getProviderSettings(); $provider = $this->getProvider($settings); $url = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(); session()->put('oidc_pkce_code', $provider->getPkceCode() ?? ''); return [ 'url' => $url, 'state' => $provider->getState(), ]; } /** * Process the Authorization response from the authorization server and * return the matching, or new if registration active, user matched to the * authorization server. Throws if the user cannot be auth if not authenticated. * * @throws JsonDebugException * @throws OidcException * @throws StoppedAuthenticationException * @throws IdentityProviderException */ public function processAuthorizeResponse(?string $authorizationCode): User { $settings = $this->getProviderSettings(); $provider = $this->getProvider($settings); // Set PKCE code flashed at login $pkceCode = session()->pull('oidc_pkce_code', ''); $provider->setPkceCode($pkceCode); // Try to exchange authorization code for access token $accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [ 'code' => $authorizationCode, ]); return $this->processAccessTokenCallback($accessToken, $settings); } /** * @throws OidcException */ protected function getProviderSettings(): OidcProviderSettings { $config = $this->config(); $settings = new OidcProviderSettings([ 'issuer' => $config['issuer'], 'clientId' => $config['client_id'], 'clientSecret' => $config['client_secret'], 'authorizationEndpoint' => $config['authorization_endpoint'], 'tokenEndpoint' => $config['token_endpoint'], 'endSessionEndpoint' => is_string($config['end_session_endpoint']) ? $config['end_session_endpoint'] : null, 'userinfoEndpoint' => $config['userinfo_endpoint'], ]); // Use keys if configured if (!empty($config['jwt_public_key'])) { $settings->keys = [$config['jwt_public_key']]; } // Run discovery if ($config['discover'] ?? false) { try { $settings->discoverFromIssuer($this->http->buildClient(5), Cache::store(null), 15); } catch (OidcIssuerDiscoveryException $exception) { throw new OidcException('OIDC Discovery Error: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } // Prevent use of RP-initiated logout if specifically disabled // Or force use of a URL if specifically set. if ($config['end_session_endpoint'] === false) { $settings->endSessionEndpoint = null; } else if (is_string($config['end_session_endpoint'])) { $settings->endSessionEndpoint = $config['end_session_endpoint']; } $settings->validate(); return $settings; } /** * Load the underlying OpenID Connect Provider. */ protected function getProvider(OidcProviderSettings $settings): OidcOAuthProvider { $provider = new OidcOAuthProvider([ ...$settings->arrayForOAuthProvider(), 'redirectUri' => url('/oidc/callback'), ], [ 'httpClient' => $this->http->buildClient(5), 'optionProvider' => new HttpBasicAuthOptionProvider(), ]); foreach ($this->getAdditionalScopes() as $scope) { $provider->addScope($scope); } return $provider; } /** * Get any user-defined addition/custom scopes to apply to the authentication request. * * @return string[] */ protected function getAdditionalScopes(): array { $scopeConfig = $this->config()['additional_scopes'] ?: ''; $scopeArr = explode(',', $scopeConfig); $scopeArr = array_map(fn (string $scope) => trim($scope), $scopeArr); return array_filter($scopeArr); } /** * Calculate the display name. */ protected function getUserDisplayName(OidcIdToken $token, string $defaultValue): string { $displayNameAttrString = $this->config()['display_name_claims'] ?? ''; $displayNameAttrs = explode('|', $displayNameAttrString); $displayName = []; foreach ($displayNameAttrs as $dnAttr) { $dnComponent = $token->getClaim($dnAttr) ?? ''; if ($dnComponent !== '') { $displayName[] = $dnComponent; } } if (count($displayName) == 0) { $displayName[] = $defaultValue; } return implode(' ', $displayName); } /** * Extract the assigned groups from the id token. * * @return string[] */ protected function getUserGroups(OidcIdToken $token): array { $groupsAttr = $this->config()['groups_claim']; if (empty($groupsAttr)) { return []; } $groupsList = Arr::get($token->getAllClaims(), $groupsAttr); if (!is_array($groupsList)) { return []; } return array_values(array_filter($groupsList, function ($val) { return is_string($val); })); } /** * Extract the details of a user from an ID token. * * @return array{name: string, email: string, external_id: string, groups: string[]} */ protected function getUserDetails(OidcIdToken $token): array { $idClaim = $this->config()['external_id_claim']; $id = $token->getClaim($idClaim); return [ 'external_id' => $id, 'email' => $token->getClaim('email'), 'name' => $this->getUserDisplayName($token, $id), 'groups' => $this->getUserGroups($token), ]; } /** * Processes a received access token for a user. Login the user when * they exist, optionally registering them automatically. * * @throws OidcException * @throws JsonDebugException * @throws StoppedAuthenticationException */ protected function processAccessTokenCallback(OidcAccessToken $accessToken, OidcProviderSettings $settings): User { $idTokenText = $accessToken->getIdToken(); $idToken = new OidcIdToken( $idTokenText, $settings->issuer, $settings->keys, ); session()->put("oidc_id_token", $idTokenText); // TODO - This should not affect id token validation // TODO - Should only call if we're missing properties if (!empty($settings->userinfoEndpoint)) { $provider = $this->getProvider($settings); $request = $provider->getAuthenticatedRequest('GET', $settings->userinfoEndpoint, $accessToken->getToken()); $response = $provider->getParsedResponse($request); // TODO - Ensure response content-type is "application/json" before using in this way (5.3.2) // TODO - The sub Claim in the UserInfo Response MUST be verified to exactly match the sub Claim in the ID Token; if they do not match, the UserInfo Response values MUST NOT be used. (5.3.2) // TODO - Response validation (5.3.4) // TODO - Verify that the OP that responded was the intended OP through a TLS server certificate check, per RFC 6125 [RFC6125]. // TODO - If the Client has provided a userinfo_encrypted_response_alg parameter during Registration, decrypt the UserInfo Response using the keys specified during Registration. // TODO - If the response was signed, the Client SHOULD validate the signature according to JWS [JWS]. $claims = $idToken->getAllClaims(); foreach ($response as $key => $value) { $claims[$key] = $value; } // TODO - Should maybe remain separate from IdToken completely $idToken->replaceClaims($claims); } $returnClaims = Theme::dispatch(ThemeEvents::OIDC_ID_TOKEN_PRE_VALIDATE, $idToken->getAllClaims(), [ 'access_token' => $accessToken->getToken(), 'expires_in' => $accessToken->getExpires(), 'refresh_token' => $accessToken->getRefreshToken(), ]); if (!is_null($returnClaims)) { $idToken->replaceClaims($returnClaims); } if ($this->config()['dump_user_details']) { throw new JsonDebugException($idToken->getAllClaims()); } try { $idToken->validate($settings->clientId); } catch (OidcInvalidTokenException $exception) { throw new OidcException("ID token validate failed with error: {$exception->getMessage()}"); } $userDetails = $this->getUserDetails($idToken); $isLoggedIn = auth()->check(); if (empty($userDetails['email'])) { throw new OidcException(trans('errors.oidc_no_email_address')); } if ($isLoggedIn) { throw new OidcException(trans('errors.oidc_already_logged_in')); } try { $user = $this->registrationService->findOrRegister( $userDetails['name'], $userDetails['email'], $userDetails['external_id'] ); } catch (UserRegistrationException $exception) { throw new OidcException($exception->getMessage()); } if ($this->shouldSyncGroups()) { $groups = $userDetails['groups']; $detachExisting = $this->config()['remove_from_groups']; $this->groupService->syncUserWithFoundGroups($user, $groups, $detachExisting); } $this->loginService->login($user, 'oidc'); return $user; } /** * Get the OIDC config from the application. */ protected function config(): array { return config('oidc'); } /** * Check if groups should be synced. */ protected function shouldSyncGroups(): bool { return $this->config()['user_to_groups'] !== false; } /** * Start the RP-initiated logout flow if active, otherwise start a standard logout flow. * Returns a post-app-logout redirect URL. * Reference: * @throws OidcException */ public function logout(): string { $oidcToken = session()->pull("oidc_id_token"); $defaultLogoutUrl = url($this->loginService->logout()); $oidcSettings = $this->getProviderSettings(); if (!$oidcSettings->endSessionEndpoint) { return $defaultLogoutUrl; } $endpointParams = [ 'id_token_hint' => $oidcToken, 'post_logout_redirect_uri' => $defaultLogoutUrl, ]; $joiner = str_contains($oidcSettings->endSessionEndpoint, '?') ? '&' : '?'; return $oidcSettings->endSessionEndpoint . $joiner . http_build_query($endpointParams); } }