
namespace BookStack\Auth\Access;

 * Class Ldap
 * An object-orientated thin abstraction wrapper for common PHP LDAP functions.
 * Allows the standard LDAP functions to be mocked for testing.
class Ldap
     * Connect to a LDAP server.
     * @param string $hostName
     * @param int    $port
     * @return resource
    public function connect($hostName, $port)
        return ldap_connect($hostName, $port);

     * Set the value of a LDAP option for the given connection.
     * @param resource $ldapConnection
     * @param int      $option
     * @param mixed    $value
     * @return bool
    public function setOption($ldapConnection, $option, $value)
        return ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, $option, $value);

     * Start TLS on the given LDAP connection.
    public function startTls($ldapConnection): bool
        return ldap_start_tls($ldapConnection);

     * Set the version number for the given ldap connection.
     * @param $ldapConnection
     * @param $version
     * @return bool
    public function setVersion($ldapConnection, $version)
        return $this->setOption($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $version);

     * Search LDAP tree using the provided filter.
     * @param resource   $ldapConnection
     * @param string     $baseDn
     * @param string     $filter
     * @param array|null $attributes
     * @return resource
    public function search($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $filter, array $attributes = null)
        return ldap_search($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $filter, $attributes);

     * Get entries from an ldap search result.
     * @param resource $ldapConnection
     * @param resource $ldapSearchResult
     * @return array
    public function getEntries($ldapConnection, $ldapSearchResult)
        return ldap_get_entries($ldapConnection, $ldapSearchResult);

     * Search and get entries immediately.
     * @param resource   $ldapConnection
     * @param string     $baseDn
     * @param string     $filter
     * @param array|null $attributes
     * @return resource
    public function searchAndGetEntries($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $filter, array $attributes = null)
        $search = $this->search($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $filter, $attributes);

        return $this->getEntries($ldapConnection, $search);

     * Bind to LDAP directory.
     * @param resource $ldapConnection
     * @param string   $bindRdn
     * @param string   $bindPassword
     * @return bool
    public function bind($ldapConnection, $bindRdn = null, $bindPassword = null)
        return ldap_bind($ldapConnection, $bindRdn, $bindPassword);

     * Explode a LDAP dn string into an array of components.
     * @param string $dn
     * @param int    $withAttrib
     * @return array
    public function explodeDn(string $dn, int $withAttrib)
        return ldap_explode_dn($dn, $withAttrib);

     * Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string $ignore
     * @param int    $flags
     * @return string
    public function escape(string $value, string $ignore = '', int $flags = 0)
        return ldap_escape($value, $ignore, $flags);