import { $createParagraphNode, $insertNodes, $isDecoratorNode, COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH, DROP_COMMAND, LexicalEditor, LexicalNode, PASTE_COMMAND } from "lexical"; import {$insertNewBlockNodesAtSelection, $selectSingleNode} from "../utils/selection"; import {$getNearestBlockNodeForCoords, $htmlToBlockNodes} from "../utils/nodes"; import {Clipboard} from "../../services/clipboard"; import {$createImageNode} from "@lexical/rich-text/LexicalImageNode"; import {$createLinkNode} from "@lexical/link"; import {EditorImageData, uploadImageFile} from "../utils/images"; import {EditorUiContext} from "../ui/framework/core"; function $getNodeFromMouseEvent(event: MouseEvent, editor: LexicalEditor): LexicalNode|null { const x = event.clientX; const y = event.clientY; const dom = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!dom) { return null; } return $getNearestBlockNodeForCoords(editor, event.clientX, event.clientY); } function $insertNodesAtEvent(nodes: LexicalNode[], event: DragEvent, editor: LexicalEditor) { const positionNode = $getNodeFromMouseEvent(event, editor); if (positionNode) { $selectSingleNode(positionNode); } $insertNewBlockNodesAtSelection(nodes, true); if (!$isDecoratorNode(positionNode) || !positionNode?.getTextContent()) { positionNode?.remove(); } } async function insertTemplateToEditor(editor: LexicalEditor, templateId: string, event: DragEvent) { const resp = await window.$http.get(`/templates/${templateId}`); const data = ( || {html: ''}) as {html: string} const html: string = data.html || ''; editor.update(() => { const newNodes = $htmlToBlockNodes(editor, html); $insertNodesAtEvent(newNodes, event, editor); }); } function handleMediaInsert(data: DataTransfer, context: EditorUiContext): boolean { const clipboard = new Clipboard(data); let handled = false; // Don't handle the event ourselves if no items exist of contains table-looking data if (!clipboard.hasItems() || clipboard.containsTabularData()) { return handled; } const images = clipboard.getImages(); if (images.length > 0) { handled = true; } context.editor.update(async () => { for (const imageFile of images) { const loadingImage = window.baseUrl('/loading.gif'); const loadingNode = $createImageNode(loadingImage); const imageWrap = $createParagraphNode(); imageWrap.append(loadingNode); $insertNodes([imageWrap]); try { const respData: EditorImageData = await uploadImageFile(imageFile, context.options.pageId); const safeName ="/g, ''); context.editor.update(() => { const finalImage = $createImageNode(respData.thumbs?.display || '', { alt: safeName, }); const imageLink = $createLinkNode(respData.url, {target: '_blank'}); imageLink.append(finalImage); loadingNode.replace(imageLink); }); } catch (err: any) { context.editor.update(() => { loadingNode.remove(false); }); window.$events.error(err?.data?.message || context.options.translations.imageUploadErrorText); console.error(err); } } }); return handled; } function createDropListener(context: EditorUiContext): (event: DragEvent) => boolean { const editor = context.editor; return (event: DragEvent): boolean => { // Template handling const templateId = event.dataTransfer?.getData('bookstack/template') || ''; if (templateId) { insertTemplateToEditor(editor, templateId, event); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return true; } // HTML contents drop const html = event.dataTransfer?.getData('text/html') || ''; if (html) { editor.update(() => { const newNodes = $htmlToBlockNodes(editor, html); $insertNodesAtEvent(newNodes, event, editor); }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return true; } if (event.dataTransfer) { const handled = handleMediaInsert(event.dataTransfer, context); if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return true; } } return false; }; } function createPasteListener(context: EditorUiContext): (event: ClipboardEvent) => boolean { return (event: ClipboardEvent) => { if (!event.clipboardData) { return false; } const handled = handleMediaInsert(event.clipboardData, context); if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); } return handled; }; } export function registerDropPasteHandling(context: EditorUiContext): () => void { const dropListener = createDropListener(context); const pasteListener = createPasteListener(context); const unregisterDrop = context.editor.registerCommand(DROP_COMMAND, dropListener, COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH); const unregisterPaste = context.editor.registerCommand(PASTE_COMMAND, pasteListener, COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH); context.scrollDOM.addEventListener('drop', dropListener); return () => { unregisterDrop(); unregisterPaste(); context.scrollDOM.removeEventListener('drop', dropListener); }; }