pageRepo = $pageRepo; parent::__construct(); } /** * Shows the last revisions for this page. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function index(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug) { $page = $this->pageRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.pages_revisions_named', ['pageName'=>$page->getShortName()])); return view('pages.revisions', [ 'page' => $page, 'current' => $page ]); } /** * Shows a preview of a single revision. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function show(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug, int $revisionId) { $page = $this->pageRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $revision = $page->revisions()->where('id', '=', $revisionId)->first(); if ($revision === null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } $page->fill($revision->toArray()); // TODO - Refactor PageContent so we don't need to juggle this $page->html = $revision->html; $page->html = (new PageContent($page))->render(); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.pages_revision_named', ['pageName' => $page->getShortName()])); return view('pages.revision', [ 'page' => $page, 'book' => $page->book, 'diff' => null, 'revision' => $revision ]); } /** * Shows the changes of a single revision. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function changes(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug, int $revisionId) { $page = $this->pageRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $revision = $page->revisions()->where('id', '=', $revisionId)->first(); if ($revision === null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } $prev = $revision->getPrevious(); $prevContent = $prev->html ?? ''; $diff = (new Htmldiff)->diff($prevContent, $revision->html); $page->fill($revision->toArray()); // TODO - Refactor PageContent so we don't need to juggle this $page->html = $revision->html; $page->html = (new PageContent($page))->render(); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.pages_revision_named', ['pageName'=>$page->getShortName()])); return view('pages.revision', [ 'page' => $page, 'book' => $page->book, 'diff' => $diff, 'revision' => $revision ]); } /** * Restores a page using the content of the specified revision. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function restore(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug, int $revisionId) { $page = $this->pageRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('page-update', $page); $page = $this->pageRepo->restoreRevision($page, $revisionId); return redirect($page->getUrl()); } /** * Deletes a revision using the id of the specified revision. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function destroy(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug, int $revId) { $page = $this->pageRepo->getBySlug($bookSlug, $pageSlug); $this->checkOwnablePermission('page-delete', $page); $revision = $page->revisions()->where('id', '=', $revId)->first(); if ($revision === null) { throw new NotFoundException("Revision #{$revId} not found"); } // Get the current revision for the page $currentRevision = $page->getCurrentRevision(); // Check if its the latest revision, cannot delete latest revision. if (intval($currentRevision->id) === intval($revId)) { $this->showErrorNotification(trans('entities.revision_cannot_delete_latest')); return redirect($page->getUrl('/revisions')); } $revision->delete(); $this->showSuccessNotification(trans('entities.revision_delete_success')); return redirect($page->getUrl('/revisions')); } }