imageTool = $imageTool; $this->fileSystem = $fileSystem; $this->cache = $cache; } /** * Saves a new image from an upload. * @param UploadedFile $uploadedFile * @param string $type * @param int $uploadedTo * @return mixed * @throws ImageUploadException */ public function saveNewFromUpload(UploadedFile $uploadedFile, $type, $uploadedTo = 0) { $imageName = $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName(); $imageData = file_get_contents($uploadedFile->getRealPath()); return $this->saveNew($imageName, $imageData, $type, $uploadedTo); } /** * Gets an image from url and saves it to the database. * @param $url * @param string $type * @param bool|string $imageName * @return mixed * @throws \Exception */ private function saveNewFromUrl($url, $type, $imageName = false) { $imageName = $imageName ? $imageName : basename($url); $imageData = file_get_contents($url); if($imageData === false) throw new \Exception('Cannot get image from ' . $url); return $this->saveNew($imageName, $imageData, $type); } /** * Saves a new image * @param string $imageName * @param string $imageData * @param string $type * @param int $uploadedTo * @return Image * @throws ImageUploadException */ private function saveNew($imageName, $imageData, $type, $uploadedTo = 0) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); $secureUploads = setting('app-secure-images'); $imageName = str_replace(' ', '-', $imageName); if ($secureUploads) $imageName = str_random(16) . '-' . $imageName; $imagePath = '/uploads/images/' . $type . '/' . Date('Y-m-M') . '/'; while ($storage->exists($imagePath . $imageName)) { $imageName = str_random(3) . $imageName; } $fullPath = $imagePath . $imageName; try { $storage->put($fullPath, $imageData); $storage->setVisibility($fullPath, 'public'); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new ImageUploadException('Image Path ' . $fullPath . ' is not writable by the server.'); } $imageDetails = [ 'name' => $imageName, 'path' => $fullPath, 'url' => $this->getPublicUrl($fullPath), 'type' => $type, 'uploaded_to' => $uploadedTo ]; if (user()->id !== 0) { $userId = user()->id; $imageDetails['created_by'] = $userId; $imageDetails['updated_by'] = $userId; } $image = Image::forceCreate($imageDetails); return $image; } /** * Get the thumbnail for an image. * If $keepRatio is true only the width will be used. * Checks the cache then storage to avoid creating / accessing the filesystem on every check. * * @param Image $image * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param bool $keepRatio * @return string * @throws Exception * @throws ImageUploadException */ public function getThumbnail(Image $image, $width = 220, $height = 220, $keepRatio = false) { $thumbDirName = '/' . ($keepRatio ? 'scaled-' : 'thumbs-') . $width . '-' . $height . '/'; $thumbFilePath = dirname($image->path) . $thumbDirName . basename($image->path); if ($this->cache->has('images-' . $image->id . '-' . $thumbFilePath) && $this->cache->get('images-' . $thumbFilePath)) { return $this->getPublicUrl($thumbFilePath); } $storage = $this->getStorage(); if ($storage->exists($thumbFilePath)) { return $this->getPublicUrl($thumbFilePath); } try { $thumb = $this->imageTool->make($storage->get($image->path)); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof \ErrorException || $e instanceof NotSupportedException) { throw new ImageUploadException('The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.'); } else { throw $e; } } if ($keepRatio) { $thumb->resize($width, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); }); } else { $thumb->fit($width, $height); } $thumbData = (string)$thumb->encode(); $storage->put($thumbFilePath, $thumbData); $storage->setVisibility($thumbFilePath, 'public'); $this->cache->put('images-' . $image->id . '-' . $thumbFilePath, $thumbFilePath, 60 * 72); return $this->getPublicUrl($thumbFilePath); } /** * Destroys an Image object along with its files and thumbnails. * @param Image $image * @return bool */ public function destroyImage(Image $image) { $storage = $this->getStorage(); $imageFolder = dirname($image->path); $imageFileName = basename($image->path); $allImages = collect($storage->allFiles($imageFolder)); $imagesToDelete = $allImages->filter(function ($imagePath) use ($imageFileName) { $expectedIndex = strlen($imagePath) - strlen($imageFileName); return strpos($imagePath, $imageFileName) === $expectedIndex; }); $storage->delete($imagesToDelete->all()); // Cleanup of empty folders foreach ($storage->directories($imageFolder) as $directory) { if ($this->isFolderEmpty($directory)) $storage->deleteDirectory($directory); } if ($this->isFolderEmpty($imageFolder)) $storage->deleteDirectory($imageFolder); $image->delete(); return true; } /** * Save a gravatar image and set a the profile image for a user. * @param User $user * @param int $size * @return mixed */ public function saveUserGravatar(User $user, $size = 500) { $emailHash = md5(strtolower(trim($user->email))); $url = '' . $emailHash . '?s=' . $size . '&d=identicon'; $imageName = str_replace(' ', '-', $user->name . '-gravatar.png'); $image = $this->saveNewFromUrl($url, 'user', $imageName); $image->created_by = $user->id; $image->updated_by = $user->id; $image->save(); return $image; } /** * Get the storage that will be used for storing images. * @return FileSystemInstance */ private function getStorage() { if ($this->storageInstance !== null) return $this->storageInstance; $storageType = config('filesystems.default'); $this->storageInstance = $this->fileSystem->disk($storageType); return $this->storageInstance; } /** * Check whether or not a folder is empty. * @param $path * @return int */ private function isFolderEmpty($path) { $files = $this->getStorage()->files($path); $folders = $this->getStorage()->directories($path); return count($files) === 0 && count($folders) === 0; } /** * Gets a public facing url for an image by checking relevant environment variables. * @param $filePath * @return string */ private function getPublicUrl($filePath) { if ($this->storageUrl === null) { $storageUrl = config('filesystems.url'); // Get the standard public s3 url if s3 is set as storage type // Uses the nice, short URL if bucket name has no periods in otherwise the longer // region-based url will be used to prevent http issues. if ($storageUrl == false && config('filesystems.default') === 's3') { $storageDetails = config('filesystems.disks.s3'); if (strpos($storageDetails['bucket'], '.') === false) { $storageUrl = 'https://' . $storageDetails['bucket'] . ''; } else { $storageUrl = 'https://s3-' . $storageDetails['region'] . '' . $storageDetails['bucket']; } } $this->storageUrl = $storageUrl; } return ($this->storageUrl == false ? rtrim(baseUrl(''), '/') : rtrim($this->storageUrl, '/')) . $filePath; } }