string $slug * @return Response * @throws ImageUploadException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws ValidationException */ public function update(Request $request, string $slug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($slug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'description' => 'string|max:1000', 'image' => $this->imageRepo->getImageValidationRules(), ]); $book = $this->bookRepo->updateFromInput('book', $book, $request->all()); $this->bookUpdateActions($book, $request); Activity::add($book, 'book_update', $book->id); return redirect($book->getUrl()); } /** * Shows the page to confirm deletion * @param string $bookSlug * @return View * @throws NotFoundException */ public function showDelete(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-delete', $book); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books_delete_named', ['bookName' => $book->getShortName()])); return view('books.delete', ['book' => $book, 'current' => $book]); } /** * Shows the view which allows pages to be re-ordered and sorted. * @param string $bookSlug * @return View * @throws NotFoundException */ public function sort(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); $bookChildren = $this->bookRepo->getBookChildren($book, true); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.books_sort_named', ['bookName'=>$book->getShortName()])); return view('books.sort', ['book' => $book, 'current' => $book, 'bookChildren' => $bookChildren]); } /** * Shows the sort box for a single book. * Used via AJAX when loading in extra books to a sort. * @param string $bookSlug * @return Factory|View * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getSortItem(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $bookChildren = $this->bookRepo->getBookChildren($book); return view('books.sort-box', ['book' => $book, 'bookChildren' => $bookChildren]); } /** * Saves an array of sort mapping to pages and chapters. * @param Request $request * @param string $bookSlug * @return RedirectResponse|Redirector * @throws NotFoundException */ public function saveSort(Request $request, string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); // Return if no map sent if (!$request->filled('sort-tree')) { return redirect($book->getUrl()); } // Sort pages and chapters $sortMap = collect(json_decode($request->get('sort-tree'))); $bookIdsInvolved = collect([$book->id]); // Load models into map $sortMap->each(function ($mapItem) use ($bookIdsInvolved) { $mapItem->type = ($mapItem->type === 'page' ? 'page' : 'chapter'); $mapItem->model = $this->bookRepo->getById($mapItem->type, $mapItem->id); // Store source and target books $bookIdsInvolved->push(intval($mapItem->model->book_id)); $bookIdsInvolved->push(intval($mapItem->book)); }); // Get the books involved in the sort $bookIdsInvolved = $bookIdsInvolved->unique()->toArray(); $booksInvolved = $this->bookRepo->getManyById('book', $bookIdsInvolved, false, true); // Throw permission error if invalid ids or inaccessible books given. if (count($bookIdsInvolved) !== count($booksInvolved)) { $this->showPermissionError(); } // Check permissions of involved books $booksInvolved->each(function (Book $book) { $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-update', $book); }); // Perform the sort $sortMap->each(function ($mapItem) { $model = $mapItem->model; $priorityChanged = intval($model->priority) !== intval($mapItem->sort); $bookChanged = intval($model->book_id) !== intval($mapItem->book); $chapterChanged = ($mapItem->type === 'page') && intval($model->chapter_id) !== $mapItem->parentChapter; if ($bookChanged) { $this->bookRepo->changeBook($mapItem->type, $mapItem->book, $model); } if ($chapterChanged) { $model->chapter_id = intval($mapItem->parentChapter); $model->save(); } if ($priorityChanged) { $model->priority = intval($mapItem->sort); $model->save(); } }); // Rebuild permissions and add activity for involved books. $booksInvolved->each(function (Book $book) { $this->bookRepo->buildJointPermissionsForBook($book); Activity::add($book, 'book_sort', $book->id); }); return redirect($book->getUrl()); } /** * Remove the specified book from storage. * @param string $bookSlug * @return Response * @throws NotFoundException * @throws Throwable * @throws NotifyException */ public function destroy(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-delete', $book); Activity::addMessage('book_delete', 0, $book->name); if ($book->cover) { $this->imageRepo->destroyImage($book->cover); } $this->bookRepo->destroyBook($book); return redirect('/books'); } /** * Show the Restrictions view. * @param string $bookSlug * @return Factory|View * @throws NotFoundException */ public function showPermissions(string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $book); $roles = $this->userRepo->getRestrictableRoles(); return view('books.permissions', [ 'book' => $book, 'roles' => $roles ]); } /** * Set the restrictions for this book. * @param Request $request * @param string $bookSlug * @return RedirectResponse|Redirector * @throws NotFoundException * @throws Throwable */ public function permissions(Request $request, string $bookSlug) { $book = $this->bookRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $book); $this->bookRepo->updateEntityPermissionsFromRequest($request, $book); $this->showSuccessNotification(trans('entities.books_permissions_updated')); return redirect($book->getUrl()); } /** * Common actions to run on book update. * Handles updating the cover image. * @param Book $book * @param Request $request * @throws ImageUploadException */ protected function bookUpdateActions(Book $book, Request $request) { // Update the cover image if in request if ($request->has('image')) { $this->imageRepo->destroyImage($book->cover); $newImage = $request->file('image'); $image = $this->imageRepo->saveNew($newImage, 'cover_book', $book->id, 512, 512, true); $book->image_id = $image->id; $book->save(); } if ($request->has('image_reset')) { $this->imageRepo->destroyImage($book->cover); $book->image_id = 0; $book->save(); } } }