modelResolvers = [ new PagePermalinkModelResolver($queries->pages), new PageLinkModelResolver($queries->pages), new ChapterLinkModelResolver($queries->chapters), new BookLinkModelResolver($queries->books), // TODO - Image // TODO - Attachment ]; } /** * Parse and replace references in the given content. * @param callable(Model):(string|null) $handler */ public function parse(string $content, callable $handler): string { $escapedBase = preg_quote(url('/'), '/'); $linkRegex = "/({$escapedBase}.*?)[\\t\\n\\f>\"'=?#]/"; $matches = []; preg_match_all($linkRegex, $content, $matches); if (count($matches) < 2) { return $content; } foreach ($matches[1] as $link) { $model = $this->linkToModel($link); if ($model) { $result = $handler($model); if ($result !== null) { $content = str_replace($link, $result, $content); } } } return $content; } /** * Attempt to resolve the given link to a model using the instance model resolvers. */ protected function linkToModel(string $link): ?Model { foreach ($this->modelResolvers as $resolver) { $model = $resolver->resolve($link); if (!is_null($model)) { return $model; } } return null; } }