<?php namespace BookStack\Http\Controllers; use BookStack\Actions\CommentRepo; use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException; class CommentController extends Controller { protected $commentRepo; public function __construct(CommentRepo $commentRepo) { $this->commentRepo = $commentRepo; } /** * Save a new comment for a Page. * * @throws ValidationException */ public function savePageComment(Request $request, int $pageId) { $this->validate($request, [ 'text' => 'required|string', 'parent_id' => 'nullable|integer', ]); $page = Page::visible()->find($pageId); if ($page === null) { return response('Not found', 404); } // Prevent adding comments to draft pages if ($page->draft) { return $this->jsonError(trans('errors.cannot_add_comment_to_draft'), 400); } // Create a new comment. $this->checkPermission('comment-create-all'); $comment = $this->commentRepo->create($page, $request->get('text'), $request->get('parent_id')); return view('comments.comment', ['comment' => $comment]); } /** * Update an existing comment. * * @throws ValidationException */ public function update(Request $request, int $commentId) { $this->validate($request, [ 'text' => 'required|string', ]); $comment = $this->commentRepo->getById($commentId); $this->checkOwnablePermission('page-view', $comment->entity); $this->checkOwnablePermission('comment-update', $comment); $comment = $this->commentRepo->update($comment, $request->get('text')); return view('comments.comment', ['comment' => $comment]); } /** * Delete a comment from the system. */ public function destroy(int $id) { $comment = $this->commentRepo->getById($id); $this->checkOwnablePermission('comment-delete', $comment); $this->commentRepo->delete($comment); return response()->json(['message' => trans('entities.comment_deleted')]); } }