import { EditorFormDefinition, EditorFormFieldDefinition, EditorFormTabs, EditorSelectFormFieldDefinition } from "../../framework/forms"; import {EditorUiContext} from "../../framework/core"; import {EditorFormModal} from "../../framework/modals"; import {$getSelection, ElementFormatType} from "lexical"; import { $forEachTableCell, $getCellPaddingForTable, $getTableCellColumnWidth, $getTableCellsFromSelection, $getTableFromSelection, $getTableRowsFromSelection, $setTableCellColumnWidth } from "../../../utils/tables"; import {formatSizeValue} from "../../../utils/dom"; import {TableCellNode, TableNode, TableRowNode} from "@lexical/table"; import {CommonBlockAlignment} from "../../../nodes/_common"; const borderStyleInput: EditorSelectFormFieldDefinition = { label: 'Border style', name: 'border_style', type: 'select', valuesByLabel: { 'Select...': '', "Solid": 'solid', "Dotted": 'dotted', "Dashed": 'dashed', "Double": 'double', "Groove": 'groove', "Ridge": 'ridge', "Inset": 'inset', "Outset": 'outset', "None": 'none', "Hidden": 'hidden', } }; const borderColorInput: EditorFormFieldDefinition = { label: 'Border color', name: 'border_color', type: 'text', }; const backgroundColorInput: EditorFormFieldDefinition = { label: 'Background color', name: 'background_color', type: 'text', }; const alignmentInput: EditorSelectFormFieldDefinition = { label: 'Alignment', name: 'align', type: 'select', valuesByLabel: { 'None': '', 'Left': 'left', 'Center': 'center', 'Right': 'right', } }; export function $showCellPropertiesForm(cell: TableCellNode, context: EditorUiContext): EditorFormModal { const styles = cell.getStyles(); const modalForm = context.manager.createModal('cell_properties');{ width: $getTableCellColumnWidth(context.editor, cell), height: styles.get('height') || '', type: cell.getTag(), h_align: cell.getAlignment(), v_align: styles.get('vertical-align') || '', border_width: styles.get('border-width') || '', border_style: styles.get('border-style') || '', border_color: styles.get('border-color') || '', background_color: styles.get('background-color') || '', }); return modalForm; } export const cellProperties: EditorFormDefinition = { submitText: 'Save', async action(formData, context: EditorUiContext) { context.editor.update(() => { const cells = $getTableCellsFromSelection($getSelection()); for (const cell of cells) { const width = formData.get('width')?.toString() || ''; $setTableCellColumnWidth(cell, width); cell.updateTag(formData.get('type')?.toString() || ''); cell.setAlignment((formData.get('h_align')?.toString() || '') as CommonBlockAlignment); const styles = cell.getStyles(); styles.set('height', formatSizeValue(formData.get('height')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('vertical-align', formData.get('v_align')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('border-width', formatSizeValue(formData.get('border_width')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('border-style', formData.get('border_style')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('border-color', formData.get('border_color')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('background-color', formData.get('background_color')?.toString() || ''); cell.setStyles(styles); } }); return true; }, fields: [ { build() { const generalFields: EditorFormFieldDefinition[] = [ { label: 'Width', // Colgroup width name: 'width', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Height', // inline-style: height name: 'height', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Cell type', // element name: 'type', type: 'select', valuesByLabel: { 'Cell': 'td', 'Header cell': 'th', } } as EditorSelectFormFieldDefinition, { ...alignmentInput, // class: 'align-right/left/center' label: 'Horizontal align', name: 'h_align', }, { label: 'Vertical align', // inline-style: vertical-align name: 'v_align', type: 'select', valuesByLabel: { 'None': '', 'Top': 'top', 'Middle': 'middle', 'Bottom': 'bottom', } } as EditorSelectFormFieldDefinition, ]; const advancedFields: EditorFormFieldDefinition[] = [ { label: 'Border width', // inline-style: border-width name: 'border_width', type: 'text', }, borderStyleInput, // inline-style: border-style borderColorInput, // inline-style: border-color backgroundColorInput, // inline-style: background-color ]; return new EditorFormTabs([ { label: 'General', contents: generalFields, }, { label: 'Advanced', contents: advancedFields, } ]) } }, ], }; export function $showRowPropertiesForm(row: TableRowNode, context: EditorUiContext): EditorFormModal { const styles = row.getStyles(); const modalForm = context.manager.createModal('row_properties');{ height: styles.get('height') || '', border_style: styles.get('border-style') || '', border_color: styles.get('border-color') || '', background_color: styles.get('background-color') || '', }); return modalForm; } export const rowProperties: EditorFormDefinition = { submitText: 'Save', async action(formData, context: EditorUiContext) { context.editor.update(() => { const rows = $getTableRowsFromSelection($getSelection()); for (const row of rows) { const styles = row.getStyles(); styles.set('height', formatSizeValue(formData.get('height')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('border-style', formData.get('border_style')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('border-color', formData.get('border_color')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('background-color', formData.get('background_color')?.toString() || ''); row.setStyles(styles); } }); return true; }, fields: [ // Removed fields: // Removed 'Row Type' as we don't currently support thead/tfoot elements // TinyMCE would move rows up/down into these parents when set // Removed 'Alignment' since this was broken in our editor (applied alignment class to whole parent table) { label: 'Height', // style on tr: height name: 'height', type: 'text', }, borderStyleInput, // style on tr: height borderColorInput, // style on tr: height backgroundColorInput, // style on tr: height ], }; export function $showTablePropertiesForm(table: TableNode, context: EditorUiContext): EditorFormModal { const styles = table.getStyles(); const modalForm = context.manager.createModal('table_properties');{ width: styles.get('width') || '', height: styles.get('height') || '', cell_spacing: styles.get('cell-spacing') || '', cell_padding: $getCellPaddingForTable(table), border_width: styles.get('border-width') || '', border_style: styles.get('border-style') || '', border_color: styles.get('border-color') || '', background_color: styles.get('background-color') || '', // caption: '', TODO align: table.getAlignment(), }); return modalForm; } export const tableProperties: EditorFormDefinition = { submitText: 'Save', async action(formData, context: EditorUiContext) { context.editor.update(() => { const table = $getTableFromSelection($getSelection()); if (!table) { return; } const styles = table.getStyles(); styles.set('width', formatSizeValue(formData.get('width')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('height', formatSizeValue(formData.get('height')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('cell-spacing', formatSizeValue(formData.get('cell_spacing')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('border-width', formatSizeValue(formData.get('border_width')?.toString() || '')); styles.set('border-style', formData.get('border_style')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('border-color', formData.get('border_color')?.toString() || ''); styles.set('background-color', formData.get('background_color')?.toString() || ''); table.setStyles(styles); table.setAlignment(formData.get('align') as CommonBlockAlignment); const cellPadding = (formData.get('cell_padding')?.toString() || ''); if (cellPadding) { const cellPaddingFormatted = formatSizeValue(cellPadding); $forEachTableCell(table, (cell: TableCellNode) => { const styles = cell.getStyles(); styles.set('padding', cellPaddingFormatted); cell.setStyles(styles); }); } // TODO - cell caption }); return true; }, fields: [ { build() { const generalFields: EditorFormFieldDefinition[] = [ { label: 'Width', // Style - width name: 'width', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Height', // Style - height name: 'height', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Cell spacing', // Style - border-spacing name: 'cell_spacing', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Cell padding', // Style - padding on child cells? name: 'cell_padding', type: 'text', }, { label: 'Border width', // Style - border-width name: 'border_width', type: 'text', }, { label: 'caption', // Caption element name: 'caption', type: 'text', // TODO - }, alignmentInput, // alignment class ]; const advancedFields: EditorFormFieldDefinition[] = [ borderStyleInput, // Style - border-style borderColorInput, // Style - border-color backgroundColorInput, // Style - background-color ]; return new EditorFormTabs([ { label: 'General', contents: generalFields, }, { label: 'Advanced', contents: advancedFields, } ]) } }, ], };