#!/usr/bin/env node const esbuild = require('esbuild'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); // Check if we're building for production // (Set via passing `production` as first argument) const isProd = process.argv[2] === 'production'; // Gather our input files const entryPoints = { app: path.join(__dirname, '../../resources/js/app.ts'), code: path.join(__dirname, '../../resources/js/code/index.mjs'), 'legacy-modes': path.join(__dirname, '../../resources/js/code/legacy-modes.mjs'), markdown: path.join(__dirname, '../../resources/js/markdown/index.mjs'), wysiwyg: path.join(__dirname, '../../resources/js/wysiwyg/index.ts'), }; // Locate our output directory const outdir = path.join(__dirname, '../../public/dist'); // Build via esbuild esbuild.build({ bundle: true, metafile: true, entryPoints, outdir, sourcemap: true, target: 'es2021', mainFields: ['module', 'main'], format: 'esm', minify: isProd, logLevel: 'info', loader: { '.svg': 'text', }, absWorkingDir: path.join(__dirname, '../..'), alias: { '@icons': './resources/icons', lexical: './resources/js/wysiwyg/lexical/core', '@lexical': './resources/js/wysiwyg/lexical', }, banner: { js: '// See the "/licenses" URI for full package license details', css: '/* See the "/licenses" URI for full package license details */', }, }).then(result => { fs.writeFileSync('esbuild-meta.json', JSON.stringify(result.metafile)); }).catch(() => process.exit(1));