
namespace BookStack\Util;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class CspService
    protected string $nonce;

    public function __construct(string $nonce = '')
        $this->nonce = $nonce ?: Str::random(24);

     * Get the nonce value for CSP.
    public function getNonce(): string
        return $this->nonce;

     * Get the CSP headers for the application.
    public function getCspHeader(): string
        $headers = [

        return implode('; ', array_filter($headers));

     * Get the CSP rules for the application for a HTML meta tag.
    public function getCspMetaTagValue(): string
        $headers = [

        return implode('; ', array_filter($headers));

     * Check if the user has configured some allowed iframe hosts.
    public function allowedIFrameHostsConfigured(): bool
        return count($this->getAllowedIframeHosts()) > 0;

     * Create CSP 'script-src' rule to restrict the forms of script that can run on the page.
    protected function getScriptSrc(): string
        if (config('app.allow_content_scripts')) {
            return '';

        $parts = [
            '\'nonce-' . $this->nonce . '\'',

        return 'script-src ' . implode(' ', $parts);

     * Create CSP "frame-ancestors" rule to restrict the hosts that BookStack can be iframed within.
    protected function getFrameAncestors(): string
        $iframeHosts = $this->getAllowedIframeHosts();
        array_unshift($iframeHosts, "'self'");

        return 'frame-ancestors ' . implode(' ', $iframeHosts);

     * Creates CSP "frame-src" rule to restrict what hosts/sources can be loaded
     * within iframes to provide an allow-list-style approach to iframe content.
    protected function getFrameSrc(): string
        $iframeHosts = $this->getAllowedIframeSources();
        array_unshift($iframeHosts, "'self'");

        return 'frame-src ' . implode(' ', $iframeHosts);

     * Creates CSP 'object-src' rule to restrict the types of dynamic content
     * that can be embedded on the page.
    protected function getObjectSrc(): string
        if (config('app.allow_content_scripts')) {
            return '';

        return "object-src 'self'";

     * Creates CSP 'base-uri' rule to restrict what base tags can be set on
     * the page to prevent manipulation of relative links.
    protected function getBaseUri(): string
        return "base-uri 'self'";

    protected function getAllowedIframeHosts(): array
        $hosts = config('app.iframe_hosts') ?? '';

        return array_filter(explode(' ', $hosts));

    protected function getAllowedIframeSources(): array
        $sources = config('app.iframe_sources', '');
        $hosts = array_filter(explode(' ', $sources));

        // Extract drawing service url to allow embedding if active
        $drawioConfigValue = config('services.drawio');
        if ($drawioConfigValue) {
            $drawioSource = is_string($drawioConfigValue) ? $drawioConfigValue : 'https://embed.diagrams.net/';
            $drawioSourceParsed = parse_url($drawioSource);
            $drawioHost = $drawioSourceParsed['scheme'] . '://' . $drawioSourceParsed['host'];
            $hosts[] = $drawioHost;

        return $hosts;