keys = $keys; $this->issuer = $issuer; $this->parse($token); } /** * Parse the token content into its components. */ protected function parse(string $token): void { $this->tokenParts = explode('.', $token); $this->header = $this->parseEncodedTokenPart($this->tokenParts[0]); $this->payload = $this->parseEncodedTokenPart($this->tokenParts[1] ?? ''); $this->signature = $this->base64UrlDecode($this->tokenParts[2] ?? '') ?: ''; } /** * Parse a Base64-JSON encoded token part. * Returns the data as a key-value array or empty array upon error. */ protected function parseEncodedTokenPart(string $part): array { $json = $this->base64UrlDecode($part) ?: '{}'; $decoded = json_decode($json, true); return is_array($decoded) ? $decoded : []; } /** * Base64URL decode. Needs some character conversions to be compatible * with PHP's default base64 handling. */ protected function base64UrlDecode(string $encoded): string { return base64_decode(strtr($encoded, '-_', '+/')); } /** * Validate all possible parts of the id token. * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException */ public function validate(string $clientId): bool { $this->validateTokenStructure(); $this->validateTokenSignature(); $this->validateTokenClaims($clientId); return true; } /** * Fetch a specific claim from this token. * Returns null if it is null or does not exist. * @return mixed|null */ public function getClaim(string $claim) { return $this->payload[$claim] ?? null; } /** * Get all returned claims within the token. */ public function getAllClaims(): array { return $this->payload; } /** * Validate the structure of the given token and ensure we have the required pieces. * As per * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException */ protected function validateTokenStructure(): void { foreach (['header', 'payload'] as $prop) { if (empty($this->$prop) || !is_array($this->$prop)) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException("Could not parse out a valid {$prop} within the provided token"); } } if (empty($this->signature) || !is_string($this->signature)) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException("Could not parse out a valid signature within the provided token"); } } /** * Validate the signature of the given token and ensure it validates against the provided key. * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException */ protected function validateTokenSignature(): void { if ($this->header['alg'] !== 'RS256') { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException("Only RS256 signature validation is supported. Token reports using {$this->header['alg']}"); } $parsedKeys = array_map(function($key) { try { return new OidcJwtSigningKey($key); } catch (OidcInvalidKeyException $e) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Failed to read signing key with error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }, $this->keys); $parsedKeys = array_filter($parsedKeys); $contentToSign = $this->tokenParts[0] . '.' . $this->tokenParts[1]; /** @var OidcJwtSigningKey $parsedKey */ foreach ($parsedKeys as $parsedKey) { if ($parsedKey->verify($contentToSign, $this->signature)) { return; } } throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token signature could not be validated using the provided keys'); } /** * Validate the claims of the token. * As per * @throws OidcInvalidTokenException */ protected function validateTokenClaims(string $clientId): void { // 1. The Issuer Identifier for the OpenID Provider (which is typically obtained during Discovery) // MUST exactly match the value of the iss (issuer) Claim. if (empty($this->payload['iss']) || $this->issuer !== $this->payload['iss']) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing or non-matching token issuer value'); } // 2. The Client MUST validate that the aud (audience) Claim contains its client_id value registered // at the Issuer identified by the iss (issuer) Claim as an audience. The ID Token MUST be rejected // if the ID Token does not list the Client as a valid audience, or if it contains additional // audiences not trusted by the Client. if (empty($this->payload['aud'])) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing token audience value'); } $aud = is_string($this->payload['aud']) ? [$this->payload['aud']] : $this->payload['aud']; if (count($aud) !== 1) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token audience value has ' . count($aud) . ' values, Expected 1'); } if ($aud[0] !== $clientId) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token audience value did not match the expected client_id'); } // 3. If the ID Token contains multiple audiences, the Client SHOULD verify that an azp Claim is present. // NOTE: Addressed by enforcing a count of 1 above. // 4. If an azp (authorized party) Claim is present, the Client SHOULD verify that its client_id // is the Claim Value. if (isset($this->payload['azp']) && $this->payload['azp'] !== $clientId) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token authorized party exists but does not match the expected client_id'); } // 5. The current time MUST be before the time represented by the exp Claim // (possibly allowing for some small leeway to account for clock skew). if (empty($this->payload['exp'])) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing token expiration time value'); } $skewSeconds = 120; $now = time(); if ($now >= (intval($this->payload['exp']) + $skewSeconds)) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token has expired'); } // 6. The iat Claim can be used to reject tokens that were issued too far away from the current time, // limiting the amount of time that nonces need to be stored to prevent attacks. // The acceptable range is Client specific. if (empty($this->payload['iat'])) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing token issued at time value'); } $dayAgo = time() - 86400; $iat = intval($this->payload['iat']); if ($iat > ($now + $skewSeconds) || $iat < $dayAgo) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Token issue at time is not recent or is invalid'); } // 7. If the acr Claim was requested, the Client SHOULD check that the asserted Claim Value is appropriate. // The meaning and processing of acr Claim Values is out of scope for this document. // NOTE: Not used for our case here. acr is not requested. // 8. When a max_age request is made, the Client SHOULD check the auth_time Claim value and request // re-authentication if it determines too much time has elapsed since the last End-User authentication. // NOTE: Not used for our case here. A max_age request is not made. // Custom: Ensure the "sub" (Subject) Claim exists and has a value. if (empty($this->payload['sub'])) { throw new OidcInvalidTokenException('Missing token subject value'); } } }