/** * Dropdown * Provides some simple logic to create simple dropdown menus. */ class DropDown { constructor(elem) { this.container = elem; this.menu = elem.querySelector('.dropdown-menu, [dropdown-menu]'); this.moveMenu = elem.hasAttribute('dropdown-move-menu'); this.toggle = elem.querySelector('[dropdown-toggle]'); this.body = document.body; this.setupListeners(); } show(event) { this.hideAll(); this.menu.style.display = 'block'; this.menu.classList.add('anim', 'menuIn'); if (this.moveMenu) { // Move to body to prevent being trapped within scrollable sections this.rect = this.menu.getBoundingClientRect(); this.body.appendChild(this.menu); this.menu.style.position = 'fixed'; this.menu.style.left = `${this.rect.left}px`; this.menu.style.top = `${this.rect.top}px`; this.menu.style.width = `${this.rect.width}px`; } // Set listener to hide on mouse leave or window click this.menu.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.hide.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('click', event => { if (!this.menu.contains(event.target)) { this.hide(); } }); // Focus on first input if existing let input = this.menu.querySelector('input'); if (input !== null) input.focus(); event.stopPropagation(); } hideAll() { for (let dropdown of window.components.dropdown) { dropdown.hide(); } } hide() { this.menu.style.display = 'none'; this.menu.classList.remove('anim', 'menuIn'); if (this.moveMenu) { this.menu.style.position = ''; this.menu.style.left = ''; this.menu.style.top = ''; this.menu.style.width = ''; this.container.appendChild(this.menu); } } setupListeners() { // Hide menu on option click this.container.addEventListener('click', event => { let possibleChildren = Array.from(this.menu.querySelectorAll('a')); if (possibleChildren.indexOf(event.target) !== -1) this.hide(); }); // Show dropdown on toggle click this.toggle.addEventListener('click', this.show.bind(this)); // Hide menu on enter press this.container.addEventListener('keypress', event => { if (event.keyCode !== 13) return true; event.preventDefault(); this.hide(); return false; }); } } export default DropDown;