 * Activity text strings.
 * Is used for all the text within activity logs & notifications.
return [

    // Pages
    'page_create'                 => 'ha creat la pàgina',
    'page_create_notification'    => 'Page successfully created',
    'page_update'                 => 'ha actualitzat la pàgina',
    'page_update_notification'    => 'Page successfully updated',
    'page_delete'                 => 'ha suprimit una pàgina',
    'page_delete_notification'    => 'Page successfully deleted',
    'page_restore'                => 'ha restaurat la pàgina',
    'page_restore_notification'   => 'Page successfully restored',
    'page_move'                   => 'ha mogut la pàgina',

    // Chapters
    'chapter_create'              => 'ha creat el capítol',
    'chapter_create_notification' => 'Chapter successfully created',
    'chapter_update'              => 'ha actualitzat el capítol',
    'chapter_update_notification' => 'Chapter successfully updated',
    'chapter_delete'              => 'ha suprimit un capítol',
    'chapter_delete_notification' => 'Chapter successfully deleted',
    'chapter_move'                => 'ha mogut el capítol',

    // Books
    'book_create'                 => 'ha creat el llibre',
    'book_create_notification'    => 'Book successfully created',
    'book_update'                 => 'ha actualitzat el llibre',
    'book_update_notification'    => 'Book successfully updated',
    'book_delete'                 => 'ha suprimit un llibre',
    'book_delete_notification'    => 'Book successfully deleted',
    'book_sort'                   => 'ha ordenat el llibre',
    'book_sort_notification'      => 'Book successfully re-sorted',

    // Bookshelves
    'bookshelf_create'            => 'created bookshelf',
    'bookshelf_create_notification'    => 'Bookshelf successfully created',
    'bookshelf_update'                 => 'ha actualitzat el prestatge',
    'bookshelf_update_notification'    => 'Bookshelf successfully updated',
    'bookshelf_delete'                 => 'ha suprimit un prestatge',
    'bookshelf_delete_notification'    => 'Bookshelf successfully deleted',

    // Favourites
    'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" has been added to your favourites',
    'favourite_remove_notification' => '":name" has been removed from your favourites',

    // MFA
    'mfa_setup_method_notification' => 'Multi-factor method successfully configured',
    'mfa_remove_method_notification' => 'Multi-factor method successfully removed',

    // Webhooks
    'webhook_create' => 'created webhook',
    'webhook_create_notification' => 'Webhook successfully created',
    'webhook_update' => 'updated webhook',
    'webhook_update_notification' => 'Webhook successfully updated',
    'webhook_delete' => 'deleted webhook',
    'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook successfully deleted',

    // Users
    'user_update_notification' => 'User successfully updated',
    'user_delete_notification' => 'User successfully removed',

    // Other
    'commented_on'                => 'ha comentat a',
    'permissions_update'          => 'ha actualitzat els permisos',