baseRepo->create($shelf, $input); $this->baseRepo->updateCoverImage($shelf, $input['image'] ?? null); $this->updateBooks($shelf, $bookIds); Activity::add(ActivityType::BOOKSHELF_CREATE, $shelf); return $shelf; } /** * Update an existing shelf in the system using the given input. */ public function update(Bookshelf $shelf, array $input, ?array $bookIds): Bookshelf { $this->baseRepo->update($shelf, $input); if (!is_null($bookIds)) { $this->updateBooks($shelf, $bookIds); } if (array_key_exists('image', $input)) { $this->baseRepo->updateCoverImage($shelf, $input['image'], $input['image'] === null); } Activity::add(ActivityType::BOOKSHELF_UPDATE, $shelf); return $shelf; } /** * Update which books are assigned to this shelf by syncing the given book ids. * Function ensures the books are visible to the current user and existing. */ protected function updateBooks(Bookshelf $shelf, array $bookIds) { $numericIDs = collect($bookIds)->map(function ($id) { return intval($id); }); $syncData = Book::visible() ->whereIn('id', $bookIds) ->pluck('id') ->mapWithKeys(function ($bookId) use ($numericIDs) { return [$bookId => ['order' => $numericIDs->search($bookId)]]; }); $shelf->books()->sync($syncData); } /** * Remove a bookshelf from the system. * * @throws Exception */ public function destroy(Bookshelf $shelf) { $trashCan = new TrashCan(); $trashCan->softDestroyShelf($shelf); Activity::add(ActivityType::BOOKSHELF_DELETE, $shelf); $trashCan->autoClearOld(); } }