import { $createParagraphNode, $createTextNode, $getSelection, $insertNodes, $isParagraphNode, LexicalEditor, LexicalNode } from "lexical"; import { $getBlockElementNodesInSelection, $getNodeFromSelection, $insertNewBlockNodeAtSelection, $selectionContainsNodeType, $selectSingleNode, $toggleSelectionBlockNodeType, getLastSelection } from "./selection"; import {$createCodeBlockNode, $isCodeBlockNode, $openCodeEditorForNode, CodeBlockNode} from "@lexical/rich-text/LexicalCodeBlockNode"; import {$createCalloutNode, $isCalloutNode, CalloutCategory} from "@lexical/rich-text/LexicalCalloutNode"; import {$isListNode, insertList, ListNode, ListType, removeList} from "@lexical/list"; import {$createLinkNode, $isLinkNode} from "@lexical/link"; import {$createHeadingNode, $isHeadingNode, HeadingTagType} from "@lexical/rich-text/LexicalHeadingNode"; import {$createQuoteNode, $isQuoteNode} from "@lexical/rich-text/LexicalQuoteNode"; const $isHeaderNodeOfTag = (node: LexicalNode | null | undefined, tag: HeadingTagType) => { return $isHeadingNode(node) && node.getTag() === tag; }; export function toggleSelectionAsHeading(editor: LexicalEditor, tag: HeadingTagType) { editor.update(() => { $toggleSelectionBlockNodeType( (node) => $isHeaderNodeOfTag(node, tag), () => $createHeadingNode(tag), ) }); } export function toggleSelectionAsParagraph(editor: LexicalEditor) { editor.update(() => { $toggleSelectionBlockNodeType($isParagraphNode, $createParagraphNode); }); } export function toggleSelectionAsBlockquote(editor: LexicalEditor) { editor.update(() => { $toggleSelectionBlockNodeType($isQuoteNode, $createQuoteNode); }); } export function toggleSelectionAsList(editor: LexicalEditor, type: ListType) { editor.getEditorState().read(() => { const selection = $getSelection(); const listSelected = $selectionContainsNodeType(selection, (node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): boolean => { return $isListNode(node) && (node as ListNode).getListType() === type; }); if (listSelected) { removeList(editor); } else { insertList(editor, type); } }); } export function formatCodeBlock(editor: LexicalEditor) { editor.getEditorState().read(() => { const selection = $getSelection(); const lastSelection = getLastSelection(editor); const codeBlock = $getNodeFromSelection(lastSelection, $isCodeBlockNode) as (CodeBlockNode | null); if (codeBlock === null) { editor.update(() => { const codeBlock = $createCodeBlockNode(); codeBlock.setCode(selection?.getTextContent() || ''); const selectionNodes = $getBlockElementNodesInSelection(selection); const firstSelectionNode = selectionNodes[0]; const extraNodes = selectionNodes.slice(1); if (firstSelectionNode) { firstSelectionNode.replace(codeBlock); extraNodes.forEach(n => n.remove()); } else { $insertNewBlockNodeAtSelection(codeBlock, true); } $openCodeEditorForNode(editor, codeBlock); $selectSingleNode(codeBlock); }); } else { $openCodeEditorForNode(editor, codeBlock); } }); } export function cycleSelectionCalloutFormats(editor: LexicalEditor) { editor.update(() => { const selection = $getSelection(); const blocks = $getBlockElementNodesInSelection(selection); let created = false; for (const block of blocks) { if (!$isCalloutNode(block)) { block.replace($createCalloutNode('info'), true); created = true; } } if (created) { return; } const types: CalloutCategory[] = ['info', 'warning', 'danger', 'success']; for (const block of blocks) { if ($isCalloutNode(block)) { const type = block.getCategory(); const typeIndex = types.indexOf(type); const newIndex = (typeIndex + 1) % types.length; const newType = types[newIndex]; block.setCategory(newType); } } }); } export function insertOrUpdateLink(editor: LexicalEditor, linkDetails: {text: string, title: string, target: string, url: string}) { editor.update(() => { const selection = $getSelection(); let link = $getNodeFromSelection(selection, $isLinkNode); if ($isLinkNode(link)) { link.setURL(linkDetails.url); link.setTarget(; link.setTitle(linkDetails.title); } else { link = $createLinkNode(linkDetails.url, { title: linkDetails.title, target:, }); $insertNodes([link]); } if ($isLinkNode(link)) { for (const child of link.getChildren()) { child.remove(true); } link.append($createTextNode(linkDetails.text)); } }); }