oidcService = $oidcService; $this->middleware('guard:oidc'); } /** * Start the authorization login flow via OIDC. */ public function login() { try { $loginDetails = $this->oidcService->login(); } catch (OidcException $exception) { $this->showErrorNotification($exception->getMessage()); return redirect('/login'); } session()->flash('oidc_state', $loginDetails['state']); return redirect($loginDetails['url']); } /** * Authorization flow redirect callback. * Processes authorization response from the OIDC Authorization Server. */ public function callback(Request $request) { $storedState = session()->pull('oidc_state'); $responseState = $request->query('state'); if ($storedState !== $responseState) { $this->showErrorNotification(trans('errors.oidc_fail_authed', ['system' => config('oidc.name')])); return redirect('/login'); } try { $this->oidcService->processAuthorizeResponse($request->query('code')); } catch (OidcException $oidcException) { $this->showErrorNotification($oidcException->getMessage()); return redirect('/login'); } return redirect()->intended(); } /** * OIDC Logout Feature: Start the authorization logout flow via OIDC. */ public function logout() { try { return $this->oidcService->logout(); } catch (OidcException $exception) { $this->showErrorNotification($exception->getMessage()); return redirect('/logout'); } } }