<?php /** * Text used for activity-based notifications. */ return [ 'new_comment_subject' => 'Jauns komentārs lapā: :pageName', 'new_comment_intro' => ':appName: lietotājs komentējis lapu', 'new_page_subject' => 'Jauna lapa: :pageName', 'new_page_intro' => 'Jauna lapa izveidota :appName:', 'updated_page_subject' => 'Atjaunināta lapa: :pageName', 'updated_page_intro' => 'Lapa atjaunināta :appName:', 'updated_page_debounce' => 'To prevent a mass of notifications, for a while you won\'t be sent notifications for further edits to this page by the same editor.', 'detail_page_name' => 'Lapas nosaukums:', 'detail_page_path' => 'Page Path:', 'detail_commenter' => 'Komentētājs:', 'detail_comment' => 'Komentārs:', 'detail_created_by' => 'Izveidoja:', 'detail_updated_by' => 'Atjaunināja:', 'action_view_comment' => 'Skatīt komentāru', 'action_view_page' => 'Skatīt lapu', 'footer_reason' => 'This notification was sent to you because :link cover this type of activity for this item.', 'footer_reason_link' => 'paziņojumu vēlamie iestatījumi', ];