@extends('base') @section('content')

Edit {{ $user->id === $currentUser->id ? 'Profile' : 'User' }}

{!! csrf_field() !!} @include('users/form', ['model' => $user])


This image should be approx 256px square.

@if($currentUser->id === $user->id && count($activeSocialDrivers) > 0)

Social Accounts

Here you can connect your other accounts for quicker and easier login.
Disconnecting an account here does not previously authorized access. Revoke access from your profile settings on the connected social account.

@if($user->hasSocialAccount('google')) Disconnect Account @else Attach Account @endif
@endif @if(isset($activeSocialDrivers['github']))
@if($user->hasSocialAccount('github')) Disconnect Account @else Attach Account @endif
